View Full Version : Slade Azrrel, welcome...

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:01:03 AM
to the Greater Jedi Order's little slice of Arcan IV that we call home." Morgan motioned to the rolling pine forest behind him, smiling.

"I'm not going to ask you to move rocks with your mind or anything yet. Right now, I'm more curious about you and why you want to be a Jedi, one with much patience."

Slade Azrrel
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:23:35 AM
“About me? Well.. my past is one of an average human life. I was simply living with my parents on my homeworld, until a couple of weeks ago, when I came searching for this Jedi order. I had a beautiful place.. It was just a normal farm, with a river running down the back. It smelt of beautiful lavender flowers nearly all the time. We had crops and vegetables that we'd grow, and sell them on our world. It was how we lived, and I loved it. But, I gave it all up to come searching for the Jedi. It took me sometime to find you, as I had no idea of where to go, or who to ask.

As for joining the Jedi order.. I've had dreams.. which my parents have called visions. My mother told me that her father was a Jedi.. I forget his name. Anyway, my dreams about my homeworld, being consumed in chaos. I truely hope they aren't visions, yet if they are, I want to be ready for it. So, if I become a Jedi, I might be able to prevent my homeworld from becoming a barren wasteland.

And.. that's about all of it.”

Slade finally finished, and let out a small sigh. He already missed his parents.. his home. He'd return there one day.

One day.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2002, 03:52:13 AM
Morgan absent-mindedly rubbed the stubble above his upper lip in thought.

"So you packed up and headed out into the universe because your parents took some serious stock in your dreams?" It was a little hard to comprehend for the Knight, who was not on such terms with his adoptive parents. Still...

"Thats quite a leap of faith. And while we aren't hiding, the Jedi aren't the easiest people to find. Yet you did." He rubbed his chin in thought.

"Now its not really very uncomon for Jedi to have visions. But they are glimpses into a possible future. What you saw may or may not happen. Now personally, I know very little about visions, as I've only had one myself really. So if this is a skill you wish to pursue, I've got a bit of exploring to do. If you ever feel that I'm doing you a disservice, please, do ask for another Master."

Slade Azrrel
Jan 10th, 2002, 04:50:18 AM
“I'm not really sure if I want to learn to use this .. skill. But, master, can we talk about this another day? Can we just do the basics for today?”

Slade didn't want to think about his so called skill. It reminds him of the dream.. or vision.. he had, and he really didn't want to think about it.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2002, 04:01:19 PM
"Alright. And please, don't call me master. Morgan will do fine." He began to walk away, looking up at the trees as he went. Slade followed. After a few minutes, the Jedi Knight halted, looking up at a mighty oak, with massive wide, low branches.

"I want you to climb up that tree as fast and as far up as you can."

Slade Azrrel
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:30:57 AM
“If you say so, Ma... Morgan.”

Slade followed Morgan, until the stopped at a massive oak tree. He nearly fell over backwards while trying to see how high it was.

“You're kidding, right? It's huge! I could never climb up it.”

Slade turned from the tree, to Morgan, who was completely serious. The Jedi Padawan sighed softly, and walked to the tree.

“Okay, I'll give it a try..”

He immediatly leapt up into the tree, grabbing the branch closest to him. Using aerobatic skills, he swung himself from the branch he was currently only, and flipped up onto another one. He continued climbing from branch to branch, moving as fast as he could.

A good ten minutes passed by, and he wasn't even half way up the tree! Slade let out a small sigh, looking at how far he had to climb.

“Morgan,” He called out. “I don't see the point of this. What's climbing tree's have to do with the Force?”

Morgan could tell that Slade was pretty tired.. and he was. This tree was massive. It'd take him a good hour before he could make the top. Slade grabbed onto a nice, strong branch, before looking down at Morgan, waiting for an answer.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 11th, 2002, 12:35:14 PM
"One moment."

He shuffled through his pockets, and with a sigh, took off his shoes and socks. Morgan took a sock and tied it around his head, covering his eyes.

Swinging himself up onto the first branch, he matched Slade's pace, but took a different, far faster route through the branches, nimbly leaping and swinging, but limiting himself. So he stopped ten minutes later, half of the way up the tree. Morgan moved from his side of the tree to Slade's, about six meters above him. Sitting down on the branch, he relaxed and hung upside from his knees.

"It's got plenty to do with the Force. Often, it lets you find a better route through something. Not necessarily the easiest, but usually the best one." The Jedi Knight removed the sock from his eyes, wiping his face with his hand before opening them up, and looking down at the Padawan.

"Take a breather and give it another go."

Slade Azrrel
Jan 11th, 2002, 12:56:15 PM
Slade watched Morgan go up the tree at the same pace, yet the Jedi Knight got several metres higher then him. He let out a small sigh, and slowly made his way to the bottom. Finally, he reached the bottom, sat down, and took a rest for several minutes. Morgan just sat up in the tree, waiting for Slade to try again.

Eventually, Slade stood up again.

“Alright.. here we go again.”

Slade stood still for a moment, trying to look, through the force, for an easier, or better way up through the branch's. It took awhile, but finally Slade jumped up onto the first branch, and started swinging, leaping, and jumping from branch to branch. He, like the first time, moved as fast as he could. A quite long ten minutes later, Slade stopped. He was only about two metres below Morgan now, yet on the first try he was easily six metres below.

