View Full Version : Lance Stormstrider: Your training begins...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:06:29 PM
::The large training room doors opened wide as, a petite Jedi Master entered the vacant room. Seeing that she was early, Leia took off her cloak and sat down on the floor indian style and went into a calming meditative trance, while she awaited her newest padawan::
Lance Stormrider
Apr 27th, 2002, 09:31:01 AM
:: Lance walks in wearing his normal gear, a black t-shirt , his
odd helmet that covers his forehead, his Light Saber in it's hilt, black pants and his black silver topped boots. Lance decided not to wear any kind of armor knowing that the force would be much more then enough to protect him, and since he is training to learn the ways of the Jedis and also how to master the force there is absolutely no need for an armor or any other kind of equipment except his light saber that he always carrys along with him.
Lance looks around and sees his new master Sitting on the floor Indian style he walks towarded her and bows untill his master tells him to get backup with a quiet voice trying not to surprise her or anything, Lance simply says::
Master....I as you asked me to...
::Lance now waits for his master to start her intructions...::
OOC: Hmm how do you change your status you know the "seeker of knowledge" thingy <.< ?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:25:52 PM
::The Jedi Master sensed her padawan's prescence as he entered the room. Her eyes slowly opened::
Good morning Lance.
::The Jedi Master smiled and gestured for Lance to take sit on the floor with her::
Please take a seat and relax. For now I would like us to talk some, so I can get to know you better. If you may I would like to know a little more about yourself. Your history and such.
OOC: there is a thread in Arcan IV about custom title requests. But if you have one in mine. I am an admin here and an able to do so too.
Lance Stormrider
Apr 28th, 2002, 02:55:27 PM
:: Lance slow gets back up and walks next to his master, standing there he slowly gets down and sits next to her. Lance is now asked to talk about his history but he did not want to talk about everything that has to do with him so he simply decides to ask her for a more precise question.
My history?...
OOC: Uhmm yeah I have to think about that >.> and also get a sig done I'm going slow on this rp >.< better hurry up I hate to be retarded <.<
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:33:29 PM
::Leia gave a simple smile back at Lance::
Well Lance..what I am asking you is, I would like to know more about yourself. Where you were born, how you grew up, what brings you to the Jedi. Things of this nature. I am sorry if I did not make myself clear.
OOC: No worries about how fast you can post. Honest. At your convience. Any luck with a signature. Do you have a picture and such.
Lance Stormrider
Apr 30th, 2002, 06:53:55 AM
:: Lance shivers lightly as he is asked to talk about his past. He thinks briefly for a few seconds and take a deep breth as he starts to speak.::
Very well then..I was born 19 years ago on a ship in which I have lived most of my life. My father was a Jedi Knight but he did not work for any kind of organisationg or community (NPC), all my life I have been fascinated by ships, Lightsabers..and the force which I saw my father use numberous times. Times were hard because we didn't really have a home and my father was persecuted by many bounty hunters reason of why we had to escape all the time running around in circles..all around the galaxy. In the mean time I trained my swordsman skills and learned to pilot..but 4 months ago.. we descended on a planet called Tatooine which was a planet completly uknown to us we never dreamt that it would be the home of criminals and bounty hunters. My father was killed and I remained alone..having nothing left in life..and remembering my father talking about a community that forms Jedis in the Yavin system I decided to come here and join you..
::Lance was hiding a lot of details on his life from his master but only him knew why he had to hide them. It was not connected to darkness but it was something personal he preffered to stay silent about.::
OOC: Yes I do have a pic in mind..<.< but I have to host it first. I'm just so lazy I always forget to do it >.<
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:13:05 AM
::With her chin resting on her hand, Leia listened intently to Lance. As he was talking she could sense there was more to his tale::
You are not alone in your past Lance. There are many here that have similar pasts as your own. Family members slaughtered, or killed by sith, bounty hunters and others alike. This is unfortunately true of many Jedi here. One of the reason many come to seek to join the see that they can help keep the peace in this galaxy so no one else experiences the hurt you have in your past. For there is no room for the darkside but the lightside of the force for its the harmony of the galaxy we seek.
::Leia thought momentarily::
Is there anything else you would like to elaborate on in your past? If you are not comfortable with this question, we may move on. You have mentioned your skills as a swordsman. This is a good reference for lightsaber skills. You've also mentioned your father was a Jedi Knight.
What is your knowledge of the Force?
OOC: No worries and no rush
Lance Stormrider
Apr 30th, 2002, 07:17:18 PM
:: Lance was thrown a queston he did not feel like answering so he simply past to his swordsman skills.::
Indeed...I have intensively trained my swordsman skills since...I was a child my father gave me a lightsaber that I kept all my life with me
::Lance grabs his lightsaber from it's hilt showing it to his master::
I have trained a lot with my
::Lance suddenly stops speaking and trys to bring back the subject into another form::
I mean...I have always trained.euh..well yeah..
