View Full Version : Past and Present Meet (Dasquian Belargic)
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 21st, 2002, 02:29:08 AM
Considering that it was mid-day, Navaria thought it best to show Dasquian around while she would inquire more about his past.
The old Rebel Base was in pristine condition seeing that the Jedi had made this their home for sometime. The talls shadows leading the way down the hall disappeared from view as the blast doors shut behind both Jedi. It was only illuminated by the open windows and halogen lights above.
In this area, most of the doors were closed for private lessons being held, some were open and Dasquian and Navaria could look in on come classes being held. Some lecture and some applications like telekinesis and sabre usage with force field generated weapons. Harmless if hit with but not a fun feeling.
"I'll try and teach you as best as I can, Dasquian though I must say I am no Master Yoda. It will be tough to fill such shoes."
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 23rd, 2002, 05:35:16 PM
Dasquian followed his Master through the hallways, glancing around at the various scenes he could see through the open door ways. He smiled a bit at the sight of the other learners then turned his full attention back to Navaria, nodding lightly.
"Master," he began, "It is not your job to fill his shoes, nor mine to expect you to. I believe that what I learn from you will be just as valuable as what I originally learnt with Master Yoda."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 23rd, 2002, 10:46:21 PM
"I know .. but you have to admit that the task is a bit daunting."
She added a quick smile before stopping in front of a classroom door. The panel signled its approval after Navaria keyed in her code and the doors slid open revealing an empty sparring room. It was illuminated by the noon sun filtering through the windows, shining brightly upon the blue mat that covered the floor.
"After you."
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2002, 08:44:13 AM
The suns rays warmed his skin yet stung at his eyes a little as he stepped into the room, approaching the center. He squinted a little, then turned away from the sun to look to Navaria.
Dasquian gave a slight nod.
"But not anything to be worried about, it is not as if you are being held up against Master Yoda and compared."
He smiled slightly and glanced around the room quickly.
"What shall we be discussing today, Master?"
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 24th, 2002, 08:28:20 PM
"Well, I was thinking of picking up where Master Yoda left off perhaps?"
She moved to the side of the window and keyed in for the glass to turn a few shades darker so that it was not quite so bright in the room. There was nothing wrong with a little sun but being almost blinded by it was another issue ....
Now that it was a more pleasant atmosphere in here, Navaria was pleased to see the spots caused by the sun, were slowly disappearing.
"What was the last thing you were taught?"
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 25th, 2002, 01:50:42 PM
"Well, in the last session myself, my brother and Master Yoda we were praticing a variety of things ... telepathy, manipulation of larger objects, just starting on a little advanced healing too."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 25th, 2002, 03:10:05 PM
"Was there any difficulty in learning how to draw upon the Force to complete those acts? I would think that is where we should begin."
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 25th, 2002, 05:17:35 PM
"I had a bit of trouble with the large objects and healing," Dasquian sighed.
"I've never been particularly good at healing."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 25th, 2002, 05:23:04 PM
She nodded in understanding.
"Healing happens to be something I am adept in. We shall start there then."
Navaria made her way to the center of the room and sat down in a kneeling position, indicating that Dasquian should do as well.
"Healing is very difficult for it takes a certain amount of skill in channeling the Force properly as well as applying it to the task that you need to do. Every situation is different. Most find it easy to block one's own pain or possibly even heal themselves... when it comes to others, the task is trickery. Why? We know our own bodies intimately .. another being is foreign to our mindset whether it is an alien or human ..."
She folded her hands in front of her.
"Now the question is can you heal yourself and how well can you do it?"
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 26th, 2002, 02:40:38 PM
Dasquian knelt infront of his master and let his hands rest on his knees.
"I've been able to close over smaller wounds on myself, but no reliably occasion after occasion ... as for healing others, I've never tried that."
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 28th, 2002, 01:22:30 AM
"Then we shall forego the lesson on healing others. Until you master healing yourself, you would do more harm then good."
She paused for a moment, contemplating the best way to tackle this lesson.
"The Living Force is what helps a Jedi to control their body. It heightens our awareness of what is around us and what we feel inside. When we are injured, our body already has the tools necessary to heal our wounds. Because of the Force and our channeling of its power, we are able to speed up our body's own natural processes.
Let's say that I was cut with a dagger across my forearm."
Navaria rolled her cloak sleeve up to reveal a bare arm.
"With the Force as my insight, I could feel my body starting to coagulate the blood, trying to close the wound. I could feel the blood flowing through my arm and the blood that was lost because of the injury."
Her fingers began to trace the area where the invisible dagger had attacked her.
"I could feel the texture of my skin and in knowing that, see how deep the cut was and how wide.
Tell me ..."
She began rolling her sleeve back down.
"... can you feel the blood pumping through your hand? Can you actually feel your skin? Is it dry, smooth? Your nails? Are they perfect or have they been damage? Is there a small laceration somewhere that you didn't know you had?"
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 1st, 2002, 03:10:44 PM
Dasquian brushed away the loose cuff of his shirt and looked down at his skin. Apparently, he should have been able to feel the blood flowing through his veins and the various reactions going on in his flesh and muscles. For a short while he remained silent as he looked down at his pale skin, tracing one fingertip over a line of one tendon slowly.
The Jedi used a technique which he employed often in his meditations and cleared his mind of all distractions, freeing it up. Doing this allowed him to concentrate solely on one think; though instead of it being the Force this time it was the network of red beneath his wrist.
Dasquian bit down on his lip a little as he searched for the concentration that he needed; and much to his suprise, achieved it. It was much like listening to ones own heartbeat, a slow fluid motion of bodily transfers, pumping the crimson around his body.
And there is was, the small pang of uneven tissue. The back of his hand was cut partly - he'd caught it on some of the mangled metal of his landing craft when first arriving and the wound had still not closed over yet.
"Yes... I can feel it."
