View Full Version : The training of kajhmin

Master Yoghurt
May 12th, 2002, 11:33:39 AM
Kajhmin and Yog had <a href=http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm4.showMessage?topicID=267.topic>met at recruitment center</a> earlier, and now they entered an exercise chamber, with various gymnastics and training equipment.

"Are you ready.. and do you have any questions before we start?"

May 13th, 2002, 02:24:21 PM
"Just one. You are called "Yoghurt", are you not?

Master Yoghurt
May 19th, 2002, 11:23:49 AM
"Yes, my name it is. Why wonder you?"

May 19th, 2002, 11:29:51 AM
Kajhmin chuckled lightly

"Merely curiothssity, Mathsster." he replied " You hadn't mentioned it yet"

Master Yoghurt
May 19th, 2002, 11:43:48 AM
The old man chuckled mirthfully.

"True that is. My name is, Yoghurt, Jedi Master and Elder of the Council. If told you not I did, find out you would have. One benefit of mindreading.. much how a Jedi use the Force; a Jedi use the Force for knowledge. See things before they happen"

May 19th, 2002, 12:07:58 PM
I thssee.

What elthsse can the force be uthssed for, Mathsster?

Master Yoghurt
May 19th, 2002, 12:42:33 PM
"You will find, the Force may improve your strength and speed, allowing you to jump higher than any human. Run faster than an Ambrian neek. Stronger than a Gundark. Even, what is out of reach, really is not.."

The Jedi Master motioned his arm outwards, in some meditative posture, letting a white pulsating crystal stone hover and rotate over his palm. It seemed to be pulled by some invisible hand. He let the stone descend to his hand, and put it back in his pocket, continuing his explaination..

"The Force surrounds and penetrates everything.. between you, me, and all living beings. The Force is everywhere, thus it can be used for many things. It may improve your senses, allowing you to see what your eyes cannot see.. to hear what your ears cannot hear... like a tappratine in the dark.. the smell of a flower far away.. the touch of a whisper bird as it lands on a tree.. the marching of Piranha-beetles in the forest"

The Jedi Master closed his eyes.. "even from this room, I can sense them"

May 19th, 2002, 01:21:14 PM
Kajmin gazed at the diminutive green jedi and contimplated his words. After a short pause, he replied

"Amazing. Thithss power thsseems incredable. Through time and training, you are thssaying that I can learn to control the force to do all those thingss, am I right?"

"On another note," he continued, "may I athssk how many jedi there are in training?"

Master Yoghurt
May 19th, 2002, 01:41:07 PM
"Yes, you could do all those things.. and much more. As for your next question.. we have many Padawans. How many who train at one moment, may vary. Depends on the whereabouts of their Master, and how dedicated they are to studying. Usually around 20, more or less active students"

May 19th, 2002, 02:26:18 PM
"Very interethssting...and I athssume these padawanss are of variouss thsspeciess, am I right? Or perhapss the force tends to be thsstronger in thssome thsspecies than it ithss with otherss..."

Master Yoghurt
May 20th, 2002, 01:26:23 AM
"Species of different kinds our Padawans are. Few aliens like us, mostly humans. The Force, strong in your species, I sense. Force sensitivety, on many things depending may. Some species, a natural talent for feeling the Force have. Yoda and Yaddle.. powerful Jedi Masters.. poweful Jedi. Force strong with them were. The Council they served, many years ago.. before the Empire.. before the Dark Times.."

The old man shook his head lightly, releasing a regretful sigh. He paused for a brief moment, pondering about the past. Resting his tiny clawed hands on his gimmer stick walking cane, he continued.

"For thousands of years, the Jedi keepers of justice were. Then, the shroud of Darkness fell. The Sith reappeared. Extinct we thought they were. The Dark Side hard to see is.. clouding people's mind, a corruption of the Force. Quick and seductive, to pain and suffering they lead to. If allowed to grow, conquer the Galaxy they will.. cause much destruction. The Jedi Order, our last hope for peace remain"

May 20th, 2002, 07:14:53 PM
"Mathsster, I am honored to have been chossen to be a part of thithss noble order, and I athssure you I will do my bethsst to hold up itss idealss.

