View Full Version : Come with me, Allei

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 17th, 2002, 06:26:11 PM
(Jubei stood in the expansive training room in the academy, his hands clasped together as he awaited his new padawan.)

Aura Sunrider
Jan 18th, 2002, 12:36:02 PM
:*: Allei approached her Master as she traversed into the Arena, capitulating into a pronounced bow before Jubei.:*:

"I am ready to embrace the force, Master."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 18th, 2002, 03:57:50 PM
Now, clear your mind. Only when you are at peace and passive, will you hear the Force flowing through you, and utilize it.

Aura Sunrider
Jan 19th, 2002, 11:06:28 AM
:*:Nodding to him, she gathered deep breaths, dispersing the thoughts plaguing her mind for weeks since her last attack at Rama's Corner, demanding answers to her estranged existence. She continued her deep breathing exercise, finally quieting her mind, as this reflexive behaviour was instilled into her as a Knight with her old clan. The meager basics were implanted deeply within her conscious, untouched by the Sith Master's will. They only had to be awakened by learning to allow the force to permeate her being once again.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 21st, 2002, 09:26:34 PM
(With lightning speed, Jubei thrust his right palm towards his padawan, the fingers bent inward in a technique called the Leopard's Paw. Allei, before anything, would sense the rush of air)

Aura Sunrider
Jan 22nd, 2002, 03:21:03 PM
:*:A whisper of air imposed Allei's left forearm to be elevated, knocking his hand off to her far left. The sudden connection between them sparked a match of light in the young Padawan, as she recoiled from the clash.:*:

"I sensed your hand approaching me before I detected the movement. Why is this, Master? It was as if an unseen force nudged my arm to intercept a rushing gust of air."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:00:56 PM
Your insight has been heightened by the Force.

(Jubei smiled)

It is both a sixth sense, and an extension of the other senses, combined. The Force allows an intimacy with one's surroundings that you would not achieve alone. Aside from seeing actions before they happen, you can improve your physical performance, gain insight into the minds of others, manipulate the environment around you, and even mend injuries. It is a great tool, but service is a two way street.

You too must be faithfull to the will of the Force, if you are to remain uncorrupted by its gifts.

Aura Allei
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:56:53 PM
"I will not falter and fall prey to the darkside temptations, Master. The Sith Master peculated my past, but my present and future remains mine to grow with the force."

:*:Allei smiled back at her Master from his approval, hopeful she will be whole again as she was once before, and become stronger from his adept tutelage.:*:

"These force acts you speak of, I have forgotten how to accomplish in my past life. I shall double my efforts and learn the ways of the force, as my parents before me."

:*:A glimpse of the past showered her conscious with pleasant images, as she briefly recalled her parents' faces. She was confident by applying herself, she could regain at least part of her memories.:*:

"Thankyou, Master. You opened a small door I thought would be locked forever."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:51:26 PM
I have opened nothing, my Padawan. I have only told you which door you have opened yourself.


(He smiled)

...you must learn physical manipulations.

(He opened his hand, a pebble resting on his palm)

Without reaching for it, take the pebble from my hand, Allei.

Aura Allei
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:07:09 PM
:*:Exhaling deeply, Allei compiled her thoughts onto the pebble before her, with a cogent conviction. At first, the young Jedi Learner was confused how to go about the levitating maneuver, without physically reaching for it. Then a surging light enshrouded her mind, and the pebble began to shake in her Master's hand. Suddenly, painful memories of the past from the loss of her parents in the Sith raid, wracked her conscious with pain, and the pebble stilled in his hand. Allei sat down, overcome with grief, as the haunting memories settled into her, recalling how she was orphaned as a child.:*:

"Each exercise brings me closer to the truth and force, Master, but I find it unbearable. How can one deal with mental anguish of memories best left forgotten?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 24th, 2002, 09:22:05 PM
Outside the room, stood an observer. Keen ears and vision showing him what was taking place inside. He longed to be inside these walls himself with his own promised Jedi Master, but for the time being would watch and learn lessons from what he saw.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:02:16 PM
(His hand closed around the pebble)

You are not ready for this yet.

