View Full Version : The One With The Mandalorian Armor(Lord Hex)
Amalia Azalin
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:01:27 PM
Amalia stood just at the entrance of The Jedi Academy. She had taken on yet another student, who like the rest, was eager to learn the ways of the lightside of the force.
Her newest student she knew very little of, but that would soon change. She planned to learn all about him, even before she set forth into his training.
So she waited patiently for the one who dressed in mandalorian armor, hoping that he was as eager to learn as she was to teach him.
Lord Hex
May 8th, 2002, 09:14:17 AM
Lord hex enters. His emerald hilt gleaming with reflected light, his mandalorian iron armor gleamin also, his helm held underneath his arm. His ice-blue eyes gleaming brightly, nodding to Amalia, his head bowed in deep respect. A light clanking sound emits from his armor as he walks into the room, the helm underneath his left arm, yet his right arm snaped straight at his side, his posture erect, as he walks, stopping before Amalia,
"Greetings, ma'am, my name is Alexian Davari.."
His posture still erect, awaiting a response.
Amalia Azalin
May 8th, 2002, 11:39:02 AM
Amalia smiled warmly as she saw Alexian enter.
"A pleasure, Mr. Davari, as you may know, I am Amalia Azalin, Jedi Master to GJO. I've met you once before, while I was in a spar, with Warren Azalin. Regretgully so though, I never caught your name then. I'd like to train you, if I may, I heard you've been seeking a master to train you. Would this be alright with you?"
Lord Hex
May 9th, 2002, 08:22:47 AM
Lord hex's 21 year old face emits a slight happy grin, speaking softly to Amalia,
"I would like that.. yes."
Stands there silent, awaiting a response.
Amalia Azalin
May 9th, 2002, 04:21:43 PM
She smiled softly and nodded.
"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Before we can begin your training I must know what you know, so that it will better help me to teach you. As I'm sure you know, the Jedi belong to the Lightside of the force and the Sith, belong to the Darkside of the force. However, what I would like to know from you is, what do you know of the Force? Have you yourself experienced the force before, if so, how?"
ooc: Hex, you can't train someone unless you have been given permission to do so. As far as I know and see, you're a padawan, and have not been given permission to train.
Lord Hex
May 10th, 2002, 07:17:09 AM
Lord hex grins lightly. Looking to the glass that lay upon the countertop, concentrating breifly, using the force to pick the glass up from the table, and bring it to Amalia. Setting it down next to her feet. Looking to Amalia, shrugging lightly, with a wave of his hand sends the glass flying into the wall. After a few minutes of time, watches a janitor droid come into the room, cleaning up the mess.
"How's that?"
OOC:I know.. I am just asking her if she needs training.. if so, I know a person.
Amalia Azalin
May 10th, 2002, 05:02:21 PM
OOC: oh, ok, sorry, I wasn't trying to harp on you, I'm sorry. I was just making sure you knew, I apologize.<img src= ALT=":)">
IC: Amalia's left eyebrow rose slightly.
"Good, it seems you have no problem with levitation, but do you know how to control the force?"
She questioned him on control of the force because he had not stopped the glass from breaking, but rather just let the glass fly into the wall.
"I ask because you did not stop the glass before it made contact with the wall, but perhaps you wanted the glass to do just that?"
She smiled lightly, and patiently awaited an answer.
Lord Hex
May 12th, 2002, 11:06:10 AM
Lord hex lofts a brow, his head nodding lightly,
"Oh, you didn't want me to break thy glass?"
Looking to another glass.. with a wave of his hand sends it flying into a wall, but calling it back to him, seconds before impact, catching it s he nears him.
Amalia Azalin
May 12th, 2002, 12:59:51 PM
Amalia said nothing for a moment, crossing her arms suddenly, resting a hand underneath her chin, observing.
"Good," she said with a slight nod of her head.
"..You've just performed a force move, can you tell me what that particular force move's name is?"
He was skilled in the force, that much was evident, but what of his knowledge of the force itself?
Lord Hex
May 13th, 2002, 07:14:56 AM
Lord hex grins lightly, nodding.
"That force move is a Telekinesis force move."
His arms at his side, awaiting a reply.
May 13th, 2002, 11:52:22 AM
A man in black armour steps from the shadows, watching his former Apprentice and good friend interact with the Jedi. His armour is black, quantum steel, an indestrucable armour that formed the sun crusher, a deadly destroyer of Stars. On his wrists elboes, knees and shoulders are curved blades, each with a deadly razor sharp edge. On his back rests a single Katana, the sword almost dwarfted by this 1.8 meter tall, broad shouldered man. He reaches up to his helmet, removing it from his head, a hiss of air comes out as he breaks the seal. He sets his helmet under his upper left arm, bowing slightly at the waist to the Jedi, then nodding to his former Apprentice, "Hex, it is good to see you again, My Friend, it has been too long."
Lord Hex
May 13th, 2002, 11:55:32 AM
Lord hex perks his head up as he senses a presence.. a presence he has not sensed in quite a while. Turning his head in the position of Angel Death Guardian, his eyes widening surprisingly,
"Angel.. it has been a long time since I have last seen you. How have you been?"
