View Full Version : A Darkness

Mistress Tatiana
Dec 5th, 2001, 02:46:47 AM
Darkness....... a darkness so deep it envelopes the whole mind and body. Eyes..... piercing red eyes in the darkness.... watching... waiting. A hand....... a hand stretching out in the darkness.... ready to grab and snatch. A voice.... soft as a whisper, but lands as a chill to the ear........

Tatiana awoke with a gasp. She was shaking and her breathing was heavy and labored. She sat up and rubbed her tired eyes. She had been haunted by the same nightmare for the past week, leaving her with little rest. She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. It was a technique her Jedi teachers had taught her, but she found she was unable to calm herself.

"Oh forget it. This never worked for me anyways." she told herself.

The sun was just starting to appear over the canopy of the trees on Yavin 4. Even though she'd been there for over a month, she still didn't feel comfortable being with the other students and the Jedi although they were kind to her.

She came from a very wealthy family that had lived on Kuat for generations. Its close proximity to Coruscant and several major trade routes had made this planet a key component during Emperor Palpatine's reign. The planet is famous for its enormous ship building yards and its strong women. All her life she'd been waited upon by servants and tutors. She'd learned early on about her Force abilities, but was never officially trained by a Jedi. Most of what she was capable of with the Force she'd learned herself, which is why she found it so difficult to accept some of the teachings of the Jedi.

Tatiana looked at her chronometer. She would be meeting with the Jedi and the other students soon. She sighed, "I shouldn't even be here. But it's not like I can go back home." A sadness could be seen in her dark eyes.

Her parents had died in a mysterious ship accident when she was 16 years old. She was to inherit the wealth of her family, but her greedy aunt had taken everything and had sent Tatiana away to a school on Bakura located on the outer-rim. After graduating, Tatiana had remained on that planet for a few years until she ran into a Jedi who noticed her Force sensitivity and invited her to train on Yavin 4 with other students. She went reluctantly only because she had no where else to go.


Dec 8th, 2001, 10:38:06 PM
Akrabbim wanders the halls of the Jedi quarters. He is deep in thought, using the relatively empty halls to allow him to think. He is suddenly aware of pain and sadness, washing over him in a wave. The source seems to be in a room a few steps ahead. Hesitating momentarily, he knocks lightly at the door.

Excuse me, are you alright?

Mistress Tatiana
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:44:12 PM
Tatiana jumped at the sound of her door knocking. When she opened her door, she saw Master Akrabbim standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Good morning Master Akrabbim. I'm alright thank you. I was just on my way out to meet with the other padawans in the courtyard. I'd better hurry or I'll be late. I'll see you later."

Tatiana had rushed the conversation so that he wouldn't question her further. She quickly walked through the hallway and made her way outside.

Upon reaching the courtyard, she took a deep breathe filling her lungs with fresh air. She then walked over to the group of padawans gathering to begin their lessons for the day.

Dec 16th, 2001, 08:36:14 PM
Akrabbim sighs, wishing the woman would not hold her pain inside. Such practices can be dangerous when dealing with the Force. Shaking his head sadly, he heads out to the training grounds, following Tatiana.

Mistress Tatiana
Dec 29th, 2001, 07:14:37 AM
Tatiana went through the normal training routines of the day, although her thoughts were elsewhere. Night fall came closer and closer as each minute passed. The thought of being alone at night brought her a sense of panic for she knew the same dream she'd been having would faithfully visit her, just as it had night after night.

The training routines kept her mind semi-occupied, but it was only a temporary escape. One of the other Padawans who was with her looked up at the sky. "What a beautiful sunset. Isn't it gorgeous Tatiana?"

She looked up and starred into the sky and spoke softly. "Yes....very beautiful." Her words slowly trailed off and her look became expressionless. The sunset was just another reminder that the day was coming to an end, and that the darkness was just beginning.


Dinner had been uneventful. She had eaten in the company of the other padawans, but hadn't spoken much.

Now she walked down the corridor that led to the sleeping chambers. Suddenly, she began to feel cold, and she could see her breathe as she exhaled. She slowed down her pace and began to reach out with the Force. A hand touched her shoulder. She gasped and quickly turned around only to find that there was no one. Her heart began to beat quickly. The walls of the hallway seemed to close in on her. There was no escape, no place for her to run, except for her room. Her dark, cold room. The room where the darkness would over take her. She began to tremble for she didn't know what to do. The unmistakable presence of another person in the hallway was still apparent to her, although she could see no one. She quickly ran to her room for whatever temporary refuge it could offer.

