View Full Version : Xazor: Advanced Fighting/Saber Training.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:10:16 AM
::Verse waits for his Padawan. They have went over the basics of the Saber and combat, but it was time to take it up another step. Time to teach her the more harder lessions of combat. Verse waits for his padawan.::

Jan 29th, 2002, 11:47:36 PM
Xazor walks into the academy and sees her Master. She excitedly runs over to him and bows.

Greetings, Master. You are here to teach me something I sense......

She said with a smile.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 30th, 2002, 12:05:58 AM
"Correct. It is time to work on fighting and saber dueling. There is a big difference from fighting, and fighting with the Force."

::Verse ignited a grey lightsaber. He got in a offensive stance.::


Jan 30th, 2002, 12:08:17 AM
Xazor nodded and ignited her saber. She also got in a ready stance and waited for her Master's instruction.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 30th, 2002, 06:33:14 PM
"The one-handed style is none-stop motion. Fluid and connected. Like the oceans. Do as I do."

::Verse spun the blade in a figure 8 letting his wrist flow with the blade. He changes the way he holds the hilt so the movement is a natural feeling.::

Jan 30th, 2002, 09:44:30 PM
Xazor did as her Master instructed. She let her wrist move in a fluid motion as she made a figure eight with her saber. She smiled as she did this several times. Having a background of martial arts was to her advantage, for this was one of several manuvers that she had learned with other weapons such as the staff. She stopped after compleating several movements and smiled at her Master.

I think I have it.

She said cheerfully.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 31st, 2002, 06:49:53 PM
"Good. The movements may seems strange, but this is just to get you used to using both your wrist and arm."

::Verse drops the saber with his right hand and grabs it with his left. He does the figure 8 with his left hand and lets it go in the air spining. He catchs it with his right hand again and spins on his heel coming to a defensive stance.::

Jan 31st, 2002, 10:53:36 PM
Xazor watches him carefully as he does this.

Wow, Master............will I be able to do that? It looks hard........but, I am ready for any challenge you give me.

She said with a bright smile.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:10:37 AM
"The main form of this style is the fluid movements. It is hard for an enemy to follow the movements."

Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:22:33 AM
Xazor nodded.

Yes..........I understand, Master.

She said with a smile. She tried to imitate some of his movements, but almost dropped her saber on her foot. She quickly gained control of it again, and tried harder. She wove the blade in and out, making fluid and beautiful movements with it.

I'm starting to get it!

She exclaimed to him with joy.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:33:11 AM
"Now that you have that down. Lets start to use the Force with it. A good tactic is this. Block an enemies sabers with the blade, and Force push him/her with your free hand. Like this..."

::Verse created an illusion with his mind. A warrior attacked him with a blood red saber. The man swung ina downward arch, and Verse held the saber with a block. As the man pressed down Verse used his free hand and open a palm toward the other. Gathering the Force, Verse slammed the man in the chest with a Force Push.::

Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:49:17 AM
Xazor watched every move with intent eyes. She had done a few manuvers like that during some sparring sessions. She smiled and replied.

Yes, Master. I believe I know how to do that......you make it look so easy.

She hoped that she would make it look easy someday too.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:32:19 AM
"Try this one. Use the elements around you to your advantage."

::The illusion attacked Verse. Verse used the Force to blow sand in the enemy's face with some wind. He followed it with an upward slice.::

Feb 12th, 2002, 05:33:18 PM
Xazor watched her Master carefully and when instructed to try the new attack, she nodded. She created a shadow figure to be her opponent. When the shadow attacked her, Xazor did as her Master. She made the wind pick up and then threw sand with it into the shadow's face, following with a slash across its neck. She smiled as the shadows parted from one another and found their homes back along the temple walls.

That proves very useful, Master.

Xazor commented with a bright smile.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 14th, 2002, 07:03:30 PM
"Very Good! Just remeber, never aim to kill. Ever. A Jedi must never try and take a life. To do so will lead you to the darkside once more. To not kill the enemy, try this..."

::Verse and his Shadow image locked sabers. Verse leaned hard to his right letting the enemy's saber pass him and he pushed it away with his saber. Verse then caught the Shadow in the head with his butt of his hilt.::

"You try. Add a little if you wish."