:: Lance did not know what to answer but he suddenly thought of his father::
Oh father <.< well uh..yeah he was a Jedi Knight..he talked a lot about the force and I listened to him all the time...I do not have a lot of knowledge of the force I only know that it's an energy..that surrounds us and maintains the galaxy in one piece..but I know that there is much more to it then just that..but for some odd reason my father never instructed me on how to use it..
:: Lance stays on those last words he said and ponders on them::
OOC: Oki <img src= ALT=":)">
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 1st, 2002, 12:13:28 PM
OOC: Sorry to say two things. I am having connection problems :( and another is I have to go to a job orientation. I will probably be able to post tonight. I just wanted you to know. OK?
Lance Stormrider
May 1st, 2002, 01:06:35 PM
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2002, 10:39:33 AM
Hmmm....Did you father not want you to become a Jedi? I wonder.
In his teachings...did he ever mention the Jedi Code? Did you ever hear of it? And if you have...can you tell me what it is.
::Leia leaned back and awaited Lance's reply::
OOC: I am sorry about yesterday. Very hectic day. I had a job orientation..was out for like 5 hours and then was busy at home.
Lance Stormrider
May 2nd, 2002, 05:03:15 PM
:: Lance shrugged lightly::
Like I father never really intructed me or teached me anything..he just mentionned the force a few times..I saw him using it but he never actually teached me I can't really tell you the Jedi code...but master I want to know it now..could you explain the Jedi Code to me please?
:: Lance truly wanted to know the Jedi code now that Leia had mentioned it::
OOC: Oh that's fine I'm always busy too o.o..besides irl matters come before rping, oh yeah btw can we keep contact through any kind of messenger or anything? Cause it would be much better <.< I have so many questions I must ask you. Plus I gotta start making friends here so if your ok with that just tell me which messenger you use, I use Yahell (Yahoo!) MSN and errr..<.< >.> AIM.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 3rd, 2002, 10:36:37 AM
Well Lance this is the Jedi Code:
There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no chaos; There is harmony. There is no death; there is the Force. The peace and justice of the Galaxy will be guarded, and all life in any form is and will be respected. For my ally is the Force, and I use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness, and defend it from the Dark Side. I have dedicated my life to the Truth, I am the Light - I am a JEDI"
That is the exact word for word creed we go by. I want to make sure you understand it to the word. Now, I am not YET going to go into it. But, if you can...please tell me what you think of the Jedi Creed is and what it stands for I would also like to know if you have any further questions about it and if NOT...will you adhere by it.
OOC: Yeah :( I couldn't get on last night at all. I was out most of the day & night. True we go by RL first. Thanks for the understanding. Actually I have to work Saturday & Sunday. Hopefully I can post sometime..I just wanted you to know and well...also tonight. We will see. OK? Sorry if this seems slow.
Oh..Umm... also my AIM: JK Leia Solo, my MSN: The MSN shows as: Obiwan2's Angel..just so you know.
What are yours?
Lance Stormrider
May 3rd, 2002, 11:05:29 AM
:: Lance had already heard the Jedi code before but he did not know it standed for the jedi code, the young padawan pondered on it for a second and heard the jedi code over and over in his head. He looked up and responded::
Well..I dunno...and yes I have a question..could you explain to me..what leads to the darkside of the force.?
:: Lance had a particular reason for asking that, yet he did not want to reveal it right now.::
OOC: Ah it's ok. Mines are AIM: lDash Matrixl and on MSN: But I gotta make a new one. That one's newbeiish >.< plus I got it for like 3 years now argh! <.< and the name that appears on my msn well hehe I change it every 20 mins so <.< who knows. It might be Brian like it can be Dash or Careless>.> heh dunno depends how I'm feeling <img src= ALT=":p">
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 09:42:16 PM
There are three key factors that lead to the darkside, Lance. Hatred, anger and fear. Anyone of these or any combination of them will lead you down the path of the Dark Side and it can consume you.
::Leia looked intently at Lance::
For some reason...I feel that this is more than a typical padawan question about what leads to the darkside.
::It was obvious, the Jedi Master sense something in Lance's questioning::
Care to share with me why did you ask this? Is there more to this, than you are saying?
OOC: Thank you for your IMs. I have to add them Afraid I won't be on them this weekend. With work over the today I did 8 hours I'm kinda tired. Sorry =(
Lance Stormrider
May 4th, 2002, 10:39:21 PM
:: Lance was somehow surprised by this question but simply tried to stay calm and responded eagerly::
Well..not really..I'm just curious I wanna know everything about the force and it's know it's better to know everything then not to know anything
:: Lance needed to ask more questions,more answers he needed::
Hmm one ther question..once you join the there a way to come back?
