View Full Version : Needs a fight...any fight (open spar)

Satine Capashen
Feb 10th, 2002, 01:53:44 AM
Satine sighs as he finishes a sword kata, leaning against his bokken, and looking around. Practicing was all well and good, but it was just...

So boring, The Jedi Knight thought to himself, beginning the kata again, wishing someone would challenge him to a spar...or at least a small bar brawl...

Morgan Evanar
Feb 10th, 2002, 02:20:52 AM
"It does get tedious, doesn't it?"

Morgan appeared next to Satine, matching his stance and movements perfectly.

"Lets mix it up, eh?"

The Jedi Master slammed an open palm into Casphen's shoulder, sending him tumbling sideways.

Satine Capashen
Feb 10th, 2002, 04:30:10 PM
Satine smiles as he gets back into a balanced fighting stance.

"Hand to hand or weapons?"

Morgan Evanar
Feb 10th, 2002, 11:30:40 PM
"No weapons except that which you were born with." Morgan smiled wide, and waved Satine twoards him.

Satine Capashen
Feb 11th, 2002, 10:58:14 AM
"You got it!"

Satine charges Morgan, and aims a feint at his head, which is blocked. The Jedi Knight quickly pulls back and side kicks Morgan in the gut knocking him back a bit. Satine seemed happier now than he had in weeks, and Morgan could tell by the way he was fighting...

Morgan Evanar
Feb 16th, 2002, 01:25:58 AM
With a blur, 210 pounds of Jedi Master rushed the much smaller Jedi Knight, leveling him.

"You'll have to hit me much harder to slow me down." Morgan settled into a stance, weight even on both feet, and waited for Satine to return the favor.