View Full Version : A new day.....(Clay Dennatta)

Apr 6th, 2002, 07:55:19 PM
Xazor walked into the Jedi Academy, her padawan following close behind her. She sat down on the boulder in the middle of the room as she had the previous day. Today was a new day, though, and hopefully Clay would be able to concentrate better. She smiled and motioned for him to seat himself as well.

I assume you had a good nights rest, my padawan.

She said gently, hoping he had. She brought her legs up into indian style and looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to speak...

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 07:59:08 PM
" Yes i did have a good rest. it was more like a couple of days rest on Onderon but still. How are you?"

She seemed a little different....Had somebody said something to her that made her mad or upset....

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:04:20 PM
Xazor smiled, glad to hear that he was well rested. She steepled her fingers in front of her and looked at him for a moment, then bringing her arms to rest across her legs. She figured she would start over in teaching him, since they had not gotten very far. She wanted all these things to be fresh in his mind so when they started working with physical objects, it would not be too difficult. She smiled and looked gently on him.

My padawan....you will learn a great many things while training to become a Jedi. You will finish what you have started, yes?

She questioned, a serious expression on her face. She wanted to make sure of this before she taught him anything else...

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:07:19 PM
" y...yes. Yes i do plan to finish what i started. "

He sat there kind of wondering why she asked him this.

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:11:01 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled, her Garou fangs showing. Though they were deadly, her smile was beautiful. She noticed her padawan looking at her elongated canines but then his eyes dropped. She laughed to herself and spoke.

Very well......

She got down from the boulder and reseated herself on the ground in front of her padawan.

You know what the Force is...but do you know how to use it? Stretch out your mind to the Force...what is it telling you?

She suddenly stretched her mind through the Force and entered his. Their minds touched slightly and she smiled, hoping he saw what she intended him to see...that she was not exactly human....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:20:41 PM
" The force is telling me that your half human, but I couldn't make out the other half of you. It was a species I have never encountered before."

But the force was telling him something else to...something he didn't understand..it was clouding his mind but he pushed it away.

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:31:25 PM
Xazor smiled and gently touched his mind once again.

Well done...you are fully correct.

She opened her eyes and looked on her padawan.

You are correct that the Force was telling you two things. I am not half human though....this is where it gets confusing. You are correct, I have human attributes....but I am a Garou. I have been trying to hide my true identity with the fact that I am human...I am not...I cannot hide it from you.

She could tell that he was slightly confused...but little did he know, she too was slightly confused. All of this had just been explained to her a week ago and she was still trying to figure it out. For a while, she thought that she was half human, but she was really Garou...which is just a set of characteristics.

Garou....you know, werewolf....

She restated when she could tell that he didn't understand. He looked shocked for a moment, but she smiled gently, showing her canines once again.

It's okay if you don't understand...if you have questions for me, ask. I'll tell you most anything you want to know...

She said softly. She smiled once again and rose to her feet. After he spoke, they would start training with physical objects...

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:37:31 PM
" i don't have any questions. still a little confused but i can deal with the fact that your a ....werewolf, i mean Garou. Anyways, let us get down to business."

He was still a little confused but it wasn't a big deal.

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:41:38 PM
Xazor grinned slightly. No one usually understood her, but that was fine. She smiled gently and looked at a pile of rocks in the corner of the room. She focused on three and levitated them over to she and her padawan. With her mind, she gently set them down in front of him.

Now, I want you to focus on one rock. Just one.....focus on it and feel the Force, like you felt when our minds touched. Make yourself see the rock in your mind, and then pick it up with your mind. Sometimes it helps if you close your eyes....

She said gently and motioned for him to try.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:50:24 PM
To him that seemed easy enough. He had done it many times before but that was w/ the darkside at his side.

He tried the best he could and the more he tried the easier ti seemed to move the one rock. After a few minutes of moving the rock up and down he just sat it down lightly,

Apr 6th, 2002, 09:06:02 PM
Xazor clapped for her student and a bright smile danced across her lips.

