View Full Version : Force Training for Aura Allei

Aura Allei
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:31:16 AM
Aura awaits Jedi Master Sage Hazzard for her training sessions, while her Master Jubei has been detained with pressing business at the GJO.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2002, 05:44:42 PM
Sage appeared in a sparkle of light. Was he there the entire time? Who knew?

"Aura Allei, as you know, Jubei is unavalible for training. I have taken his place for the time being. If I teach anything that contradicts Jubei, please inform me and I will elaborate on the two seperate ideals and outlooks on the subject."

Sage sat down on a rather large rock. It supported his weight well and his feet almost dangled from the levitation it offered.

"To fully grasp the Force, you must accomplish inner-peace. Yes, the Force can be an excellent tool in righting wrongs, but must we not be content with ourselves before we can help others? I start our training by giving you the building blocks for bringing peace and comfort to your mind, becoming one with the Force. I ask you, what haunts you the most? Do you have any past demons?"

Aura Allei
Apr 1st, 2002, 02:53:49 PM
Aura respired at his question, as it forced her to access painful memories of a time that almost sealed her fate, pilfering her past and knowledge.

"Yes, Master Sage, there is one that haunts me daily," she sighed as he lofted a brow at her antiphon.

"I am not sure if you are aware of my past perils at the hands of Sith Master Jedah Lynch of the Sith Empire. He spared my life sensing I could be turned to his damnable realm. I was at death's aperture. Amazingly enough, he placed me unconscious by a medical technician, and left me there, drained of most of my blood. This was after he attacked me with lightning blasts, and procured and prodded my mind, draining me of a my life's essence. I have no doubts our paths shall intercept again in the future," she commented with a pessimistic air.

"What you ask is to extricate a demon from my conscious that already has been deeply rooted and intertwined with my altered being. I may have to become a Master before I can eject him from my mind, and seek the total peace and serenity a Jedi strives for."

Sage sensed her inner turmoil, as he scrutinized the disturbed Padawan before him.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:31:04 PM
Sage nodded.

"I know well how past transgressions can aggrevate the future. Do not dispare, all will be revealed to you in time. You will conqueur the demons, there is no doubt. I see that I must teach you enough for you to grow more confident. Maybe then you will be able to face your perils head on, hmm?"

Sage motioned towards the trees around them.

"The basics of the Force are comprised of the Living and Unifying Force. These are titles we give this mysterious energy so that we may distinguish what the different aspects are. Such as when I move something with the Force, it is the Unifying kind. When I sense something, or feel something, it is the Living Force. Let me ask you, how would you go about bringing moisture to this humble forest so that you may refresh the flora?" Sage was learned once that a great teacher does not teach, but guides. "How would you think it to be accomplished? Are there multiple ways?"

Aura Allei
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:22:21 PM
Aura turned towards Sage, lofting a brow, perplexed at his inquest.

"Isn't that nature's task to feed its aborigine?"

She paused, as he was not looking for a question following a question.

"What you ask is not of a Padawan's capabilities. I was a Knight. My past is only an illusion now, thousands of memories drowned in a peculating sea. If I had retained the cultivation of a Knight, I would alter the atmosphere, where a meaureable amount of humidity, conflicting with the present elements, would summon a shower of rain."

Sage could tell she was not at peace as a Padawan. Her violent past only added to her reluctance to embrace her new trials and tribulations as a Jedi Learner.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:47:56 AM
Sage smiled. "But let us say a poor world has no rain, it needs crops to survive. You first need to learn the basics, then even a Padawan can do wonderous things. And how do you expect to become a Knight if you do not start practicing what a Knight can do? How do you think us Jedi learn to accomplish what we can do? Through training. You first need the basics however, especially for this task.

The Jedi Master started to explain the 'basics' in full detail.

"Molecules make up every living thing, the Force connects them. With the Force, you can detect and see these building blocks of nature. Then you can use the Force to move the molecules. Pull the water from the clouds down onto the earth, nature will take it from there. Or, you could take a bit of the molecules from the river and bring it through the forest, making a refreshing mist. Or perhaps you could speed up the molecules in the mud around you, making the water rise. This would create humidity," Sage explained. "Although through the Living Force you could simply bring a refreshing burst of renewal to the forest, giving the forest a part of your strength."

Aura Allei
Apr 4th, 2002, 07:37:20 PM
The Padawan nodded.