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 3rd, 2002, 08:23:16 PM
Dasquian was quite adept. He trusted the Force and trusted himself to figure out how to use his focus in another way ... in order to do what Navaria had asked him to do. And he accomplished it. The blood of his body became a softly beating song and it was listening for anything that sounded abnormal that alerted a Jedi to any problems.
She too had opened up her mind to Dasquian and let her awareness run over the very same hand that he was looking at. The small irregularity of skin was picked up before her pupil had and she watched intently to see if he could find it.
"Yes... I can feel it."
"It's already close to being healed soon but I think you should try and help it along. Remember, channel the Living Force to help speed up what our bodies can already do. This isn't trying to force our bodies into healing ourselves. It is about a relationship with us and the Force."
Which begged the question in Navaria's mind once again. She did heal Anbira's voice which was something that could not be done .... and she did. How was that possible? Many a night she mediated quietly, hoping that the Force would give her insight into how such miracles could be...
For a Jedi, great things are expected..
It was a quick thought that came and went as the Knight returned to the present. The last part of her thoughts still held true, even for this learner of hers and she watched Dasquian with hopeful eyes.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 6th, 2002, 01:53:26 PM
He turned his hand over so that the palm faced downwards, exposing the tiny knick. As he concentrated upon it, maintaing a steady and constant link with the flow of his blood beneath his skin, he called on the Force. In his mind he began to slowly intertwine the two aspects, weaving the force within the strands of his being.
Mentally sewing the gash bit by bit, he flexed his fingers upwards slowly. The point at which the would was located was just ontop of the flesh above on tendon, the index finger tendon to be precise; and so as he rose the finger the opening became more clear.
Though, it also vanished partly, erased by an unseen force - the Force.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2002, 06:38:34 PM
Navaria watched through the Force. Inspecting the injury and the self-discovery that Dasquian was going through in order to understand how to use his gifts within his own body. The Force was not only used for strengthing and empowering your body and being connected to others. The Force was life because it was created through everything that existed. It was because of that that a Jedi could harness the purity within their body and heal themselves, and then others.
It was not an easy gift to learn but the Knight smiled, eyes still closed, as she listened and felt Dasquian continuing to heal his most unobservable wound.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:04:02 AM
The flexing of his fingers repeatedly showed the nick atop the tendon and it was only with this continued movement that the progression of the healing was overly obvious. The cut was so small that when flat, appeared only as another thin line on the 'grain' of the Padawan's skin.
Dasquian kept his eyes open as he watched the effects of the ability moving on slowly. Within a few minutes the wound had faded from all existance and his hand was as it had been before the cut had appeared. He balled and unballed it into a fist, smiling.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 17th, 2002, 06:23:28 PM
The last time that Dasquian unballed his fist, Navaria let herself place a finger ontop of where the wound was and trace it.
In her mind she already knew it was healed, along with witnessing the look of accomplishment on her pupil's face. It was just tactile senses were a fascination to her for ... certain reasons.
Extraordinary sense of touch was still a strange gift to Navaria but with one stroke of her finger, she could really feel the perfection of his hand.
"You understand what you were doing wrong and you are instinctive when tackling a task before you."
She removed her hand and smiled.
"I successful first lesson I would say. Not all can grasp the intricate nature of healing though with more serious wounds it is much more difficult."
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:54:11 PM
Dasquian gave a nod. A sense of pride grew a little inside.
"Yes, Master. Will we be practicing that next?"
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 22nd, 2002, 02:10:23 AM
OOC~ Ack, I been mulling over what to do next but I will edit with an appropriate response when I can <img src= ALT=":)">
school -_- .. and a bump to remind myself to post. Sorry... =\
edit~ thanks for being patient and sorry so short... won't be later ^_^
IC~ "To move further on with healing wouldn't be wise. You need to concentrate and practice being in tune with your body as an exercise, then perhaps we can move on with other healing techniques. One little scratch is much easier then being hit by an energy blast."
She said knowingly.
"Now ... I would think we should work on larger issues... say telekinesis? Larger objects you were working on with Master Yoda?"
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2002, 06:08:56 AM
"Yes, Master. I have become quite adept in this section of the Force. My brother and I practiced it a lot during our training."
[OOC: No worries. I have tonnes of other posts to keep me busy too, anyway >_<]
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 28th, 2002, 06:31:55 PM
She unfolded her legs and stood up.
"Well then. How about we go outside for some fresh air and a demonstration of your abilities? Then we can go from there?"
OOC~ Yeah you busy? Never =P
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2002, 06:41:24 AM
Following suit, he rose up to his feet and gave a nod.
"That sounds excellent."
He began pacing out of the small room, then glanced back to his Master.
"I've yet to fully explore the gardens and grounds of the Academy, so this should be fun."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 2nd, 2002, 02:23:53 PM
She smiled lightly and caught up with Dasquian. Together they walked down the hallway until they turned, heading towards the mess hall.
"I'm not sure how much you know about Yavin IV. This was the center of a great conflict many years ago. When the Jedi were all but forgotten, a group of beings from all over the galaxy came together and formed an Alliance to try and overthrow the rule of the Empire."
Navaria keyed in a sequence to open the blast doors that she and her learner were standing before.
"This was their base of operations."
The heavy shielded doors thundered opened and gave access to the small courtyard. It was nestled inbetween the main Academy and the medical facilities on the other side.
Unlike the wild jungles of Yavin, here the plant life was well kept and arranged so that it was pleasing to most beings eyes.
She let Dasquian go first so that she may close the blast doors and waited to hear his thoughts on what she said. It was true, Navaria had no idea how much he had researched this place or how well he was adjusting to his new life in this time.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 4th, 2002, 05:09:15 AM
Dasquian nodded lightly. He had heard of what Navaria spoke of, and was fairly sure he was with the Jedi academy in a time frame around when this particular event was taking place. He wasn't quite sure though; after all, his memories from the past were still returning into his consious. Infact he could have sworn he had been here before, but maybe he was just imagining it.
"It's a beautiful place, that is certain. A fitting place for the academy."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:49:15 PM
Navaria sensed familiarity with what she was saying, along with a sense that he had walked here before.