Well done, my padawan......now, let me ask you. Which branch of the Force do you wish to master? There is Seer, Mentalist, Elementist, and Healer. I am a Mentalist, and I have taken up the practice of an Elementist as well. A Mentalist is one who can alter the mind and create Force illusions. An Elementist is close to nature and can control basic elements of nature. A Seer can see the future as well as the past and present. And a Healer heals all kinds of wounds and injuries. Take your pick!

She smiled brightly, knowing that this was a difficult decsion.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 09:14:17 PM
He sat there a minute and contiplated the question.

" I wish to be a Elementist and a Seer"

Yes that is what he though would best suit him. Hopefully it is the right decision. Probably is though.

Apr 6th, 2002, 09:17:10 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded approvingly.

Very good choices. Before we move onto those things, though, we must first master the basics.

She paced a few steps and stopped before speaking. Suddenly, she picked up a rock with her mind and threw it at her padawan. She turned to face him to see how he would react.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 09:20:42 PM
Instinctivly Clay stopped the rock in mid flight and had it drop to the ground. He was confused for a while why she had done that and realized that it was a test. It's not like she disapproved of me. hopefully.

Apr 6th, 2002, 09:24:07 PM
Xazor clapped once again. She smiled at her padawan. He was making great progress already.

Very well done. Now...you saw the rock coming...but what if you did not? Close your eyes for a moment....

He closed his eyes and she threw two rocks at him with her mind, one on each side of him. This was the true test....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 09:27:15 PM
Clay saw one of them and stopped it but missed the second one and it hit him square in the face. It hurt for a moment but he is able to control the pain.

" Well ouch. that kind of hurt"

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:17:45 PM
This time he hit the first one down using the force but in stead of being wacked up side the head by the second one he reached out with the force and grabbed the second rock. Since he is still inexperienced in using the light side it kind of hurt catching the second rock.

" Well that was hurtful also. But in time i will be able to slow the rock down a bit. Hopefully."

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:32:41 PM
This time he hit the first one down using the force but in stead of being wacked up side the head by the second one he reached out with the force and grabbed the second rock. Since he is still inexperienced in using the light side it kind of hurt catching the second rock.

" Well that was hurtful also. But in time i will be able to slow the rock down a bit. Hopefully."

Apr 6th, 2002, 10:58:12 PM
Xazor smiled to herself. She nodded and crossed her arms over her chest.

Good.......now in order to miss being hit by the rock next time, you must be mindful.....be aware of all around you. Be mindful of the living Force, young one.....

She handed her padawan a rock and closed her eyes. On her command, she instructed him to throw it at her. He did so, and she reached out with the Force. She knew exactly where it was heading, and extended her hand and grabbed it right out of the air. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

You have to use the Force, or you'll get hit every time. You will use the Sphere of Responsibility to do this. The Sphere of Responsibility is what makes you feel the object through the Force. I could feel the rock cutting through the Force.......like a knife through butter. Once you become more adept to the Force, this will become easier. Now, you try again......

She instructed him to close his eyes and she lifted two rocks with the Force and set them flying at him. One to his head, the other to his stomach. She stood in silence and waited for him to react.....

edit: the board says that I didn't post, but I see my post! I hope you see it now...

Apr 6th, 2002, 11:08:05 PM
Xazor clapped lightly and smiled gently on her padawan. He was doing very well.

You will always use the Sphere of Responsibility.......that is the way in the Force to detect things as they come at you......even if you can't see them. Here......use this to deflect the rocks......

She tossed him a bo-staff and he held it like a natural.

I am going to throw some rocks at you, and if you don't want to be hit, you'll block them with the staff. So.....close your eyes......

He closed his eyes and she levetated six rocks in the air and then threw them at him. She stood and waited to see what he would do.....he would have to use the Force to feel the rocks, or he'd get plastered with them.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:28:08 AM
Clay held the staff in his hands and remembered how him and his brother used to do this. How when they began they would always get hit by one or more rocks. They'd laugh...fall to the ground and rest till they begun again.
But it was different this timw. The dark side had no control over him so he had to rely on his new found light side of the force.
He blocked some of them but never lossed sight of them in his mind. He knew where they were so he could dodge them but still bloack the others.
It was difficult but he managed it somehow.