::Lance needed to know the answer of this question::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 6th, 2002, 11:07:23 AM
::Leia looked on to Lance. There was something very evident here he was holding back:: must tell me now, why you want to know if there is a return from the darkside. Is there something you are not telling me. Are you afraid of slipping on to that path.
::A definited tone of seriousness came from Leia::
What I have told you about the darkside is true. You see..Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate ... leads to suffering. These emotions are those of the darkside. They will consume you and can lead to your distruction.
You asked if once you follow this path can it be undone. I say Yes..but it is far from an easy one. A form of self redemption must be made. But Lance...this is not good what so ever. Chances are once you follow that path..there is no coming back.
::Leia looked deeply into her padawan's eyes::
Now you must tell me why you are talking this way.
OOC: do you want me to delete those OOC posts now?
Lance Stormrider
May 7th, 2002, 06:18:17 AM
:: Lance stood silent for a few seconds and then taking a deep breath decided to tell her why he was asking this, but of course he wasn't gonna say each and every detail.::
Well...the truth is..I had a and him trained together but one day something odd happend...while we were sparring his eyes were wide open and the darkness on his soul could be seen easily..while he was fighting he using his anger and hatred towarded me..actually he almost killed me but then he ran away....he was my best friend that is why I want to know if there is a return from the darkside..
:: Lance sighs a bit::
It's not because I AM afraid of the darkside...or to be consumed by it..I just want to know to see if there is a chance for my friend to return..
OOC: Sure. They are of no use.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 7th, 2002, 11:18:10 AM
::Hearing Lance's sad tale, Leia close her eyes and shook her head...for always hearing one that was in the light get engulf in the darkside saddened her heart. The Jedi Master then looked at Lance and placed a hand on his shoulder and looked sincerely into his eyes::
I firmly believe there is room for redemption of all sorts. He can be saved Lance. If not by you...per chance by someone else. He may not be totally consumed by the darkside. Unfortunately..I don't know why this happened. It does seem odd it just happened like that.
Why would a friend of yours have hate for you. Because that is truly not a trait of a good friend. That sounds so contradicting. Was there something that happened between you.
::Leia tried not to pry but felt, she need to know more to help Lance::
Lance Stormrider
May 7th, 2002, 08:20:07 PM
:: Lance pondered on the question for a few minutes hmming a bit while he was. After have thought about it and tried to remember about his past, Lance found no response to her question.::
Hmm..I don't know..I really don't..
:: Lance wanted to go on with the next step of his training..he wanted to manipulate the force.::
Master..can we go on..with the training...I don't feel very comfortable with sadens me to think about my past..can we simply go on I really want to know more about the force and how to manipulate it.
:: Lance was completly sincere in his words.::
OOC: Hey can you change my "seeker of knowledge" for "The Strider" Puh-lease <img src= ALT=">D"> and also i was wondering can you create a sig for me? o.o...cause I don't have any image editor could have one but too lazy to go and pick it up o.O :P
May 8th, 2002, 08:23:21 PM
OOC::Hey sorry to inturupt. Lance if you do want a sig done it could be done by Leia the one she gave me was great..but i would suggest the person i just got my new sig done bye..Sage. Go to the Roleplay helpdesk or Arcan 4 trading base and post there..Just wanted to let ya know..lata
BTW: This is how good they turn out..
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 9th, 2002, 10:24:14 AM
OOC: Thanks Anakin. I was definetly going to suggest that. SOOO much more skilled than I am at sigs. I was going to post on your behave. Keep in mind he needs pics (give him links) color schemes...color of your saber perhaps and what you want on it =)
Lance Stormrider
May 9th, 2002, 05:39:23 PM
OOC:`Aw gawd alright I will post there, thanks. Ah yeah but I still want you to change my "seeker of knowledge" for "The Strider"
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 10th, 2002, 11:06:17 PM
::Leia was slightly trouble by Lance's sudden silenceness. But decided that as long as it was not him, he was talking about..they were ready to move::
Very well Lance. Just promise me. If there is anything you ever need to talk about please do so. Consider me your friend and NOT just your Master. Agreed?
::Lance nodded back a Leia quietly::
Ok..then. I would like to begin your training.
::Leia grabbed her cloak and motioned for Lance to follow her::
We are going to go outside to the Garden area, to begin your training. I like to start off all training outside.
::The Jedi Master and Padawan proceeded to walk thru the corridors of the Academy..then exiting the building. Shortly thereafter..they came acrosss the beautiful garden area::
Now...You maybe wondering why we will begin outdoors. Well it is the very first basic force move that I will teach you out here.
::The Jedi Master points to some small stones on the ground::
You see these small stones by that tree over there. I would like you to concentrate on visualizing a stone lifting off the ground and then proceed to do so. What you have to do is feel the force. The force flows thru everything..Concentrate and feel it. When you are ready, I would like you to please do this.