Feb 14th, 2002, 11:19:03 PM
Xazor smiled and faced her Shadow opponent. It lunged at her with it's saber, but she thrust hers out and the two became locked. She reached out her left hand and gave a light Force push it's way to back it off of her. She then spun around and blocked another strick to her left arm. She again became locked with its saber and used her strength to push it away. Allowing the shadows to flee again, she looked to her Master and smiled.

Was that the correct use, Master?

She happily asked him.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 16th, 2002, 11:43:57 PM
"Much better. Always try and have your free hand doing something to help you. That is an advantage to this style. When yo ublock though, you should switch back to the two handed style. You can hold a saber back better and longer with two hands. Lets see you reflexes."

::Verse threw an apples and her from his cloak. It flew toward her body. He wanted to see how she would block it. This would help her get used to blocking projectiles.::

Feb 16th, 2002, 11:49:43 PM
She was holding her saber in both hands when the apple flew at her. It was coming right toward her head. She moved her body to the right as she blocked the object and it flew upwards. She smiled at her Master and waited further instruction.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 18th, 2002, 03:35:44 PM
"Feel the apples throught the Force. Let them ripple through the air. Feel how they move and cut through the Force. Feel the Force seperate from where it is heading. I will teach you another trick. It is called the Sphere of Responcibilty (s/p). It will allow you to sence what is going on in the Force around you. Track movements and allow you to sence things. It will make you more awhere. Lets your mind expland and take in all around you. Let the Force guide you and teach you what is happeneing around you."

::Verse tossed 5 apples above his head. He closed his eyes and expanded his mind with the Force. He felt them fall, cutting through the Force. He ignited his saber and sliced the first one. He senced where the Second one would be and spin kicked it. He spun his saber in a few shapes and sliced the last three in one movement.::

"You Try....."

::Verse threw SIX apples at Xazor. All at different speeds so that they would be harder to track.::

Feb 18th, 2002, 07:47:39 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and the apples started coming at her. She did as her Master had instructed, and opened her senses fully to the Force. She felt two apples coming from the right. One was right above the other. With a quick upward slice, she cut right through both of them. She felt the other four apples whizzing through the Force. One was coming from right to her head, another was coming straight to her stomach. She skillfully cut through the apple coming to her head......but missed to one coming for her stomach. She felt like doubling over from the impact, but pushed the pain away with the Force. She kept her eyes shut and felt for the other two apples that were moving in on her left. One was really low.....toward her knee area she thought, and the other was coming for her shoulder. She shifted her body toward them and waited until she felt their presence a few feet away. She did almost a figure eight motion and cut through both of them. Though she managed to do so, a piece from the top apple whizzed toward her before she could reposition her saber. She could feel it coming and dropped to the ground out of its way. Breathing rapidly, she stood up and opened her eyes. Her stomach only hurt a little now, and the pain was almost gone. She caught her breath and smiled at her Master.

I did not get all of them............but I shall in time. I can feel it.......

Her voice was full of confidence as she spoke.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 19th, 2002, 12:36:46 AM
"I have full faith in you. You are just a padawan still. You will get used to the saber. Keep in mind. I did not say just use the saber to block. In battle, you must be able to use all around you. The saber is just a weapon. Your enviroment can help you. Lets try again. Remeber what I said. The bruise on your sumack will help you remeber how it feels to be hit. If I used stun blasts all you would get wasa sharp sting. After a few moments it would go away. The bruise will remind you for the next couple of days."

::Verse threw another six apples.::