Once she reached her room, she slammed the door shut and put her back up against it. She stood there for a while catching her breathe. She was exhausted. All the excitement and little sleep was catching up to her. *No, I need to stay awake. I have to for as long as possible.* Her eyes suddenly began to feel heavy. "NO! Don't fall asleep Tatiana!" Her own words of encouragement were of no use. *Well, I'll just lie down for a little bit, but I won't fall asleep.* She changed into her nightgown, and rested on her bed. The minute her head touched her pillow, she closed her eyes.

Her eyes shot open as she heard a noise. She sat up and her eyes darted across the room, but she saw nothing. As quickly as her fear had come, it slowly began to melt away. She sat in bed completely calm just starring into the darkness of her room.


(OOC: Soth's post is allowed in this thread. If you have any problems with this, please refer to this thread. pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm5.showMessage?topicID=60.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm5.showMessage?topicID=60.topic))

Death Knight Soth
Jan 2nd, 2002, 10:35:24 PM
The soft white silken curtain's in Tatiana's room billowed inwards as a gentle breeze made them dance like two ghost's that swayed back and fourth. Yes, something was out there. It was calling to her. Tatiana could hear the distant cry's of the loon's as they made their nightly vigil on the lake next to the forest. "Tatiana..." There it was again! Her name was being called. Like a soft whisper it was. But oddly it seemed inaudible to her. It was like it was resonating though out her own mind, rather then from outside her dormitory.

Tatiana arose from her bed and slowly walked to the window. Her footstep's being somewhat apprehensive to carry her there. But she had to know who, or what it was that called out to her in the middle of the night.

The moon's reflection cast an erie glow on the lake that night. And a fine misty fog encompassed the forest floor from her vantage point. This would be a night that Tatiana would not soon forget!

"Tatiana, m'lady...I have waited so long to speak with you. Would you grace me with your presence by meeting me in the forest, near the lake? I mean you no harm." Came the word's to her mind as she subconsciously stepped back from her window. More out of reaction from the soft smooth even words that washed over her thought's. Who ever this was, he had to be a stranger to her, for she could not recall ever hearing the voice before, yet it seemed so familiar. Indeed there was someone out there. Like the night it's self, watching her, waiting for her. Yes, someone indeed... But oddly so, Tatiana was not frightened by her caller. Obviously he was a force wielder to contact her in such a way. And for some reason, she felt compelled to go. She didn't quite know, or understand why at that moment, nevertheless she had to find out for herself. Of all night's, the forest seemed so inviting to her senses, so dark and mysteriously it was, yet foreboding at the same time. The kiss of death was near, but she knew it not!

Tatiana glanced back at her light saber. It was resting on her night stand near her bed. She hesitated. Tatiana questioned herself if she should bring it with her just in case trouble was to ensue. But the calm smooth voice came to her once again in a reassuring tone.

"I give you my word m'lady, as a Knight, no harm will befall you this night."

Mistress Tatiana
Jan 13th, 2002, 11:38:08 PM
The soothing words washed over her thoughts and mind. It reassured her that she was in no danger. All her fears had melted away. The voice claimed to be a Knight...... a Jedi Knight? She left her saber where it lay, and left her room as she was and made her way out of the temple. Her face held no expression. It was as if she had been put under a spell.... a spell of darkness.

As she stepped out of the temple and placed her foot onto the cold, damp pavement, the sensation began to draw her out of her trance. She looked down at her bare feet confused, but then she heard that same mysterious voice again. "Come to me Tatiana. I await you." It came over her like a soothing wave. Who was this that was calling out to her? It seemed familiar somehow. She continued to follow the voice that summoned her out into the forest. The moist ground felt like soft pillows beneath her feet.

Her gentle form could be seen disappearing into the fine mist that blanketed the forest. Soon she was engulfed by the mist and she could not tell which direction she was headed in. She paused momentarily waiting to hear the mysterious voice again. "This way m'lady." There it was, like a beacon shinning through the mist. She took a few steps forward, and as if out of nowhere, a dark figure stood before her.

Death Knight Soth
Jan 14th, 2002, 04:16:35 AM
The Dark Knight stood patiently poised as he watched the woman who's name he already knew approach him. Soth let his eye's momentarily rest on her lovely form. Now he knew why he had come to her in this fashion. She was stunning, beautiful, even to his Vanpyre eye's. Her youthful beauty was unmatched.

