View Full Version : The first few steps into a larger world - Gurney Devries
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 01:02:35 PM
The Jedi Master waited patiently for his Apprentice at the outside the gates of Temple Avalon. The wind flowed calm through the treetops of Yavin IV. The sun was shining. It was a nice day for training. A repulsor lift powered craft hovered close by, carrying all kinds of exercise equipment..
Gurney Devries
May 2nd, 2002, 01:16:51 PM
Ug... the sun was shining, indeed. Unfortunately for Gurney Devries, his eyes had become much too sensitive for the kind of light Yavin IV often provided. Bloody heck, this was a moon... shouldn't it be dark?
The whole waking up early concept didn't please him, either. But it wasn't something he was entirely un-accustomed to, either. Being in the military for any amount of time taught you to be ready at a moment's notice.
As he sat up in his bed, Gurney looked at his robes, tossed carelessly in a pile across the room. His first thought was to immediately put them back on - aside from shading his sensitive eyes from the light, it also hid them from sight. A good thing, when your diet consisted almost entirely of spice. Still, he thought better of it. Master Yoghurt would find out sooner or later... might as well be up-front and make it sooner. Besides: He was going to have to get used to the light levels around here.
The short and very much green Jedi Master had his back turned when Gurney came across him, placidly looking over a precipice. It was a breath-taking sight, he had to admit. From their vantage point, the padawan could see a number of the crumbling and vine-ridden Massassi temples. It was amazing that they still stood at all.
When he was close enough, Gurney cleared his throat rather conspicuously. Yoghurt turned to find a man clad in a tight black leotard. It looked quite durable - obviously, it was meant for combat. Strapped across his waist was a sheathed knife on one side and an NRSF-issue railgun on the opposite. And, returning the Jedi Master's gaze with a fathomless blue-on-blue stare, was the surprisingly young looking face of a man who appeared to be in his early twenties.
"Haven't kept ya waiting long, have I?"
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 02:28:59 PM
The old man smiled, replying in his standard cryptic manner;
"Time like a river is. Runs continually. Like rocks at bottom we are. The rocks have patience. Never complain they do.. neither does a Jedi!"
Yog pointed at the magnificent forested landscape towered by the ancient and mysterious Massassi temple ruins with his gimmer stick walking cane.
"A magnificent sight it is. Behind these structures, much history. Many stories. To understand presence, understand the past one must. The first and most important question it leads us to; what brings you to the Jedi? A long and winding road it is to become a Jedi. What brings you to this path?"
Gurney Devries
May 2nd, 2002, 03:13:57 PM
Although Gurney knew the answer to his Master's question without thinking, it still took him a few moments to find the proper words.
"Sadness. Pain an' sadness an' suffering. I wish ta quell the pain inside of me... maybe even help some other people, while I'm at it, ya know?"
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 04:10:53 PM
The Jedi Master pondered about Gurney's answer for a moment. Why the sadness? Why the pain? It was something he would get to the bottom of sooner or later.
"Hmm.. quell the pain and sadness.. and help others. Perhaps also to find some answers.. broaden your horizon. People become Jedi for different reasons. As a Jedi, you learn to use the Force.. it's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us amd binds the galaxy together. Any knowledge you have of it?"
Gurney Devries
May 18th, 2002, 02:42:01 PM
"Very little, I'm afraid.", was his reply. "One of the other Masters here taught me a little bit 'bout it, but my grasp on it is lacking."
His thoughts were still dwelling on the question Yoghurt had presented him. Yes, that was one of the reasons he wanted to become a Jedi. In fact, it pretty much summed up all of his reasons. Yet those simple words didn't do a one of them justice.
Still... the rest would come, with time. For now, he'd simply have to put it out of his mind and concentrate on his training. Closing his eyes, Gurney motioned with his hand. At first, nothing happened. He scrunched his eyes up tighter, making more strained movements with his hand until, after a tiring few moments, a small rock - no bigger than the palm of his hand - lifted a few inches off the ground. He released his hold on it with a gasp.
"That's 'bout all I can do, Master."
Master Yoghurt
May 26th, 2002, 12:01:23 PM
The old man's eyes widened as he watched. He smiled
"Very good for a start it is! Some students months of practice need, to achieve the same"
Yog pointed towards a much larger rock, about 10 times the size.
"Now.. try the bigger one. Remember, size matters not. If it helps, close your eyes. Senses may deceive.. trust your inner instinct you must. Reach out with your feelings"
Gurney Devries
May 26th, 2002, 12:10:36 PM
The padawan's taut face blanced at hearing the request.
"But Master Yog... I have practiced for months just to do that. There's no way I can lift that thing! I don't think I could lift it with mah bare hands."
Master Yoghurt
May 26th, 2002, 12:55:25 PM
"Ah, so sure are you of what cannot be done?"
The old man pointed at the nearby surroundings. The branches of a tree swayed slightly, and the leaves rattled as a mild breeze flowed through it.
"Look at where we are.. what do you see? You can see a tree, but can you sense the bird hiding in the crown of it, or the roots growing in the ground? The Force at all places is.. and at all time, you must use it. Everything by the Force binded is.. the Force flows between you.. me.. the tree, the grass.. and that rock. A Jedi feels the Force flow through him.. at all times. Expand your horizon you must.. your sphere of responsibility. Then you will realize; lifting that rock is but a simple task. Only difficult in your mind.. nothing impossible is. Believe in yourself you must. no matter the size. Now lift it"
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