View Full Version : A Spar Anyone?

May 5th, 2002, 09:10:09 PM
It had been a while.

Since returning to the Greater Jedi Order, Beldarine's initial excitement has become determination. Over the course of the past year, she had honed her skills away from the protection and quiet of the Order. Yes, it truly had been a while since her last spar...

**She stood in an open field, one of the areas she used to come to find some much needed solitude. Sitting down on the grass, she inhaled the sweet smelling air.. air filled with the promise of warmer weather. Trees swayed in the wind as her thought was sent out to the nearby Jedi Order.

Any who wish to spar with me are more than welcome

**Her eyes closed as she settled into a meditative state, waiting for the first Jedi who accepts her invitation.

Shade Magus
May 6th, 2002, 01:59:41 PM
Shade had been on his way to the training area when he first received the message. He had been wanting to spar and now it seemed like he would be able to. He quickened his pace until he finaaly reached an area in the training grounds. He saw a woman that he had seen around and had heard much about, but he had never gotten the chance to meet her personally. From what he knew she was a Jedi Knight, or possibly a Jedi Master. He smiled as he knew this would be a good way to measure his skills. He walked over to the young woman and stood patiently as he waited for her to come out of her medative trance.

May 6th, 2002, 09:15:58 PM
**The Force swirled inside her, enveloping her in the warmth that is. She felt the person coming and slowly her eyes opened. Looking up she saw a younger Jedi Knight.. one whom she did not remember...

"Hello.. I assume you are here to share a spar with me.. I don't believe we've ever met.. My name is Beldarine Del'Anar.. but you can call me Bel."

**Getting up, Bel bowed low and assumed a defensive crouch. She unclipped her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it.

"You may attack first since you accepted my challenge"

**The Jedi Knight began to surround herself with the Force, sinking herself deeper into the power that is.

Shade Magus
May 7th, 2002, 04:31:43 PM
"Very well Bel. My name ois Shade Magus."

Shade nodded and crouched low, wrapping his being into the Force. Sade reached around his waist and unclipped his ligthsaber, igbniting it as he held it up. He pulled his foot up slightly dashing toward Bel. He then thrust his lightsaber forward and at a downward angel, aiming for Bel's lower left leg.

May 7th, 2002, 10:21:34 PM
**In a blaze of blue light, Bel brought her saber down.. connecting with Shade's blade. A shower of sparks erupted from the clashing saber's -- illuminating Bel's grin.. She was having fun. Their blades still locked together, Bel catapulted over her opponent.. landing on his other side.

**As her feet touched the soft ground, Bel's left arm launched out .. aiming for Shade's unprotected back...

**Up above the sky began to rumble. Dark clouds began to appear in the distance, making their way closer. The electricity grew in the air -- signs of the impending storm. Bel's mind kept pushing the particles with the Force, prodding Mother Nature to do her business faster than usual. Unnoticed to the two combatants, the wind began to pick up.

Shade Magus
May 8th, 2002, 09:00:12 AM
Shade felt a pain in his back and he stumbled foward. As he was going forward, he put one hand on the ground and flipped over, twisting so that that when he landed, he was facing Bel. He put his hand on his back only for a moment, before throwing it back towards Bel and using a Force push. Shade ran forward and slashed upward with his lightsaber, the green blade providing little illumination as the sky darkens. As the blade went up. Shade puit his other hand out to the side, ready to use it to defend from any attack. He reaches out with the Force to sense the oncoming strom and smiled. This would help make this interesting.

May 10th, 2002, 09:30:53 PM
OOC: Sorry about the lateness. been a tad bit busy <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">


The Force Push knocked her off balance for a moment, and his saber slashed upwards as Bel stumbled back. She managed to bring her saber down in a flash of blue light and it caught his just in time, only singeing her thigh slightly. They exchanged a fierce volley of strikes, more testing each other's strengths and weakness rather than to actually injure.

Bel began to test his left side, concentrating all of her strikes there. First a quick jab to the chest, followed by a sweeping strike at the knees. She began to take the offensive, pushing him back little by little. Bel corrected a swing in midflight, and her lightsaber flashed towards Shade's stomach. As her blade changed flight, Bel closed her eyes.

The sky was black now, clouds roiling with the intense pressures they contained. They opened up with a monstrous intensity, the rain sounding more like thunder as it pounded the two combatants.

Beldarine smiled, this would be fun.

Shade Magus
May 11th, 2002, 07:41:51 AM
Shade saw the strike coming, and out of reflex he twisted his saber upside down and caught it just before it hit him. He felt the blade as it singed his clothes and stomach. He held it there, as the storm began to pass overhead. He would not give anymore ground, atleast not until he was ready to do so.

OOC: on't worry about it.