(He began to walk, bading her to follow)

Allei, there is nothing of my past experiences for me to draw comparison for you. There will come a time for you to confront that challenge alone, for the only answer to your question lies within you.

(Coming to a stop, Jubei sat down in a "lotus" position)

Come, Allei. Perhaps meditation will reveal that which you seek. It is an important respite for the Jedi. You calm your every impulse, close your eyes, allow your breathing to fall into a tantric rhythm, and focus on your disciplines. Faithfulness to the force is sufficient. It knows the way to places you cannot see. If you take it by the hand, it shall guide you.

Aura Allei
Jan 27th, 2002, 06:25:30 PM
"My mind is not yet my own. I must utilize it wisely with the guidance from you, Master, and the Force, and recapture the control that has escaped me."

:*:Allei shadowed her Master's carriage, as she seated herself beside him. Sealing her azure eyes, she dissolved the images of eradication from her conscious, taking deep breaths, following a pronounced cadency. She harbored buried visions in dire need to be dealt with through the power of the Force, before ascending in her training.
Meditation is the core of a Jedi's existence, enabling numerous feats, once thought insurmountable, to be consummated by channeling oneself, a result of the light permeation that secures a Jedi's undefiled soul.

Allei must learn to harmonize with the Force, dispeling chaos in its tracks. Emotions, eventually would be conrolled by a peaceful ambience, as knowledge would fill the ignorant void. Serenity would stave passion, and the fear of death would be dissipated, as ones demise is only a continuence, becoming one with the essence of the Force.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:33:24 PM
(Jubei talked softly, his eyes closed)

Peer into the force. Cast off your ambitions to learn, and let it seek the answers you yourself cannot see. Perhaps you will see, flickering suggestions in your mind. Do not cast them aside. Your feelings are the conduit between your mind and the living force, and must not be ignored. Cherish them, expand upon them. An inkling can be widened into a revelation through such things.

Aura Allei
Jan 28th, 2002, 01:02:01 PM
:*:At her Master's connotation, Allei bored through the force, to compile her feelings and discipher them, gradually learning the Jedi technique of control. Images of pain, suffering, fear, and anguish at the hands of the Sith Master, Jedah Lynch, including countless altercations against numerous Sith, all came into play. She accepted the pain and moved on to other unexplored areas. Pleasant images engulfed her conscious, of her times with her family, and when The Noble Warriors of Light took her in as a child, and guided her to the accomplished rank of Knight. Yet she could not remember her Master's name, nor his teachings. She probed further as she then smiled and opened her eyes, turning to her Master.:*:

"I was called Aura, my mother named me this, because of the bright light she sensed around me, even as a baby. I know who I am now, Master. It would seem the Sith Master could only temporarily erase some of my memories."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:23:10 AM
(Jubei's eyes remained closed, meditating alongside her)

Mind and spirit are indominable, even where the body may break. That which sustains and nourishes these, can only be hidden, never destroyed.

Continue, Aura.

Aura Allei
Feb 1st, 2002, 12:46:09 PM
:*:Aura smiled as her Master acknowledged her name, 'Aura'. She vowed to keep the name he accorded her, 'Allei', as well, in his honor. She resumed her meditative trance, hoping to uncover more mysteries of her existence, through the will of the Force.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 4th, 2002, 07:34:26 AM
Your connection to the Force in meditation must be strong, but to isolate yourself, and turn all thoughts inward, is unwise.

(Quickly, Jubei threw the pebble in his hand at Aura's face)

Aura Allei
Feb 4th, 2002, 11:45:44 AM
:*:The buffet from the pebble skipping off her face startled Aura, as she awoke from her trance. Sighing as she neglected her Master's warning, feeling the scratch on her cheek, she realized her mistake in not balancing the Force about her. She was fixating on combing her mind for answers, as she left herself vulnerable to attack from the outside. Had a Sith ambushed her, the weapon utilized would be far more capacious than a harmless pebble.:*:

"I have so much to relearn, Master. Shall I continue with my meditation? Oh, there is one other thing I uncovered in my trance. I was on a quest in my past life as a Knight. My crusade was to seek out the oppressed and protect them from the relentless Darksiders. Is this not invoking more violence to circumvent carnage?"

