View Full Version : A spar anyone?

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 09:40:33 PM
Shade walked into the training grounds and began to stretch his mucles. He had left a message that he was willing to take anyone in search of a serious spar. It was time he tested his full abilities.

number 62
Jan 29th, 2002, 10:09:06 PM
62 heard about shades challenge and he wanted to try out his own skills on a worthy opponent. He walked into the room that the spar was to take place and seen Shade stretching.
"are you Shade"

Shade Magus
Jan 30th, 2002, 11:29:26 PM
Shade looked at 62 and smiled.

"Well yes I am...and since you are the challenger I will allow you the honor of the first attack..if you can get it through...."

To demostrate Shade got into a defensive position with no openings. It was one his master had taught him the first time they had sparred against each other.

number 62
Jan 30th, 2002, 11:45:54 PM
"so hand to hand then"
62 face turn from kind of smiling to a blank star. As soon as 62 was ready he ran straight at Shade. For his first move he brought up his leg and kicked Shade right in the side.

Shade Magus
Jan 30th, 2002, 11:56:40 PM
Shade had been prepared for this kinda attack, so he tightened his abds as the kick landed. He felt a little shock, but not enough to keep him from grabbing 62 by the leg and sweeping his feet from under him.

number 62
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:09:33 AM
The sweep made 62 fall to the ground. After hitting the ground 62 uses a nice dell of strength to kick Shade right in the back of the leg.

Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:15:09 AM
Shade fell forward into a roll. He rolled onto his feet and fell downwards again, but caught himself.

"Very good."

Shade then thrust his hand forward and FOrce pushed 62 and then charged him.

number 62
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:24:42 AM
62 stumbled back while shade ran at him. He got his balance back just in time to block shade a attack and to counter with a nee to Shades stomach.
"I try"

Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 04:06:01 PM
Shade brought his hand up and caught 62's knee, but still felt the Force. He stumbled back. He caught himself from falling and he leaned forward. He smiled at 62.

"This is pretty good."[/i

Shade then ran at 62 and just before he got there he leaned forward and Force pushed himself off the ground and lifted himself off the ground. He then twisted his body in the air and stretched his left leg out to catch 62 in the h

number 62
Feb 1st, 2002, 06:43:20 PM
62 stumbles back from the blow to the head. But with out wasting anytime he spins around and kicks Shade right in the back as Shade was landing.

Shade Magus
Feb 2nd, 2002, 12:35:01 AM
Shade stumbles forward, but catches imself from falling. HE stood up straight and cracked his back. 62 had landed a good kick. He turned and nodded before jumpng forward and throwing a volley of punches in 62's direction, while at the same time he was lifting a rock behind the fighters with the Force.

number 62
Feb 2nd, 2002, 05:13:58 PM
62 was waiting for Shades attack so he was some what ready. He blocked most of the punches but still two or three still made contact. As 62 was watching shades eyes he seen he was paying attention to some thing else so he figured it would be a good time to attack. with all his strength he kicks Shade in the side.

number 62
Feb 2nd, 2002, 05:18:06 PM
62 blocked most of the punches but a few still made contact. As 62 watched shades eyes he noticed that he was paying attention to something behind him so he figured it would be a good time to attack. with all his strength he kicks Shade right in the side.

Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2002, 03:13:33 AM
Shade was stupid for losing his concentration, but he still managed to keep the rock up as he ws hit to the ground. As he watched 62 prepare for another attack, he set the rock loose and let it flew towards 62 in a speed that would stun him.

number 62
Feb 5th, 2002, 06:53:03 PM
62 watches as Shade is doing some thing behind him so he turns around to see what is going on. As he turns he see a rock falling right at him. so he try to use the force to stop it. Sense Shade was stronger so 62 couldn't stop it but he slowed it down allot. It smash into his chest and knocks him to the ground.

Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2002, 11:30:15 PM
Shade quickly dropped his defense and went over to 62. He hadn't planned on hitting him that hard. He walked over and held a hand down

"You ok?"

number 62
Feb 5th, 2002, 11:34:08 PM
grabs Shades hand and gets up
"yeah I'm fine"
rubs his chest
"only hurts a bit"

Shade Magus
Feb 8th, 2002, 12:48:36 AM
"You sure? I didn't mean that last attack to be a hard one."

number 62
Feb 8th, 2002, 01:09:23 AM
"It wasn't that bad...Plus if I want to get any good I have no how to take a hit"

Shade Magus
Feb 8th, 2002, 04:21:03 PM
Shade smiled and nodded.

"Yeah...I guess that is true. Let's contiune, and if my count is right, its your turn."

number 62
Feb 10th, 2002, 03:19:42 AM
"Okay works for me"
we looks at his chest and rubs it again. With out even looking up he uses the force to pushes Shade back then runs at him as he was off his balance. 62 kicks Shade in about the same spot on his side as the other time.

Shade Magus
Feb 10th, 2002, 01:59:37 PM
Shade feel to his side, but caught himself just before he fell. He then looked up at 62 and using his arm on the gorund he twisted and swept his opponent's feet from under him.

number 62
Feb 11th, 2002, 08:30:02 PM
Right before 62 hits the ground he puts his hand down and kicks Shade in the face as he flips backwards.

Shade Magus
Feb 12th, 2002, 12:15:45 AM
Shade's head snaps back, but he quickly regains his poisture as he looks at 62 and smiles.

"Nice kick...."

number 62
Feb 12th, 2002, 06:34:03 PM
lands back on his feet

Shade Magus
Feb 12th, 2002, 07:03:11 PM
Shade smiled and nodded his head, but before he even lifted it he was running at 62. Just before he reached him though, Shade came to an almost complete stop and without wasting a moment, he twisted on his heel and kicked 62 in the jaw.

number 62
Feb 13th, 2002, 07:22:46 PM
Right when Shade made contacted 62 took his leg and kicked right at Shade ankle to trip him.

Shade Magus
Feb 14th, 2002, 09:13:52 AM
Shade fell on his back, but wasted no time in rolling out of the way. He jumped up and took his place in a defensive position.

number 62
Feb 15th, 2002, 09:54:29 AM

Shade Magus
Feb 16th, 2002, 12:46:12 AM
Shade nodded a thanks and then moved in close and started throwing a few jabs at 62. First the right and thenn the left and then two rights and one left.

number 62
Feb 20th, 2002, 01:23:56 AM
62 was ready for Shade, so he got in a few blocks but the second right and first left hit him in the arm and chest. He forgot about the pain and with all his strength he threw one well placed punch to Shades stomach.