View Full Version : Seeking Solace....(open spar)

May 11th, 2002, 07:07:05 PM
Xazor walked through the jungles. It was early morning and the suns were rising to greet a beautiful night sky. Kissing it with every thread of orange and yellow, slowly the darkness slipped away. The Jedi Knight smiled as she breathed in the fresh clean air and exhailed the life of the very plants around her. She bent over to smell a pretty blue flower before continuing down the path. Finally she had reached her destination: her favorite place. It was a small open area where a giant waterfall was located. Rich green grasses surrounded the area, and trees shot out of the ground to touch the sky. Flowers were everywhere you turned, and their sweet smell filled the air. As Xazor walked to sit upon the rocks near the water, her red robes flowed behind her as an ocean wave, her waist length hair gently swayed in the breeze.

"I am looking for a spar...."

She calls out gently, hoping someone will hear her and come....

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 14th, 2002, 03:27:03 PM
Kaman had been wanting to use her new lightsaber. Constructed from the plans drawn up by her father, this was one of the finest lightsabers one could ever come across. She followed those plans to the last detail, having just finished the hilt artistry, and now it was like the Jedi instrument of defense was begging to be used. However, it wasn't as connected to her as CobraWolf. The hilt was cool to the touch, as it had not been used, except in activating it to see if it worked.

She walked into the forest. It was quiet, except for the usual forest sounds. She closed her eyes, and took a long, dep whiff of the air, and smiled. Then something hit her. Someone else was here...A familiar presence...Xazor...She opened her eyes. 150 metres ahead of her, Xazor sat near the water. Kaman journeyed in that direction, and sat down on rock next to her. The sun shone in her face, glinting on the frame of her sunglasses. A soft ocean breeze played with her short blonde hair. Kaman spoke.

"You too, huh?"

Xazor obviously knew what Kaman was talking about, because she nodded.

"What do you say we..? Huh. Funny thing. I don't even need to say...We both know a spar is what we need on this wonderful day. Hehe. I rhymed."

Xazor Elessar
May 14th, 2002, 03:41:23 PM
Xazor smiled at Kaman and nodded.

"Indeed.....I know I could use a spar....and it appears as though that is what you seek also."

She said as she ran her hand through the water. It was a beautiful day and a spar would be a good way to burn off some energy and to practice.

"Shall we then?"

She rose from her seat on the rocks. The Knight removed her red cloak and single layer of robes, then set them on a large boulder, revealing her attire of black combat boots, black pants, and a white hater top. She removed the three swords from her back yet left her weapons belt on. From it, she drew her saber and held the shiny silver hilt in her right hand. Smiling as she did, her finger slipped over a button and two blue beams shot forth from both ends of the hilt, revealing a duel-phased lethal weapon...but of course, it would not be used for that now. This was not a real battle....only a spar. She held it at her waist, parallel to the ground in her own defensive stance. She then waited for Kaman to prepare...

"You may have the first move when you're ready..."

She said gently, nodding her head in the young woman's direction.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 09:01:28 PM
On a distant tree a twelve year old by the name of Sene found a perch to sit on. Looking out he waited for the sparring to begin.

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 08:16:28 AM
"Why weren't they fighting?"

The two combatants were simply standing there. H was really looking forward to the fight, but they wouldn't start. Swallowing his excitement, Sene continued to wait.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 09:35:21 AM
Xazor felt the presence of another...watching them. She looked around for a moment and finally found the source. It was that of her young padawan, Sene. Smiling his way, she returned her eyes back to Kaman. He could learn a lot by watching this spar...and she knew it would go well. Once again, she nodded for Kaman to take the first move.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 05:41:45 PM
Vanair had taken a walk out into the woods. He came upon Xazor and another woman who he did not know both with light sabers drawn. Thinking that the other woman was going to harm Xazor he pulled out and ignited his double sided light saber and ran into the clearing placing himself between Xazor and the other woman. He brought his light saber into fithting position with the blades going in a diagonal position. Both blades glowed a deep red...

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 05:47:46 PM
Xazor was quite taken aback. She shook her head and called his saber to her left hand...her own duel-phased in her right hand.

"Vanair....what are you doing? This is my friend, Kaman. We were about to engage in a practice spar. Did you...oh...okay, I understand. You must have thought she was going to hurt me. I assure you, we may get hurt...but this is practice. She won't try to kill me or anything like that."

She examined his saber a moment, realizing that the blades were red...like many Sith she had come across, but then she realized what he had told her...his story. She smiled gently and disengaged the blades on his. Handing it back to him, she nodded slightly.

"If you would like...it is possible to change the crystals inside the saber to make the beams more....peaceful colors, if you will. Like mine. I use a duel-phased...but my beams are blue like the life giving waters of the galaxy."

She was still slightly shocked at the fact that he had been so willing to jump in without knowing what was going on. The Knight valued his concern for her...but she thought it kind of funny that he didn't realize that it was a friendly spar.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 05:53:00 PM
"I am sorry Jedi Xazor I have lived to many years in constant war zones when I see two people facing off it usually means that one of them is going to die. As for the blades of my lightsaber.......yes if you would show me how I would like to change them. The saber was given to me by a man i did not know. I now know however the history of that blade. It belonged to my ancestor Darth Maul."

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:08:40 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"I will show you later this afternoon. I have a variety of crystals in my room in the Living Quarters....seek me out there later and be sure to bring your weapon."

She said gently. Bowing her head to him to bid him leave, she looked back to Kaman and grinned.

"Sorry my friend...I have many protective friends. Good to have, they are...but sometimes they do not realize what is going on."

The Knight laughed to herself, grateful to know that he was there for her anyway.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 06:17:08 PM
"I will take my leave of you now. Again my apologies. If either of you should need assistance after your friendly duel just call I shall hear you. Or if you still have some energy come and find me I shall only be a little ways away practicing. That is if you would like to practice some hand to hand.