View Full Version : Ok Attichitcuk....

verse dawnstrider
Jan 5th, 2002, 02:40:10 PM
::The 25 year old knight waited for his padawan to get here. It was in a old temple. The jungle was Atti''s natural area. Verse had to make sure that the wookie could do well anywhere. After some time here, Verse would take him back to the jungles. After here though, it would be to a Ice Planet. The wookie would be a maight warrior of Light when they were done. Verse would make use of that. Right now though, he waited.::

Jan 18th, 2002, 12:49:16 AM
Attichitcuk made his way to the temple, he had heard his Master was 25 and although he was older than him, if he were compared in human years he would only be 19. He had needed to get a Translator Droid because he couldn't speak basic and only understand it. As he made it to the temple he noticed his Master, this was going to be his new life. He walked up to him, and spoke in his native tongue.

"Hello, master." His droid translated for him.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:56:49 PM
::Verse smiled at the wookie.::

"No need for the droid. I can understand your lanuage. I can't speak it. You ready to start?"

Jan 20th, 2002, 12:03:52 PM
Attichitcuk turned off the droid and cliped it to his belt, also nodding to his masters question.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said in his native tongue.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 21st, 2002, 02:28:47 AM
"Good. Lets begin. The Force flows through all things. It binds us all together. Like a coin there is two sides. Light and Dark. The Lightside is the good one. The Darkside is evil. Every tree, rock, bird, plant, even bug are connected. The Force runs through us all. There must be a balance though. Nether good, nor evil, can be ruler. As a Jedi, it is our duty to make sure the Darkness does not rule. The Light is hard to come by. The darkness is in the very nature of most living things. With that said we will begin by learning how to touch the Force. To do so you must clear your mind and focus. Let you mind be free and expand itself. Feel the natural harmony in nature. Like this."

::Verse cleared his mind. He let it expand and felt all the things around him. He let happiness and joy rule him. He felt nature at it's finest. It's joy and bliss. The feel of teh Force felt warm to him. Like a first kiss, or the touch of one you hold dear.::

"It is easy to feel the Force if you clear your mind of hate and let the Force do the rest."