Feb 19th, 2002, 07:37:45 PM
Xazor nodded and closed her eyes again. She opened her senses completely to the Force. She felt him toss the apples in the air and could sense them cutting through the Force. Three were coming to her left, almost stacked but moving at different rates of speed. She swung her saber and nailed the lowest one first, feeling as though the other two were coming within seconds. She had been holding her saber in her left hand, and as another one neared her head, she used her right to push it away with the Force. One was left out of that bunch. It was going right for her left side and almost hit her right when she smashed through it with her saber. As she ended with that apple, she could feel the others nearing toward her. One was aimed and coming straight for her stomach, again. She switched to two handed saber fighting and bashed the apple away just a foot from her body. It went flying off somewhere and she felt the remaining two apples. One was going really fast toward her knee area, and the other one slower toward her shoulder. She moved her saber to her right hand and felt the apple through the Force with her left. She gathered up some extra Force strength and used it to redirect to apple. She sent it sailing off to her left and behind her somewhere. One left......... She thought to herself as the last apple took its time to get close to her. She visualized it, coming right for her shoulder. She didn't want to mess this one up, it was an easy shot.....so she thought. She stepped to the left a bit and swung up with her saber in both hands at the apple. She missed! It seemed to have moved on her and dropped lower. Feeling this change within seconds, she made a figure eight with her saber and smothered the apple with its power. Smiling at her success, she opened her eyes and looked to her Master. Not wanting to sound to excited, she spoke softly.

I accomplished the task with success, my Master.

She smiled brightly as she said this, showing joy through her eyes.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 19th, 2002, 11:11:27 PM
"Great! Let smove on to useing the Force to fight."

::Verse picked up a rock and threw it with his mind. It sailed through the air and hit a near-by target. It hit in the center on the bull's eye.::

"Simple enough. You must judge the distance, and power you must use to throw the rock. Keep in mind taht in battle you need to do all this in the blink of an eye. I will teach you that later. First, lets hit those three targets over there."

::Verse pointed to the targets across the field.::

Feb 19th, 2002, 11:36:00 PM
Xazor looked across the field. She sighed heavily for this would be no simple task. She did not want to fail it. She focused on a stone resting at her feet. Picking it up, she concentrated on the first target. It was not too far away....but not necessarily close either. Using a medium amount of the Force, she threw it with her mind. Her hopes were high as it sailed through the air, but were crushed when it landed about five feet short of the target. Without wasting a minute, she found another rock and lifted it with her mind. Using just a little more of the Force this time, she threw it with her mind, giving it a bit of an arch. She clenched her fists as she watched it soar through the air. It hit just below the center of the bullseye. She smiled and searched out another rock. Levitating it in the air, she gathered the same amount of Force as the last time, but gave it a little more arch. Throwing it through the air with her mind, she watched. It seemed like slow motion as the rock made it's way to the target. She wanted to close her eyes, but suddenly she was full of joy for it had hit about center in the bullseye. Ready to jump up and down, she calmed herself. Turning to her Master, she grinned.

Was that alright, Master? It got better each time......

She knew that the first two hadn't been exactly right.......but the last one made the frustration worth it all.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 19th, 2002, 11:42:24 PM
"Good. Pratice is what makes one good. Lets try moving targets. Use the Sphere of Responcibility I taught you. It will help. Just use the stone and break teh clay disks I throw in the air."

::Verse grabbed the disked from the grund near-by. He had many of them waiting to be used. He threw three into the air flying away from teh two Jedi. What they were 50 feet away he shout for Xazor to attack.::


Feb 19th, 2002, 11:54:53 PM
Xazor nodded and her Master threw the disks into the air. On his command, she lifted the rock with her mind. Within seconds, she was doing many things at once. She felt the disks cutting through the Force, moving at a quick rate away from them. She aimed the rock with her mind and threw it at the disks. She hit the middle one and it shattered, but she missed the other two. She was determind to get it right, though.

Master, I will not stop until I get it.........

She said to him.

ooc: This was a little confusing, did you want me to throw three rocks, or like, kill three birds with one stone type of thing? That is why I said I only hit one. Just curious......... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

edit: ttt

verse dawnstrider
Feb 20th, 2002, 11:17:51 PM
"Lets try something harder, yet easier. Pick up three stone and break a disk with each one."

::Verse threw three disks into the air again.::

OOC: This is what I wanted. It was late when I typed it. Three Stones for three disks. sorry for not making that clear.

Feb 20th, 2002, 11:26:09 PM
Concentrating more this time, Xazor picked up a stone and aimed as best as she could at the first disk. She threw it with her mind and it made light contact on the edge, chipping several pieces off of it. Quickly lifting another stone with her mind, she focused on the second disk and changed her calculations a little. This time when she threw it with the Force, she made more of an impact and the disk shattered into a few large pieces. Levetating the last stone, she used the Force more this time. She felt exactly where the disk was. She could feel it cutting through the Force. With full confidence, she hurled the stone at the remaining disk. With almost complete accuracy, the stone smashed into it, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. Smiling at her success, she turned to her Master.