The sliver's of moonlight bathed and accented her form. But it was her innocent mind that Soth sought after for now. It was there were he would enter, through her delicate untouched, unscathed mind. And in good time, he would break her will, then the body would soon follow after.

He read her thought's as they were open to him. And what he saw made him want her even the more. He could feel and see her defiant nature, and this greatly appealed to the Death Knight of old. For her foot was already on the threshold of the Dark-Side, and she knew it not!

Tatiana was a brilliant student of the force. Focused in it's teaching's, disciplined and skilled in it's ways. But Soth sensed something more, something that he would use in winning her over to the Dark-Side of the Force. She displayed this in how she held herself, in the way she walked. This subtle nature of arrogance was just the tool he needed! A small crack that even she was unaware of. And this too, in time would give the Death Knight an added advantage in loosening her grip on the Jedi ways. But it was Tatiana's deep passion for learning more, experiencing every ounce of what the nature of the Force held for her, what it could possibly offer to her. This is exactly what Soth would use to woo her to him, and once there, Tatiana could never return again to the light in which she now held true for the moment. This great thirst for knowledge would be her undoing, and Soth would see to it that she would have what no Jedi could ever give her. Power!

Soth was now persuaded he had to have her. To make her his. To turn her as he was. As a child of the damned! He would kill if need be to see that through. His mouth was already salivating at the thought of "making" her. She would be his first. Turning her to a darker path, and one that would eventually cost her own mortal soul!

Tatiana's pace slowed as she came into view of the one she had never seen but somehow knew. "But where?" She thought to herself. A puzzled look played across Tatiana's face as Soth stepped closer to her. The shadow's still somewhat concealing his identity to her as he slowly moved closer. His black robe's silhouetted his powerful build. He wore what looked to be some kind of elaborate plated armor with strange symbols engraved upon it. A finely crafted double crested rose set in the center of his breast plate.

Then as the moon light crept through the forest canopy, it's shard's of light illuminated his sharp handsome feature's. Now, Tatiana could see the face of her caller. His fierce eye's seemed to glisten with mysterious intent. The cascading light from above caused Soth's raven black hair to glow with soft bluish highlights. He was beautiful to Tatiana's surprise. His gaze seemed to penetrate her inner most being. She just stood there, transfixed to his eye's. She could smell the faint fragrance of fresh rose's in the air about her. Then he spoke to her softly, almost in a whispered tone. Her sense's came back to her somewhat as his smooth voice broke the spell that she seemed to be under.

"M'lady, it is a great honor and privilege to have you here this night." Soth slightly bowed as he took Tatiana's hand in his own. He then kissed it ever so softly, his piercing blue eye's never leaving hers as he did so. His touch was cold to her, but she passed it off with the chill in the air. Soth paused with his kiss, then he stood upright to face her.

"Forgive me M'lady, I have not properly introduced myself...I am Soth Nuevole."

When the Knight spoke his name, Tatiana could hear what she thought to be faint ghostly whisper's about her. They resonated throughout the forest. Her mind seem to reel at the sound of his name. Tatiana felt almost faint, dizzy, as if his name alone carried a strange power with it's pronunciation. She fought to steady herself as the darkness it's self seemed to lash out at her. Her focus becoming blurred for a moment. The Dark Knight with blinding speed reached out to her with both arm's. He pulled her in close to himself as she began to waver in her stance. She was now in his arm's...Face to face!

Mistress Tatiana
Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:52:02 AM
There he was, the one who had called her into the night. He had incredibly handsome features, but not only that, he was beautiful. Never had she seen anyone like him before. His manners were most gracious. Never had anyone introduced themselves to her the way he did. She was completely captivated by his movements and words. Then she saw his eyes, and she was immediately transfixed.

She could feel the Knight's gaze penetrating her soul, and in a way that frightened her, but she could not tear her eyes away from his. As he spoke his name, She felt an incredible amount of power surround her. She tried to keep her composure, but it was overwhelming. Before she realized what was happening, she found herself in his arms. Again, she looked into his eternal eyes. She could feel the strength and power in him. Her heart began to beat quickly out of fear, yet his touch was gentle and comforting. She felt safe with him, but she was quit startled to be so close to him. After all, he was a complete stranger to her. She tried to speak but her words came out shaky.