"Is it not in the Sith to wreak retribution? Should a Knight strike a Sith Lord down to save an innocent, and the word of the act spreads to other Sith, would this not solicit war, and the extermination of countless others in an act of malevolence? How can we protect the innocent and serve justice, if it may ensue in more, death, destruction, and brutality?"

"This all is so confounding. How can there be peace when there is darkness that needs to arrested?"

:*:Aura was overburdening her mind, trying to navigate through the confusion that had afflicted her since the attack from the Sith Master. She was resolute to continue in this endless chase to reclaim her attainments.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 4th, 2002, 08:34:24 PM
(Jubei nodded, understanding her question all too well)

It is something I have thought of all my life, Allei. The path of a Calanic, and further, a Jedi...is peace. There is no deviation from this. Life is a commodity, and a treasure that cannot be wasted. It is foolish of us to impose such finality, even to those who disagree with our ways. If the only means to success is to kill, then we will fail, or search forever for another option.

Open your eyes, Allei.

(He spread his arms wide)

You see, I carry no lightsaber. A weapon of Jedi preference, yet a tool capable of performing precisely what I must not perform. Even committed as I am to my path, I will not carry one, for the very possibility of its cruel potential.

(He placed two fingers on the scratch on Aura's face. Her face grew hot, and tingled, as Jubei used the force to stimulate her body's own repair functions to quickly mend the wound)

You must know, Allei....conflicts can be decided in ways beyond fighting. Fighting can be resolved in ways beyond wounding. Wounding needn't be resolved by killing.

Aura Allei
Feb 6th, 2002, 05:07:46 PM
:*:Aura nodded to her Master, but deep inside she was pondering on his words. She recalled several occasions when the Sith would not back down from a skirmish. Only when they were both incapacitated, did the battle terminate, or when she was left for dead.:*:

"Master, there is wisdom in your words, but in many instances I had no choice but to wield my blade in self defense. There is no reasoning with their black hearts. If a Sith rushes you with a light saber, you cannot stop his blade from perforating your flesh with mere verbal connotations, nor can you sway his dark objective. You must bring your saber to bear, and intercept his lance from striking you down."

:*:Raising a hand to her face, she smiled to Jubei, feeling the scratch had vanished. She sensed her Master was trained differently than she was in the Noble Warriors of Light clan, where saber dueling was a way of life for a Knight.:*:

:*:They gave up negotiating with the Sith for decades, and knew to serve and protect at times, eventuated with the deliverance of a Darksider's demise. This was an inescapable reality that which plagued a Jedi's soul. Aura tried to believe it could be possible to avoid wounding and killing, yet the Sith had powers like a Jedi, and used the Force as well, as this aided them in their corrupt enterprises.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 6th, 2002, 06:49:00 PM
I understand.

(Jubei glanced to an armory rack at the far wall. A metallic cyllinder was snatched from the shelf by an unknown force, and drawn to the Jedi's outstretched hand. He then handed it to Aura)

This is a sparring saber, Allei. Its plasma is of a lower intensity, and will only cause minor burns if it contacts the skin.

(He smiled, clasping his left hand over his fisted right hand, and bowing slightly as he stepped away.)

You are a Sith, then. Strike me down.

Aura Allei
Feb 7th, 2002, 10:50:35 AM
:*:Clutching the hilt, she depressed the niche and activated the lambent beam at her Master's command. A lance of emerald green simmered to its meter length, as she inclined into a bow before her opponent. Aura was intrigued how her Master would stave the blade, as curiosity bathed her in its inquisitve nature:*:

"This shall be interesting to say the least, Master."

