View Full Version : New Beginnings....(Clay Dennatta)

Apr 6th, 2002, 12:57:21 AM
Jedi Knight Xazor walked into the Academy. It was raining outside and her hair was slightly damp from the precipitation. She turned on the lights and quietly walked to the middle of the room and sat down on a large boulder. She crossed her legs Indian-style and glanced around the room. Today she would begin the training of her first Padawan, Clay Dennatta. She had requested his presence here when she left him in the recruitment center....now all she had to do was wait.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:01:25 AM
The newly proclaimed Jedi, Clay Dennatta, entered the academy, his black robe and purple sash soacked to the bone by rain. He noticed his new master in the middle of the room and went to her.

" Hello Master"

He sat next to her ready to bein his training.

Apr 6th, 2002, 01:05:05 AM
Xazor smiled as she saw her padawan enter the room. He too had obviously experienced the rain. He sat down beside her and Xazor bowed her head slightly.

Greetings, my Padawan. We shall begin your training first with a few questions.

She smiled and moved her wet hair from its resting place on her shoulder. She cleared her throat and continued.

What is your name in full and your age. What planet are you from. And what do you know of the Force.

She requested, folding her hands in her lap.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:10:09 AM
" My name is Clay Dennatta, from the planet Onderon. and i am 16. I know that the force is in all things and can be used to many different things. Such as me, i became a master of Telekinesis and levitation. There is 2 sides to the Force. The Light side and the Dark side. In general the Dark side is all that is evil and the Light side is all that is good. There is no in between."

Clay stopped and realized that he was so excited that he was about to start his very first training sesion in his path of pretty much redemtion, that he almost forgot to breath while talking.

Apr 6th, 2002, 01:14:01 AM
Xazor smiled, glad to see that her padawan was eager.

You're answer is correct, Clay. Now tell me...what is the Force to you, personally.....

She asked softly. His answer was correct, but she wanted to know what it was to him....in his heart.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:17:49 AM
" To me...well..... It is the essesence that binds all things. It can cause us to do bad things or can cause us to do good things. At least what we thingk is good. It all depends on your heart and how it is. If it's full of rage it can cause you to stumble. But if it is full of good things it can cause you to prosper."

In his mind he thinks he could have explained it a little better but o well.

Apr 6th, 2002, 01:24:54 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled approvingly.

There was not right or wrong answer to that question, it was more of an opinion.

She shifted her weight as she sat atop the rock. Her padawan was so much like she was when she first arrived at the GJO.

You answered all of the questions well. Yes, the Force is what binds all things together. You, me, that tree, the rock, the water....everything. It is what gives the Jedi special abilities to control the Force and things around him. The Force knows not one person....but a mass of things. If you listen closly, you will hear it speak to you....

Xazor got down from the large boulder and walked a few steps away from it and stood in front of her padawan.

I want you to focus, now....and feel the Force inside of you. Bathe yourself in it...let it consume you. First, though, you must have a clear mind. Let no thoughts interfere with it...but then let it flow like a river through your soul....

She cleared her thoughts and felt pure joy and happiness run through her body as the Force ran over her like a waterfall. She was completely drenched in it and felt fully at peace. Smiling, she nodded for her padawan to do the same.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:30:26 AM
Clay tried to do the same. For a moment he let it consume him as he was thinking of the times him and his brother had before they went to the Sith. But after a few moments the images of him almost killing his brother kept coming back.

Soon that overwhelming joy turned to hatred and anger. Hatred torwards himself and anger torwards himself for his actions.

" Ahhh.....All i can think about is me almost killing my brother...."

With that just stopped letting the force consume him.

Apr 6th, 2002, 01:42:36 AM
Xazor looked calm through his words. She knew what he felt, but he would have to let it go as she did.

Talking about it helps and I am here for you if you want to tell me what's on your heart.....whatever helps you so that you may accomplish this....

She resumed her position on the boulder next to her padawan. She could not rush this with him...he needed time to get everything straight in his heart...

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:46:52 AM
Talking about it sounded like a good thing to him.

" Ever since i tried to kill my brother i have felt this incredable mount of guilt and anger torwards myself. In my dreams i see me over and over, trying to kill him. I can't get it out of my head cause i don't know what i would do w/o him."

He just sat there hoping she had something to say that would help him.

Apr 6th, 2002, 01:52:04 AM
Xazor sighed slightly, recalling things like this from her past. She knew very well what he was feeling....but there were never enough words to make the pain go away.

You will feel pain and guilt for a long time. An action like that is a transgression against the Force...it stains your soul. Though....with time, you learn to concentrate on the here and now. Never forget your past...it is part of who you are...just do not try to think about it all the time. Once you learn more of the Force, you will understand what I mean. For now, though...you will be confused and feel lost at times...but know that I am here for you. You can trust me and tell me anything. Masters and Padawans have that kind of relationship...almost like a parent-child relationship. You and I are so close in age, though.....it would be more like brother-sister or close friends.

She smiled gently on her padawan. He had so much to learn......but she was quite confident in him....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:05:42 AM
" Thank you. you have taught me so much in just these past few minutes. But if you don't mid i would like to retire to my ship for a little while and rest. I haven't had much sleep in the past few days."

After he was done talking he waited for his masters reply.

Apr 6th, 2002, 02:11:07 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.

That would be fine. If you wish to train, you must get your rest. The life of a Jedi is not an easy one....this is the path travelled less by those that cross the galaxy....

She jumped off the boulder and smiled once again, laying a gentle hand on her padawan's shoulder.

We shall resume training tomorrow, then. Get plenty of rest......you'll need it....

She smiled and bowed to him, as was tradition.

ooc: We can continue in this thread or start a new one tomorrow or whenever you are online next. I am on everyday, so you shouldn't have a problem finding me. If you still have questions about roleplaying or anything that goes on here, you should read the FAQ section. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:19:48 AM
Clay bowed slightly and went off to his ship