" Well that was interesting." Clay said, " It's harder than it seems, at least when your used to a different side of the force."

Apr 7th, 2002, 09:26:53 PM
Xazor nodded slightly, with a smile.

I understand......I too was once a Sith. It was difficult to fight off my anger and rage.....but I did it and I am positive you will be able to use the light. So now, moving on......

She called the staff to her hand with the Force and placed it against the wall and then returned to her standing position before her padawan.

You seem to understand the Force well, already.....probably because of your previous training. We will move on to more difficult things.

She walked over to the wall and turned around three targets with bullseyes in the middle.

Alright, since you can already levitate a rock, I want you to learn how to pick one up with your mind and use the Force to throw it at a target.

Xazor looked down at the rocks and lifted one with her mind and tossed it at the target with the Force. With great accuracy, she hit the target right in the middle of the bullseye. Smiling, she turned back to her padawan.

Of course you won't get it perfect on your first try......but after practicing for a while, you should be able to hit the target with good accuracy. Now, there are three targets....lift one rock at a time and focus on one of the targets and toss it with the Force. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. Just imagine in your mind, the rock, then imagine it hitting the target. Try to focus the range and then toss it through the Force with as much power as you think needed to reach the target. Do this until you hit it...

She nodded her head toward the three targets and motioned for her padawan to begin.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 7th, 2002, 09:53:39 PM
Clay did as he was told. He picked up one of the rocks pretty well. Through the force he judged the distance and how hard he should throw it. But of course like she said, he wouldn't get it perfect the first time. The rock was straight on the target but fell a little short.

::Only if I would have used more power he thought::

But he didn't let it bother him. So he levitated the next rock. Judged and threw. It hit the target a little to the left and down alot to the bottom of the target it self. He thought to himself,

::At least I hit the target this time::

So he went on to the third target. Again he levitated it, threw, and this time he did a little better. It hit the target about a couple inches below the middle.

::O, so close:: ,he thought.

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:07:13 PM
Xazor clapped for her padawan.

Very good! Great, okay.....now, try to lift two rocks and throw them at the targets. This is much more difficult.....but you are ready.

She had confidence in him. Though he wouldn't get it the first few times.....with practice, he would succeed. She nodded toward the targets for him to try.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:10:55 PM
Again Clay did as he was told. It took a little bit more consentration but he got them both up in the air. He threw them both at two different targets. One hit left of it's target and one hit right of it. Again he thought to him self,

::At least they hit::

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:38:33 PM
Xazor was really impressed with how well her padawan was doing.

You will make a fine Jedi someday.....

She said with confidence in him. She then took out a sack and brought out a pile of ceramic plates. She motioned him to follow her back to the middle of the room and then stopped.

We will now work on moving objects. I will throw a plate into the air and when I say to, you will levitate a rock with the Force and throw it at the plate. You will not get it the first time....so don't be disappointed. We will do this until you get it.

She threw the first plate into the air and then looked to him.


Ulic Dennatta
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:47:36 PM
Imediately he levitated the rock and threw. But he missed it...by a long shot. The plate was to fast for him.

:: but o well:: he thought :: she said i would miss so i guess we will keep trying::

His master levitated another plate, Clay threw the rock, and again missed. About 20 more times the plates were levitated till he finnally hit one, but barely hit it. He almost missed.But the next plate he hit right on.

:: Well ya:: He thought to himself.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:05:30 AM
ooc: Sorry bout that my brother is being an ass. He thinks he knows exactly what i am going to say. well i'll show him. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Clay Dennatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:07:22 AM
Imediately he levitated the rock and threw. But he missed it...by a long shot. The plate was to fast for him.

:: but o well:: he thought :: she said i would miss so i guess we will keep trying::

His master levitated another plate, Clay threw the rock, and missed again. About 10 more times the plates were levitated till he finnally hit one. He almost missed, but the next plate he hit right on.

:: Well yippy:: He thought to himself.