She began walking down the center of the courtyard, enjoying the various scents of fresh plants and flowers that were blooming.
"Your mind is still clouded."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2002, 04:19:54 AM
Following his Master through the rows of neatly planted flowers, Dasquian gave a light nod as she spoke.
"Yes Master, there is much that I do not remember still ..."
He sighed under his breath. This would no doubt be clause to postpone any further progress with the Force.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:10:27 PM
She was sympathic to how Dasquian felt. It was necessary though for him to remember who he was and what he had done. If Navaria had sensed this earlier, this would have been the very first obstacle they would have been working on.
"I think our lesson in telekinetic forces will be postponed."
Navaria stopped in the middle of the garden.
"A clouded mind will affect your mastery over the Force. We need to open your mind so you are whole again. To not do this, you risk hurting yourself."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 11th, 2002, 03:40:43 AM
He turned from looking at some of the scenery around to face his Master.
"How will we accomplish this, Master? I cannot think of any Force technique that I have ever learned which would permit it."
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:55:28 AM
"Not everything is required of you, Dasquian."
Her eyes turned quite serious; blue eyes that were normally bright, darkened.
"My strengths are healing and being in harmony with the Unifying Force. I can perhaps find some of what is blocking your mind but I cannot promise that everything will come back to you. What is really necessary is for you to be open to my mind and not resist. If you do, well, it won't be pleasant for either of us."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2002, 03:51:15 AM
Dasquian watched the subtle change in Navaria with curiousity, then gave a firm nod.
"I understand that I may not recall all which has taken place."
In truth, he wasn't sure if he wanted to remember anything. This blissful ignorance he had left him without any painful past to remember; if everything was revealed, a new found pain would no doubt come across him.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 14th, 2002, 10:14:17 PM
"But you know it must be done."
She gathered her robes about her and sat down on one of the metal benches.
"Don't think I am reading your thoughts. It is your emotions that are so strong that I can't help but pick up on them. A talent and curse of mine."
Navaria added frankly.
"Now, it is my duty as Master to see you through your difficult times. This may or may not be hard depending on what has happened in your past but you won't go at it alone, Dasquian. That I can promise. Now..."
She offered him a seat next to her.
"... we should try and begin this."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:12:55 PM
With a soft nod, he took his place by Navaria, tugging his robes upwards a little so he was able to do so.
"Alright Master, shall I just ... clear my mind for you, think on the Force to try and make it easier?"
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 02:26:01 PM
"Hmm .. I think perhaps not. Clear your mind at first and focus... find a center, something that you remember whether vaguely or clearly from your past.
It might make it easier for me to unlocking your mind safely if I have something to work with...."
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:07:00 PM
"Very well."
He had to pick on something that he knew from his past, and all that he could remember was his brother and Master. Therefore, he concentrated on Aaron, remembering what he could of the times they had shared together.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:10:20 PM
An image of Aaron formed in Dasquian's mind. It was perfect and clear, as if Navaria herself was standing there meeting his brother for the first time.
The landscape wasn't.
Navaria opened her mind to the Force and began to strengthen the link further. Bits and pieces of color started to fill in the barren background until an entire landscape formed.
It seemed that she was looking through Dasquian's eyes because Navaria could feel emotions that weren't entirely hers ... And the planet they were on ... that did seem familiar ..
What is this?
She asked, trying to find more pieces to the puzzle...
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 19th, 2002, 01:18:14 PM
To Navaria, Aaron would have appeared different. It was fairly obvious that in comparison with the Dasquian she knew, he was at least 4 or 5 years younger. His attire though, in the most part, was fairly similar - a tunic and set of loose garments, all browns or greens in hue.
He was staring up into the air at something .. behind Dasquian. Through the vision of the Jedi, a blur came as his view panned backwards to look over his shoulder at what had caught his brothers attention. A small settlement in the distance with bulb-shaped houses that sent little twists of smoke into the air.
It was evident that what they were looking on was a small hamlet of some sort, set in the outskirts of a planet.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 21st, 2002, 01:52:41 PM
The vision became even more clearer, one feeling was quite prominent.
It was very hot.
Looking around, it was quite difficult looking through the haze caused by the searing sun. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but sand.
Dasquian began following his brother, Aaron, and the sensation of walking on sand reminded Navaria of walking upon the desert planet of Tatooine.
They were heading towards the settlement that was created on top of a cliff. It was the only thing out here. There were no plants, or even rocks, within view.
Aaron was trying to get Dasquian's attention and Navaria strained her senses to try and make out what he was saying. It wasn't basic ... they were speaking their native language.
She also found that Dasquian couldn't quite make it out either ...
Gently, Navaria concentrated and tried to coax his ability to understand this language to come forward through a small probe.
The Knight did not want this to hurt Dasquian in any way ...
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:50:50 AM
Dasquian watched Aaron, squinting as he tried to pick out what his brother was saying. Slowly but surely, in his mind, the words began to make more sense. The language in which he spoke was not a foreign tongue anymore.
"Dasquian," he said calmly, "Come now, we have to get back."
Back where? Dasquian tried to question him yet found that Aaron turned and began walking away gesturing for his brother to follow. The two Knights paced over the cracked ground towards the hamlet of nucleated huts. They hopped up the rocks on the side of the hill before eventually entering the center of a the settlement. The houses encircled them in a tight arc.
From what he could see, there were very few people here. Only three or four of the houses allowed a clear view inside to the people that moved about within. Each was similar in appearance to the two brothers, with the tell-tale point tipped ears and slight build. Most of the women had dark hair, whilst the men were fair. A small group of children played infront of one house, and giggled with glee as they saw the twin brothers.
"What are we doing here, brother?"
Aaron chuckled softly and shook his head, disregarding the question as the three youngsters grappled at him with playful pokes.
"We should get inside, young ones, it is far too hot out here for you,"
With that, he began to usher the children inside, taking Dasquian with him...
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:58:14 PM
More of his family? Or were they just children of the people in this community. Most places like this always cared for each other like they were one entire family; besides the immediate members of course.
