View Full Version : Completed Lightsaber

Clay Dennatta
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:21:40 AM
After completing his new, silver, double bladed lightsaber; Clay returned to the Academy and awaited his master to begin the next part of his training. So he went to the middle f the training room and sat on a small boulder and meditated while he waited.

Apr 28th, 2002, 09:40:29 PM
Xazor walked into the academy and saw her padawan meditating on the boulder she usually sat on. With a smile, she cloaked herself in the Force, remaining almost unsensible to him as he sat in solitude. She walked around him, standing at his back. She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled once again.

] So I see you have finished your lightsaber, padawan.

She said softly, not wishing to startle him too much.

Clay Dennatta
May 1st, 2002, 08:24:28 PM
Hearing her voice from behind him but not remembering sensing her come him kind of, well, SCARED him alot.

" For the love of God where did you come from?"

He just sat there and tried to figure out why he didn't sense her.

May 1st, 2002, 08:27:39 PM
Xazor laughed and smiled brightly.

I hid myself in the Force, cloaking myself with it to remain almost unsenseable to you. It is something that you'll learn sometime. You're lightsaber is finished, I take it. Will you let me see it?

She questioned with a gentle smile, holding out her hand so she could view his work.

Clay Dennatta
May 1st, 2002, 08:34:41 PM
I have heard of that, he thought to himself. Seems as if that is something i could use knowing how i like to sneek up on people.

" Of course you can see." He handed her his 3rd, yet most complicated lightsaber yet.

May 1st, 2002, 09:05:02 PM
Xazor took the saber and grinned.

Wow......it is beautiful! Very very well done my padawan!

She said, examining the saber closely. Indeed....he appeared to have experience......a lot.....

Clay Dennatta
May 1st, 2002, 09:15:53 PM
" Thank you. I also find it very beautiful. Hopely it won't have to be used much."

He was very glad that his master approved of his work.

May 1st, 2002, 09:21:27 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

Yes...a lightsaber is only a tool, it will not solve your problems. Remember this always....

She said softly, handing the saber back to her student.

Clay Dennatta
May 1st, 2002, 09:35:38 PM
" That is a good thing to live by. Your problems will only be solved through talking it out and comprimising." he said softly as if drifting into a endless thought. " So what is on the agenda for trainging today?"

May 1st, 2002, 09:55:23 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

Well, first you must learn the Sphere of Responsibilty. What that is, is simple. When let's say, I throw a rock at you, you can see it with your eyes. The Force is your ally.....you can feel it through the Force with the Sphere of Responsiblity. Feel its every move.....cutting through the Force like your hand cutting through water in a stream. Try it....

She picked up a rock and threw it at her padawan, she quickly handed him a staff and spoke.

Defend yourself!

Clay Dennatta
May 2nd, 2002, 12:38:54 AM
He imediatley tok the staff in to his hands and defended himself. He could feel the rock cutting through the force and could feel it's every move as it sort of zig zaged to trick him. Even though he could feel the rock he overestimated where he should move the staff to and the rock hit him square in the face.

" For the love of all that is holy...that really hurt."

May 3rd, 2002, 05:57:01 PM
Xazor nodded slightly.

Good.....now you will have a reminder for a while, that you need to focus even deeper. Feel not only the rock's movement...but your own. This will help you learn how to calculate. I will toss another stone.

She lifted one with her mind and flung it at the Padawan.

Stay focused and defend yourself! If this was a laser beam, you wouldn't get off so easily.

She spoke to him as the rock gained speed and proximity to him.

Clay Dennatta
May 3rd, 2002, 07:56:48 PM
Right away he reached out to the force and felt the rock slicing through it. The he focused deeper and found he could focus on more than one thing at a time. He lifted the staff and was able to block the rock as it flew torwards his face.

" Man i really love the light side. It gives you a better feeling than that of the dark."

May 4th, 2002, 12:07:29 AM
Xazor nodded and clapped.

Good, very good job! Yes.....the Lightside is better....I know from personal experience also.

She said softly. She bent over and lifted a hover droid out of a bag she had been carrying along with her. Pressing a few buttons, she got it up and running, floating a few feet above the ground.

Now, draw your saber and ignite it. The droid will shoot random beams at you. I have it set on sting so that is all it will do. If you are hit, it will sting badly, but it will not leave you with a scar or deep cut or anything of the sort. You must keep a clear mind and react......forget everything but what I have told you.

