View Full Version : The Training of Clay
Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:00:25 PM
Clay enters the gardens in his new outfit given to him by his master and sat and waited for her.
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:15:33 PM
Xazor walked into the gardens after a restful night sleep. Her padawan was already there waiting for her. She smiled brightly as she noticed him wearing the new robes she had given to him.
Good morning are you?
She asked with a smile as she bowed in greeting to the young man. She stretched slightly and took a seat on the ground in front of him and beckoned him to do the same....
Clay Dennatta
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:19:27 PM
" pretty good and you?" he said as he was also stretching.
Apr 10th, 2002, 05:51:20 PM
I am is a beautiful day and perfect for the beginning of your elementist training.
She said gently. With a smile, she looked all around her. The gardens were beautiful and a perfect place to become acquainted with nature. A squirrle type creature ran up the side of a tree and began gnawing on a large Ki nut. She grinned as he lost footing and almost fell.....but with help from the Force, she steadied him back on a large branch.
We shall learn a lot today, are you ready? Do you have any questions or concerns before we begin?
She asked as he continued to stretch for a moment.
Clay Dennatta
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:09:03 PM
Clay looked around and realizd how beautiful the day as and wondered why every day couldn'y be like this.
" Yes i am read. I don't really have any questions today for you. So lets begin"
Clay Dennatta
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:29:13 PM
ooc: I am so sorry to hear that you have lost someone close to you. I personally haven't had that happen to me so I can only guess how you feel. But i do want to pray for you, and for your friends family ( i am a strong devout christian by the way):
Father god i just want to pray for Xazor right now. I know that isn't her real name but you know who she is, and i just want to pray that she will be able to come to terms with the fact that one of her friends has past away, and i wan't her to realize that her friend is in a better place right now. Up there with you having a time of his after life i hope. I also wan't to pray for this friends family. I pray that they will be able to move on with there lives and be able to let the past go, but never forget the past and who this friend was and what this friend meant to everyone around him. Cause i know that he is up there with you, and i pray this all in your name,
I just wan't you to know that i will keep praying for you and your friends family and will be waiting to hear from you. <img src= ALT=":)">
Apr 10th, 2002, 09:44:27 PM
ooc: I didn't know that you are a Christian too! I am also and I think that is really awesome. Thank you so much for the prayer(s). That means so much to me.....yes, I think that God has been the best shoulder to cry on through everything that I have ever gone through. It is so wonderful to know that I have people (who don't even know me) that care for me so...... <img src= ALT=":)"> Thank you so much!
Xazor smiled, yes indeed, this was a beautiful day. Arcan IV had not been having great weather lately, and this was definatly a nice change.
Okay.....first of all, let us get in touch with nature, after all......that is what an elementist does. It is very much like feeling the Force.....which you must do also to feel nature. Now.....fall into the Force and stretch out your senses to feel all around you......
Xazor demonstrated this. She closed her eyes and stretched out her senses in the Force. She could feel herself, her padawan....then a tree....then the grass moving in the wind.....and then she could feel an aunt several hundred yards away......and then a stream that ran a mile away. That is about her far she could stretch for now.....but she would get better. She smiled and took a deep was quite refreshing to be out here.
No you try.......tell me what you feel.......
She nodded for him to begin.
Clay Dennatta
Apr 10th, 2002, 09:53:29 PM
ooc: Well thats cool that you are also Christian. it's good to see Christians on the boards. Ya God is the greatest of all to cry on. He comforts you when you are down and embrasses you when you need embrassing. I care for all no matter how mean the could have been to me, i will pray for them and beb there for them in there time of need whether i know them or not.
ic: Clay did as he was told. He streatched out all his senses and could feel him,his master, the trees, and the grass moving also, he could fell the flowers and even smell them from across the garden.
Clay Dennatta
Apr 10th, 2002, 09:54:44 PM
ooc: Well thats cool that you are also Christian. it's good to see Christians on the boards. Ya God is the greatest of all to cry on. He comforts you when you are down and embrasses you when you need embrassing. I care for all no matter how mean the could have been to me, i will pray for them and beb there for them in there time of need whether i know them or not.
ic: ::Clay did as he was told. He streatched out all his senses and could feel him,his master, the trees, and the grass moving also, he could fell the flowers and even smell them from across the garden.::
" That was awsome. I have never tried that before in all my years as a Sith."
Apr 10th, 2002, 10:03:55 PM
ooc: Yes, it is an awesome thing. <img src= ALT=":)"> If you visit Marcus Q'Dunn's website, you will find even more Christians! There are a bunch of us around....... <img src= ALT=":)">
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.
