View Full Version : Awaiting continuance

Tainen Baal
Apr 12th, 2002, 05:44:35 PM
It was a cool day, a light breeze blowing. Tainen sat
cross-legged under a large tree in the middle of a small clearing. The dense jungle around her was quiet and still. Her eyes were closed in concentration. After a few moments the wind began to swirl around her, whipping her dark hair around. Tainen opened her eyes and smiled. It was a game from her home planet to pass time. She was waiting for her Master, Sage Hazzard, so they could continue her training. She had a lot to tell him. Many things had happened in the past few weeks.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:19:48 AM
"My Padawan, your presence brings me much joy."

Sage had approached from behind. Her ever increasing skill had probably noticed him before he had spoken, but she was kind enough to give him an impression of surprise.

"Please, tell me of your journeys since last we spoke."

OOC - Would you be interested in doing a RP with me at SWForums.net?

Tainen Baal
Apr 14th, 2002, 11:59:41 PM
"As does yours my Master." Tainen greeted him with a smile. She stood slowly before continuing.

"Many things have happened since we last spoke. I went back to Korran. They are on the verge of a civil war and it is quite hostile. My birth mother and father were both killed as a warning. My brother, Ewan, is to take my fathers place as Elder. Both my godbrothers, Elbereth and Gilly, were taken hostage. Elbereth managed to escape somehow and after we treated his wounds we thought he would make it." here she paused, taking a moment to think and then continued, slowly.

"Elbereth and I were in love. I think I have always loved him. After his return we spent many days and nights together, talking, growing closer. One morning I woke and he was gone. They found his body two moons later. And that leads me to my most imprtant news...I am pregnant."

OOC: of course!

Sage Hazzard
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:48:02 AM
The Jedi Master went through a flurry of facial expressions as she spoke. From sadness to utter joy. He had sensed another life form.. now he knew why.

"You have been through much, my Padawan. I am regretful I was not there to guide you."

Sage sighed theatricly, smiling.

"How far along are you, Padawan?"

OOC - Perhaps you've seen threads with "Benevolent Forces" in the front of them? That was my idea, BTW. Anyhow, it'd be that sort of thread. Those threads are meant to be Jedi doing what they do best, helping people and keeping/bringing peace. Much like what Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan hoped to do at the begining of TPM, keep peace. Perhaps it could be you and me, traveling to Korran, and trying to settle the civil war?

Tainen Baal
Apr 15th, 2002, 06:35:12 PM
She was smiling softly but her eyes were filled with uncertainty. She had not been prepared for a child.

"Three months Master. Truthfully, I...I do not think I can raise a child. Even if Elbereth were alive, I don't think I could." she suddenly looked very tired. Sleep had been scarce the past few weeks.

OOC: Yea, that would be great<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sage Hazzard
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:52:18 AM
Sage nodded.

"There is a saying: it takes a village to raise a child. The Jedi will help you whenever you need it. And I will be there to offer support. I have enough funds to cover the baby's bills and needs, plus I can offer my time whenever it is needed."

The Jedi Master didn't need the Force to see the bags beneath her eyes.

"You require sleep, my Padawan. Tomorrow, we will embark on a most important mission. Get your sleep."

OOC - The mission will be what what I said, us going to your planet. That is, if you don't mind doing that. You should start the thread, since I have no clue how your planet looks, where it is, how the people act, etc. So just start a thread at SWForums, make sure "Benevolent Forces" is in the front of the title, and I'll make sure to reply.

Sorry for the slow reply here. I've been busy with making an Episode II Desktop theme, which I hope to have done over the weekend. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Tainen Baal
Apr 19th, 2002, 07:11:05 PM
Tainen nodded. "Yes Master. I can provide physically for the child but is the support I will need." she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I was not ready for this. But everything happens for a reason. I think this will prove to be a blessing rather than a burden."

OOC: I'll probably have to start it either later tonight or tomorrow...I have a football game tonight<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> An EP2 desktop? coolio...I'm inept with computers, lol.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 21st, 2002, 03:11:11 AM
"It shall. It shall. Perhaps it will be a small reminder of how much he loved you, if nothing else. This new life.... it will carry on his legacy. Most humanoids live to pass on their seed, to help continue the species. Even though his body does not live on... I sense he will be supporting you as well, my Padawan. Through the Force, no one truely leaves us."

OOC - Please, if you'd be so kind, give me a link to the thread when it's up. Thank you. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Football? You play, watch, or what? I looooove football. <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/biglaugh.gif ALT=":D"> Used to be a QB in Junior High.

Tainen Baal
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:50:59 PM
OOC: ugh, I am so sorry I took so long to reply. I play football with a bunch of friends and my kneecap (which has been operated on three times) shattered because I have really bad knees and a very tall peson tackled me quite hard. Of course, the fence that stopped our caroming along the ground wasn't very helpful. But my brother in law brought me his labtop so I'm happy. I might not be on for a few days...I have to go to surgery tomorrow and I'll be out and feeling kind of crappy afterwards. Anywho...on to the RP


Tainen nodded, a faint smile crossing her face. "Yes, I think he will. I hope he will. But I suppose it is natural to worry about the safety and well-being of a child." Tainen paused, lost for a moment in thought, "But, Master, there is something I would like to know. Where are we going on our mission?"

Sage Hazzard
May 3rd, 2002, 02:44:09 AM
A smile swept across his face.

"To your planet of course."

OOC - Dang.... that's too bad. Hope you feel better soon.

Tainen Baal
May 7th, 2002, 11:53:36 PM
For a moment she could not keep her surprise from showing. Though the idea of going home was welcomed, Tainen was also a bit apprehensive. There had been only two visitors in the last fifteen years, and curiously enough had been Jedi sent to help negotiate peace during the first war. When the treaties fell through, the Elders became suspicious to any visitors to Korran.

"I look forward to it Master...but I must warn you that we will not receive a warm welcome. People are very...cautious around those from other worlds." Tainen explained slowly.

OOC: well, I'm back for a while<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> I'm not allowed to leave bed (I'm not arguing). Quick question, would it be okay for other members of the tribes to join in at SWFans?

Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2002, 02:33:56 AM
"I've handled xenophobics before. Don't fear, all will be well."

OOC - I'm sorry about the slow replies. And of course it'd be fine. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Tainen Soreiba
May 25th, 2002, 04:20:12 PM
OOC: I'm sorry about the slow replies:) I just havn't been up to it. This is still me (obviously) but my e-mail acount has been shutdown so I couldn't finish registering here with the Baal account so yeah:) Every time I see your personal pic that superman song "it's not easy" starts playing in my head, lol


"Just a warning so you do not feel like it is you they are shunning. It has been that way for many years. Other than that, I look forward to it." Tainen said with a smile.

Sage Hazzard
May 27th, 2002, 01:37:37 AM
OOC - :lol Yeah, for me too actually. Good song tough, so I can't complain. By Five for Fighting by the way. :)

Are we going to do this RP soon?