She nodded and pressed a button on the droid. Suddenly, two shots fired out from it, and the beams of red light moved quickly toward him. She stood back, awaiting his reaction.....

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 01:53:49 AM
As he ignited his double-bladed lightsaber he felt the beams through the force and blocked them with pretty good accuracy. Over the next few minutes he blocked the beams, switching from one blade to the next to block with as he twirled it round like he had done it before. He missed a couple of the bolts and they stung alot but he didn't let that affect him. He kept his mind clear of all thought and searched through the force sensing one beam to the next. After a while the bot powered down.

" Well that was fun. I haven't done that in quite a while."

Clay now had nothing to do but what for his masters next task.

May 4th, 2002, 03:08:50 PM
Xazor clapped for her student and put the bot away in her bag. She then looked at him and smiled.

Your skills have come quite far since we first began. Now let me ask you something. Do you know any hand to hand combat? If not.....I shall teach it to you. If so, then that is the last element needed for the physical side of combat. There is still much more that you need to learn, though.

She said with a smile. Indeed, her padawan had improved greatly and she was proud of him.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 09:29:41 PM
Clay replied, " Yes i do know hand to hand combat. Over the past 10 years i have been trained in 3 different forms of martial arts."

May 4th, 2002, 10:05:58 PM
Xazor got a curious grin on her face. She laughed slightly and nodded.

Three? You too? Wow......we have more in common every day.

She smiled once again and sat down, ready to add a few more things before they began the sparring part of training.

Alright.....since you know how to use your lightsaber pretty effectively due to practice, and you have been training in hand to hand combat.....all you need now is a quick verbal lesson. When you spar or are in battle, it is quite easy to become consumed by your emotions. My warning to you is DON'T! Fear....anger, aggression.....these lead to the darkside. Peace of anger, honor over hate, strength over fear. Remember these things so you may stay set on the path of the Light. Spar with the pride of the Jedi, and uphold the honor of a true warrior. Meditate and remember these things. Once you know them, practice them daily, even when one day you are a Jedi Master. One outburst of emotion can set you down the path of eternal destruction. This will only lead to suffering for you, and the entire galaxy. Heed my words, for they have been carefully learned by me through personal experience. Take it from one who knows.....anger will get you no where.

She said sternly, wishing to make her point before they began any sparring. If he was to fall....she didn't know what she would do. It would be a tremendous loss to not only her....but the entire Jedi organization. She wanted to prevent this and would do anything she could to keep him on the right path.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 10:12:59 PM
Clay sat there and listened to the things his master told him. He repeated the three things he should not do and what to do instead... Peace over anger, honor over hate, strength over fear...He knew he would practice these things everyday so not to forget them as he got older.

" I will remember these and practice them every day so as not to forget them."

May 4th, 2002, 10:22:16 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.

It will do my heart much honor to see you not make the same mistakes I did. Thank you my padawan.

She rose to her feet and unclipped her lightsaber from her belt. Running her index finger over a button, the weapon ignited with a hiss as two blue blades shot out from both ends of the hilt. The shiny silver of the hilt gleamed in the light of the academy. The Knight held it at waist level, parallel to the ground in her own ready position.

Now, draw your saber. We will only do basic sparring. This is only body and movement techniques. After you learn the basics of this, then we shall move into other things such as illusions and advanced Force attacks. Sound good to you?

She questioned with a smile, and nodded for him to take out his saber.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 10:33:18 PM
" Sounds good to me."

Clay got up, removed his light saber and using the force pushed the little button that was inside the saber itself, instead of outside. Two, bright, silver blades shot out of both ends and he put himself in a ready position.

" Ready when you are."

May 4th, 2002, 10:39:25 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

I will let you take the first move then......remember my words.

She said with a smile and motioned for him to begin.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 10:42:40 PM
Immediately Clay lifted his saber and looked for a weakness or an open spot he could see. He saw none so far but knew sooner or later he would find one. He started to attack. Pretty much he did basic sword fighting without anything fancy. All his attacks were blocked by his master as was was her attacks on him.

May 4th, 2002, 11:00:51 PM
Xazor spun around quickly after blocking one of his strikes. With a blinding flash of blue, she landed the blade of her saber across his right fore-arm. Her weapon was only set on stun, so it would only leave a burn without too much injury. He seemed to stumble back a bit in shock, and she fell to the ground as he did, sweeping his feet out from under him.

You must think faster, and keep your mind alert. Look for open spots, even though my defense is pretty tight. I am not perfect you know.......