This might be a little awkward at first. But remember to concentrate and feel the force flowing through you. And mostly importantly...Patience!!
::Leia looked on and watched her padawan proceed.::
OOC: Gave you your CT. BTW..what color is your saber?
Lance Stormrider
May 11th, 2002, 03:50:38 PM
:: Lance looked at his master and slightly nodded::
It shall be executed master...
:: Lance stood straightly and stared at the two stones after the image of the stones is visualised into his mind the young padawan deeply closes his eyes and starts focusing on what is happening here...he forgets all his troubles all his past everything...the padawan thinks only of the two stones..he imagines the two stones floating in the air. After a few minutes of focusing he thinks about the force and that it's everywhere...Lance starts to feel something odd...he feels security and confidence. The young padawan opens his eyes back and looks at his master.
I think..I
:: Lance lifts his arm straightly in front of him and his eyes narrow as he looks at thw two stones opening his hand...he feels a power that he had never felt before...he felt that he was able to lift thw two stones so he simply moved his arm upwardsly, at the same time he moved his arm up the two stones did as first Lance moved his arm very slowly still having a lot of difficulty controlling the force...the young padawan was much he was concentrated on the present....suddenly the two stones were high in the air he now moved his arm backwards to make them come to him thw two stones...moved slowly towarded him even though this was very long..Lance ws patient very patient since his young age he was used to meditate very much with his father and brother....patience was always one of his biggest qualities..the two stones were almost in his hands....he now grabs them and feels a certain satisfaction...he looks at his master.
How was that?
OOC: Yay oki. ^_^ thanks oh btw Lance's saber is light blue as in the picture there at the left o_O
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 13th, 2002, 09:55:53 PM
::Even though Lance seemed to experience a lil difficulties at first he was able to accomplished what his Master requested::
::Leia looked on at Lance and gave a smile with a nod::
Yes..that was very good Lance!
What I would like you to do now is this. Lift that stone once more with the force, but this time I want you to focus and redirect your energy. Once the rock is lifted , I would like you to send it into that tree right over there. Don't worry..I know you will be ble to do this. You really will have not have a problem with this at all. Now please do this and concentrate.
When you are ready may proceed
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 15th, 2002, 04:46:18 AM
:: Lance looked back at his master::
...Thank you master...
:: The young Padawan listened closely to what his master was saying. He was now asked to lift the stones once again but this time to hit them against the tree. Lance slightly nods to his master and then turns back to the stone.::
:: Since Lance has already done it once this time it will be much easier for him to do so. He simply concentrates a bit..on the stone and imagines it lifting up..he forgets reality and focuses on concentrating the force. As he delightfully opens his eyes the stone starts to lift up he lifts it up at about a meter or height..and then stops it in the air..he now starts to focus.and thinks to him-self::
Hmm...I know...I'll concentrate the same force I did to lift it up but I'll simply do it for one single blow...alright here goes nothing...
:: Focusing enough energy he then opens his hand sends his arm forward and the rocks flys fastwards towards the tree as it slams falls back on the floor::
Guess..I wasn't powerfull enough to break it...
:: Lance sighs deeply...::
Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 01:34:58 AM
OOC - Pardon the interuption. But I wanted to notify you that your signature is done. Check the RPing Helpdesk forum. :)
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 16th, 2002, 04:39:44 AM
Already checked :).
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 17th, 2002, 09:13:57 AM
::Leia spoke softly to Lance::
Its not important to break the stone. It is far more important that you can control it as I requested. In which case you did a fine job, my padawan.
Very well...I think you have accomplished that.
We will now move on to FORCE GRAB
Now.. The Force Grab is a pretty simple maneuver and one that you will use quite frequently.
It is always good to use it when you hold on to your lightsaber. The Force Grab makes your grip stronger and your attacks stronger too. It also a good technique because it makes it tougher for a sith to knock your ligthsaber off your hand.
To do force grab: concentrate, feel the force, this time concentrate on your hands. Feel each of your fingers, the palm of your hand. Feel the texture of the item you are holding. And grab it.
::Leia grabs a small metal pole, grabs it and squeezes it. It bends like clay::
::The Jedi Master then places the metal pole on the ground and proceeded to give Lance a metal pole::
I know this may seem hard for you to do, but do not underestimate yourself. When you are ready please try to do the same.
OOC: Very nice sig Lance. Great Job Sage:)
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 17th, 2002, 06:51:07 PM
:: Lance looked intensvely at each and every mouvement his master was doing, he then grabbed the metal pole his master gave to him and observed it for a moment.:: I gotta use to force to bend..this metal pole...
:: Lance had already done this before, but he has done it without the force...but it seemed his master had it done extremely fast with the force at Lance's eyes this indeedly seemed very interesting.::
Very well then Master...It will be done..