I did better this time......I concentrated harder.

She looked down at the ground and thought of ways to improve her new skill.

ooc: That's okay, I know how it goes. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

verse dawnstrider
Feb 20th, 2002, 11:54:30 PM
"Lets see if we can force a little more......"

::Verse smiled and opened himslef fully to the Force. He grabbed dozens of disks from the ground. The hovered in the air. They varied from the ground hieght to the top of Xazor head. There were hundreds left near-by. Time to push the padawan.::

"Use all around you. Your sabers, rocks, sticks, bend limps, anything to try and block as many as you can. Ready?"

::Verse smiled as the first dozen sailed at her at different speeds.::

OOC: This will go on for a few post. Lets see if we can get the creative juices pumping.

Feb 21st, 2002, 12:05:35 AM
Xazor can't believe what is happening. She didn't feel ready for this and relayed panic to him through the Force. Trying not to forget everything she had learned, Xazor focuses on the great tast at hand. As the rocks come sailing at her, Xazor reaches for her saber and engages it quickly. As the rocks near, time seems to stand still as each second passes. She focuses on a small group of rocks and calls on the wind. With a swift breeze, several are knocked from their path. As the rest of the group nears her, she reaches out her left hand and uses a Force push to knock some away from her. Then she thinks of something. The rocks that are flying at her, cutting through the Force will hurt badly if they get close enough........but she could stop them. Without taking a breath, she bends over and scoops up a handful of sand. Making an image in her mind, she blows the sand from her palm. Suddenly, the sand seems to stretch out and form strings, binding together to form a.........net! The net is sent at a group of rocks and scoops them up, falling to the ground in a heap. The last remaining rocks are now just a foot away from her body. She swings out with her saber and cuts through a few. Two rocks remain and she is not quick enough to get a block in, but instead, she falls to the ground and they pass right over her. Jumping back to her feet, she smiled at her Master with joy filling her aura.

I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it..........but I did!

She now let the excitement fully show itself.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 21st, 2002, 06:12:44 PM
OOC: For future RPing, you would need to say you stopped the rocks with a Force Wall and used the image of a net. Sand alone would not stop them. Interesting though. Just keep the laws of Nature in mind. They can be bent, but not broke.

::Verse Grabed the clay disks. These were easier to break, but harder to hit. They would do less damge is they hit her though. Verse threw another dozen of those at Xazor.::

Feb 21st, 2002, 06:22:07 PM
ooc: Alright, still playing around with this type of thing. I am trying to get better at writing it out, I know what I want to say most of the time, but writing it is a lot harder than one would think. Thanks <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">


Xazor watched her Master throw the disks at her. These were a lot faster for their smooth, flat shape. She felt the aerodynamic objects cutting through the Force as they wizzed at her. She held her saber in her right hand and used her left to send a Force blast at a few disks that seemed to be beating the others to their destination. They shattered and fell to the ground. She picked up two rocks with her mind and, using the sphere of responsiblity (is that what you've been calling it?? I hope so...<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> ) she calculated exactly where they needed to go. Throwing them with the Force, she sent them sailing through two disks and then two more behind those. A few more disks got a little closer to her, within saber range. She swung out with her saber and slashed through one disk, then spinning around quickly, she came back and nailed another one. There were just a few more disks left, and they were starting to pick up speed. She bent over and grabbed a bunch of sand in her hand. Blowing it towards the disks, she visualized a wall in the appearance of a net. The disks flew at it and broke into several hundred pieces. Then the illusion disappeared. Smiling, she knew she had done better this time. The reactions were quicker.

I am getting faster each time!