"I..uh..Thank you..... I'm not sure what came over me."

She then placed her hands on his chest and began to push away from him, but his grip on her was strong. For an instant she thought he wasn't going to let her go, but slowly he loosened his hold of her. She took a few steps back and looked at the Knight. Then, like before in the corridor of the Jedi Academy, an overwhelming darkness seemed to surround her. She took an involuntary step closer to him out of fear of the darkness that seemed to follow her. She felt much safer being close to him. Little did she know that in doing so, she placed herself closer to that which she was trying to get away from.

Again she mustered up some courage to speak to him, for he intimidated her greatly. "I'm Tatiana, but I have a feeling you already know who I am." She always relied on the Force to answer her questions, but for some reason, she couldn't figure him out. "Who are you? Why have you summoned me here?"

Death Knight Soth
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:07:37 AM
"I..uh..Thank you..... I'm not sure what came over me." Tatiana word's came out in a nervous stammer as she spoke.

The Death Knight studied Tatiana as she stepped back slowly. One, then two, ... Each one more calculated then the first as she moved further away from Soth. Each step stinging her mind with a deep dreaded fear that seemed to engulf her very own soul. Cold and empty it was. Like the forest about her that held no answer's to her many question's concerning the one who now stood in front of her. His Vampyre eye's glistened as she searched them intently. Tatiana called to the Light-Side of the force to aid her in that very moment. Searching and looking for their true purpose that only reflected an emptiness that seemed eternal to her. She saw nothing there but her own freighted face as she stepped further away. His gaze was gripping as he held hers fast with it. The deep daunting fear about her grew more intense, more prominent with each painful step backwards. Soth allowed this element to flood her soul, his very essence wooed her back to him. Only there would she be safe, only in his Vampyre arm's would she find the comfort she was hoping for, praying for...

"Yes, M'lady, I know of you. As I have also watched you with great interest an admiration. That is why I am here." Soth's soft lip's slightly curled in a polite smile.

"For you see, what you think you know of the force, Tatiana, ... It is but a pale shadow that has blinded you. You serve it's will and purpose in the building behind you." The Death Knight posed, letting his slow word's to her sink like a sharp knife in her impressionable young mind as he gestured to the dormitory.

"But I ask of you this, ... From the truth of your beating heart..." Soth could see the panic welling up with in her beautiful innocent eye's as she quickly glance from side to side, reassuring herself of each step she took away from him.

"Have you really found it's true meaning. Has it given to you what you truly seek m'lady?" Soth's voice then took on a deeper tone as he continued. "Or has it taken from you the freedom of choice to the conquest that stir's within you now as we speak? Tatiana, ... M'lady, it is your right to know, your own will to find what lay's on the other side of it's truer purpose." Soth's eye's momentarily narrowed as he stepped closer to her. He would show Tatiana their terrible folly. Her so called brother's and sister's futile ambition's, their hypocrisy that seemed to know no bound's. Soth would grant her a glimpse of his long past. To a time when he too served the Light, ... The Jedi ways. He would show her how they banished him, casting him aside from there holy "Circle of Light." For a crime by their standards, their code...For the love he had for another woman! It was forbidden, simply unacceptable by their so called jurisdiction! Soth's jaw muscles tightened at the thought. How he hated them all! Tatiana would be his revenge. She would tip the scales a bit in his favor against them in due time. It would slowly pay the weighty debt that Soth shouldered for so long. But he had time, ...They had given it to him. And Soth's "Dark Gift" that Saurron himself had given him would insure it's finial resolve!

Soth eye's flashed a hot white for a split second as he sent Tatiana his thought's of that time. He projected the very act's that they committed against him as her own mind looked on in disbelief at the panoramic view that now held her captivated.

"Behold Tatiana, ... The sin's of your brethren. Look upon their true filth." Let the truth of their action's be judged!" Soth word's boomed in her mind, echoing, and reverberating as if she was in a great cavern. Each scene tore at her heart as she felt the pain and anguish he felt millennia ago at their merciless hands! But what Tatiana saw next crushed her innocent spirit. On a darkened night, much like the forest about her. Tatiana could see two figure's amongst a rose garden, it was Soth! He was holding his only beloved in his arm's. He had stayed by her side all those year's as she grew older, yet he never did. It was due to the retched curse they placed upon him. A tormenting pain that would never leave Soth from then on. Their, she died in his loving arm's as he wept bitter tears that fell for her.