:: Lance grabbed intensively the pole and placed his thumb below the middle of the pole and his index and middle finger above the middle of the pole, he moved the pole behind him and then closed his eyes.::
:: He focused as he did earlier but this time his hands were shaking as a sign that he wanted the force to be there. He now felt the pole in his hands and quickly analized the texture of the object the he was holding. He shivered lightly as he was having some trouble to focus on this one, but his concentration was not totally broken.::
:: The young man felt the force now and opened his eyes, he now understood how to do it and confident of his act he moved the pole forwar and grabbed it with his other hend he now squeezes and the squeaky noise of the pole bending made Lance very satisfied of this new abillity he had learned.::
I did it!....Euh I mean....How was that master?
:: Lance gazed at his master::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 19th, 2002, 07:27:23 PM
::The Jedi Master could not help but give off a slight chuckle and smile. It always pleased her when her padawan's were amazed at their accomplishments::
Very nicely done!!! You should be proud.
What I would like to teach you next is the Force Throw
If the thing you are throwing is small, you can force grab it and then throw it, making it go faster and more accurate. But force throw can also be used to throw big stuff like boulders and sith...even. Yes..sith! ::Leia slightly chuckled but was serious:: In combat this move comes quite handy. You will see what I mean.
Force Throw: concentrate, call upon the force, this time to your biceps, shoulders and arms, fell the gravity push on the item, visualize its landing and THROW. ::the small metal pole in Leia's hand flies across in a supersonic speed, it goes through a tree across the ways from her:: can see why I don't want to try this in a class room. We have wrecked too many walls in the past. And lets just say, Master Yoghurt hasn't been to happy about that.
::Leia laughed onced more:: here's the thing I will give you a pole again. Then I would like you to try this.
::The Jedi Master once again makes her way towards Lance, giving him a new pole::
When you are ready, you may give this a try.
OOC: Sorry for my delay :( I had worked all weekend and have had no computer time either.
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 19th, 2002, 08:32:23 PM
:: Lance listened to his master's compliments and was pleased.::
Well...yes I am proud of this one.but I know that this is nothing compared to what I must learn
:: He then looked at his master and listened to waht she was gonna say next.::
:: As Leia was explaining to him how to perform the Force Throw..Lance remembered his father using it on a bounty hunter that attacked them once at one of the starports. He now remembers every single detail from his father's facial expression to the slight moves he threw with his hands. He remembers the way his opponent was thrown backwards. As his master spoke Lance got out of his thought and started to listen to her, now understanding that he must focus the force on the upper part of his body Lance nods at his master.::
As you wish..master..
::Lance looked at the pole in his master's hand as he quickly called upon the force opening his hand the pole went out of his master's hands and came slowly towarded him.::
Euh..sorry...I couldn't resist.
:: Lance now grabbed the pole with his right hand and called upon the force once more this time he did not close his eyes..he had used the force three times and could not call upon the force without focusing as much as he did in his two first trys. Lance feels the force going through his body..and as he has his pole grabbed he concentrates and thinks on how he's gonna do this one.::
:: After a few second of thinking he quickly makes the pole float in front of him during a second and as he focuses the force in his biceps he somehow manages to concentrate gravity around his hand, as he throws his arm forward the pole flys through the air and he feels the pression of the gravity as a terrible sound hits his ears. The pole flys extremely fast as it hits a Tree it passes tright through it letting a hole in it and it falls on the floor right after it passes through it. He then turns back to his master.
How was that?
OOC: Aw. That's ok :) Don't worry about it. Anyways yesterday I came home late was at a party ^_^
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 20th, 2002, 08:25:02 PM
::The Jedi Master raised an eyebrow at Lance, as she turned and looked onto the whole in the tree::
Impressive!! Not many can actual do that on their first attempt. Good job Lance. In time you will be able to force throw..crates..boulders and YES..Sith. Just practice on your own spare time.
::Leia stated as she walked over to Lance and patted him on the shoulder::
::The Jedi Master than proceeded to take off her robe and plassed it on the ground. Not that her cloak would hinder her, but she thought it might hinder her padawan's view of what she is trying to show him to do next::
Now we will proceed to Force Jump
::Leia surveyed their surroundings real quickly::
I would normally head back in the classroom, but seeing its a beautiful day. Let's stay out here.
Before we proceed with the Force Jump, we should review how to channel the force correctly.
First...clear your mind, free yourself from the troubles of the galaxy. Let harmony, peace, humbleness, sacrifice fill your mind and soul. Sense the Force, touch it. Feel it running through your bones, your blood, through every microscopic cell of your body. Hear this force, hear what it tells you, wise the force is, many things you can learn from it. Now talk to the force, tell it your intentions, why you wish to accomplish this, tell it that you wish to use it for good, for defense, never for evil. After this command it to go wherever you want it to go. With time, experience and practice you will master this ability and you will be able to do this whole procedure in milli-seconds. This is a very good exercise to practice in your room, in the ceiling of the temple or wherever you feell at peace. This is the starting point to meditation and to every force related move, word, though and action. It should be a part of you every day life.