Ulic Dennatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:12:02 AM
ooc: i swear to god boy i will come over there.

ic: Off in a corner, deep in the shadows Ulic watches his brother practice. He see's how well he is progressing and how happy he seems.

"one of these days i might have to spar him" Thought Ulic.

He continued to watch his brother unnoticed.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:16:48 AM
ooc: god i hate you (joking way), i swear one of these days when i know i can kick your ass i will.

in: Clay just kept throwing rocks like nobodys business and he kept getting better and better at it.

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:10:59 PM
Xazor clapped for her padawan.

Great! No....we will move into more difficult things. You will close your eyes and I will throw a plate. When you feel that it is the right time, levitate the rock and hit the plate with it. The only way to do this, is to use the Force. Feel where the plate is with the Sphere of Responsibility and then focus where it will be. Throw the rock with the Force and if you calculate it correctly, you'll hit it!

Xazor motioned for him to close his eyes and he did.....then she threw the first plate into the air and stood back, waiting for his reaction.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:29:10 PM
Clay did as he was told like always, and closed his eyes. He felt through the force a plate rise and start to fly around. He waited a few seconds then levitated a rock and threw it. He missed but barely. He didn't realize he missed though till he opened his eyes. His mind had lost consintration and he thought of something else so he wasn't able to tell if he hit it or not. But even with his failure he kept doing it till he started to hit the plates. It took him a few times but he got it none the less.

Apr 9th, 2002, 07:48:15 PM
Xazor smiled brightly. Her padawan was well versed in the basics of the Force. She would now give him a challenge that would not be so easily mastered.

Very good! Okay.....now we will move onto a new exercise.

She put the remaining plates away and took out a small hover droid. She pressed three buttons and it turned on and began floating in the air. She looked at her padawan who appeared a bit nervous now,

This droid is set to stun mechanism. It will fire shots at you.....and you are to levitate a rock...or a few rocks and hit him with them to detour the shot. If you fail, you will be hit and it will sting. The sting will last for a day but it will be a constant reminder to be more aware of the Force and your surroundings....now, we will do this activity sighted first.....keep your eyes open but use the Force.

She nodded and pressed another button on the droid. It loaded several shots and then began firing. This would be an interesting test.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:54:49 PM
Right away Clay used the force to be more aware of his surroundings. He used the rocks like told and threw them in the direction of the blasts. But after a couple throws his rock missed one of the blasts and hit him right on the arm as he was roling to avoid it. He thought to himself

" I need to be more aware and not get sidetracked with what to do next or byt the time were done i will be in a lot of stinging pain."

So he just kept all thoughts back and stayed aware in the force. He got hit a couple more times but he thought he did good overall. Next time though he won't get hurt he was shure of it.

Apr 9th, 2002, 08:09:08 PM
Xazor clapped for her student. He had done just as she had her first time with the droid.

Very good.....now, the blasts will be more rapid.....but keep your head clear and we shall do fine.

She pressed the button again and made the droid double up on speed. This would be a challenge not so easily faced by her padawan....but she knew that after a while, he would succeed. After all....one can only take so much pain.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 08:56:41 PM
The blasts were faster than Clay had expected. He got hit a couple of times but didn't let it affect him. He was constintatly rolling and jumping and dodging the blasts while at the same time throwing the rocks. This time he was able to keep his mind clear of all thought except that of the force. After a while the droid stopped and Clay was ready for the next test.

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:02:03 PM
Very good......

Xazor said as she turned the droid off and stashed it away in the sack she had brought with her. She then remembered something and pulled out a package. Smiling brightly, she turned to her padawan and handed it to him.

It's a gift from me to you....

She said as he took it in his hands. Inside was a set of traditional Jedi robes, a pair of boots, and a silver weapons belt. As he unwrapped the package, Xazor began to speak of the next lesson.

Alright.....now that you have a good understanding of the basics, we shall move into the branches of the Force. Though you did not choose to master healing, we shall begin with that....it is most important if you are injured to heal your wounds so you can continue with the path set before you.......

Xazor stopped, awaiting his reaction to the gift before she continued with the lesson. She hoped he liked them.....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:09:12 PM
Although he was greatful of the gift, brown just wasn't his color. But they were nice any way and he thanked his Master greatly for them.