That is another difference between Sith and Jedi.......we love life and are out to enjoy it. There are so many more advantages to being a Jedi.
She gently leaned over and smelled a nearby flower. It was a beautiful shade of red and stood gracefully in a bed surrounded by others of its type. Suddenly, a little reptile climbed down the tree behind her. It was a chemeleon. She smiled and let it crawl onto her arm.
Hello little one.....I am Xazor and this is my padawan, Clay. May I ask your name before I set you down?
She spoke to animals quite frequently. She had learned how to from her Master and intended to teach Clay how to speak to them also. It would come in very handy at times when you did not expect it to.
My name is is nice to meet a kind person like you, good Jedi...
The animal spoke back in her mind and she smiled as she set her down on the rocks beside her. is not difficult to speak to animals. All you have to do, is feel nature and them.....and then speak in their mind knowing that they hear you. If you can master this.....then you will be able to speak to me better, through the Force. There are many times when that will come in handy.....
She said with a bright smile. She motioned for him to speak to the reptile...
Clay Dennatta
Apr 13th, 2002, 08:34:30 PM
Clay stared to feel nature again, then he reach out farther with the force and could feel the heart beat of the animal. He started to talk to it throught the force,
"well hello little one. How are you today?"
the animal answered " Well hello mighty Jedi. I am doing just fine thank you."
Apr 14th, 2002, 11:52:41 AM
Xazor could hear and feel the conversing of the two. She smiled and clapped.
Well done, my padawan. Now...reach out as far as you can and tell me what you feel. I wish to test your distance....
She nodded for him to begin.
Clay Dennatta
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:42:58 PM
He started to reach and got to the point he felt before. Then he reached even farther and could feel the animals and all the plant liafe for a few miles. It was the most amazing thing.
" I can feel all the wildlife and can feel there pain and there gladness."
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:04:53 PM
Xazor reached out with him and felt the same things. He had a good understanding of the Force in a short amount of time.
I am proud of you, Clay. You are doing quite well, but your past training has helped. Now you must always remember and continue to learn how to do things with the light side. I have something for you....
She rose to her feet and walked over to the opposing wall and retrieved a small bag. Inside were many metal parts and several crystals. With a smile, she sat down once again and handed the bag to Clay.
This is what you will need to build your is a very special weapon and the choice of the Jedi. You must remember, however, that a weapon as such will not solve your will only help. It is for you to defend, not attack.......always remember these things. It will take you a while to build it, so take your time. There are no instructions.......only the Force to guide you. The only thing I can tell you, is that the crystals go in last......and you only need two or three. There are twelve in the bag of many different colors. Each combination can give you a mulitude of results for the blade color.....
She could see the excitement in his eyes as he took the bag from her.
Now, you may build this here with me......or you can go to your room and build it, either must be done.
She smiled gently and he returned the smile.
ooc: Oh yeah! You will have Temple Avalon access soon, if not already.....
Clay Dennatta
Apr 17th, 2002, 07:24:24 PM
He accepted the gift with a very happyy and thankful heart. What his master didn't understand is that Clay had already made 2 lightsabers in his past. One a green double-bladed lightsaber called "Peace Keeper" , and a blue single-bladed one called "Lions Heart". But he will make a third and he has already thought of the best name for it, Redemption. He will probably make it the color of silver. yes silver, thats the perfet color for his new lightsaber.
" Thank you master i really apprettiate it."
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:23:03 PM
Xazor smiled, glad that her padawan enjoyed the gift.
I foresee that you shall make a great Knight, my padawan......
She smiled gently. It was a great feeling to know that he had come so far in just a little bit of time. Now he would do the most important thing a padawan his saber.
Clay Dennatta
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:37:50 PM
Over the next few days Clay spent his time doing what he loved to do with things, build. But this wasn't just building for fun, it was building for his new life. He built a lightsaber. He made it silver like he had planned and then named it "The Redemption". After he was finnaly done after many hours of work he stored the rest of the crystals he had for later use for himself or someone else.
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:12:48 PM
ooc: Okay.....just to clarify some things to help you. I would suggest making an actual thread in the living quarters, or in the academy here. Make it take you a few days in real life, pacing it out in large posts. This will drastically improve your writing and roleplaying. You need this things so later on you can participate in major RPs and someday be promoted. What you wrote is fine......but this is how you are supposed to do it. <img src= ALT=":)">
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