Tatiana collapsed to the ground in a heap. She softly sobbed as she hid her face in both of her hands at the shame she felt from the seance's that the Death Knight had just shown her. How cruel they were she thought. This undying love that Soth demonstrated for his lover was to much for her to bare. An overwhelming sense of guilt and resentment fell over Tatiana as she thought of the one's she put her trust in.

She then felt the tender touch of the Dark Knight pulling her gently to her feet to face him. But she could not look at him. Soth caressed her moist cheek with the back of his hand, stroking her hair in a loving way. How comforting it felt to her in that moment of pain she felt for him. His loss was so great. How could he bare such a burden, it was beyond her thinking. Her thought's reeled at the scene that played over and over in her mind. Then word's, word's as smooth as silk fell on Tatiana open ear's, breaking the silence of the cold numbing air about her. She invited them. Strangely, even though she knew him not, she welcomed his touch. Soth's soft word's seemed to ease the pain for the moment. He took his hand and placed it on her chin as he gently turned her lovely face towards him.

"This is why I came m'lady, ... To take you away from that which you knew not. It is not to your shame Tatiana, ... But to theirs. Trouble not your tender heart for their sake. For their sin's are not for you to bare. Let me show you the truer path that the Force has in store for you. There you will find your home. It is the place you have always looked for, but never found. This, I lay on my honor m'lady, ... I'll show you, teach you, ... if you permit it to be so." Soth then pulled Tatiana in closer to himself. She laid her weary head upon his chest. A peaceful comforting sleep fell over her like she had never felt before. All her fear's and anxiety fled away as she fell deeper into it's dark embrace. She was safe now...

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 2nd, 2002, 01:03:19 AM
A cool breeze brushed lightly across Tatiana's cheek. She smiled and opened her eyes to look at the Knight, but instead found herself back in her room lying on her bed. A look of confusion and melancholy played over her face as she sat up quickly and looked about her. The painful scenes that the knight showed her were unforgettable. How could the Jedi Order have been so cruel to such a noble stranger such as the man she'd met the knight before? She sat there for a few moments as the haunting scenes played over in her mind. Tatiana stood up as she had to let her eyes adjust to the lighting and surroundings. Yes, there was no mistake. This was her room, but wasn't she just outside in the forest a moment ago?

Again she felt a cool breeze against her skin. She sat at the edge of her bed still confused and looked at her open window.
The first rays of the morning sun could be seen creeping over the horizon. *So then, it was all a dream? But...... it felt so real. I couldn't have been dreaming.* Then she looked down and noticed there was something on her bare feet. It was dirt. There was dirt all over her feet. Suddenly she became excited. So she HAD been outside. She quickly got dressed and ran out into the forest to see if the Knight she had encountered was still there.

She wasn't sure if she was looking in the right place since there had been so much mist the night before, but her footprints in the dirt could easily be seen. She followed the path her feet had left behind, but when she reached the place she had met the Knight, he was not there. Nor were there any signs of him ever having been there. Surely his black boots would have left a mark in the moist dirt, but there was nothing except for the remains of her own steps. This only added to the puzzle that seemed to keep growing.

She thought aloud, "Maybe I'm going crazy."

The sound of a twig snapping brought her to attention. "I don't think you're crazy." A hooded figure emerged into the
clearing. Tatiana turned around as the figure removed the hood. It was Akrabbim. Tatiana narrowed her eyes at the Jedi
Master. She had a few questions that needed answers, and he was just the man to answer her questions.

Feb 2nd, 2002, 03:32:44 AM
The odd sight before him did little to quell Akrabbim's worries for this young Padawan. First, the reluctance to talk, the fear, the secrecy. Now, barefoot jaunts into the woods. There must be a sensible explanation... hopefully.

Indeed, you are not crazy. Misled, perhaps, but not crazy. May I ask what brings you here this morning? Mayhaps I can answer what troubles you. Please, tell me what it is that disturbs you... I may be able to help.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 24th, 2002, 06:02:35 AM
By now, the sun was high above shinning through the branches in the forest. She looked at him with fire in her eyes. "How could I have been so blind?!" Her face was red with fury. Her hands balled up into tight fists digging into the palm of her hands. "I can not believe you Jedi claim to be the keepers of peace and justice in the galaxy. You're liers! All liers! You keep justice as you see fit, not true justice otherwise you would never have allowed an innocent man who just wanted love to be banished. Is that the extent of your so called justice?!" Her eyes narrowed like lasers at Akrabbim. "Do tell. I need to hear this."