Now that Navaria and Dasquian could both understand the language, the next hurdle needed to be jumped. She tried to steer his mind casually in remembering what this day actually was. Trying to remember the children's name might be too much and specific.
This memory stood out to her pupil for some reason, which meant that today was special for one reason or another. It could also be that this day led up to something that caused some sort of trauma ... That would be the most important key in unlocking some parts of his mind that were blocked.
Navaria also became curious and looked for certain details. Dasquian had to be training to become a Jedi ... why was he home?
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:24:47 PM
The group entered the small house, with Dasquian lagging behind as he looked around. It was simple inside, with bare white walls and home-crafted wooden and stone furniture set around the room. In the corner was a backward looking kitchen area, whilst off to the left was a corridor which presumably led to bedrooms and the like. The kitchen was current in a state of disarray as pots and pans were strewn about lazily, whilst it appeared something was cooking away on the stove.
The children skipped across to the long chair against the back wall and sat down with Aaron, who entertained them to no end as he would float objects about in front of their eyes using the Force.
Though he was living out the memory, it seemed he still had some loose control over his actions, but in the most part it appeared as if he was following a set rail. Due to this he found himself strolling across the room to look out of the back window. The swelling sun shone through the thin glass pan, creating a hazy line of rays over the floor. The light warmed Dasquian’s cheeks, and though the flare from the sun degraded his vision, he felt himself staring out onto the horizon.
His gaze was drawn downwards to an area that appeared to be a landing pad behind the settlement. Two ships lay dormant along side some speeders.
“Eiphos,” he murmured in a soft desperate whisper, the letters rolling out in his native tongue smooth as silk.
On speaking the word, he glanced away from the window and caught himself once more. Again he had been acting out the memory, though now he looked to his brother with a quizzical mind again.
“Brother … what are we doing here?” he questioned once more.
“You asked to come back, Dasquian.”
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:44:58 PM
Dasquian could feel Navaria probing further. Eventhough her Padawan was following the memories out to the fullest extend of his subconscious, she tried to open his awareness more.
Navaria coaxed his memories of Eiphos. The reason for him coming here was apparent... or was it? Dasquian's family lived here but was that the only reason he came back... There had to be more of this story. Padawans don't just leave Coruscant without good reason.
The Jedi of the Old Republic raised their pupils from birth practically and from what she had seen so far, Navaria had not felt or heard of a Master coming along with Dasquian ...
She once again took a back seat to what was happening and listened to the brothers conversation...
Dasquian Belargic
May 1st, 2002, 12:00:27 PM
"I do not recall why I would wish to depart Master Yoda's watch, Aaron," he said stoutly.
To this, his brother looked up with a raised eyebrow. The children did not seem to mind Dasquian's uffish attitude, though his fellow Jedi was suspicious. Aaron gave a stern look, then laughed softly, assuming that his siblings seriousness was all an act.
"We are in need of a short vacation, as Master Yoda stated. It would not be wise to continue such a strenous training program for such a prolonged period. To do so would only jeopardize our safety."
There was a secretive murmured from the children, as they giggled at the mention of Master Yoda. Dasquian approached them and gave the smaller a pat on the head. The youngest shot a hand out upwards, grabbing onto Dasquians thumb. He tugged tightly on it, turning to flee away.
"Dassss-y!" he chortled, taring off into the other room with Dasquian in tow.
The room they had entered was a smaller private area, with beds for three all set primly. A women tended to them, straightening out the sheets with a wistful sigh. The entrance of the two had, to her, been unnoticed.
"Uncle Dasy wants to say helllllllooooo," the boy chimed.
As if raised from a trance, the woman snapped up from the bed and her eyes came alight. She rushed at Dasquian, embracing him tightly with a delighted laugh. She was almost crying tears of joy from what Dasquian could see.
"Oh Dasquian! How good it is to see you, we have missed you and Aaron so much!"
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2002, 12:54:26 PM
The memory continued to play out excatly the way Dasquian remembered it. Pieces of the puzzle were coming into place but slowly. Navaria wanted that but something was nagging her.
Memories came forth for a reason. Dasquian was remembering this specifically and there must be a reason why. It could be as simple as his need to be home.. something that could not be because of what happened.
Or, there could be another reason.
Dasquian? Let's try something. You are following a script... try and do something outside of what you are suppose to do. I am curious. I know you have been trying to do this but you won't be doing it alone.
He felt the Force strongly now. Navaria was lending him her strength....
Just be careful.
Dasquian Belargic
May 2nd, 2002, 01:41:37 PM
He stumbled back a little as the women threw her arms around him, his eyes widening. Not only had the sudden act startled him, but the sudden presence of his Master in his mind had shocked him also. Though he could not speak in return to her, he nodded; knowing that Navaria would have been able to see his movements.
At this thought he pulled away from the woman, and receiving a slightly dissapointed smile. The children crowded at the two's feet, tugging and yanking at the Jedi's clothing as they stared upwards. It was only now that Dasquian got a good look at the woman - she was much shorter than he, though had very fair hair like his. Her figure was fairly slim, with pale skin and rich brown eyes.
"I don't have time to talk, I'm only here for a short visit to pick up something," he said sternly, his expression becoming very serious.
In reply to this, the woman visibly shrunk away, her heart sinking. It, for some reason, pained him inside to do so, but he turned and departed, bumping into his brother as he did so. The both nodded to each other, though Aaron seemed a little perplexed at Dasquians actions as the Jedi Knight strode off away from the small room back into the sitting room. No one followed him, quite thankfully, as this allowed him a little time to explore what the memory would allow him.
It seemed he could not approach the kitchen, for one reason or another, and was confined to the lounge, bedrooms and the dusty plains outside. In his past he musn't have ventured out very far around the village, and therefore was restrained to certain places.
With a sad sigh, he sat himself down and looked about the room. To his right there was a small table that was home to many photographs and small items; trinkets, charms and the like. One by one he lifted them, inspecting the curious engravings into their surfaces. After doing so he took up a framed picture.
