View Full Version : Salemn-attacking and defending.

Nash Stolar
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:25:38 PM
*Nash had gotten up early today, before he left his room he went to his closet and took a dull grey rod, then headed for the Academy, But this time he entered an enclosed sparing room.. Setting down a black bag on one of the side benches he went back to the center of the room and started to spin the rod in a warm up as he waited for his padawan...*

Salemn Lysce
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:33:19 PM
Salemn was walking past by the Academy when suddenly she felt a familiar aura present. Instantly she realized it to be Nash, and followed it until she came to an enclosed room. Entering it, she looked at him then bowed slightly.

Hello, Nash ...

Nash Stolar
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:40:25 PM
*Nash smiled, bowed back then stood back up and rested the rod on his sholder.*

"Good morning, Salemn. Today is the day I teach you most of what I know about fighting, or just inprove what you already know, because we all know there always a time when a jedi has to fight... Now.."

*He lifted the rod then pointed the one of the ends at the ground*

"...Is there anything you already know about fighting with your saber yet?"

Salemn Lysce
Apr 10th, 2002, 02:46:30 PM
Well ... I know how to block and attack ...

She frowned slightly and nibbled on her lower lip.

Nash Stolar
Apr 10th, 2002, 07:30:23 PM
"Would you care to show me what you know on attacking?"

*Nash brought the rod across his chest in a defence stance and smiled*

"Don't hold back... and don't worry about the rod, I made it myself and am positive it wont break anytime soon."

Salemn Lysce
Apr 12th, 2002, 08:32:01 PM
OOC ~ *Watches as the wind blows and breaks Nash's rod* <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/laugh2.gif ALT=":rotfl">

IC ~

As soon as Nash had asked her, Salemn reached down at her side and unhooked her saber. Pressing the "ignite" button, she watched as a white beam sprung forth, lighting the room in its brilliance. Steadying it in her hands, she smiled slightly at Nash.

Then she lunged.

Only with a child's quickness, she struck the rod in its middle then side-stepped to Nash's side. Swinging the saber low, she watched as Nash turned around and blocked it with the rod. She really wasn't letting him see her full potential, for not even she knew it, but at least she was trying.

Nash Stolar
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:35:37 PM
ooc: *watches as the same wind knocks down his padawan*<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/biglaugh.gif ALT=":D">

ic; *Nash smiled as he blocked the attacks. To be truthful he did not think his padawan would have much of a strong attack. But he saw that salemn can do alot more.. right after the block he took the rod and lightly swong down at his padawan to his suprise she blocked.. he smiled.. then used the bottom end of the rod and hit her hard enough to signal she had been hit in the stomach.. he then moved back and laughed*

"Very good... you are better then I thought you would be."

Salemn Lysce
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:45:54 PM
OOC ~ =| *Watches as wind turns into a hurricane and snatches Nash up along with a bunch of cows. Then uses Jedi skills to help save the cows and leaves Nash* <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/magtongue.gif ALT=":p">

IC ~

Salemn could feel the wind knocked out of her after Nash had hit her with the end of the rod. Gasping for breath, she bent over and started to cough .. until finally she could breathe again.

Straightening up, she narrowed her eyes and lunged at Nash again, this time fooling him. Her action led him to believe that she was directing a head-on approach, but instead she lept to his side then stepped behind him. When Nash turned around, he saw the lightsabre's beam pointed directly at his throat.

Nash Stolar
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:54:25 PM
ooc: *eventualy lands* ow. *walks up to padawan and takes a gerbil out of his pocket* <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/evil.gif ALT=":evil">

Ic;*Nash looked down the blade and then chuckled... It reminded him of the first spar he had with his master.. he had done the same thing.*

"As my master thought me.. always be ready for anything.."

*Suddenly nash moved back avoiding the saber then came forword with the rod and salemn on her right side with the top end of the rod then hit her other side with the other end of the rod..*

Salemn Lysce
Apr 12th, 2002, 10:04:39 PM
OOC ~ *Wonders how long it took for you to find that smiley on the Emoticons help thingy* ^^' *Takes out a kitten with viscious killer claws and it looks hungrily at the gerbil*

IC ~

Recovering from his sudden attacks, Salemn could feel herself breathing heavily. Her hands were trembling, making it difficult to hold the lightsabre. She swung it easily at first, watching Nash block her oncoming attacks easily.

Her swings became faster, each one having a more powerful impact than the last. Finally, she started striking at the rod repeatedly, sparks flying. Soon the shower of sparks became so great that Nash couldn't even see Salemn's face.

Suddenly he felt a stinging sensation in his left cheek as the sparks started to die down. He could now fully see Salemn, standing there with an innocent expression her face, although the blood that trickled down from his newly acquired cut gave it all away.

As your Master taught you ... always be ready for anything.

Nash Stolar
Apr 13th, 2002, 09:42:08 PM
*Nash used his left hand and whiped the blood from his cheek and looked at it and smiled*


*Nash backed slighty then crouched then turned his rod side ways with just his right hand holding it..*

"No more holding back, attack me as if I were a sith to you!"

*Alot quicker then before nash seemed to run circles around his unprepared padawan the suddenly he stoped infront of her using both ends he hit both her knees with a stronger attack force then before... but still keeping the strikes light and not enough to do to much damage.*

Salemn Lysce
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:00:10 PM

Salemn fell to her knees, dropping her lightsabre at the same time. The white beam tumbled along the floor, the humming filling her ears. She reached out with her hand to grab it, but it was too far. She clambered up to her feet and started to take a running start towards it, but found Nash infront of her as he blocked her path. Growling, his words echoed in her mind. "No more holding back, attack me as if I were a Sith to you!"

Then he would get what he asked for! She faked a movement to her left and watched as he instinctively went that way to block her. Seizing this chance, she went back to the right. However, it seemed like he knew her plan, by instantly changing hands he held the rod with and holding it out. But he forgot one thing. She was so small, she could still go under.

Dropping to the ground, she rolled under his arm then scrambled back up to her feet. She dashed for her precious lightsabre and grabbed the hilt, feeling the all-too-familiar hum travel through her arm and up through her body. Nash was now facing her, a small smile on his face ... but her adrenaline was too much. She could only imagine him as a Sith. With only a child's determination, she rushed forward at him and striked at his rod. And so it went on with all the thrusts and parries, the offense and defense. This was what sabre training truly was.

Nash Stolar
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:20:23 PM
"Good, but you are getting to careless with your swings, salemn."

*Suddenly he moved with the swifness of the wind and was at her side. He was able to get past one of her attacks to make the attack and kill. With a smile he lifted his rob then boped his padawan on the head*

"Got you.."

*He backed up and took no battle stance*

"You need to keep in mind that you are in a battle and not let your self go.. other wise you lose control and just attack with no plan.. and make it easy to dodge."