:*:Aura stepped forward, closing the distance between them. She then lunged ahead with the core, barbed towards Jubei's mid-section, the audible thrumming announcing its ascention, nearing his flesh.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 7th, 2002, 12:14:40 PM
(Jubei's movements were a graceful practice of optical illusion. Allei followed his eyes, and thus could be decieved. Jubei seemed to remain still, yet successfully parried the blade. Just as quickly, he was at her side. He placed two fingers on the crook of her arm, and the saber suddenly clattered out of Allei's hands. For a moment, she simply stood there, confused at the arm that she could no longer move, which was hung motionless in its last movements. Try as she might, it couldn't be budged.)

Aura Allei
Feb 8th, 2002, 09:25:13 AM
:*:Confoundment was written on her face, as she tried to move her arm to no avail.:*:

"What happened, how did you escape the blade? A hand that once grasped a saber hilt, now hangs useless by a mere touch? How is this possible, Master?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 9th, 2002, 02:49:32 AM
You know the answer to that question, Padawan.

(Jubei placed his fingers in the exact same spot, and control of her arm was restored)

The Force not only permeates our surroundings, but permeates ourselves. It flows in your body as surely as blood. Too often this is forgotten. A suggestion in the force can quieten nerves, relax muscles and much more.

I can manipulate one's own constitution...just as I can cause a lightsaber to float in the air. The results are different, but the techniques are similar.

(He smiled)

Armed with this, I scarcely need such barbaric weaponry.

(Quickly, Jubei touched two fingers to Aura's left temple, then pressed his thumb against the nape of her neck, and followed up by sliding his index finger down a section of her lower back. Aura's sight, hearing, and all voluntarily motor functions...ceased.

Jubei's thoughts quelled the alarm in his Padawan's mind, as he spoke to her through the Force)

In the time needed to strike with a saber, I have rendered you as if dead. And yet, you are still quite healthy and alive. It is a gift...more powerful in use than any lightsaber.

(Jubei let his words sink in, then quickly repeated the movements in the precise places, restoring his pupil's senses)

Aura Allei
Feb 13th, 2002, 10:30:57 AM
"How can a Sith or Dark Jedi, also proficient with the manipulation of the Force, allow an enemy to render his senses arrested, as you have to me, Master? Would he not fight back, and foil your attempts at rendering him incapacitated."

:*:Aura needed to sit down. The cessation of her senses overwhelmed her. She never was confronted with this in her training as a Jedi Knight, in her past with the NWOL. Jubei noticed he stirred up unrest in his Padawan, and smiled, as she would someday be able to grasp the hidden meanings of the Force, and its numerous benedictions, dispensing any fear as she ascended in her training.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 13th, 2002, 06:47:58 PM
The answer to that is that far too often, people look outwards, and neglect to look inside, confident they have found everything they need within.

The Force is created by life. To ignore the root of this power is a mistake. It is the principal knowledge of the Calanic monk. The Force, as you know it, is known to my people as chi, the energy of life. Only those who show great care in their other endeavors are entrusted with the gift of such knowledge. We do not teach how to fight. We teach how to resolve a fight. To end it. We are the wards of life and peace, above all things. Above this Order, even.

Aura Allei
Feb 14th, 2002, 04:38:45 PM
:*:Aura sighed. She did not know if she was a candidate for this way of incorperating the Force, as the monk's have successfully obtained. Fighting for defense and protection, had been ingrained in her since a child. She was willing to accept a path of peace, and consume the knowledge her Master was willing to offer to his Padawan.:*:

"Yes, Master. I must look inward to bond myself to the Force, and all its tranquility and wisdom."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 15th, 2002, 05:49:02 PM
(He smiled, returning to the lotus)

Now, let us resume your meditations. This time, turn your feelings within. Explore yourself. You are as expansive and wonderous as any stretch of wild land. If you listen, you will hear many things that have spoken in quiet tones your entire life.

Aura Allei
Feb 16th, 2002, 10:05:06 AM
:*:Nodding, she mirrored his posture, and allowed the Force to have access to her most fathomless thoughts. Shadows of the past, voices, experiences, all dilated before her. She could see her first Master, as their blades crossed in a spar. The array of sparks dancing about their frocks. His features were strong, yet void of any emotion. His soul had been stained by the numerous encounters he had with the Sith, that concluded their entities with his saber. Had he known what her new Master had annexed, it may have been avoided.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 16th, 2002, 05:30:52 PM
Now focus...focus on the warmth within. Feel each pulse as a surging tide in the ocean. You are the cradle of life...and of the Force. Know yourself, and you shall know of all other things in time.