It showed what was presumably the surrounding lands at night. There was a large formation of rocks in the background, whilst a couple stood in the foreground, a man and a woman. The female was the woman he'd just encountered, and the male ... he could not conclude who the male was. The problem that he was faced with was his own face, or rather his and Aaron's face. It was impossible to tell which of the twin brothers was standing with his arm around the young woman.
Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 02:57:15 PM
Still nothing could crack a solid memory for Dasquian. It must be very frustrating for him and Navaria sympathized. Without a clear basis for where you came from, how did one know who they truly were?
This was also difficult for Navaria since she could only be a spectator to Dasquians past. True, the Knight offered advice and was giving him the strength to break down barriers but ultimately, it was up to him to remember fully.
There have been enough hints and pieces of his past right here before him. Even with trying to break out of the scripted scene she was witnessing, Dasquian was no closer to the truth.
Navaria watched silently as her student looked around, realizing that still he could not enter certain places. Finally, he examined certain trinkets that Navaria could feel in his mind, some sense of familiarity .. yet still his stubborn mind would no let go and remember.
The picture that he was holding did have some merit. Perhaps this could unlock something further?
Focus on her, Dasquian, but remember to not push for the memories to come. Think of her face, her smile, the clothes she is wearing... then let the Force guide you.... Follow your instincts...
Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2002, 03:31:44 PM
Though Aaron and the others stayed in the other room, one of the children ran through. He bounded up onto the chair beside Dasquian and latched onto him once more. Either the children were naturally overly enthusiastic, or they hadn't seen him in a long time.
"Hello there ... "
What was the boys name? As he looked down at the little grinning face, cogs slowly turned in his mind that - piece by piece - attempted to unlock hidden memories. The boy did not mind the silence, though Dasquian himself knew he was waiting on the handle appearing in his mind.
" ... Sulli."
Without evening noticing it, he blurted the name out and the boy visually responded to it. Sulli, as Dasquian now knew he was called, leant over the Jedi's lap and poked a grubby finger against the glass on the picture frame.
"Thuh plainth!" he chuckled with a lisp, "What are you and motherh doing on thuh plains?!"
Dasquian quirked an eyebrow. The little boy, as with the others, were infact the children of the woman here; not just adopted or part of the community.
"Why don't you ask your mother?" Dasquian replied, offering a cheery smile down at the child.
The Jedi shrunk away, startled by the sudden shout from the boy. He wasn't all that used to children, especially ones that screamed loudly. With a frantic look about her, the woman scurried into the room and began bombarded Sulli with "Are you alright?", "What's wrong?" and "Are you hurt?", to which he simply giggled.
"Why are you and Dasqy therrrre?" he squeaked.
"Is everything already, Eiphos?!"
Aaron stumbled in, almost tripping over the other small boy. He too had heard Sulli shouting, and had obviously assumed the same - why, Dasquian did not know. As a Jedi he should have been able to sense that everything was Ok ...
... But still. It was good that he didn't. He now had two names to fit two faces. Sulli, to the first and possibly eldest boy, and Eiphos - the name he had spoken earlier - to the young woman.
Navaria Tarkin
May 5th, 2002, 05:59:22 PM
Seemed that that little nod in a certain direction brought about an interesting scenario. Eiphos was the name of the woman in the picture and this small boy was her son.
It was a cute scene, Navaria admitted. The feelings around this home were of love, comfort and compassion. This was truly a wonderful place to be raised and cared for.
Seems we have part of the answer Dasquian. It is you and Eiphos. But who is she to you?
Again something bothered Navaria. Not what she was witnessing but what this was maybe leading up to.
Could this have been the last time that Dasquian had seen his family before the incident that occurred?
Looking around the room and at the faces that couldn't see her, the Knight thought it was a real possibility.
Dasquian Belargic
May 14th, 2002, 09:52:13 AM
Dasquian rose up to his feet as Aaron entered.
"Everything is fine, brother ... little Sulli here was just wondering about this photograph of myself and Eiphos," he said with a smile.
Whilst this volley continued between Dasquian and his brother, Eiphos took the picture and set it back on the table, keeping relatively quiet, albeit sighing discontentedly.
"You two certainly make a cute couple," Aaron chimed cheerily.
In reply, Dasquian quirked an eyebrow. Eiphos' reaction was quite the opposite, as she sprung up and nuzzled against Dasquian expectantly. After having not recipricated after a few seconds, he noticed the anxiety showing in her face and quickly gave her a gentle hug.
"Daaaaa-aaa-aaaddy and Muuuuu-uuu-uummy!"
Sulli flung himself into Dasquian and Eiphos' shins, latching onto their legs tightly. Dasquian chuckled nervously, having had a kiss stolen off of him a few moments earlier.
"Hey, hey, Sulli, calm down now ... son."
There was no suprised response. The comment was taken happily, and therefore Dasquian could only assume that it was true. With a heavy heart, he began to realise why the woman had been so depressed, why the children had been so happy to see him, why Aaron seemed to take such fleeting interest in what was going on.
Navaria Tarkin
May 14th, 2002, 07:33:51 PM
But ... you still have no memory of them, Dasquian? It took so much effort for you to see that this is your wife. Your children. What is blocking your mind to see the truth staring right before you?
Navaria could feel the hesitation in his voice when he called Sulli his son. It was like Dasquian didn't want to accept it. Was he afraid of finding out about his past? This was his time in the grand scheme of things. With him coming to the future, all that he had known was lost forever. Only memories remained; locked deeply away.
It seemed that her Padawan didn't want to remember because it would hurt too much. Life was much easier walking blindly.
Yet, it was no way for a Jedi to live. A Jedi accepts what life has given them and then is better able to serve the Force. If Dasquian has any drive in becoming a Jedi ... then he must face his past, remember it, and accept what fate had dealt him....
Most importantly. He needed to realize that though he felt alone, he was not. Navaria would always be there for him, as she was now. Gently steering him to find the missing pieces of his life. To put them all together ... and when the moment comes that he remembers ... he still will not be alone.
