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Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:24:30 AM
Sage Hazzard held his hand open, gesturing to the forrest around them. He had requested to learn more and the Jedi Master was more than happy to comply.

"What do you know already? We will expand first, then broaden with new ideas."

Shade Magus
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:54:35 PM
Shade closed his eyes and thought about all his past experiences and past lectures. He formulated a thought in his head, and thought it over and over before answering.

"In my time as a Jedi Knight, I can say that the only thing I honestly know to be true is that the Force is always there. I can be whatever the person weilding it chooses it to be. It can be both good and evil. It distinguishes between no race or species. It is simply there. It guides us and helps us in our times of needs."

Shade concluded his statement and stood ready for Sage's words.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:27:15 AM
"It does not 'help' us like you think. It has no motive really. Although I do believe it is more living than most think, the general consensus is the Force is simply there.... waiting to be used."

Sage sighed.

"Are you wanting to know how to utilize the Force, perhaps in fighting or otherwise? Or are you seeking lessons in the phylisophical aspects of the Force?"

Shade Magus
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:22:29 PM
"Personally I would like to learn about both. I mean knowing how to fight is important yes, but learning about the Force can also help a person gain a deeper knowledge of the Force and n my opinion learn to use it more wisely."

Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:28:41 AM
Sage nodded.

"What attacks do you know?"

Sage was a Warrior at heart. He prefered fighting. And through fighting came disipline. Also, through the heat of battle, Sage believed a true connection to the Force could be found. With things moving at hyper speeds, the mind cannot think and must REACT instead.

OOC - So sorry about the slow reply!!! Gosh, I'm embaressed actually. :(

Shade Magus
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:58:48 AM
"To be honest besides the regular Force attacks, I only know warp matters."

OOC: don't fret about it.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:45:17 PM
Force Push, Pull, Landing, Strength, Speed, etc. That is what he assumed. But what was this... warp matters.

"What is your meaning when you mention, "Warp Matters"?"

Shade Magus
May 1st, 2002, 12:30:17 PM
"Warp matter (http://www.roleplayinggames.net/starwars/common_files/power_list.html#Warp_Matter) is an ancient Jedi technique that I have read up on. It gives a Jedi the ability to rearrange moecules of an object in a different oreder."

Sage Hazzard
May 3rd, 2002, 02:41:00 AM
"Ah, yes of course. I excel in that technique but have never heard it called that. Very interesting."

He smiled and nodded.

"Let's begin. First, I will teach you how to soften the blow from any object thrown at you. It won't work as well against fists or anything controled by a hand. But if someone were to throw a rock for instance, this will help. Also, it is hard to prepare. So to do it effectively, you need time. The time it takes for a rock to travel through the air from a distance, should be a good amount of time. Observe."

Sage took off his shirt and threw it to the side. He wanted the other to see the rock meet his body. He got into a low stance, his arms spread to the side. His eyes closed.


He let the Force flow through him. His muscles could be seen tightening. This was done by physical means but also reflected the work the Force was doing.

Suddenly, a fist size rock leap from the ground 10 meters away and began flying towards the Jedi Master. He kept his eyes closed, even as the rock slammed into his stomach. It dropped to the ground and Sage was unscathed.

"You see? It is simple a matter of speaking to the Force and asking for assistance, just like moving a rock. The Force will do the rest of the work. Try it. It will take time to perfect however, so be ready to deal with pain."

Shade Magus
May 3rd, 2002, 05:09:07 PM
Shade nodded. He steped forward and stood up straight. He closed his eyes and felt around with the Force. He foudn a decent sized object and picked it up. He then took careful aim and then let it fly. He stood straight and called on the FOrce to help him, when all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain on his upper chest. He staggered back and looked down to see a rock larger than the one Sage had demonstrated with.

"Well.......I must be doing something right....a blow like that would usually knock me off my feet!"

Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2002, 02:40:58 AM

Sage cracked his neck and motioned to a 'droid. It had been set up by the Jedi Master beforehand. In it's hand was a blaster.

"Blasters fire energy blasts. This skill can be done with any energy. However, blaster fire is best for demonstration. Observe."

With the Force, Sage pulled the trigger. It shot towards Sage's chest.... and was absorbed by him. Then Sage exhaled and while doing so, he used the stored energy to send a rock smashing into a tree.

