View Full Version : Show me the way....(Syrius Cline)

Apr 6th, 2002, 12:22:04 PM
Xazor sat in the middle of the jungle, looking all around her. It was very beautiful there....and the Force seemed almost stronger in the desolate place. She smiled as the sun beamed down on her and warmed her body in the cool of the morning. Today would mark the beginning of training for her newest padawan, Syrius Cline. She had requested his presence....here, in the jungle. She felt it was better to train out here today, especially since the weather was lovely. Shifting her legs into indian-style, Xazor remained sitting on a large boulder, waiting for her padawan learner to arrive.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:37:51 PM
Syrius's face was distorted in a curious smile. His leather jacket, he soon found, would not favor well with the humidity the forest offered. So he had taken it off and held it loosely in his hand, draped over his shoulder.

"Why in the world are we in the bloody Amazon?"

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:44:38 PM
Xazor grinned, her Garou canines showing slightly.

I work well in nature and I think you will benifit from it also. The Force is more....concentrated out here. Now, please sit, right there is fine....

She motioned for the boulder across from the one she was seated on. She smiled gently on Syrius when she could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable.

Now....our first lesson shall commence. Please, tell me your name in full, your home planet, your age, and what you know of the Force...

She motioned for him to begin her verbal survey.

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:09:16 AM
Syrius sighed, taking a deep breath.

"Syrius Rehla Cline, Alderaan, 32, absolutely nothing."

Syrius smiled, pleased with his matter of fact answers.

Apr 7th, 2002, 12:19:49 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded. At least he was honest about the Force......

The Force is what binds everything together. It runs through me, you, that rock, the tree.....everything. There are two sides to the Force......the light and the dark sides. The Jedi....or the lightsiders, use the Force for good things and are out to protect and serve the galaxy.....the Sith.....they manipulate the Force and harness their anger and rage to make themselves powerful to destory and kill. Do you understand?

She didn't want to go any further if he had unanswered questions....

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:23:04 AM
Syrius had a blank expression on his face. This made no sense. Things in his world were never black and white.

"Well, is everything so prim and proper? I mean, white and black, and that is that, sounds like rubbish to me. Also, what is the Force? It might be around us, and unify us, but that doesn't tell me squat about what it is. Is it a lifeform or what?"

Apr 7th, 2002, 12:26:42 AM
Xazor sighed, she would have been better off talking to a wall just now. She smiled, trying to keep her spirit up and that of her padawan.

No....the Force is not a living thing. It is a.......it's like a river of power that flows through living things. See.....inside of you are midichlorians....microscopic beings that live in your cells. You form a symbian relationship with them, for without them, you would not hear the Force speak to you.....and without them, all living things would die off....

She hoped her answer was not as vague to him as it sounded to her. There was so much to tell of the Force, that there was almost too much information.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:40:42 AM
Syrius nodded slowly. He had heard some insane old man babbling on about midi-clorians once.

"Alright.... I understand, I guess."

He didn't like the idea of beings living inside him, but he accepted it for now. He had to believe in some of the things he was told if he ever hoped to grasp the big picture.

"Go on."

Apr 7th, 2002, 09:32:55 PM
Now.....I know you are Force sensitive and I want us to build on that. In order to feel the Force, fully, you must have a clear mind. Think of nothing, but feel the Force and listen to it....

She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, feeling pure joy flowing throughout her body. She became fully connected with the Force and felt totally at peace. She opened her eyes and smiled at Syrius, then reached out her mind and touched his.

I want you to do the same as me. Clear your mind and hear nothing but the Force. You will feel joy and love....do not focus on the other things in life.

She instructed softly, motioning for him to do the same.

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 10:36:39 PM
Syrius nodded somewhat hesitantly. Was it that easy? Just clear your mind and wammo? He did as intructed, despite his reservations.

"Alright then."

Syrius layed his jacket across his lap. His hands now free, he shook his arms to loosen the tension. Slowly, he closed his eyelids. He tried to block out all exterior thoughts. Although he still wasn't sure exactly what the Force was, he tried to touch it regardless.... nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He opened his eyes for a quick second, almost admitting defeat. Then, he gritted his teeth and went back into the darkness of his eyelids. He reached out, almost to the point where his body leapt from the place he sat and..... Nothing. He opened his eyes again.

"Damn! This is a lot bloody harder than you make it out to be."

OOC - In about five minutes(when my post should be up), check the garage. Do it before you post back.

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:55:45 PM
This was becomming quite frustrating to Xazor. She could not see what was making it so hard for him.

Tell me, my padawan......what can I do to make this task clearer? Am I not explaining it well? Is something bothering you?

She had to know.....otherwise this difficulty would never cease.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:14:54 PM
Syrius laughed frustrated.

"Well, it's not a bloody parlor trick. I can't just dive into the Force. Do you kiss a girl as soon as you see her? No, you've got to get to know her, or else she'll slap you in the face and send you on your -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. I don't even know what the bloody Force is. Okay, it connects things, but how in the world do you connect with the bloody mess?"

Apr 8th, 2002, 05:16:07 PM
This was definatly going to be more difficult than she thought. Xazor sighed and folded her hands in her lap. She smiled gently on her padawan.