Now the Force Jump. After doing the already discuss procedure channel all the mighty force into your legs, your thighs and simply jump like you would normally.
:: Suddenly Leia jumps up 175 feet in the air upon a high tree branch, landing easily on her feet ::
::Quickly she leapt back down gracefully.::*
A padawan can jump easily over 50 ft. A full train jedi knight can jump over 100 ft. Now you try...
Remember: PATIENCE
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 22nd, 2002, 04:18:31 AM
:: Lance listented attentively his master, as he saw her jump that high it reminded him of the jumps he use to do in his strider training of course, the jump's speed of the strider is absolutely not comparable to the one his master just demonstrated to him. Lance thought of the jump he was gonna do he didn't want to reveal yet that he was a he decided to do the force jump but not at his maximum capability he was gonna do as a normal padawan about 75 feets high. As his master finished her explanations, Lance simply nodded and gave in reply::
It will be done..
:: Lance looked over to lower Tree and calculated that it was about 75 feet high, he then cracked his knuckles and his legs and ran around a bit at a well balanced pace. He then stopped in front of the tree and quickly summoned the force in a matter of a few seconds.this time in his lower part of his body..he then looked up..and jumped. He quickly arrived 75 feets high and reassembled his weight on his legs to come back down on the branch he landed on the branch with a little difficulties but managed to stay there...his lack of effort and his will to go further down..could easily be seen.::
Hmm how was that?
OOC: Goddamn School ¨>.<, Sorry couldn't post yesterday.
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 23rd, 2002, 08:31:01 AM
::The Jedi Master watched intently as Lance easily jumped 75 feet. A substantial height for a padawan. ::
I am quite impressed Lance. As you know, generally a padawan can only leap approximately 50 feet but you did outdue yourself. Nice Job!!
Right now, I would like to cover "Force Speed"
Like every other jedi technique, concentrate, feel the force flow thru you.
Force Speed is a bit different than force jump or any other move. Once you have concentrated and at peace instead of projecting the force to your legs, to engage force speed you must visualize were you want to go. For example, if I want to run to that tree far away over there (Leia pointed), I put that vision on my mind and go ::In half a second Leia was next to the tree:: Quickly,she turned, within in a blink of an eye she was standing next to Lance where she began.::
Please try to do this now.
OOC: Poor guy :( No worries ok? There are times I have problems posting with work and all.
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 23rd, 2002, 05:19:56 PM
:: Lance simply nodded::
Of course...master your superior what makes my skills more sharpened then the others.
:: He listened to his master's instructions and it was so clear to his mind...::
yes..of course master I will do it right away..
:: Lance quickly summoned the he felt it running through his veins, his blood and all of his body he then vizualised a distance that is moderatly away from him, about 20 meters away..there was a tree he vizualised it in his mind..and the as he did he felt a strange sensation, he felt certian he run extremely fast to that point, as he did he then was next to the tree in a second.::
Woha...what the hell was that..
:: He then turned to his master and did everything again and came right back next to her, of course he did not do that as fast as his master did...but still he ran on an impressive speed.::
Ahh! Woha...that's awesome!.....Erm...I mean...Done. What do you think of that Master?
:: He gazed at his master with his serious eyes...even though he was very amazed by what had just happend..::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 23rd, 2002, 08:43:24 PM
::Once again Leia found herself giggling again at her padawan::
I see sometimes you are just amazed about how in tune you are in the force and how the force works. There is nothing wrong with that. I must say you are doing quite well, my padawan.
::She stated with a smile. Thinking to herself momentarily, Leia decided it was time to move back in doors but this time to the Jedi Temple::
Lance..I want to take this back inside for now. There is a techique I would like to show you from inside the temple where there are higher floors.
::Lance nodded to Leia. The master and padawan exited the beautiful garden area, and began there trek to the Jedi Temple. Shortly later the two arrive.:
What I would like to cover now is a "Control Fall"
The most famous fall controller was Obi Wan Kenobi, even as a padawan he showed a great talent using this technique. For instance on his duel with Darth Maul he was thrown over 50 feet down, and he managed to land on a platform and hold on...a normal person would have fallen down the precipice and died.
Ok this technique has a different approach than the others because you don't have that much time to prepare, but you must try to concentrate because if you don't....splat. WARNING: if you are not confident with your force control do not try this....
Ok, once you begin to fall forget that you are falling, clear your mind and embrace the force. Feel the air rushing through and hitting your body, sense the force in that living air, feel it, talk to it, command it to guide you to where you want to go. If done correctly you will be able to move in air...
