View Full Version : D'Mourning Orb's First Spar (open)

DMourning Orb
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:05:29 PM
D'Mourning Orb stood in the middle of the dojo. He held the lightsaber in his grip. He ignited his weapon. The blade protruded from the hilt. He clicked off the weapon. The blade receded. Once again, he repeated the process. D'Mourning Orb was not one familiar with the fighting styles of the Jedi, nor was he familiar with fighting in general. It would take some time to get used to the weapon, D'Mourning thought to himself. For now, he would have to make due with what experience he had.

D'Mourning, a passive individual, had spent several months with the Jedi, but he had yet to spar with anyone. He awaited his opportunity with nervous anticipation. This, his first spar, would be a good barometer for gauging his abilities.

Mar 27th, 2002, 11:08:29 PM
Xazor crept out of the shadows and walked up behind D'Mourning. She did not wish to startle him since he could not hear her.

Greetings, D'Mourning......indeed, it has been some time since we last saw one another.....

Her voice spoke softly as she touched his mind with hers. She pulled her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it. The blue blade shot forth with a hissing sound and she held it in front of her. He turned around to greet her smiling face and she bowed in respect.

DMourning Orb
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:31:32 PM
A smile of immense proportions washed over D'Mourning's face. He bowed in return.

D'Mourning thought of what to say, but his mind escaped him for several moments. Finally, remembering that she knew sign language, D'Mourning signed with his free hand, Xazor, it is so good to see you... My good lord, it has been so long, has it not? How have you been?

Mar 27th, 2002, 11:39:35 PM
Xazor disengaged her saber and clipped it to her belt. Maybe it would be good to talk before they sparred, afterall, they had not seen each other in four months. Xazor smiled brightly with a radiance that he had not known of her before. Her sing language had improved too, since she now had a campanion wolf who was deaf and could understand it.

I am doing wonderfully! It has been so long, I know! How are you? You will not believe the stories that I have to tell you.....

She signed to him all at once. It was almost like a run-on sign language sentence, but she couldn't help it, excitement overwhelmed her heart.

DMourning Orb
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:09:27 AM
In times like this, wasted words did not exist, neither did thoughts. Endorphins quickly rushed D'Mourning's brain. His mind felt weightless, to an extent.

Expressing thoughts, as they entered his mind, through sign, I could not be better... I cannot believe that I am actually standing here talking to you. Forgive me but, this, for me, it is just so... incredibly surreal, to an extent. I actually have to gather my thoughts for a moment. I was so worried that I might never see you again. D'Mourning paused for a short, but rather exhausted period of time.

Mar 28th, 2002, 01:15:10 AM
Xazor smiled and blushed slightly.

I was worried about not seeing you either.....but then I always knew in the back of my mind that I would. It is what my heart told me.

She signed quickly as she too had to gather her thoughts for a moment. She smiled and continued.

There are so many things that I wish to tell you, but it would take all day! My life has changed drastically since I saw you last!

She signed, mentally recalling the numerous events that brought her here.....now with him. She smiled brightly as she tried to think of were to begin. She couldn't think, so she let him have the chance to reply.

DMourning Orb
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:08:18 AM
Take all day then.

D'Mourning was anxious to hear everything, and it showed: unbridled enthusiasm danced gleefully in his eyes.

Mar 28th, 2002, 11:34:59 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled. She took a seat on a boulder near them and thought of where to begin. She smiled and looked to D'Mourning. Signing as quickly as she could, she relayed to him all she could in a few minutes.

Many things have changed in my life since I saw you last. I found out that my parents had indeed been killed by my previous Sith Master, as well as my wolf companion "Kai". He came back and tried to kill me here, but it didn't go far and justice was brought upon him. Let's see what else.....I gained a Force brother and a Force sister! My brother's name is Satine Capashen and my sister's name is Natia Lerf, which I changed for her to Mara Enjeru. In my original language, it meant "Heavenly Angel". Her story is very long like mine, and I do not have enough time to even brief you on it. Anyway, my training was going well and then I ended up fighting in several battles. Lots of them, actually! I ended up victorious a few times, yet I also lost some fights and ended up badly injured. Of course, I healed with time. Oh! My master, Verse Dawnstrider, took me as his daughter! I changed my last name from "Kama" to "Dawnstrider" recently.....and now my name is going to be changed once again........for I am engaged to marry Jedi Knight Shade Magus! Oh....let's see, I am leaving out so much.....I started training as a Warrior a while back, and now I am one! Yes, I am Jedi Warrior Xazor, soon to be Jedi Knight, I hope! Yes yes, life has been full of surprises....disappointments....happiness. All things have been going very well for me! I have only told you bits and pieces, leaving out other important things that I cannot recall right now. So! How about you? What has been going on in your life? It has been so long!

Her hands were tired when she finished, and she wished she could have told him more, but half of the information was lost among other memories.

DMourning Orb
Apr 1st, 2002, 11:33:41 PM
He paused for a moment. Bowing his head, then looking at her again.

My... Mother, passed away..... I am sorry. I do not mean to bring a sour note to our conversation, but....

No words came to mind, neither did thoughts.

Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:06:47 AM
Xazor dropped her head and slowly put her arms around D'Mourning.

I am so sorry......

She spoke to him through the Force. Her heart went out to him.......she knew what it was like to lose ones close to her.....

DMourning Orb
Apr 2nd, 2002, 11:23:31 PM
He hugged her back, slowly raising his arms to fold against the mid of her back.

There was nothing to say, nothing to think. For the time being, circular thoughts of introspection flooded his mind, an amalgamation of painful memories past. His conscious mind escaped him.

Apr 2nd, 2002, 11:27:52 PM
Xazor stayed in the embrace. She knew that it always felt good to have someone hold her in a time of sadness. There had been many since she saw D'Mourning last. She closed her eyes tightly and rested her head on his shoulder. He was lucky.....at least he had the chance to know his mother.......she had never even seen as much as a picture of hers.

ooc: Ya know what? I am going to have to fix my loooong post from earlier. Shade and Xaz' are engaged IC, but he just left the RP world....so now I don't know what I am gonna do......

DMourning Orb
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:14:02 AM
OOC: Hope everything works out for you.


Moving his arms, he brought Xazor's hands down to her sides, gently caressing them with his finger tips.

She looked at D'Mourning after several moments of stillness.

D'Mourning mouthed, I... I do not know where I am.

Tears approached the surface.

In general... And, maybe that sounds selfish. Because... Lord knows, that I know, that you have been there before, Xazor. And my sympathy is with you. My deepest thoughts and prayers are with you... How you could overcome? I cannot begin to fathom, how a person could be so... strong.. both mentally and-emotionally... But, you... That is what makes you such an amazing, beautiful person, Xazor. Lord knows... that I could never hope to taste that same salvation. I am not strong enough... My heart will not allow me to.

Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:26:01 AM
Xazor gently placed a hand on his chest near his heart.

She spoke to him through the Force.

You are strong.....I can feel it in you. All you need is time......I did not overcome all of my problems overnight!

She wiped an escaping tear from his eye with her other hand, and smiled gently on him. How she wished she could give him all of her strength to pull through this....but as far as she knew, that was impossible. She would be there for him, though.....

ooc: Thanks! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">