"The energy enhances you're power over the Force. More energy means more power. One shot is enough for limited telekinisis. 20 shots is enough for me to demolish the 'droid with the Force alone. However, be advised that many Jedi believe this is borderline Light Side, borderline Dark Side. Tred lightly. Also, you must use the energy stored as quickly as possible, or else you may die. I kid you not. You may attempt this if you're willing. The blaster is set to stun for safety."

Sage paused.

"Oh, I forgot to mention how to attempt this. When the energy comes in, grasp it in the Force.... no, more like 'feel' it. Then come to think of it's energy field as you're own. Like two water dropplets running together. Soon, they will meet and join into one larger piece. The Force will do the rest."

Sage stepped back and allowed Shade to step into the line of fire.

OOC - OMG, I'm a jerk for replying so late. Sorry!

Shade Magus
May 14th, 2002, 11:59:49 AM

Shade stepped in front of the beam and reached out with the Force. He put forth all his concentration into his task. He couldn't afford to fail on this test. He pulled the trigger with the Force and as it flew towards him, he reached with the Force and drew the energy in. Shade then released the breathe he had been holding and with it the energy and blew up a small rock nearby.

"That was easy...."

Shade gasped for air. He had never done anything like that before in his life, and it had drained him of his energy.

Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 01:46:07 AM
"Do not feel the need to lie to impress me. All Jedi find this task difficult, if not mortally wounding....."

Sage sighed.

"On to bigger things. The Force Wall."

The Jedi Master motioned to an open clearing.

"Call on the Force. Imagine a solid barrier in open space. Slowly, feel the barrier tightening and growing stronger, more stable and thick. Soon, picture it being completely unbreakable and solid.... Then, throw a rock into it and see the results for yourself."

Undoubtably, if he did it right, the rock would smash against the Force Wall. It'd be quite a sight since the Force Wall was invisible. A solid object being shattered by a seemingly non-existant barrier was a marvelous thing to observe.

Shade Magus
May 16th, 2002, 02:38:02 PM
Shade nodded. This would be easier since he had preformed this kinda trick before. He raised his hand and did as Sage told him. He saw the wall in front of him with his mind's eye. As he neared its completion, Shade picked up a rock on the other side and levitated it until the barrier was finished. He kept his hand up and let the rock fly. Shade put all the power he could into the throw. The rock stopped inches from his face as it hit the wall. He smiled and turned to Sage.

"Is that right?"

Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 11:40:37 PM
"Near perfect. I admired your courage in testing your skill against a rock flying towards you. Confidence is the hallmark of a good Jedi."

Sage sighed.

"However, there are more offensive ways to use this skill. Obsearve."

He picked up a neaby dummy. It was made of foam and was shaped like a humanoid.

"You engage the enemy in combat."

Sage threw the dummy into the air, simulating a Force Push. Then, the dummy struck dead air, a Force Wall. Before landing, Sage's foot was on it's neck, smashing it against the solid barrier. Then, he removed his foot, letting it fall. But instead of hitting the ground, it hit another Force Wall, or perhaps Force Floor. It's ankle bent and it finally callapsed on the real ground.

"Quite simple. It's up to your imagination really," he remarked, throwing the dummy aside. "Now, onto more tasks."

He raised a datapad. On it was a symbol.

"Jedi Memory."

He showed it to Shade where he could view it as well. Then, he pressed a button, starting the cycle. It randomly cycling through symbols at a lightning quick pace. Less than half a second for each symbol.

"Impossible to recite as they appear, or even recall with great accuracy... without the Force that is. Search through your memories with the Force. See the event over and over again. In this recall state, you can slow it down to whatever pace you need to see the symbols."

He stopped the cycle and returned the datapad to his belt.

"Can you recall the twenty six symbols just displayed?"

Shade Magus
May 17th, 2002, 12:00:29 PM
"I believe so...."

Shade closed his eyes and concentrated. He saw images flash before his mind's eye and called out what he saw.

"A cricle, square, triangle, New Republic symbol, cross, rectangle, ship, oval, cube, pyramid, sphere, another ship, circle, sphere, Old Republic symbol, and....and........that is all I can remember........"

Sage Hazzard
May 17th, 2002, 01:17:34 PM
Sage nodded.

"Of course. It is your first time. We all fail our first time."

Sage paused before speaking.

"Now, onto our next lesson. This one has no real name, but for this exercise I shall name it "Jedi Stealth". It is not an illusion persay. When people look at you, they will in fact see you, however, they will not give you a second thought."

He motioned to a group of young Jedi Padawans. They were treking with a teacher near the creek. They hadn't noticed the two yet, and were perfect for the exercise.