The Jedi Padawan grinned to himself, then looked up at his master, and waited for a comment.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 13th, 2002, 07:46:09 PM
Morgan grinned wide.
"Slade, I'm joking. You did really well. Relax."

A few minutes drifted by, much like the light breeze that carried the scent of pine.

"Slade, I'll show you why we are climbing this tree."
He started climbing again, but at an easy pace that Slade would have no trouble matching. The farmboy was in pretty good physical shape.

Slade Azrrel
Jan 13th, 2002, 08:11:25 PM

Slade let out a sigh, just before Morgan kept going..

"Slade, I'm joking. You did really well. Relax."

“Eh.. scared me for a moment there.”

The Padawan chuckled softly, then began following Morgan up the tree. Maybe he'd figure out why they were climbing the tree before Morgan had to tell him..

Morgan Evanar
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:27:39 AM
It took a half hour to reach the top of the tree's broad canopy. Even at the top, the branches were solid enough to support their weight.

"Slade, push down the branches in your line of sight to the south." Morgan pointed. One would have not noticed, but aside from being a very large oak, it was also at the top of a hill. To the south, a valley of mixed pine and decidious opened up, with a river running through. The Jedi Knight moved.

"Go to where I was, and look to the opposite direction." North-north east lay the Sarkara falls. Not the largest waterfall by a long shot, but a very elegant, narrow one.

Slade Azrrel
Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:38:31 AM
Slade did exactly as the Jedi said. Out to the south, there was a valley of different types of pines, with a river running straight down the middle. Then Slade moved around, and looked to the other area, and saw the beautiful waterfall. It wasn't very wide, but it was still a great sight to see.

The Jedi Padawan went back to the first position he was in, and pushed down the branchs. Looking out to the south again, he let a small smile crawl onto his face. After a moment, the smile faded, and Slade turned to his master.

“About that skill you talked about.. using the force to find a faster, or easier route? Can you use it for space travel aswell? Like.. plotting a course through hyperspace?”

Morgan Evanar
Jan 24th, 2002, 01:23:00 AM
"I wouldn't reccomend it. There are some things that driods are extrodinarly good at, and sometimes, best left to them. However, it has been rumored that one can make small jumps with a bit of questionable safety. Personally..." Morgan dropped to a branch ten feet below, landing neatly on his two feet, "...I'm not sure I'd want to attempt it unless it was an absolute emergency. But that might be your gift. I know its not mine. Now I've got an idea. I'm going to test your abilities to predict movements."

The two clambered down the tree.

"I'm going to poke you in random spots. Your goal is to grab my finger." Abruptly, Morgan wavered like he was his reflection in the ocean for a moment before dissapearing.

And then Slade was poked on the nose. On the left shoulder blade. Then poked neatly in his middle, at very random intervals.

Slade Azrrel
Apr 3rd, 2002, 06:54:33 AM
OOC: So sorry for being away for so long. School jumped me with lots of homework and assignments, and then when I had a chance to post, my internet crashed for a while. I'm back now, hopefully for a long while.


Slade wasn't really expecting to Morgan to be moving so fast, and was caught off-guard quiet a lot of times. A poke to the stomach, one on the arm, one on the back of the head. With all the pokes coming in, it wasn't easy for him to concentrate, but after several minutes, Morgan seemed to start slowing down, and the pokes were slowed from 1 second intervals, to 3-4 second intervals. Slade continued to concentrate, and in short time, he began moving his arms, trying to catch Morgans finger.

Morgans much too fast for me.. how am I going to get him?

Slades arms suddenly stopped moving, and his eyes closed. The Padawan started concentrating, trying harder then before. After a few seconds of concentrating, his eyes snapped open. He started following Morgans hand, and at some stages, Slade was doing complete 360's to follow the Jedi Master. Suddenly, his arm flung out at Morgan, missing him by mere inchs. By putting that much force into his grab, and by moving so fast, Slade stumbled a step forward, but quickly returned to his original position. Morgan hardly broke the poking for a second, and when he see that Slade had recovered, the poking starting again.

Damn .. almost had him. I think I'm getting the hang of this ..

Once again, Slade began following Morgan. A poke to the left arm, then one just above his eye, then another on his chest. The Jedi Padawan stopped following Morgan, mainly because the Master was moving much too fast for him. So, the Padawan just stood still, his face expressionless, and he was concentrating as much as he could. Slowly, he raised his right arm.. and then it snapped out. Slade's hand latched onto Morgans arm. Morgans finger was a mere inch away from the Padawan's stomach.

Slade let out a sigh of relief, and after holding Morgans hand for several seconds, he let go. Slade had a question for Morgan. He really wanted to know how Morgan moved so fast, and he wanted to know if he'd, eventually, be able to move at that speed. But, Slade decided that waiting for Morgan to speak first was a better idea. Anyway, he wanted to see how he done.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 5th, 2002, 12:39:14 PM
OOC: NP. I'll write something up later... I have class in about an hour.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 7th, 2002, 06:04:40 PM
"I think you've earned you keep for the day. How about some lunch?"

OOC: Need to talk to my other padawan. I've got something planned =]

Slade Azrrel
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:58:54 AM
“Sure, Morgan.”

Slade smiled slightly.

OOC: Okay.