::Leia opens a window on the jedi temple, she jumps to the abyss. Lance gasped for he knew that they were up several stories at a very high altitude. The padawan ran to the window and found Leia hanging from one of the lower windows 100 ft below. She smirked at Lance. Once she knew he saw her. She summoned the force and leapt up to the window sill where she started and stepped back into the temple ::
I just wanted to show you that technique. I am not necessarily saying you are ready for it. Trust me, a lot of my padawans chose not to try this. But as long as you know how to use it. You will be fine.
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 24th, 2002, 04:54:17 AM
:: Lance grins at his master.::
Master Leia...I am more then ready...and confident about this..I can assure this will totally not be a problem..and if I fail...thenI will pay the consequences for my rush..
:: Lance was totally confident about this..for he was a strider and jumps grabs...and sticking to a wall were his specialtys...and since it seemed he was so much at ease..with the force...he was ready to do it.::
Master...I have a question though...after this question..I want to proceed to do this task. You have talked to me several times about Siths. I have heard about them..saying that they use the dark side of the force. But...why fight them?...I mean by fighting them...aren't we the same exact thing as them?..Of course..if they come and seek for us..we must fight back..but still...for me I feel no hatred towarded.. them, but still I...wanted to..ah no..forget it...nevermind..I'm mixing my-self up again
:: Lance was confused in his thoughts this time, but he knew that this was the right path.::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 24th, 2002, 12:07:12 PM
::The Jedi Master thought momentarily::
We do not seek to fight the sith. We are Jedi..protectors of the galaxy, peace seekers if you may. NOT soldiers! But when all else falls and the sith go to hurt the innocent and such it leaves us no choice but to do the right thing, fight for the peace.
I hope that makes sense. Please question me more on this topic, if you have more questions, my padawan. Better off asking..then left wondering.
::Leia stated with upmost sincerity::
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 26th, 2002, 06:51:09 PM
:: Lance stays silent for a moment and just says::
No that's not put any attention to my remark...I'm just crazy
:: Lance leaned his hand against his cheek and sighed leaning against the wall that was behind him.::
OOC: GAWD!! DANGIT! So sorry! I couldn't post all this damn weekend >.< ya know summer has arrived I wait for this moment all year so I'm never home so sowwy :( I will try to come on at least once per day ~.~.....
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 26th, 2002, 08:45:21 PM
::Leia did not like the fact that Lance wanted to drop this subject once again. She sensed something was truly bothering him. She walked over to her padawan and put her hand on his shoulder::
Now Lance...I want you to talk to me. You are NOT crazy. Something is troubling you my padawan and I want to help you in any way possible. It is best for you to get this out in the open. know I am right, you cannot lie to me. I can see thru you and sense your feelings through the force. But I don't need the force to tell me that. I can just look at you and tell. Your body language speaks for its self. Please Lance, let me help you.
OOC: Relax silly :):) I worked all weekend myself and have been busy. Listen real life is always first and don't you forget it. Enjoy the summer. Whenever you can post, I will reply to you. Ok?! Good:)
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 27th, 2002, 05:34:46 PM
:: Lance shook his head::
Err...well. it's just that I had never ever really heard of the Sith..could you explain to me more in details about their natuee..history etc? That would greatly help me..that of course..if it does not cause you any trouble or we can simply move on to the next step.
:: Lancelooks at his master andpasses his fingers on his forhead lightfully slapping of Lance's customs.::
OOC: Oki :)
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 27th, 2002, 09:10:50 PM
Ahhh..the history of the sith! Please..take a seat I will do my best to sum this up for you.
::Leia motioned for Lance to sit down::
The Sith are an ancient brotherhood of Jedi Knights split from the ranks of the "lightsiders" when access to the ancient Sith lore was forbidden. The Jedi Council feared that the knowledge of harnessing the Dark Side of the Force would be twisted and used to perform many evil acts. The Sith brotherhood was founded some 2,000 years before the Battle of Yavin by a rogue Jedi Knight who yearned to learn more of the Dark Side of the Force. Together with about 50 followers, this rogue fled the Old Republic and established his own Sith order. With galactic domination on their agenda, these new Sith Lords quickly became distrustful of each other and abusive of their dark side powers. In a short time, they had nearly wiped themselves out again. One Sith Lord remained, a man by the name of Darth Bane. He swore that the Sith would never again vanish from the galaxy. Darth Sidious rose to power as the Sith Lord. Sidious eventually took Darth Maul as his apprentice, and hoped to take control of the galaxy by bringing the Old Republic down from the inside. However, Maul was destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Sidious' plans were thwarted.
As you can see the sith long and yearn for power, self interest, destruction...they will usual all means of evil to achieve the goals ultimately.
I hope this some how answers your question. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?