"Now," he continued, stretching his legs, "shall we begin the training thssession?"

Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2002, 12:14:14 PM
"Most certainly.. first of all, I have a gift for you"

The old man pulled out a cylindrical metal tube from his robes.

"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight - a lightsaber. Soon you will have built your own, but for now, use this for our training, it is yours. Feel the weight.. and ignite it, be careful where you point it. The blade will cut through anything"

Yog placed the lightsaber gently in Kajhmin's right palm, and then walked a few steps backwards to keep distance, watching Kajhmin holding it..

May 22nd, 2002, 12:40:13 PM
Holding the hilt well away from his body, Kajhmin ignited the sabre with a sharp snap-hiss. Suddenly, a pulsing, blue blade emerged from the end of the silver cylinder, lighting the immediate area with an soothing glow. He carefully tested the sabre, moving it in a cautious figure-8 pattern. The saber was light, almost weightless except for the mass of the hilt itself.

"Thsso thithss ithss the lightssabre, the weapon of the jedi," he said softly.

Master Yoghurt
May 22nd, 2002, 01:07:46 PM
"It is an elegant weapon from a more civilised time. Not as clumsy as a blaster.. more precise. It is most versatile. With a lightsaber, a fully trained Jedi Knight may defeat a full platoon of stormtroopers. The blade can reflect back blaster bolts and cut through metal like Tatooine butter in the sun"

Yog watched as Kajhmin moved the blade through the air. There was humming sound for every move.

"Using the lighsaber is a great exercise in attuning your Force sensitivity. After a while, the blade becomes an extended part of you. The moves come naturally.."

May 22nd, 2002, 01:23:51 PM
The padawan passed the sabre back and forth, from hand to hand, eventually settling on the left hand, where it seemed more comfortable.

"Are the jedi the only oness who use thssuch a weapon, or ithss it common among many different kindss of people?"

[/i]He continued to swing the saber in large arcs and smaller, more precise moves, becoming more comfortable with it.[/i]

Master Yoghurt
May 26th, 2002, 12:26:52 PM
"Lightsaber difficult weapon to master is. Furthermore, knowledge and skill constructing one, a Jedi art remains. The powercell is superconducting. For years without recharge may last. The crystals inside focus the beam. Finding the right crystals, alligning them correctly, assembling and finding the parts for saber, all part of the Jedi training is. For those reasons, lightsaber a rare weapon is. Only Jedi or Sith use them does"

Yog watched as his apprentice became increasingly proficient handling the lightsaber

"Keep practicing.. the moves more fluid becomes.."

Jun 24th, 2002, 05:43:22 PM
As his initial caution melted away, Kajhmin began to swing the saber with more and more confidense. His mind was nagged by doubt, though. He was still in his infant stage; before he went through his first "rashiri', he was basically defensless in a small, weak body.

"Mathsster Yoghurt, do all jedi uthsse lightssaberss? I was unaware that the jedi were all warriorss. I fear that until I mature, I will have neither the thssize nor the agility to effectivily wield a weapon thssuch athss thithss in battle""

Aug 24th, 2002, 02:21:02 AM
But even as he spoke the words, he realized they were untrue. Looking at his master, undoubtedly a skilled sabre user, he made the connection. He was not much larger than Kajhmin himself, all already certainly mature. Size mattered not, nor did strength. He wasn't sure if he thought of it himself, or if it was gleaned from the other's mind, but he knew deep down that the force evened the playing field. With the force he could challenge even the largest and strongest he would encounter.

And with that, a wall was broken down in his mind. The force took a hold and with it inate knowledge. In an almost frightening rush, his mind was filled with the force, directing his movements. The saber wove and bobbed through the air with a quickness and acuracy that surprised even the wielder.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:45:33 PM
"Excellent.. let the Force guide your movements! This way, you will be able to handle your lightsabre more precision than the most hard trained swordsman. Furthermore, I sense you have a natural talent for this. Now.. lets try put the saber into practical use.."