"If only I could remember, I know I could do that. But what you speak of should be in the advanced capablilities of a Jedi Master, not a Knight. Am I not correct?"

Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:43:48 AM
Sage laughed. Rank? What did rank matter?

"Rank does not matter, Aura. Example: if a schoolgirl were to study strictly biomechanics since kindergarden, nothing else, would she not be an expert by the time she entered a college? What you learn now and work on, will be the building blocks for the future."

Sage lifted a pebble.

"I have no doubt you have encountered this test before. You raise the pebble with the Force, correct? Well, all you are doing is moving the collective molecules that make up the pebble and moving them throughout the molecules that make up the air. So imagine instead of the air and pebbles, the pebble is a molecule inside a pebble. With practice you should be able to manipulate the molecules of a mass as easily as you manipulate a pebble."

Size matters not. From an x-wing stuck in a swamp, to a tiny molecule.

"But let us move onto something that you can grasp and utilize instantly, for this is important also. You should begin work on the larger, long term goals, such as the molecular manipulation, while working on short term goals such as Force Strength."

Sage walked to a tree.

"Do not fear for this tree, it will be mended by me later. For now, it will serve as a tool for your learning. Force Strength can be accomplished two ways. One, is the strengthening of molecular and cellular strands. For instance, when someone throws a stone at me, I strengthen my ab muscles and the rock does not scratch me, but that is advanced for a Padawan. Although, as I stated before, you must work on long term goals as you progress through short term goals."

Sage put a hand on the tree.

"The easiest way to accomplish strength, is to use your medo-clorians. Although this doesn't stop a rock from killing you, it does make a strike more powerful. Obsearve."

Sage raised his leg, he stuck out and the tree snapped in two. It was only 7 meters tall, so it didn't endanger anyone.

"Now, how I did that is this: I reached into the Force. After doing so, I found looked inward. Tiny voices will fill your head, they are the midi-clorians. They are the middle men to the Force in an essence. Instruct them, non verbally, the task you wish to accomplish. They will take it from there. Try on the pole."

Sage had set up a five meter tall wooden pole. It wasn't incredibly thick or strong, it was a practice pole in essence.

Aura Allei
Apr 5th, 2002, 11:08:57 AM
Aura could not concentrate on Jedi Master Sage's lessons. His remark at her inability to grasp his approach, sparked a festering agitation in her. She spoke of his previous remark.

"Xazor has reached Knighthood. If it were not for that debased Sith Master, I would have retained my honed attunement with the Force as a Knight. A Knight is a Jedi who has been proven to be worthy of their rank through an accumulation of trials. This I am sure you are aware of."

Sage sensed something that has been stirring up inside of Aura for a long time. She was in danger of the same thing Xazor expelled from her soul.

. ..Anger.. .

She was finally unleashing the dark emotion. Her friend reaching Knighthood only magnified the feeling she stifled for so long. She bustled over to the forest.

Closing her eyes, Aura compiled her focus on the foliage about her, then to the loam. Raising her right hand, the mist off the leaves and the water from an underground spring evaporated, dispersed into the empyrean. A passing grey cloud was interjoined with an array of others, forming a long dismal formation. A crack of thunder introduced a light drizzle, then, a teeming downpour. Sage's smile at her accomplishment was transferred to one of worry, as he sensed her alteration of deportment.

Three lightning bolts crashed into the ground encircling the two. Aura then opened her eyes, now a deep shade of midnight blue.

"Is this what you wanted?" She growled, storming off into the jungle.

Her midi-chlorian count had always been high, but she was in danger of falling prey to the Darkside, as was Xazor.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2002, 04:53:56 PM
Sage never believed in rank. When he got the title of Master he simply smiled and waved. He always knew his training would never stop. Although he did see the importance that others put into this title, so he did what he could.

Had she used the Darkside? The Darkside was easier to tap into than the Light. Did that explain the way she suddenly seemed to Master the skill? Sage didn't need to cup his mouth as he yelled to her, he used the Force to strenghten his words.

"Why do you run Padawan? Do you run in fear that your anger will be seen? I have too touched the Darkside. I have to wanted to be greater than I am, and in that I found great dispair in the fact I could never accomplish my goals."

Sage sighed.

"If you run now, away from your issues, you will never stop running. You must trust me on this. Please, come back and voice your problems."