Dasquian Belargic
May 15th, 2002, 10:39:51 AM
"Dinner is on the stove, dear ... will you be staying?"
Eiphos scooped up Sulli in her arms, finding one of the other children at her ankles almost immeadiately. Dasquian gave a warm nod after having glanced to Aaron, who seemed to agree. It was evident that their time here was only to be short.
"We will be able to stay for a day at the most, after that we will need to set off back towards Coruscant .. the flight will take a long time from out here in the outer rim," Aaron chipped in.
"But we shall stay for breakfast in the morning, if you will have us. I shouldn't like to travel on an empty stomach!"
The sun was setting outside, it appeared, and the kids were scurrying out into the dimming glow through a door in the back wall.
"The meal will be in about an hour or so .. maybe we could take a walk out to the plains?" Eiphos whispered, then raising her voice added, "Aaron, you wouldn't mind taking care of Sulli and Sophitia, would you?"
The twin accepted the requested, and after a few moments Eiphos and Dasquian were headed out across the flat-lands. They passed away from the settlement, yet it was always clear in view. Some twenty minutes passed before they reached a spot where it seemed like they needed to sit down. His wife nuzzled in against him, tugging some of his Jedi robes around her body.
"Why do you have to be away so much?"
The script kicked in once more.
"I have to fulfil my duty. There is much in the galaxy that needs righting or aiding ... Master Yoda has an excursion planned for us soon."
He felt the sadness in Eiphos as he spoke, "... though I imagine I will be able to come back for a long time after we have explored space for a short time."
Dasquian Belargic
May 24th, 2002, 01:08:41 PM
For Dasquian to sit back, as Navaria was doing, and simply allow events to play out was simple. It was an effective way, it seemed, of working out points and pulling together some of the pieces in the puzzle that was his past.
"The children are beginning to forget you're their father..."
There was a soft sigh from Dasquian. He was never at home with his family, not since he'd joined the Jedi ... Since he'd joined the Jedi, because before hand he had been a farmer and miner here and had been able to see them each day. That had been his former occupation ...
"I cannot visit anymore frequently than I do now, my training does not permit me to leave Coruscant as freely as you would like me to."
He looked towards the sun.
"When I became part of the Order we all knew what the consequences would be on life, and we just have to deal with them for the good of the galaxies."
He wanted to look back at Eiphos, but he couldn't. He could feel pain swelling inside of her, and out of the corner of his eye saw tears forming on her cheeks.
"Why won't the Council provide the funding to move me and the children to a domicile on Coruscant?" Eiphos said quietly.
"I don't know," Dasquian lied in reply. He knew why inside, he knew what possessive relationships did to the Jedi, and having Eiphos around constantly would only serve to distract him.
Even without fully remembing the scene, he could sense what the next line would be.
"Perhaps it would be wise for us to be separated ... this way you could live happily, and I could continue to fulfil my duties..."
Dasquian Belargic
May 26th, 2002, 03:21:22 AM
"I... I don't understand."
Came a croaky reply, stammered almost as Eiphos choked on her tears. There was a soft sigh, in response, from Dasquian as he looked away.
"Durk can look after you, he loves you and the children very much, and can be here when I cannot..."
Durk Ataree was another resident of the small community. He mostly kept to himself, unless he was visiting the rest of the Belargic's. Ever since Dasquian had become a rare commodity on the planet, it was evident that Durk and Eiphos had grown much closer. The children regarded him as a father figure, whilst Dasquian was an uncle who visited infrequently.
"... He is one of the best miners around, and will be able to provide for you all. I will send regular packages of credits to help out with the childrens upbringing..."
Eiphos remained silent, but Dasquian could tell what she was thinking. She was heavily against the idea, but he had to do what he had to do. A heavy silence fell, and all that could be heard was the wind brushing through the hollows in the plain.
"... We best be getting back for dinner then," Eiphos finally said, rising up to her feet. She brushed away some tears from her eyes with the back of her wrist then began to walk away, huddling herself with both arms.
For a moment Dasquian did not move, then glanced over his shoulder towards her. Shaking off his own sadness, he stood and began to pace over the sand slowly ...
Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2002, 06:23:34 PM
The commitment to the Jedi and to his family had come at a crossroads. Here Dasquian had thought about his situation logically and clearly to come to this conclusion.
And it was a good compromise in purpose and understanding. The children and his wife would be taken care of but at what cost. Would they be truly happy?
Navaria could feel the children's love for their father and how they missed him so. Dasquian felt the same but he kept his emotions in check and Navaria gathered that he had to come to this decision some time ago.
It was most likely the reason why Master Yoda had let his student return home. To get all his affairs together.
Then ... who would have thought that in the future, that here and now, Dasquian was saying good-bye to his family for good in more ways then one.
Was there regret? Sorrow? Pain? What was really in Dasquian's mind about what had just happened.
Those answers were important and Navaria cautiously let herself ease into her Padawan's mind to find those emotions... his true emotions about what happened here and what he really felt about finding himself in the future with no Master and no family that knew him.
There was the general feeling of surprise and amazement at what was going on but there was no recognition... there was no feeling that Dasquian was really remembering everything. He was still stuck here at this point in his life ... but understandably so ...
Now ... it was up to Navaria to help him realize everything by coaxing his emotions forward slowly and then helping him to understand them together...
Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2002, 10:06:42 AM
After having arrived back at the house the company - comprising of Aaron, Dasquian, Eiphos, Sulli, Sophitia and a number of others who Dasquian did not recognise - sat down to dinner. There was a range of food which all seemed to follow a theme of being brown or beige, yet tasted remarkably good. Everyone ate as though it was their last meal, and the table was cleared within half an hour. After the modest feast came a few games; with Dasquian and Aaron amusing the others by levitating small objects or pretending to 'hypnotize' the others into doing silly things. All in all the evening moved on smoothly, and everyones spirits were raised high.
Everyone except Dasquian.