"When someone isn't looking for you, they're thoughts are elsewhere. Once they look at you, slowly turn they're thoughts back to elsewhere. Lower they're suspicion and intruiged. Cause them to shrug you off and immediantly forget you ever crossed they're path. This will not work for those who know you well, those who are on alert, and those will mind reinforcement training. Like the NRSF soldiers. Now, you are free to attempt the task."

Shade Magus
May 17th, 2002, 02:11:57 PM
Shade nodded. He ad learned this trick before, although had not mastered it. He had only used it once or twice before also. He walked towards the Jedi Padawansand walked right through them. For the most part none of them followed him with their eyes, although they all glanced at him when he approached. As they finished walking by, one or two of the more advanced Padawan notice him though.

Shade wlaked back over to Sage.

"How did I do?'

Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2002, 12:47:35 AM
"You did well. Not perfect, but well. You removed enough doubt in their mind to releave friction. They would not attack you, more than likely. Although those two lingering ones do remember you, more intense focus would do the job completely."

Sage motioned to a small bench, set up with assorted fruit and water.

"You may rest before continuing, if you wish. I prefer to contemplate on the Unifying Force during my breaks."

Sage smiled.

"You've done well and do not think for a moment that you are done for the day. This is your last chance for a breather."

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 11:16:42 AM
Shade smiled and nodded.

"I had hoped not...tell me Master Sage....what do you mean by the unifying Force?"

Shade sat down in front of the bench with his legs crossed as he waited for Sage's answer.

Sage Hazzard
May 24th, 2002, 12:46:59 AM
Sage twisted his head in a snap.

"Have you not been taught this? I should have started with that..."

He walked slowly over to Shade, speaking as he did.

"The Unifying Force is the name of the side of the Force which tells the future, the past, and things long gone. Using this Force, you can see into the future, plan moves and formulate future actions. It is best when a great task is ahead. Such as what to teach a young Knight."

Sage smiled as he sat down next to Shade.

"The Living Force is in the present. It guides us, tells us when to react. Not what will occur, but only what to do. This is dangerous, for it may lead to disastor. However, it is the will of the Force, so some see it as the correct path. If it leads you to your death, so be it. It was the will of the Force? This is what some believe, but not others. Like myself. Why not protect yourself from disastor? The future is always in motion. So following blindly will only lead you to one future. I believe you must grasp the future you wish, and follow it."

The Jedi Master smiled.

"My father was a supreme preacher of the Living Force. I do believe it was his downfall. He was too trusting. Of all people, good and bad. He let his actions be guided, not foreseen. It was the death of him."

Changing the subject, he looked back at Shade.

"Which would you prefer, now that you know the difference? The Unifying or Living Force?"

OOC - The distinction was told in the book "Cloak of Deception". You should check it out. :)

Shade Magus
May 24th, 2002, 07:03:17 AM
"I honestly can not say. From what I have heard, the Unifying Force seems like the logical choice, but shoudl we liive in all the time, we could become distracted from the present because we would be thinking about the future. The Living Force however can allow a person to live only in the presnt and therefore focus his attention more...."

Shade closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Is it not possible for one to live in both?"

Sage Hazzard
May 27th, 2002, 01:49:27 AM
Sage smiled. "If only...."

The Jedi Master let that linger before he elaborated.

"You can of course balance it. Sometimes using one, sometimes the other. Yet it is impossible to do both at the same exact time. To fully use the Living Force means to not know the future, therefore seeing the future would break that concentration on the here and now. However, you can pick and choose. But I prefer not to. In my mind it's like trying to learn to dig and bury. You end up with half a hole."

Obviously he meant for a double meaning. "Hole" and "Whole".

Shade Magus
May 27th, 2002, 01:00:25 PM
"I see........well.....then the only obvious choice would be to learn to use the Unifying Force. I belive that the FOrce has a will for us, but if what you say is true and we can have many different futures, then these are the wills of the Force and we should be able to choose which we want."

Sage Hazzard
May 29th, 2002, 09:12:08 AM
"Always in motion is the future... Always.... With the Unifying Force you will see many things. The future, the past, friends long gone. However, you must never find yourself daydreaming and stuck in the past or future. Use it as a guide, a tutor," he said added. "What else would you like to know?"

Shade Magus
May 29th, 2002, 06:10:35 PM
"I would like to know how one can tap into the Unifying Force. To me the Frce is the Force. I have seen or felt nothing that could distinguih it otherwise."