She said with a smile, as she shoulder-rolled to her feet and stood in a defensive stance, waiting for his next attack.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 11:20:59 PM
Clay did a kick up and landed on his feet with his body in a ready position. Again he attacked and he fliped over her after he blocked one of her attacks and hit her on the shoulder while in the air. The blow knocked her off her feet but she got back up.

May 4th, 2002, 11:23:09 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

Very good!

She then rushed at him and landed the right side of her body into his torso, sending him back several yards into the wall. He crunched hard against it and fell to the floor.

You do not need to use your saber to fight. Use your body...your mind. Soon you will be able to use Force manuevers also.

She said as he rose to his feet once again.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 11:26:42 PM
Clay grabbed his saber he dropped off the ground and ignited it again. He attacked again and was blocked, but as she blocked he knelt to the ground and kicked her off her feet. He then sprung to his feet and readied himself again.

May 4th, 2002, 11:33:17 PM
Xazor stood up, realizing that she would have to keep a closer eye on him than she had first thought. He was equipped with good skills for a padawan. She moved at him with a fake jab to his ribs. As he reacted, Xazor called a broken rafter from the ceiling to fall. It went sailing down on top of him, and he landed underneath it with a crunch. The Knight then lifted the beam with the Force and sent it smashing into the wall, followed by her padawan. He again, fell to the floor in a slump.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 11:39:11 PM
The blows from the beam and whole being smashed into the wall thing left him with him with a dead arm in his left arm. It was pretty bad but not unrepairable. As he stood up, using the force he called his now deactivated saber over to him and ignited only one blade, cause it would be easier seeing how his one arm wasn't working properly.
He looked at his master and with a blink of an eye he darted at her. he acted as if he was going to attack with the saber but at the last minute slid and slide tackled her to the ground. Then as she got up he kicked her right in the ribs and she fell back a little but not to the ground. He then stood there and waited for his masters next move and studied her and tried to find a weakness.

May 4th, 2002, 11:44:30 PM
Xazor rose to her feet, not allowing any gaps to show in her defense. She rushed at her padawan and jumped into the air, landing a side thrust kick into his chest, knocking him to the ground once again. She then smiled at him and stepped away in a defensive position.

Do you recall when I taught you about the healing aspect of the Force? When I taught you how to heal basic injuries? Well.....keep that in mind. We might have to test your abilities with that soon.....

She held her saber parallel to the ground at waist level once again, nodding for him to attack after he regained his footing.

Clay Dennatta
May 4th, 2002, 11:52:37 PM
Immedietly Clay remembered he learned that and started to focus a little more on his arm and tried to heal it while battleing. He drew his saber and prepared himself. He rushed again at his master and turned off his saber and placed it on his belt while running. He started to just attack her with his martial arts skills. Placing a few good kicks and punches here and there, while his master did the same. But he gave his gaurd up a little and she punched him in the face and knocked him down.

" You are great at martial arts. Which forms have you been trained in?"

May 5th, 2002, 12:00:51 AM
Xazor stopped and disengaged her saber, then clipped it to her belt. She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled.

I have been trained in the arts of, Sah-Chen.........which I learned from the Sith. Tae-Kwon-Do
which I learned by myself.....and Chi-Bek which a friend of mine taught me. All have served me well, and I continue practicing them, and expanding my knowledge daily. And you too said you have studied Martial Arts, which forms?

She questioned with a smile.

Clay Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 12:09:38 AM
"Sah-Chen also from the Sith, Kung Foo from my own planets Military Corps, and also Tai-Chi from a friend. I also practice them daily to keep up on the game."

May 5th, 2002, 12:20:23 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

Good......we must share similar points in our fighting technique, then. On top of all of that, though, there is still so much more that you must learn. The Force attack side of things proves to be quite interesting. With the skills you have already displayed, though, you shall not have too hard of a time with it. You are doing very well and I am proud of you.....

She said gently with a soft smile.

Clay Dennatta
May 5th, 2002, 12:23:08 AM
" Tank you. I think thats all i got today. Maybe we should pick this up tommarrow."

May 5th, 2002, 12:26:01 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

Very well.....you have pushed yourself today and rest will be good. Tomorrow we shall begin advanced Force techniques such as illusions and things. I think you will really enjoy that.

She said gently. Bowing gracefully, she smiled.

Have a nice rest my padawan, and I shall see you tomorrow. May the Force be with you....

She said before departing.