Feb 24th, 2002, 10:40:21 PM
Akrabbim rocks back on his heels, suprised at the girl's anger.

Calm yourself! There is no need for such anger.

First, the Jedi have not banned love in some time. Times were different. Many good Jedi were led astray by love for another. Some fell to the Dark Side to keep their love. Some were seduced by Dark Siders themselves. Others simply gave up the calling of the Jedi entirely. The war between Light and Dark was nearly lost... all due to those who put their love for another above their calling as Light Siders.

And you speak of justice as if it would always side with love. Not so... your logic is faulty. What if, for example, a known murderer was allowed to go free, because the judge had a strong love of freedom and couldn't condone imprisoning anyone? Is that justice? What if a soldier on guard duty abandoned his post to spend time with a woman he loved? Should that man not be punished? If not, where is the justice? Love is powerful, yes... but it does not override all convictions and responsibilities.

Who is it that has so angered you?

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 27th, 2002, 07:49:25 PM
Her anger was still aparent in her voice. "The Jedi. It all comes down to the Jedi. It's so clear to me now. I came here to find peace in myself and in the Force, but how can I follow the teachings of those who bend the rules to suite their own selfish needs? Thanks to a man named Soth Nuevole, I now know of the true ways of the Jedi and their so called justice. He revealed to me the truth, and that is something you and the other Jedi have held from me."

She paused for a moment as she gathered her thoughts, then looked back up at Akrabbim. "Master Akrabbim, you and the other Jedi have been kind enough to have let me stay here the past few months, but I no longer feel that I belong here. I refuse to be a part of something that breeds injustice. I will leave within the hour."

Feb 27th, 2002, 09:12:44 PM
Akrabbim's eyes widen a bit at Soth's name. He has heard of this Vampiric Sith...

So... the vampire has spread his lies. Before you leave, consider this...

Akrabbim begins performing illusions, changing his form into body after body. After he has run the entire gambit of body shapes, he drops the illusions.

You see the ease by which I change my face. Soth is no stranger to the art of deception, either. Guard yourself. Make your own decision. I will be here to welcome you when you return.

And if you do not return... then I will come for you.

With that, Akrabbim turns and leaves.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 28th, 2002, 06:01:23 AM
Tatiana watched as Akrabbim's body transformed into different shapes and sizes before her eyes. It was no surprise to her that he had the power to do this, after all he was a Master in the use of the Force. This did explain how Soth seemed to have disappeared the night before, but she understood his reasons for having done so. If she was in Soth's position, she wouldn't want to be around the Jedi either, not after what they had done.

Tatiana looked around her once again, still in awe at what she had experienced the night before. She closed her eyes and thought of the Knight. *I don't know how, but I will find you.*

She headed back to her room and quickly gathered her few belongings. Before leaving, she took one last look out her window.

The tranquility that the planet held would be the one thing she would miss. With that, she headed right out the door and
didn't look back.

Her small ship was docked in one of the Temple's hanger bays. As she prepped her ship for take off, she realized she had no idea where she was going to go. One thing she knew for sure was that she had to get off the planet and as far away from the Jedi as she could. Just knowing she had listened to them for this long made her feel filthy. She turned on her navi-computer and began to scan for a nearby system where she could gather her thoughts and begin her search for the mysterious Knight.

The Knight.... thoughts of him began to fill her mind. She closed her eyes and squeezed them shut. *I'm coming.* When she opened her eyes, she noticed that a destination had been calculated into the computer. It wasn't a system she was familiar with. She tried to adjust her computer to see if she could find any info on the system, but it wasn't responding. Her computer seemed to be frozen on this new destination. She was perplexed by this, but somehow she felt that this could be the Knights way of helping her find him. And she trusted him.

Despite the fact that she had no idea where this new system was, she punched her engines and let the computer take over. Slowly the ship took off and began to speed away from Yavin 4 and into the darkness of space. She stayed in the cockpit so she could see the path her ship would take, but a darkness began to engulf her mind and thoughts. She struggled to stay awake, but the darkness was too great and soon she was fast asleep. Thoughts of the mysterious Knight filled her mind as she slept, and the ship continued on to it's unknown destination.

A Common Ground..."The Turning of Tatiana" (http://pub49.ezboard.com/fshrineofthedamnedfrm3.showMessage?topicID=8.topic )