Okay.....I will try to explain it differently. Do you remember how it felt when I spoke in your mind...and you understood what I said later? That is the Force.....you were in the Force at that moment! Now, we must do the same thing here. To get into the Force...you must clear your mind...think of nothing. This may be difficult..but you must train yourself to concentrate. Close your eyes and breath deeply and feel the Force. Let's try again.......

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Though she did not really need to do this to penetrate the Force.....she did it for his benifit as an example. She then reached out her senses and touched his mind with hers once again.

Do you feel it?

She let her words float through his mind and senses so that he could get the same feeling he had when she first spoke in his mind....

Syrius Cline
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:43:11 AM
Syrius felt that familar tingling that soon grew to a rumble. He gritted his teeth as it hurt a rather good deal.

"Could you lighten up on the mental speak, love? You're giving me a bloody tumor."

Syrius shook his head.

"I see that you're skill Xazor, but that doesn't help me. You speaking into my mind doesn't mean I can use the Force, it just means that you can speak in my mind. Now, I trust you when you say I have potential, but I'm not seeing it. I mean, is it really as easy as you say? Just clear your noggin' and you'll suddenly feel the Force?"

Apr 9th, 2002, 01:20:35 PM
Yes...clear your mind...feel joy and love...feel completely at peace with yourself and then extend your senses to the Force. It is not much more difficult than that....

She felt badly for him. He was having the most difficult time with this simple exercise. She sighed and fell into the Force once again, motioning for him to try...try harder....

Syrius Cline
Apr 9th, 2002, 01:51:49 PM
It wasn't a simple exercise. Syrius had felt at peace before, had his eyes closed before while feeling loved, and he never felt this Force. What did it feel like anyway? He knew what the void of his mind felt like when he struggled to think of nothing, but that negative space was not filled with peace or love, or anything.

Slowly, he closed his eyes...... nothing. Nothing at all. Syrius was growing frustrated. He leapt from his seat, on a humble rock, and punched the air. He was more enraged at himself then the ficticious man he had just clocked.

"Bloody hell! This--this-- Ah, damn it all!"

Syrius shook his head violently. When he saw the concern his Master was showing, he tried to slow his anger enough to talk.

"Tell me more about the Jedi and the Force. History, meaning, goals, duties, everything bloody bit."

Syrius sat disappointedly on the rock again, now sitting on his jacket.

Apr 9th, 2002, 08:03:09 PM
Xazor sighed and closed her eyes. Bringing her hands up, she rested her head in them. She pushed her hair back and looked at Syrius. She was not doing a very good job of explaining this. It seemed so easy when her Master had shown her how.....

Okay....I will tell you all that I know.

She sighed once again and folded her hands in her lap.

The Jedi are the peacekeepers of the galaxy. We are not out to fight.....but to bring peace. The only way to the Force is through this peace....through love and kindness. The Sith do not believe this and use anger instead. Anger, fear, and agression lead to the darkside of the Force, where you do not want to go. You see......we are what someone might say.....the good guys. Understand?

He nodded slightly and she continued.

The Jedi have such a long history.....I do not know all of it yet. There have been several great Jedi Masters such as Qui-Gon Jinn....Obi-Wan Kenobi.....and Luke Skywalker. Others came before them, though. Master Yoda was a great Jedi who taught many students the way of the Force. It was from his teachings and the teachings of others that brought the Jedi to where they are today. Peace, love, and tranquility are what we feed off of. We must bring these things to the galaxy otherwise it wall fall into pure chaos.

She thought for a moment and gathered her words once again before continuing.

The Jedi's objectives and goals are to bring and keep peace in the universe. There are several enimies out there that are trying to corrupt and destroy the galaxy.....but it is our job to protect the innocent and aid the helpless......

She crossed her legs indian style once again and sighed slightly. She did not know if she was telling him all he wanted to know...or not. But she hoped in her heart that she was.

The Jedi have a code and it states: "There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; There is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force. The peace and justice of the Galaxy will be guarded, and all life in any form is and will be respected. For my ally is the Force, and I use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness, and defend it from the Dark Side. I have dedicated my life to the Truth, I am the Light - I am a JEDI"

She took a deep breath after reciting the code and smiled. She had tried to explain everything as best as she could.

Now.....knowing all of that, you might understand the Force better. See.....the Force is not a physical object that you can feel with your hands. It is like the wind, you can see the effects that it has. Watch...

Xazor looked across the jungle and called on the Force. She felt the wind pick up and there was a light rustling noise heard. Suddenly, thousands of leaves came rushing together in a cyclone around she and her padawan. She smiled brightly as the leaves picked up speed and rotated clockwise around them. All at once, everything stopped and the leaves fell to the ground in various piles around the area they were training in.

You did not actually see me do anything.....I used the Force and controlled small elements of nature. That is what the Force is....something to aid the abilities you already have and make them stronger so that they have a greater effect. When you try to fall into the Force with your mind.....think of it more as a bath. You must totally give yourself over to it and just drench yourself in it. In your mind, think of pulling it over you.....like a set of robes.......which reminds me.....