In his mind he was now more quickly catching onto the past, present and future of this day. He realised that the others at the gathering were Durk and another farmer named Heiy, who he remembered as being the owner of the large farm they'd passed on their way to the settlement.
By simply listening in on the conversation, to the voices of the people, he found himself more informed on them. Both Sulli and Sophitia, he remembered, were five years old, and had been born as twins on the Eve of the Twinsun - when the suns on the planet seemed to collide in the sky. They'd named Sophitia after Eiphos' grandmother, whilst Sulli was a name chosen by Dasquian after another Knight whom he greatly respected.
"You're awfully quiet, brother,"
Aaron had approached from the pillow chairs in the living room to see Dasquian, who sat off to the side with his head bowed, seemingly reading a book.
"Aren't you excited about leaving?"
A faint smile came to Dasquian's lips.
"Of course. It will be a shame to not be able to see Eiphos again-"
"You will see her again, don't worry about that," Aaron interupted.
Dasquian smiled in return. His brother was right, he would be able to come and visit sometimes perhaps. After all, he could not desert his home ... his home were he'd grown up. His father Lero had originally owned the mining quarter here, whilst his mother was in charge of a communal kitchen. A little laugh escaped his lips as the image of his younger sister entered his mind; he recalled that she would try to help out with the mining, and only end up covered in crystal dust.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:23:43 PM
But as we both know.... that isn't what happened....
They was a lengthy pause and Dasquian could feel his Master's emotions briefly. Navaria was a child born out of the loss of her entire family. The circumstances were quite different but even she had to abandon her own brother during the riots on Imperial Center....
I'm sorry, Dasquian.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:35:30 AM
The lapse into Navaria's feelings left Dasquian confused. It seemed like he'd blinked, and when his eyes had opened he was in a completely different place. Or rather, he'd been moved from the inside of the house. Where he stood now he was a short distance from it, out in the daylight, waving to the gathering. The whole community were stood outside his old house, some in tears, others cheering to give the two Jedi Knights a found farewell.
"This trip has gone well," Aaron remarked as he turned from the people and began to walk more briskly.
Dasquian hung onto the moment for a little longer, a broad smile on his face as he called out his last goodbyes.
"Certainly," he said cheerily, springing around to walk the same way as Aaron.
"Things here will be just fine," the brothers both said at the same time, causing a short bout of laughing to begin ...
Aaron blinked and glanced upwards, and then across towards the craft they'd arrived on. Dasquian, noticing his confusion, mimicked him.
Robes whipped into the air as they turned full circle to see the source of distress. A dark figure had descended upon the leaving party, mounted atop a jet black speeder. It’s engine hissed and screamed as the shadow swooped past skidding to a halt in front of the people. Each became panic stricken, with Durk throwing his arms around some of the others for fear of what might happen if he let go. A shrill cry came from one of the children as the bike cracked hard against the child’s skull, tossing him across the dirt below like a rag doll.
“I knew something here was wrong!”
Aaron called out loudly as he sprinted back towards the group, drawing his jade saber immediately. Dasquian followed suit and removed his own orange saber. It was then that another beam coursed into view, deep crimson in hue and cleaving downwards to meet the petrified frame of Durk. The top portion of his body toppled backwards onto Eiphos, who crumbled to her knees, vision blurred by tears. The hooded monstrosity took aim then on her …
“Aaron!! He is going to kill her!”
The speed at which the twins ran increased as they came almost within reach. The darksider swung his saber upwards and drew it backwards ready to thrust it through the woman’s chest. Dasquian in his haste to save her leapt into the air and dove at the Sith, crashing down hard on his back. The impact caused the red saber to be driven forward, shooting straight through the center of Eiphos’ chest.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:54:33 AM
The Jedi Knight’s eyes widened in horror as he tumbled off of the Sith, being tossed to the side. Aaron had met with the dark one in a clash of sabers, and was holding the demon away from any other harm. Quickly getting to his feet Dasquian began to usher the rest of the still unharmed people back into his house. Slamming the door after them, Dasquian turned to look onto the fight.
The Sith had cast back his hood now, revealing chisel features; he was of the Iktotchi in race, and looked like a devil wreathed in red. Almost 2 meters in height, he towered over Dasquian’s twin, but the Jedi Knight held well against his strength.
“I can handle this! Tend to them!” Aaron called out, throwing the Sith back in the direction of their ship with a quick Force push.
Hastily he scrambled to where Eiphos and Durk lay, and knelt by them. Looking down into their lifeless expressions was haunting, especially with them in such a macabre position – Durk’s upper body lay in the arms of Eiphos, who cradled him almost tenderly. As of yet the two Jedi had no training in healing, but that did not matter. From the looks of things there was no hope for the couple, no hope at all …
“The speeder, prop it up against the hut! Set the engine on full, but slam the brakes on!”
His train of thought was interrupted by the yell. Complying quickly he shoved the ebony craft against the side of one of the empty wooden hovels. The engine inside roared and ground as the brakes were applied. Within an instant smoke began to spew out of the shell. Dasquian leapt backwards quickly and looked to Aaron in confusion.
The other Knight made no sign of eye contact, but instead sent out another wave of Force energy. The attack propelled the Sith into the air.
“Shoot the speeder!”
Frantically he fumbled about on his belt for a hand blaster. Flicking the weapon into hand, he aimed it at the steaming bike, and on the exact moment that the darksider crashed into it pushed the trigger … and was subsequently thrown backwards. As he skidded over the harsh landscape dust was kicked violently up into the air, while flames flared. The darksider was engulfed, and pain wracked him. Dasquian could feel his anguish yet felt no remorse. He simply stood, watching as the horned creature wretched and convulsed, its dark soul seeping into nothingness.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:10:35 AM
A hurricane of emotion filled Dasquian, and though he thought himself strong he found the ache in his heart paining him so much that tears welled in his eyes. The gun and saber hilt slipped from his hands, clattering to the floor. From inside the huts there was no noise, and thus all that could be heard was the hungry crackling of the fire before them. The wind whipped through the cloaks of the two Jedi silently as they stood in reverence of the fallen.
