View Full Version : Jake Talen... You're Mine Now
Sage Hazzard
Dec 18th, 2001, 05:03:35 AM
Sage stood in the open fields of the compound. He left a note for Jake Talen at his room. The Padawan was not informed yet that Sage was now his Master.
"Step lightly young Talen, I haven't all day." Sage said to himself, Jake yet to show. "You are in for one rude awakening."
OOC - It's been decided that I can take you as my temporary Padawan until Anakis gets back.
Jake Talen
Dec 18th, 2001, 12:59:56 PM
Jake entered his room and, much to his surprise, found a note inside. He tossed his bag onto the floor and hastily read over the paper. *Okay, so I have to go to the training grounds...they would be...* he went into the hall and looked down both ends. *Well lets go this way* he though to himself as he went to the left. Minutes later he was back where he started. Shrugging he went to the right and after a few minutes found himself at the entrance leading out to the training grounds. He sauntered in and looked around, spotting a man a fair ways away. Jake started towards him gazing around as he did so. "uh, hi?" he asked carefully, not sure if this was who he was supposed to meet.
Sage Hazzard
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:03:23 PM
"I am Sage Hazzard, Jedi Master. Anakis Moreven has been detained and has passed training duty to me while he is away. I am now your mother and father. I am your Master and you will do as I say. "
Sage took out two sword length sticks from a velvet lined case. He pitched one to Jake and kept one for himself.
"Right now, I'm your enemy."
Sage was speaking and acting fact on perpose. He wanted the young Jedi to be forced to think on the run, like he would have to in the war against good and evil.
He charged at Jake Talen, not giving him time to get ready. He always sparred his new Padawans. One of the reasons was to test them. The other reason was to show them how superior their Master was over them. Maybe then the Padawan would see that listening to Sage wouldn't be such a bad idea, and that they would one day reach his level.
Sage swung low at Jake's legs. The swing originating from his top left and sloping down, intending to strike at the kneecap of Talen's right leg.
OOC - I teach IC and OOC. I'll coach you OOC with better ways to RP and write. I've learned some tricks over the time I've been here and I'll pass them to you.
Jake Talen
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:45:12 PM
Jake was surprised to say the least. It came as an even greater shock when the pole smacked his kneecap with a loud thwack. "Bloody hell! What are you trying to do? If this is some insane way to try gain respect then you're going about it the wrong way!" he exclaimed, rubbing his knee and tossing the stick to the ground.
Sage Hazzard
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:44:48 AM
Sage dropped his stick as well.
"I'm testing you! Now fight!"
Sage crossed his hands in an X. He drove them both into Talen's chest. With a thud the Padawan skidded along the ground.
"There's only one way for me to know how well Anakis trained you, and that's trial by fire. Either fight and show me how much you know, or you will go back to your room Masterless and in a Bacta Tank."
Jake Talen
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:21:04 AM
Jake stared at the man, his jaw clenched tightly. He rose from the ground and tried to calm himself down. It was no use. Angrily, he launched himself at Sage without thinking.
Sage Hazzard
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:41:27 AM
Sage sidestepped to his right. His right hand reeled back and pushed Jake Talen in the direction he was charging, Judo style. The Jedi Padawan came up with a face full of dirt. Sage smiled.
"What was your problem there? Hmm?" Sage asked. "Anger. Never strike in anger, it comes packaged with frustration and confusion, not a good way to fight. Not to mention the Dark Side reprecutions."
Sage circled the downed Padawan until he got in front of him. He cracked his fingers one digit at a time to loosen them for Jake's retaliation.
"A Jedi must learn to keep a level head in the heat of battle. Calmness will prevail over angered haste any day. Breath deep and allow the Force to flow into your body... Anakis did teach you that much?"
Sage summoned one of the fallen sticks. He pitched it on the ground in front of Jake.
"I'll handicap myself." Sage said with a smerk.
Sage crossed his arms.
"Now attack, but keep an open connection to the Light Side of the Force. Relax your brain and allow the Force to overcome your body. Feel the possible attacks before you, do not think them through. Allow the Light Side to think of all the possible outcomes for you. It will feed the correct one to you in a feeling sensation. You have to have faith in the Force. It is wiser than you or I will ever be."
Sage was hoping this made since to him. He wasn't aware how much Anakis Moreven had tought him, but he hoped it was enough.
Jake Talen
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:00:43 AM
Jake grabbed the stick in front of him and stood wiping his hand across his mouth in an attempt to get some of the dirt off. "Anakis wasn't the first teacher I had. Old habits die hard." He said as he slowly circled around Sage. He didn't feel he owed him an explanation but wasn't about to let the man make him think he was inferior. Jake was still having a hard time staying calm but wasn't about to make a fool of himself again. He made as if he were about to bring the stick down towards Sage's legs, but at the last minute brought it upwards to strike across the chest.
Sage Hazzard
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:49:18 AM
Sage took the blow. He actually stuck his chest out to meet it. The tip of the wood broke slightly. He didn't grimace in the slightest. He had used the force to strengthen himself in the chest, knowing the blow would come. A Jedi Master is adept in seeing upcoming attacks before they happen, especially if the combatant isn't in high Force control yet. When against a higher trained opponent it's harder to predict the attacks, for the other has more attacks avalible and has the Force as their guide. Clearly here Jake wasn't utilizing the Force to it's true extent, his attack was predictable among the many possible futures.
"Good, if that were a lightsabre and I stood still, I'd be dead. Faked attacks are valuble. But you are not at peace."
Sage smiled.
"Take a deep breath and try again. This time I won't allow you to hit me, unless I see the attack as worthy of myself experianceing the slightest discomfort."
Sage had a way of talking that creeped out most people, but it came natually.
Jake Talen
Dec 20th, 2001, 07:07:43 PM
OOC: would you be interested in training another Talen? I've got a pal who wants to start RPing so he's going to play Talens younger bro.
Sage Hazzard
Dec 21st, 2001, 04:16:07 AM
OOC - Heck, why not. Tell him to post for me in a training thread, I'll reply. He's now my Padawan, as long as he agrees.
Anakis Moreven
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:19:33 AM
OOC: Sorry I was AWOL for a while. <img src= ALT=":)">
*Anakis appears in the corner of the room.*
"Hmm..I'm gone for a little while and I lost my padawan... Heh. I'm back now and I will train you, and your younger brother, unless you'd rather continue with Sage, that is..."
Jake Talen
Jan 27th, 2002, 07:04:02 PM
OOC: don't even worry about it. I've been gone a while too<img src= ALT=":)">
"I'd like to train with you sir." Jake said quickly. "Zeke's already in the middle of his training so he's alright."
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