View Full Version : Anger management........

Feb 16th, 2002, 03:12:12 AM
The morning air was crisp and cool as Xazor made her way to the academy. She slowly opened the doors and walked in. The lights flickered on automatically, telling her that she was alone. She sighed as she walked to the middle of the complex and the heavy doors slammed behind her. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked around, but saw no one else. Suddenly, she ran at the wall behind her. Using the Force to make her stronger and faster, she jumped up and kicked the wall. Doing a back flip and landing back on the floor, she walked slowly back to the middle of the room. She then sat down and put her head in her hands.

Just when I think I've got it........I go and do it again. I go and let my anger get the best of me. Will this ever end?

She asked herself and nobody outloud. She shook her head and a few tears fell from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away.

I've failed myself............my Order.............and my Master.......why is it that I must face this great test?

Again, she was speaking outloud to herself and the shadows that danced along the walls. She brushed the fallen strands of hair out of her face and wiped her damp eyes again. Standing up, she let forth a heavy sigh once more. She figured sitting would do her no good, so she decided to practice some of her Martial Arts until others began to enter the Academy. She stood up and got into a ready stance. With a short yell, she began a Kata that was all too familiar to her. With kicks, punches, and strikes, she made her way through the thirty-eight move piece. Once done, she sat down again.

This isn't going to help.............and I don't know what will.............

She resolved to herself that she would never be able to overcome her anger.......no matter how many times she got close to doing so.

Feb 16th, 2002, 11:17:49 PM
After sitting and thinking for a while, Xazor stood up again. She unclipped her saber from her belt and activated it. She created a shadow opponent with a saber. She got in a ready stance and started to spar with the dark being. It went to slash hard to her neck, but with quick action, Xazor gracefully blocked it. Their sabers locked and she pushed up on his, making him fall back several feet. Once the being got close again, it spun around and jabed her right side, she blocked it as best as she could, but it grazed the top of her skin leaving a painful burn. The being came for her again with a figure eight motion to throw her off. It sliced through her right shoulder, but she made an upper cut motion and blocked it from continuing. She forced the pain out of her mind and continued. The being began to get more violent now, coming at her from the right and left, then a sweep to her neck. Xazor could feel anger rising within herself. She let a bit show through her eyes but surpressed the rest. Suddenly, she made a sweep across the mid-section of the being, nearly cutting him in half. This would have killed a real person. Xazor sighed and disengaged her saber, clipping it to her belt. The shadows fled from one another and took their places along the walls. She walked over to the farthest wall and bathed herself in the darkness so that no one would see her. There she sat and lightly cried.......

Feb 17th, 2002, 10:21:36 PM
Suddenly, she stopped. She looked around and thought hard about everything that she used to be....and everything that she was now. She then did something she hadn't done in a while.............she smiled......she stood up and shouted at the top of her lungs.


No one was there to hear her, but herself........and that was all that mattered. She was suddenly free................free from the darkness. She realized that she would be visited by it, of course......but she somehow, felt relieved.

Feb 17th, 2002, 11:55:48 PM
After this release of energy, Xazor thought for a moment about how she felt. This was a revolution in her life, and she was proud to have accomplished this on her own. She slowly walked to the center of the room and looked around. She thought of all the people who had trained here before her. She smiled as she imagined how many of them had to over come anger and rage, just like her. With a new resolve, she slowly walked out of the Academy. The lights shut off as she left, and she shut the large doors behind her.