She exclaimed to her Master.

ooc again: <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Okay, about that wall illusion thing, is that the right way to do it, how I just did? I hope it is!

verse dawnstrider
Feb 21st, 2002, 08:12:25 PM
OOC: You need to say you cast the image of a net over a Force wall.. The illusion can't break the disks, but the Force wall can. The wall stops the disks, but the illusion of the net adds style. Keep in mind, illusions CAN'T hurt things or do anything. Like with the stones. You needed to say you trapped them in a Force bubble and cast the illusion of the net over the bubble. That way you have a reason for the stones to be trapped like that. an illusion can't do it. Also, in posts with other people, tell them what the Sphere of Responcibilty is. Describe it. They may not read the SW books. Mostly keep in mind illusions are not real. I will keep it up for pratice and till you get it. Just keep trying.

::Verse grabbed more disks and threw them.::

Feb 21st, 2002, 08:24:52 PM
Xazor watched as the disks came at her. This was getting frustrating, she kept trying, but something about it wasn't just right. She knew she couldn't give up, though. As the first few got close, she used the Force to set up a wall. Then, she picked up sand and blew it off her hand to create an illusion of a net over the wall. The disks impacted with the Force wall and broke to pieces on the ground. She could feel another group of disks cutting through the Force and getting closer and closer. With her left hand palm facing the disks, she sent a heavy Force blast their way, knocking several out of the sky. The next group approached rapidly. They were in a close range for her to use her saber. She jumped up and slashed through one about to go over her head. Landing quickly, she did a figure eight, cutting through two. Spinning around on her heal, she bashed through the last one sending it's million pieces through the air. She smiled, a bit out of breath, and looked at her Master.

Am I getting better yet?

She asked and calmed her breathing a bit. This was definatly a great workout.

ooc: I will be sure to tell others about it! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Okay, I think I did what you said, but I am not sure if it is right. I hope that it is........let me know!

verse dawnstrider
Feb 21st, 2002, 11:50:45 PM
OOC: That's great. If you wish to add a little style you could have gathered the pieces into a mass and cast the illusion of the net over them. It would seem they were caught even though they are not. It was good though.


::Verse nodded and clapped for his student. He took out two blasters.::

"Do you know how to use these?"

Feb 22nd, 2002, 12:15:57 AM
Xazor smiled. Her Master's praise made all of the frustration worth it. Nodding slightly in reply to his question, she reached under her robes and pulled out a blaster of her own. Nash Stolar had given it to her. She know wore it in a holster on her thigh. Looking down at the ground, shamefully, she spoke.

I can use it very well.........but I have only been trained to kill with it.........

She said quietly. She had no idea how to use it for good........if there was such a thing as using a blaster for good.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 24th, 2002, 01:14:24 AM
"Like any item, it can be used for good and evil. Can you use the weapons right is the better question. You can even increase you ability with these weapons as well. Teh Force makes it possible. Care to find out?"

Feb 24th, 2002, 01:19:15 AM
Yes, Master. I do.....

Xazor smiled lightly as she thought of his words. It was true that she could use the blaster well, but she still had much to learn.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 24th, 2002, 09:06:25 PM
::Verse threw a disk and aimed with the gun. He fired once and shattered the target.::

"It is the same with anything else. You must aim where it will be. Target it through the Force. Then let the Force guide your actions."

Feb 24th, 2002, 11:00:36 PM
Yes, Master. It is like the disks......right?

She inquired with a smile. If if were like that, she would have no problem.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 25th, 2002, 07:38:08 PM
::Verse smiled.::

"Yes, just like them. That is why I will atke it up a step."

::Verse pulled some powder from his cloths.::

"When I say go I want you to shoot them out the air."

::Verse threw the disks into the air with the Force. As Xazor prepared to fire Verse threw the powder in her eyes. It burned like the fires from the Nine-Hells.::

"Salt. Now you are blind, and in pain. Fire Now!"

Feb 25th, 2002, 09:53:58 PM
The powder burned as it landed in Xazor's eyes........but she knew what it was like to fight blind. It almost seemed a luxury to have the Force to help her see. She opened all of her senses to the Force and to her surroundings. She listened closely to her Master's words and to any sounds she could hear around her. Suddenly, she could sense him throw the disks with the Force. She felt them cutting through it and aimed her blaster to where she thought they would be. Right then, Verse shouted the order to fire now. She fired a few shots right on his words and shattered the few disks he had sent up. She smiled at her success, though she could not see and it burned. She used the Force to lessen the pain.....but the sting was still there. She turned to face her Master......at least she thought she was, and smiled. She closed her eyes slightly for this took some of the sting away.

