View Full Version : Force training

Shade Magus
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:19:26 AM
Shade walked into the Academy and walked over to a small stream that he thought would serve great for his puporse. He down cross legged and closed his eyes. He let the Force flow through him and he could feel it lift what filth he had left on him from his weekend in the woods. He had already showered and changed into clean clothes, but now with his meditating he felt clean for the first time in days. He let it carry away his worries and he reached out for the water in the stream. He could hear it flowing down and he reached for it and grab ahold and began to twist the water to figures in his mind. When he opened his eyes he could see that the water had taken the shape of loops, one right after the other. He watched as the water flowed and he sat there trying to hold the figures in the air. He managed to stay there for about an hour before he dropped his head and the water fell back down into place. He could feel the sweat on his head and he decided to try something new. HE took in a deep breath and let it out. He contiued this for a few moments before he could feel his body to begin to regain his strength. He felt whole and fresh, but soon he lost himself in his breathing and thought only about the water and taking it to make shapes. After what seemed like hours he opened his eyes and found that the water from the stream was not only floating above the ground but all of it was being held together in a nice firm cube.


Shade Magus
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:32:25 AM
Shade concentrated as he attempted to move the cube around in the air. He was able to move it in a small circular pattern, but only for a small time before it dropped to the ground and splashed everywhere.

"Oh man......"

Shade pushed his thoughts of failure out of his head and attempted to bring the water back up. This time the process move quicker and he was able to move the cube faster and in a larger cirlce, but soon it came crashing down again. He kept thinking positively as he tried this exercise again and again.

Shade Magus
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:54:20 AM
As the day came to an end, Shade was pleased with himself. He had succeed in making a cube of water and turning it in a circle atleast five times before it broke. He stood up and walked back towards his room. Tomorrow would be another day for training and right now he was tired.

Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2002, 12:27:58 PM
Shade walked back into the training grounds and sat down. He had been doing some studying the other night and he decided that he wanted to learn a Jedi move called Warp Matter. He laid down several things in front of him, wood, rocks, metals. From what he could gather, he could already do it to a certain extent. It was like what he was doing with the water the other day. It only took more concentration to do other materials.

Ok. Let's do this."

Shade picked up a peice of wood and sat it down directly in front of him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the matter before him. He formed an image of what he would like it to be. The image was completely diferent from what the peice of wood actually looked like. He stayed in the trance for what seemed to be a few moments, but in reality, it was about six hours. When he finally opened his eyes, sweat was beaded across his forehead. He looked at the wood and gave a slight grin. It wasn't exactly the shape he had intended, but it was close enough. He sat back and gae out a sigh, before closing his eyes and forming a new image.

Sage Hazzard
Jan 7th, 2002, 02:52:52 PM
OOC - Hi. I don't mean to interuppt your thread with OOC nonsense, but I feel I need to ask you something. Are you Padawan, and if so, do you have a Master?

Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2002, 04:45:30 PM
OOC: yes i am a Padawan for a few months now anyways.. Kat has been my master since i joined.

Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2002, 08:45:12 PM
Shade looked down at all the twisted peices of wood and some metals. He had been in the training grounds for days now. Luckily he had been near the stream so he could fish for his meals and drink water whenever he needed it. He stood up and walked till he was waist deep in the water. He closed his eyes and felt the Force flow about him. He pushed outward in all directions and the water parted before him. On each side of him was a wall of liquid. He ran his hand through it and then let out a deep sigh. He began to run through his kata. He wanted to see how long he could take kep it up before he lost all control.

Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:52:05 AM
He was tired by now. He had been outside training for almost twenty-four hours straight and he hadn't had a rest. He threw a punch to his left and it borke the water. Oh how he reveld in the coolness of that the water. He wanted to stay there and let it run over his whole body, but he hadn't even had his hand there for a fraction of a second before his leg came into the air and then his other fist. He would be there for a long time practicing.

Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:10:11 AM
After thrity hours of non-stp training, Shade had had it. He couldn't take anymore. He collapsed half on the bacnk and half in the water as the walls around him collapsed. He layed there and didn't move. He couldn't. He was spent physically and mentally. He would just lie there until someone found him or he was strong enough to walk away himself.

Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:27:35 PM
After a few hours of laying there Shade put his hand underneath him and slowly stood up. He was weak and tired and right now all he wanted to do was get back to the Jedi Quarters where he could rest. He gathered up his things and then started back to his room. He would continue training in a few days.

Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:44:03 AM
After a day Shade walked back onto the training ground. This time he carried with him a small bag. Inside were peices to constuct a new lightsaber. His original had been taken by his brother and he didn't feel quite right using the practice one he had now. He already had an mage in his mind of how he wanted the hilt to look.

"Now to begin all over again............"

Shade took out a slab of metal put it down in front of him. He would shape it using Warp Matter. This way he would have it perfect for his design. He then took out all the wires triggers he would need. He then took out the most important peice, the two crystals needed to activate his lightsaber. He sat down yoga style and began to concentrate on the slab of metal. After a few hours he opened his eyes and was rewarded by a newly fashioned lightsaber hilt (http://web.dencity.com/planeswalker2002/obi-wan_3.jpg). He then sat down to put the other intricate parts together, allowing the Force to guide his movements.

Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:29:45 AM
After several hours he was finally finished. He held it up for one last look before it was time to test it. He took a deep breath and pushed his thumb on the power switch. A snap-hiss came form the weapon as a meter long green energy blade came out. Shade let out another sigh, this one of relief. He had finished his new lightsaber without any mishaps. He was satisfied with his job. He swung the lightsaber around a few ties and threw it into the air only to catch it and twirl it around. He felt proud of himself at completing this test. He would congradulate himself with a little rest and relaxation. He got his left over materials and stuffed them in his pocketand headed for the B&G.

Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2002, 11:28:41 PM
It had almost been a month since Shade had been in here to continue his Force training. With his master's absent he had been content to learn what he could until they next met to train. He walked into the middle of the room and drew up all the Force energy he could. He had been practicing levitation in his room for awhile now and he decided to push his limits. He channeled the energy all around him and pushed against the ground. Slowly he began to rise into the air. Not much, only an inch or two. Before he could go any higher he fell back to the ground tired and taxed. It took a lot to do this type of techniques, but he was determined to master it. He took a five minute rest and then tried again, going only a few centimeters higher. He stayed there all day trying again and again.