Aura Allei
Apr 5th, 2002, 05:18:15 PM
Aura ceased her gait, pondering on his keen insight. She never knew he walked the Darkside. She returned only to answer for her callous actions.

"Please forgive me, Master Sage. I have not been myself since the attack by that Sith Master. His power was overwhelming," she paused adding further.

"Please...You must help me retain the Light before its too late. Could you handle the dismal fact in having to slay me some day? You might, I have forseen it in meditation."

She studied his reaction intently.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 03:35:09 AM
Sage nodded, not changing his facial expression one bit.

"I most certainly could. If you were to turn, I'd already consider you dead. I would kill you without thought."

Sage smiled warmly.

"Let us address that issue when it comes. First, you must train to become strong enough in the Light Side to combat the Darkness on your own."

Aura Allei
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:37:00 AM
His curt dispatch frosted her carriage, as she turned away from him briefly considering the future. If she would not turn, the Sith Master would eventually claim her life with his affiance. If she chose the dark path, her fate would be administered by Master Sage. Aura shook her head, adamant not to allow fear to rule her existence.

"I am ready, Master Sage. Let us hope the Force will be with me, so you will not be impelled to deliver my demise, and cast a stain upon your soul," she spoke with a whisper, meeting his stringent countenance.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:46:16 AM
He knew too well how the Force can stain a person's soul. He had several scars on his soul already, ones that still needed mending. The Force was a cruel vengence seeker, always looking to balance the universe out. Everytime Sage took a life, he grew in agony.

"Then, do as I instructed. Break the pole if you dare."

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:41:06 AM
She smiled.

"Yes, Master Sage, but I do this with no daring intent."

Aura sized up the towering pole standing a meter away. Taking a deep breath, she raced towards her objective, planting a resolute foot into its base. The pole shook, desending like a fallen giant. Moving towards its midpoint, she shot up her right foot for a vertical kick, splintering it in perfect halves.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:33:37 AM
Sage nodded approvingly.

"Now, how do you repair the damage you just did? You may not have the means to do so as of now, but what would those means be to accomplish this end?"

OOC - Sorry for the slow reply. I've been swamped with RPs and have been busy in RL.

Aura Allei
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:43:26 AM
Without answering him, Aura veiled her eyes. The Padawan's centralization was riveted on the twin poles. Raising her right hand, Force energy was immigrating through the poles' inner particles. Splinters were fused together, pulled back by an unseen magnetic surge, knitting the damage, as one by one the fibers were repaired, till the two emerged as one, exhibiting only a sealed crack at the point of impact.

Aura let out a heavy sigh as she took a seat, meditating to regain her strength, appropriated by the ardous exercise. She was finally regaining her Force powers that were once thought unreachable, cast down a bottomless pit of hypomnesia.

OOC: no problemo

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:25:55 AM
Sage smiled.The pole was once part of a tree, so it was naturally connected both through the Force and it's own plant symbiosis. The Jedi Master stroked it, envoking a reaction that the pole had in it all along. It sped up it's natural healing process to cover the crack. The Padawan had done well, and now Sage was making sure the living organism inside the stick would live.

"Well done, Padawan," The Jedi Master said with a healthy grin. "What does your tired body feel like? I would like to hear it in your words. To understand why and how we are tired, is to begin the process of strengthening our endurance."

OOC - I hope you don't mind but, that the fight with Vice Hazzard will have to be postponed. I'm incredibly busy in RL. My school year is approaching the end, and so I have to buckle down and get it done. And I'm swamped with multiple RPs. So we'll pick it up in about a week okay? :)

Aura Allei
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:43:55 AM
Aura glanced up at him as if she were whole again, with a firm grasp on her past. She then stood.

"It is time I reclaimed my past, Master Sage. I thankyou for the spars and your adept tutelage. I now know where my first Master is waiting. I must take Guardian to the Noble Warrior's of Light clan, and meet with my compatriots," she paused briefly.

"Truth, purity, civility, compassion, understandment, kindness, sympathy; all these I know are part of the Jedi make up. I am a Sentinel of Justice. It is time I serve as one."

The Sentinel bowed to Master Sage Hazzad, and left the training area for her steed.

OOC:I am leaving the GJO to be on my own, perhaps to meet others like myself, and form something unique in RPG. The future will tell. Good luck and thanks. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">