View Full Version : I wish to spar - Aura Allei

Helenias QDunn
Apr 7th, 2002, 08:09:26 AM
Would you care to to do so with me?

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:07:51 AM
Aura nodded with a smile to Helenias.

"But of course. What weapons shall you employ?"

Helenias QDunn
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:47:03 AM
"My usual to start with. My Force Pike. And yourself?"

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 09:06:13 AM
"2 single light sabers", she answered. "I understand you were trained as a Royal Guard. This shall indeed be a weighty challenge."

She bowed to Helenias, and unclipped both Mandalorion iron hilts at her belt. Activating the hidden niches, cores of magenta and coral yellow spit forth in radiant unison, following with an audible buzz. Her right magenta saber was positioned vertically before her upper torso, as her left lance was descending diagonally before her lower right leg, now ahead of the other in a defensive stance.

Helenias QDunn
Apr 9th, 2002, 05:22:17 AM
Twin sabres. Usually I had seen twin weapons used badly, but for once I saw someone whohad some idea of a way to use them properly. That was good.

"Yes, I was indeed one of the Royal Imperal Guard. The only woman to be so. Many Jedi before i came here found out the truth to that"

I stood upright, bringing the Pike to face as a salute. I then dropped into a defensive stance, one hand open and held outwards as if I was commanding somethign to stop, the other holding the Pike upright behind me. My eyes were level with hers and I stared at her, daring Aura to attack first.

Aura Allei
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:25:27 PM
Aura stood her ground, awaiting the attack by the ex Royal Guard, present Jedi Knight of the GJO, wife to the Jedi Warlord of the order. She sensed Helenias egging her on with her intimidating bearing, yet remained intrepid before her seasoned opponent.

"Please, attack like you would if I were an enemy. I need the pracice if I am ever to attain Knighthood. Not to mention, it will pose quite an enlightening experience to face a previous Royal Guard."

Helenias QDunn
Apr 10th, 2002, 07:10:24 AM
"If you were an enemy, I would wait to see what you do first. I rarely if ever attack if I am uncertain of what my opponent will do. If I am resonably sure then I will"

I put my hand to my hip and drew out my sabre - lately modified to glow a muted green, not red as it once had. The Sith primarily used red bladed. I did not wish to be mistaken for one in any way. Even if I rarely used a sabre, I tended to find them a hinderance, not an advantage. One handed, I drew the glowing blade up in a defensive position, the Pike now held lower and pointing backwards. Lunging forward, I used the sabre like a rapier, attacking and reaching forward with the point directed at Aura's hip.

Aura Allei
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:14:48 PM
Artfully pivoting on her left foot swinging her right leg behind, Aura spun away from the emerald core 90 degrees clockwise, as it neared her right hip. She maneuvered her right saber's blade underneath her opponent's to rake it up over their heads, elevating her left saber up in a back handed arc to Helenias's throat, as the ascending core neared its objective.

Helenias QDunn
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:48:36 PM
I took a timed step back, the second blade passing by my throat. I continued to step back, turning my body so that I was side on, giving Aura far less of a target and also removing the majority sideways movement from my parries. This allowed my blade to respond faster as I had less area to cover, while moving backward lessened to opportunity from an undefendable twin blade strike. For now, I was content to defend and study the style of my opponent. The Pike remained in the hand behind me, for now unused.

Aura Allei
Apr 13th, 2002, 07:41:22 AM
Aura ambled forward to Helenias, till she was 5 feet from her vicinity. Lowering her left saber, a meter in length, her arm extended at a similar distance, she lashed out disgonally down at both thighs, mid area. Her opponent's side on adjacency afforded her the opportunity at her aft side.

While Helenias was engrossed in that evasive maneuver, Aura positioned her right saber on a 45 degree angle outward to her right, analyzing her challenger's movements, prepared to strike, sliding in the blade a mere 1/3 of a meter, as she paced in, closing the gap between them, leaving little chance to avoid without the obstruction of a weapon.

In a screaming flick of magenta, her right saber soared towards Helianias' midsection, horizontally in an upwards arc, so the move was meant to cleave through and out her upper torso. If Helen flipped, then her appendages would be the chosen target.

Aura Allei
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:25:45 PM
With a smile, both sabers were deactivated, as she bowed to Helenias.

"I must go. My past is beckoning me to claim it. I cannot ignore it any longer. Perhaps, some day, we may spar again."

Fastening the hilts to her belt, Aura left the training area, leaving her opponent bewildered at her sudden exit. Her future would reside with the Noble Warrior's of Light, as a Jedi Sentinel.