May 13th, 2002, 11:57:51 AM
Angel allows his dark green on dark blue eyes to look over the Jedi before responding, "I am well, Alex. I notice you have been showing off a bit. I thought i taught you better?"
Lord Hex
May 13th, 2002, 11:59:57 AM
Lord hex grins slightly under the confinement of his helmet. Looking to Angel.
"I havn't been showing off, I was demonstrating my skills at the force."
Amalia Azalin
May 13th, 2002, 12:10:39 PM
Amalia gave a slight bow of the head, and a slight smile to go along with that bow of greeting directed toward Angel.
Amalia gestured to Alex.
"He was merely doing what I asked of him, there's no harm in that..."
She eyed Alex with a critical eye before smiling at him.
"Alex...what if I told you that your answer was somewhat incorrect?"
She could tell the question was about to come from him, what did she mean? So she answered.
"True, it does have to do with Telekinesis, of course. However, the move or action you just did, by pulling the glass back toward you, is called Force Pull.Now that we have that explained, do you think you could explain to me what Force Push is? I do not want you to show me, but rather see if you can explain the moves process to me. In your own words, how do you think you would go about doing Force Push?"
May 13th, 2002, 12:11:33 PM
Angel Chuckles lightly, turning his gaze to the Jedi, bowing again at the waist, only slightly, in respect for her, "I appoligize i did not introduce myself first, as i should have. I am Lord Angelious Guardian, Crown Prince of the Empire of Zion."
Amalia Azalin
May 13th, 2002, 12:18:51 PM
Amalia bowed once more, taking her attention away from Alex for a moment.
"A pleasure, Lord Angelious. I am Amalia Azalin, a Jedi Master of this order..."
She gestured toward Alex.
"I am training Alex in the ways of the Lightside of the force, what you saw him do was some force abilities I asked of him to do. I ask all my students to show my their abilities, so I know what it is they know and don't know. Alex, it would seem, is quite influenced by the force."
She smiled, returning her gaze to Alex,awaiting his reply.
May 13th, 2002, 12:29:11 PM
Angel allows a small smile to cross his face, "A Master? Impressive. During the time of the Old Republic I was a good friend to the Council. My Father's Empire and the Council worked together quite often. It is good to see the Council Reforming."
Amalia Azalin
May 14th, 2002, 10:41:50 AM
Amalia smiled warmly in turn to his words. A questioned formed in her mind, one in which she hesitated to ask, but she knew she must.
"Is there something I can do for you, Lord Angelious? Or perhaps you need to speak with Alex, privately?"
May 16th, 2002, 10:11:16 AM
Angel turns his eyes to the Jedi, "How much influence in the Council do you have?"
Amalia Azalin
May 16th, 2002, 09:08:41 PM
Amalia did not answer his question directly, but rather, asked a question of her own.
"What is it you are wishing, Lord Angelious? Perhaps I could help you better if I knew what it was you wanted or needed...."
May 17th, 2002, 09:38:27 AM
"Answer my question First, depending on your answer, i will then be able to tell you what you wish to know, Jedi Master."
Amalia Azalin
May 17th, 2002, 08:26:38 PM
Amalia shook her head.
"I'm sorry then, I can't help you. What influence I have over the council is of no importance to you. My help is what should be of more importance to you. I can't help you if you refuse to answer my question."
ooc: I ask that you please move this along. Whatever you need, I can ask the council, but I'd very much would like to continue of with Hex's training, if at all possible.
May 20th, 2002, 07:06:11 AM
"I need someone who can help me get permission from the Council to train one or two of your most skilled Padawans in the full power of the Force, both the dark and the light combined. I have already done it, and it is very possible for someone else to do it, but they must be extremely disciplined. I tried to with hex, but he is not yet disiplined enough. If you could help me do this, it would be to the Jedi orders benifit."
Amalia Azalin
May 20th, 2002, 12:36:45 PM
"I will see what I can do, but not in the middle of Alex's training. I will attend to this as soon as possible. For now, there is nothing more you can do but wait."
Morgan Evanar
May 20th, 2002, 03:27:05 PM
"Is that so, outlander? What other delusions would you wish t' foster onto our Padawans and Order?"
Morgan stared the man hard in the eye.
"If any of ya want t' join this fool, thats your bussiness, and I won't hold it against ya. But do it on your own time, and not on the Academy grounds." He let his thick Tanaabian accent slip through.
You need to put in your due time. Playing both sides of the Force at SWFans and the related groups is extremely frowned upon.
Futhermore, your EZboard account was only registered for 7 days, and your SW Fans for 4 days. I'd like to know where you are pulling this experince to train Padawans from.
Please read the posting guidelines.
Sorry for the OOC and topic contamination Amalia and Hex.
May 20th, 2002, 04:56:15 PM
Angel nods to Amalia, thanking her silently for her answer, then turns, disappearing into the shadows.
Amalia Azalin
May 21st, 2002, 09:12:33 AM
OOC: Where have you run off to Hex? It is your turn to post.:) BTW, you need to request access to the temple if you do not have it already.
It's ok, Morgan, I appreciate the help.:) Thanks.:)
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