" Thank you for these, starting tommarrow i will wear them."

He waited for his master's response and also waited to begin his next phase in his training.

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:13:59 PM
Xazor smiled brightly, relieved that he liked the Jedi outfit.

I am glad you like them......now, we shall begin a new phase of training.

She lifted the sack of training items and laid it against the wall.....she would need nothing in there now. She walked back to her padawan and sat on the ground. Taking out her dagger and lightsaber she looked up at him.

Now we shall begin healing for it is very important. Above all else.....besides putting others before yourself....you must always take care of you.

She smiled gently and took her dagger in her right hand. Looking down at her left, she carefully made a deep incision. Blood rushed forth from the cut and she could see the discomfort in her padawan's eyes.

What would you do for something like this?

She knew the answer.....and knew he did not know.....but she wanted to see what he would say, before she did any healing....

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:21:25 PM
" ummmmm..... accelerate healing by using the force. I think thats right."

He was probably worng but he didn't care that much. He would learn all in due time.

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:32:32 PM
Xazor smiled as she watched his eyes stay focused on the deep wound. It hurt badly, but it was the only way to teach this lesson.

You are partly right......watch......

With that, she placed her right hand over the cut. Calling on the Force, she pushed a healing wave into her arm and visualized the blood stopping and the flesh binding together. She imagined the tissue joining to the places they went and the blood vessles falling into place once again, unsevered. All of this happened in only a few seconds and she removed her hand......the wound gone and only a slight scar remained...almost unvisible. She looked up at her padawan who seemed almost amazed and smiled.

That is how you do it. What you must do, is focus deeply on the Force. Control it and send it into the wound. In your mind, you must do the repair job. Visualize the blood stopping and the flesh binding together. All of the tissues and blood vessles falling into place and so on.....that is how you heal things like cuts and deep gashes. Because you are not going to master this area, you will not be able to heal very severe things like a limb that has been completely severed. There are several other things that you must learn in healing.....but you will learn on your own in time. I am not going to poison us to see if we can heal it, and I am not going to cut off your arm to experiment with that.

She laughed to herself and saw his smile. She then took her dagger and made another incision on the top of her arm. This one was a bit deeper and would not be easily healed by the Force.

Now.......this one is not going to be so easy to heal. I will show you something that will come in handy, though.....

She placed her dagger in the holster on her belt and then picked up her lightsaber from the ground. Running her finger over the ignition switch, a beautiful light blue beam shot forth from the silver hilt.

Now....in order to minimize the bleeding, you can cauterize the wound.....

She demonstrated this for him. Taking her saber, she got pretty close to the cut until she was just a few centimeters from the skin. After going over it several times, the wound was completely cauterized and would just need to be bandaged now. She took out some medical tape and did so, carefully bandaging the wound.

This is what you would do.....if you had time. If you, then you'd have to let it go until you do....understand?

She wanted to make sure he did not have any questions before they moved on.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:38:13 PM
" Yes i do understand"

ooc: not to be rude but just so you know i won't be that amazed at things like that. I was a dark lord for my brother you know. just because there's never anyone at the site dosen't mean we haven't ever trained and defeated the crap out of people in battle rooms and such.

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:46:29 PM
ooc: I didn't know your history....just assuming the basics like most other people. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">


Xazor nodded and rose to her feet.

Good, then. For now, your training will end for this day. I want you to meet me in the temple gardens tomorrow morning at eight standard hours. We shall begin your elementist training then. For now, get some rest or explore the Jedi Base if you wish......

She smiled and bowed to her padawan.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:48:32 PM
ooc: ya it's all good, sorry if that came out rude, i didn't mean it to be.

ic: "I will see you at 8 then, good night master"

Apr 9th, 2002, 10:10:32 PM
ooc: No, I didn't take it as being rude. There is always misunderstandings in life..... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">


Xazor began to walk away and as she did, she called over her shoulder to him.

And you too.....sleep well, my padawan.

With that, she disappeared through the large doors of the Academy....