Dasquian shook his head at Aaron and raised one hand to silence him. His eyes fell to the floor and heart sank into his gut.
The scene changed once more, to one filled with sorrow. The group had gathered around two stone beds, with their fallen comrades lain upon them. Tears stained everyone’s cheeks as fire engulfed the fallen. Ashes to ashes, they would say, dust to dust, and become a part of all that was around them. The young child who had been attacked by the Sith had been bandaged up, and lay in one of the women’s arms. Their wounds had been healed on the outside, but nothing would cure the pain on the inside.
“We must go,” Aaron murmured to Dasquian, who agreed with a sagely nod.
They retreated, but there was no celebration. The families stayed inside while their guests paced over the desolate landscape alone. The grief that Dasquian felt on his shoulders he would bare for a lifetime, but there was nothing that could have been done about it. They had tried to save them, with all of their ability. The only consolation came from the fact that no one else had been hurt, and that one less Sith would torment the galaxy.
“May the force be with you all…”
And there it ended. Darkness fell over his vision, and he felt it being imbued into him. Knowledge once lost and forgotten surged into him as memories of old and new combined to form a collective bank. Not only events surrounding what had just happened, but simple meetings with people and times as a child, gatherings with the Jedi and encounters with Sith. A lifetimes worth of memories flooded into him all at once, and the darkness that covered his sight burst into a flare of white.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2002, 11:22:56 PM
Navaria had to break contact fast or be lost in the quickly revealed past that Dasquian was being reacquainted with. Considering that his mind was a jumble of memories and emotions... she was able to break the contact without much noticed.
There was so much stimuli for Dasquian to take in that she did fear that it could be too much for her student.
"Listen to me Dasquian..."
She began, taking hold of both his hands. Hopefully the physical contact would give him an anchor to work off of.
".... listen to my voice. Let the memories fall evenly in your mind where they belong, otherwise they will overwhelm you consciousness. Piece by piece... lay them down like stones on a bridge... Each one firm and settled in place so you can walk on them...."
Without him knowing, Navaria was using the Force to try and quiet and settle his mind. Her presence was as gentle as a summer's night breeze ... Barely noticable but comforting at the same time.
This was the first obstacle to overcome now that he remembered everything. Dasquian was a Knight before waking up in this time, so he had the training to do this on his own... but it might cause some mental blacklash without Navaria leading him steady on the path.
After he was aware of who he was .. It would then be time to find out how he was ... Then the true healing can begin.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:53:48 AM
His head fell forward limp whilst teeth became clenched. As Navaria took his hands Dasquian gripped them tightly, squeezing his eyes closed. The feeling inside his mind was like one killer headache, and it felt as though his brain had been scrambled. Still though he concentrated on what his Master was saying, trying to comply.
He took in slow shallow breathes, shaking a little as his mind tried to cope - with the aid of oth Dasquian and Navaria's abilities - and sort out what was going on.
His eyes eased open slowly - pupils dilated with the sudden view of the small training room. Even with such dim light it felt as though he was being blinded. Spots of colour crossed his vision, impairing it before clearing just as quickly as they had come.
A groan passed his lips as he felt some of the pain slip away; it was as if by inserting one piece of the puzzle he was cutting off a route for the hurting to come through.
Focus came back into his vision. He stared straight forward, trying to concentrate on looking at Navaria's hands, using them as a point to fix so that he would not loose sight of where he was. Bit by bit, he lessened his grip on her - this was not because he was growing weak, but because he was growing strong. With each memory that fell into place he felt a strength grow in him; he was becoming more whole with each second.
He would finally be the person he once was.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:32:46 PM
Dasquian was whole again. Navaria could feel it ... She could also feel her hands tingling from the vice grip that her Padawan had on her, but it was a very small price to pay for helping her student remember everything.
Gently, she stroked Dasquian's hand and brought her free one up to cup his cheek.
"How do you feel?"
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:39:57 AM
For a brief moment it appeared as if his violet eyes became white with light, but this faded instantly.
"Faint," he choked out the reply, colour noticably draining from his cheeks.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 10th, 2002, 06:13:50 PM
She let him fall limp in her arms and carefully laid him down on the bench. Quickly, Navaria stripped her outer cloak off and folded in underneath Dasquian's head. Concern etched in her eyes, the Knight watched for any signs that her student was improving or getting worse.
"Is that better?"
Navaria asked.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 11th, 2002, 10:16:35 AM
Laying horizontal felt much better than having to hold his weight up, and eased the pain in his head.
"Much better,"
He replied with a slight nod, wincing somewhat.
"That was... certainly interesting," he coughed.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:43:57 PM
"I'm glad, and of course grateful that the infirmary is nearby just incase it doesn't stay that way."
Navaria kneeled besides Dasquian and fixed a few strands of hair that had come loose.
A surprised sound of air came from her mouth.
"You almost pass out after regaining your memories and all you can say is interesting?"
She let her hand rest on top of Dasquian's head gently.
"There has to be more then just that."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:41:46 AM
"Well of course, but I fear if I think any harder my head is going to explode," he said with a faint grin, followed by a grimace.
"So yes, I repeat ... interesting."
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 12th, 2002, 06:55:23 PM
"Understood. I could alleviate your pain but I feel that this is something that you should come out of yourself."
She removed her hand and let them rest in her lap.
"Not everyday one remembers who they are. As soon as you're able, I'll help you to your room."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2002, 10:52:21 AM
He sat up slowly, uneasily, and sighed heavily.
"I'd like to go now, if that's alright ... I think some sleep would help," he said, shifting his weight about a bit.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:17:39 PM
Navaria tucked an arm underneath Dasquian's shoulder and held on to his side. She wrapped his other arm around his neck and proceded to help him up.
"Just lean on me for now. I don't need you passing out on the way to your quarters."
And with easy steps foward, studen and master left the outside gardens and disappeared back into the Academy.
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