Xazor reached behind her and pulled out a medium sized package.

I thought that you might feel more at home in these.......

She smiled and handed the package to him. It contained traditional Jedi robes, a pair of boots, and a weapons belt. She grinned as he began to open it. As he tore off the packaging, she continued speaking.

In order to progress in training, you must understand everything I have told you. Do you have any questions? Is anything unclear that you might not grasp quite yet?

She asked with a gentle smile. She hoped he liked the gift.....though he did not look like one to wear them, she thought she would make the attempt. She hoped he would.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 10th, 2002, 12:50:45 AM
Syrius liked the robes. They were black, with a slight hue of blue. His color. She had done her homework.

"Luke Skywalker, brother of Leia. Of course, I know her stories."

Suddenly this triggered dreams of childhood. Dreams he had once forgotten. Dreams of being a Jedi like Princess Organa/Solo. Suddenly, he put his doubts aside... unknowingly, this was the key to his connection to the Force. Before, he had doubt, which stopped his true submersion into the Force. Now, he welcomed it.

"No. No questions. Lets get to work."

Syrius closed his eyes again, incredibly quickly. So quickly that Xazor had to catch up by quickly closing her eyes. It was a sudden change in mood that was not expected.

In the complete void inside his mind, he was at a sort of peace. He opened his heart to the Force now, instead of searching for it. He wanted to be a Jedi now, remembering the reason he had dreamed to be on as a child. In fact, it was the same ambition that led him to be a detective. He wanted to help people.

The wave hit him hard mentally, yet he did not budge. It was welcomed with open arms. It was odd, he could see things around him... but they were hazy. It felt like he had his eyes partially open, but not enough to make out anything. It was more of a regonition of the things. Only through more training could he visualize the objects. Now, they were like fuzzy pictures in the back of his mind. He was now, although partially, connected to the Force.

"Wait a darn minute," Syrius exclaimed. "Now I know why you Jedi take this so seriously. I feel.... extremely well."

It wasn't a breakthrough, only a tiny crack. He was only beginning to relise his full potential. It felt much like his hunches. Like he knew what was around him, but didn't see them. He also couldn't fully make them out. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

Apr 10th, 2002, 05:47:49 PM
Xazor grinned and clapped her hands together. She could feel Syrius in the Force and from his expression, knew that he had felt it.


She said, losing her concentration. She smiled and tried to be quiet for a moment as she refocused, closing her eyes and falling back into the Force. Once again, she touched his mind gently and spoke in his head.

Now......you are in the Force, not completely yet, but you are. Concentrate harder and clear your mind completely.......just keep in your heart the feeling that brought you to this point but magnify that....

She spoke softly in his mind as to not startle him too much that he fell out of concentration. She was so happy for him right now.....

Syrius Cline
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:53:37 AM
Syrius tried to do so. He focused his thoughts and stretched his mind. He looked hard for the Force... and lost it.

"Damn. Lost it."

Syrius smiled, even though he slipped out of the Force. He had done it, that was enough for now.

"Can you tell me about the early years of the Jedi?"

The detective's interest was puiqed. He had touched the Force, now he wanted to know about the people who had come before him.

OOC - Look in the garage thread before replying. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 11th, 2002, 10:10:23 PM
The early years? Are you speaking of the time before Luke....Leia and Yoda? Do you wish for me to go back before Obi-Wan? Back to Qui-Gon's time or further?

She needed to know so that she could direct their discussion in the correct direction......

Syrius Cline
Apr 12th, 2002, 12:32:26 AM
Syrius pondered.

"How about we start at the beginning of the war between the Jedi and Sith?"

Apr 13th, 2002, 12:32:43 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded slightly.

At the beginning, the Jedi divided into two groups.....dark and light. They engaged into a large battle and both fought for what they thought would better the galaxy. The Dark Jedi moved to a small planet that was inhabited by other people....known as the Sith. Some people say that the Dark Jedi enslaved the Sith, yet others say they simply lived with one another. The Sith and Dark Jedi had mixed relations and their offspring became Sith. Evil overcame the Sith while the lightsiders....known as the Jedi, were filled with goodness. Good and Evil always go against one another......and unfortunatly......the two groups of people have been in constant battle since.

She sighed to herself and looked curiously at Syrius.

Do you have any questions about this? Would you like to know more?

She asked with a friendly smile.

Syrius Cline
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:16:21 AM
Syrius nodded.... So revenge was why the Sith hated the Jedi so. Atleast this was what Syrius had surmised. His years as a detective and his apperantly open connection to the Force, honed his skills enough to come to this fact. It made sense now.

"Clear as space, love. Let's go to the pub, I'm famished."

He was incredibly hungry and tired from his short stint in dwelving in the Light Side. It had taken away his energy for sure.

OOC - Garage..... Please. :)

Apr 15th, 2002, 08:47:38 PM
Xazor nodded slightly. She too could use something to eat for she had not much in the recent...

Sounds like a plan....let us go my padawan.....

She said softly and rose to her feet. With a slight bow of her head, she was leading the way out of the thick jungle....