Aura Allei
Feb 19th, 2002, 03:26:18 PM
:*:Aura submerged deeply into the cavity of her mind. She uncovered her Sunrider heritage, but decided to keep her new name, as time resides in the present, and the past is only a whisper of what has been. She recalled her oath to her Master and the NWOL. Honor and serving the just, were their assertions, as the Jedi way doesn't differentiate between groups.

Aura recalled she was trained hard as a warrior, and felt her new Master's way of peace, to be the antithesis of her early roots as a Jedi Knight. She would never become a monk like him, but perhaps, in time, she could incorperate a more peaceful way of resolving a conflict, rather than being an instrument of extortion , even if it were to be of self preservation.

As she meditated, great gaps of her memory became an integral part of her subsistence. The Force doused her in its healing light, strengthening her as a Jedi, as the rays of pure energy stimulated her resolve, like a shower of cool rain on a hot humid afternoon.:*:

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 25th, 2002, 01:05:16 AM
(Jubei meditated with his padawan, observing silently as she delved within herself. After an hour, he rose from the lotus.)

Now, Allei...we will begin your martial training.

Aura Allei
Feb 25th, 2002, 09:39:40 AM
"Yes, Master."

Aura stood before her Master and smiled, mentally preparing herself for the martial training. With each meditation sitting, she explored more of her past, as it molded her insight into an ever ascending cliff. She was determined not to swept into the blindness and vulnerability of amnesia again.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Feb 26th, 2002, 01:00:08 PM
(Jubei brought his left leg upwards into a high pump kick, which narrowly missed Allei's dodging head. As he drew his leg back into chamber, Jubei raked his hyperextended foot across the back of her neck, pushing her to the ground, just to the right of him)

Aura Allei
Feb 27th, 2002, 11:34:08 AM
Aura spilled to the loam, stunned by the aft kick. She countered by grabbing both his legs by the calves, hoping to knock him off balance to the ground with her.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 2nd, 2002, 03:19:04 PM
(The move paid off for Aura, as Jubei fell backwards to the ground)

Aura Allei
Mar 2nd, 2002, 06:37:07 PM
Aura flipped up to her feet, confused how to act.

"What should I do, Master? Restrain you while you are down? I doubt I have the capabilities of such a feat."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 5th, 2002, 03:57:38 PM
(Jubei lay prone on the ground, hands at his side.)

Allei, you shall do what you must...

(He smiled, and raised a hand, causing Aura's feet to be swept from under her witht he force. She fell exactly as Jubei had, as the Knight gracefully recoiled upwards to his feet)

...but you must not hesitate.

Aura Allei
Mar 6th, 2002, 09:43:27 AM
Aura sighed as she was introduced to the ground once again. She flipped up to her feet, and in blinding speed did a full rotation, the spin kick connecting with his chest. Aura was concentrating on the force to deliver a powerful impact, that hopefully would send her Master flying from the momentum.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 7th, 2002, 08:19:28 PM
(And she was correct. The kick was strong enough to send him tumbling back. Jubei tucked his body into a backward roll, springing up and smiling)

Good. Quick technique, and strong as well.

(He paused)

Perhaps it is time to begin your apprenticeship outside of the Academy. Are you prepared?

Aura Allei
Mar 8th, 2002, 09:47:09 AM
Aura beamed at his offer.

"Yes Master, I am prepared."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:06:06 AM
(Jubei nodded, donning a hood and leaving the Academy.)

Then we shall go, my Padawan.

OOC: look for a thread at swfans soon

Aura Allei
Mar 11th, 2002, 11:14:19 AM
"Yes Master, I shall be prepared."

Aura followed him out of the arena.

OOC: I will look forward to it <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:31:30 AM
Its "Maintenance of Merchandise" at the Swfans RP forum.

Aura Allei
Mar 14th, 2002, 11:42:16 AM