Before Kajhmin had the chance to respond, the Jedi Master had with a subtle, yet highly efficient sequence of moves pulled another lightsaber out of his robes, igniting the blade and slashing it towards Kajhmin in a motion blur.

"Always be ready for surprises!"

Aug 24th, 2002, 03:17:28 PM
He saw the blade approaching, yet his neither his inherent agility nor his connection with the force was fast enough to bring his own blade up to counter the strike. Instead, he dropped to the ground, pressed against the dusty surface of the floor.

The swing arced over his head, and, had it been on a higher setting, would have singed the few hairs that sprouted from the top of his oddly shaped skull. When the coast was clear, he righted himself with an awkward looking, yet oddly smooth spinning motion. He held the sabre in a defensive position, not yet ready to attack the other jedi himself.

"Your lethsson is well taken, mathsster. I shall be more prepared from now on." Probing the other's mind, he looked for some stray thought that might betray the next attack.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 24th, 2002, 04:06:20 PM
"Very good! The Force is with you. I sense your mind is focused on anticipating the unexpected. Your species natural ability to sense other persons thoughts, will aid you greatly in these kinds of situations. Combined with the Force, you will have a decisive advantage in many critical situations. However, you will find, the Force is not only about foreseeing events yet to happen.. it is also allows you to enhance your pysical abilities, beyond what would be normally possible. As long as you are at one with the Force, letting it guide your movements, you will discover, you become stronger and faster than you could have imagined possible"

The old man paused his talking for a brief moment, as he seemed to summon energy by some invisible force field. Strangely enough, he seemed a bit more refreshed and fit than just a minute ago. He continued talking, standing in a slightly more uprised posture..

"For example, would you believe a small, old and slow man like me aided with the support of a wooden walking stick would be able to do something like..."


Suddenly, he dropped his walking cane, leaving an echoing clattering sound on the duracrete floor. In a motion blur, the tiny figure flipped towards the waiting Padawan, and in the last second before contact, he springed into the air, spinning above Kajhmin's head in a tall arch. Volting in midair, he landed behind Kajhmin at a six o clock position facing the Padawan's back.

"React, before it is too late!"

, he said, as he swinged his blade in a figure eight configuration, finalising the smooth and blistering fast movement into a trust of the blade towards Kajhmin's midsection.

Aug 24th, 2002, 05:50:35 PM
This time he was prepared, and his own blade came up as he spun around, deflecting the attack. Still, he was unprepared for how fast the other jedi was. Yoghurt's leap had carried him though the air almost faster than he could follow. In fact, he didn't think he would have been able to keep up with were it not for the force.

He was still amazed and a little frightened with the sudden influx of knowledge. It was coming in in a deluge, flooding over him. So much seemed possible...yet he had a feeling they had not even scratched the surface.

THese thoughts came unbidden to his mind as he focused on Yoghurt, carefully studying his movements. Something suddenly urged him to attack and he did so, feinting right before singing the blade around in a low arc to the left.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 23rd, 2002, 01:02:27 AM
Kajhmin's swift and Force guided feinting maneuver allmost caught Yog by surprise. Such a move would have caused most opponents to lose balance or lower the guard. Only through extensive experience and control of the Force was he able to predict the attack that followed. As the Padawan swinged the blade around in a low arc to the left in a swift motion, Yog ducked in a split second, letting the sabre blade sing through the air, just a few inches above his head, escaping the hot glowing beam of energy. Had it not been for the fact, due to aging, there was not much hair on his head, he would get a new haircut..

As the blade blazed past, the Jedi Master pushed his left arm outwards, extending the palm. The Force rushed through him, connecting with the opponent. A huge invisible hand seemed to hold Kajhmin in its grip, sending the Padawan several yards backward. The Force push gave Yog the sufficient time of distraction in order to initiate the next stage of the training. He deactivated his sabre and gestured toward a distant control panel. There was the sound of a **click** as a switch snapped into "off" mode.

Suddenly the lights went out, and the room was filled with pitch black darkness..