I completed the task with success............I think...........my Master.

She was pretty sure she had, but could not reassure the fact with her eyes. She laughed slightly as she thought of how funny that might have sounded, but was confident nonetheless.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 25th, 2002, 10:35:06 PM
::Verse clapped and spoke calmly.::

"Good, good. You are catching on fast. Lets use mulitple enemies. No apples this time though."

::Verse went to his pack and took out three orbs. He touched them and they rose off the ground and voomed all over the place.::

"Basic practice droids. They fire a small blast that stings like hell-fire when you are hit. Th eonly way to cut them off is to throw a blast back at them and hit it. It is not as easy as it seems though."

::A droid fired at verse and he reflected it back at the droid. The drod moved at the blasts way with easy.::


::all three droids darted and started fireing at Xazor.::

Feb 25th, 2002, 10:43:46 PM
Xazor could not see yet, so she opened her senses as before. She listened to everything she could hear. She suddenly heard blast sounds coming from the three orbs. She felt through the Force to find them, and did so right away.....but the direction of their blasts were hard to track. Their first beams came flying at her and hit her body in various places. She winced in pain, but took it as a lesson. She needed to concentrate even more than she was. She felt them, and heard them through the Force. Suddenly a blast rang out of each one and she aimed her blaster. She shot three beams from it's neck and heard them ricochet off of the orbs. No stinging sensations were felt in her skin, so she assumed she had hit them. She smiled and then they released a few more attacks. She again felt the orbs through the Force along with their blasts. She quicky fired at the first two, but got hung up on the trigger. Struggling to regain hand position within a few seconds window, she did somehow, and fired the last shot at the orb. She relaxed her arm to her side, blaster in hand, and then turned to face Verse.

I did as you instructed, Master.

She grinned at the success she had........although it had not been perfect, she knew she had done well.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 26th, 2002, 06:43:19 PM
"Now use the saber. Keep in mind if the blasts were real, then you would be dead now."

Feb 26th, 2002, 07:56:41 PM
Shivers ran down her spin as she thought of his words. She nodded and spoke.

I was concentrating so hard that I guess I forgot that.........

She put her blaster away in it's holster on her thigh, and unclipped her saber from her weapons belt. She ignited it and smiled gently.

I am ready Master.

She said softly as she awaited the next blast sequence.

ooc: Can I see yet? Hehehe.......I know it's a funny question, if not, it's fine......I just didn't know.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 27th, 2002, 06:37:15 PM

OOC: Nope, still blind and in pain

Feb 27th, 2002, 08:34:35 PM
Xazor's eyes still burned and she could not see anything. She opened her senses to the Force again and listened as her Master commanded her to begin. She could feel the orbs moving around her. She suddenly could hear the sounds of a blast and feel them shooting, cutting through the Force. She got ready, her hands tightly gripped around the hilt of her saber. She felt one come in close, just a few feet away. She swung her saber upward and then tilted the tip of it down, just in time to make contact with the blast. Electricity sounds echoed all around them. She then felt a second blast coming in fast. She spun around and jumped up, swinging her lightsaber and making perfect contact with the blast. She landed back on her feet and felt the last blast cutting quicker than the others through the Force. She used the Force to help her "see" it, though she could not with her eyes. It came within two feet of her and she did a sort of rising block with her saber, propelling the blast back at the orb. She had not intended to do so, but it was an added bonus. She grinned at the sound of the blast ricochet off the orb. Easing off of her stance, she turned to Verse and smiled brightly.

I blocked all of them this time, Master!

She said and joy rang throughout her words. Her eyes stung pretty badly still, and she could not see him, but she could feel that he was happy for her too.

verse dawnstrider
Feb 27th, 2002, 09:59:17 PM
"Very good. This ends are lession for today. I will call you for our next one. Untill then you are dissmissed. May the Force be with you."

Feb 27th, 2002, 11:34:00 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed respectfully to Verse.

Thank you, Master. And may the Force be with you as well.

She said in gracious tones and then slowly began her way back to her room, eyes still stinging and slightly blind. Nonetheless, she had learned great lessons that day, and would never forget them.