OOC: I stopped at Maul, because as you can see here we still have LOTS of sith including Vader, so I simply can't say he is dead or Palpatine either. He is also on the boards ;) explanations were through a SW encyclopedia ;)
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 28th, 2002, 04:37:53 AM
:: Lance sat down and listened to his master closely, he was truly captivated by her tale and also somehow he felt strange after this story.::
This is the sith harness the darkside...and even destroy each other..what an odd story..master...I have another can we make difference between the darkside and the good one? I they use different techniques can you see it with your eyes..or must you feel it through the force..their presence...
:: Lance was ratherly letting him-self go in his questionning::
Ahh...I'm sorry I must really be annoying asking you all this
OOC: :) Lol That's ok i know almost everything about SW don't worry it's just to make this trainning a little bit more theoric <.< for my char or it might become like a Sith trainning -_- With fighting fighting and nothing else. Oh one more thing change my CT to The Strider here too puh-lease :d
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 29th, 2002, 08:28:17 PM
Trust will know the difference between the light and darkside of the force. Like I said before....fear, anger, hate all those are part of the darkside. As such, all that is evil.
But...Lance...the darkside knows how to hide themselves even to us. As Master Yoghurt has said on many occassions "Hard to see the darkside is". How true of words are they.
They do harness the force for evil. Just like we use the force for good. Each order obviously in their own way.
::With a look of almost uncertainly, Leia asked Lance a question::
Does that help?
OOC: sorry had major connection problems yesterday. Now all is well and I will fix your ct ;)
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 30th, 2002, 04:52:31 AM
:: Lance rests his hand under his chin and thinks for a few seconds::
Yeah that's enough thank you.
:: Lance thinks again about another question but finds nothing else, I guess Lance's mind is now cleared of them.::
Hmm I don't have any other question...what do we do now master?
OOC: That's oki. I haven't been on in my trainning moody anyways :p :smokin Oh and Thanks you for the CT Muwha>D
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 30th, 2002, 08:03:31 PM
::Leia smiled at Lance. It seemed she answered her padawan well enough. The Jedi Master thought momentarily..there was still much to cover. Then a thought crossed her mind. Possibly it was time for a change of scenery::
Well my young padawan, do you think you are up to a field trip of sorts?
OOC: LOL...that's ok. I think this is the first real short post I am posting ever in your training. Guess I am a lil off tonight too ;) But..I do have something in mind :D
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 31st, 2002, 04:40:31 AM
:: Lance stood upstraight all millitary like::
Whatever is needed to be done, I am up for it.
OOC: Something in mind? I hope it's goody :rollin :cool
Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 02:46:29 PM
There is a trip that I usually like to take my padawans on. I think you are ready for it and may find it interesting. A change from the standard training atmosphere.
We will be going to Dagobah. Follow me I will make sure a ship is ready for us.
::Leia and Lance made their way through to Docking Bay #58. She had previously had informed a NR pilot of their little trip. Both master and padawan got situated on the the pilot then ready the ship for take off. Moments later they were airborne and were hitting lightspeed. Some time later..they arrived to the damp lush planet of Dagobah::
::Leia bowed at the pilot and informed him how long they will be and that he should standby. The Jedi Master and Lance proceeded to walk thru the forest.::
::They finally reached their destination. Lance looked on to see a huge, dead, black tree, sitting in a few feet of water. It has giant, twisted roots form a dark and sinister cave on one side. He stare at the tree and sense a cool chill in the air.::
Lance:: There's something not right here. Something about this place. It feels cold and like death here.
Leia: That place... is strong with the dark side of the Force. There lies evil. You must go in there and see for yourself.
Lance: What's in there?
Leia: As Master Yoghurt would say...Only what you take with you! Please go in and see for yourself. I will be here waiting.
OOC: What I want you to do is RP a situation about what you experience when you go inside and how it goes..then come out and tell me. Very much like Empire Strikes Back ;) I usually slightly change this a lil but I am lazy sorry. So I basically copy & pasted from my usual post on this. Hope ya don't mind.
imported_Lance Stormrider
May 31st, 2002, 04:33:36 PM
:: Lance bowed to his master and his lightsaber in it's hilt he started to make his way through the forest that was dark and sinister.
::He then felt something strange...and shivered lightly while going forward, he then stopped at a moment and shook his head right to left his heart beat was going faster and he was breathing with at a different rythm. ::
::He then entered a cave the dark side of the force was even stronger here... Lance did not feel any fear...but he felt confused and somehow lost...distant from reality, he then thought momentarily to him-self:: odd...I feel..a presence....a presence that I hadn't years...the same darkness I had seen and felt...this can only be.........................Xenodoros..........coul d it be.....could Xeno actually be it can't just can't be, doesn't make any sense.....
:: He then started to panic turning around as he steps backwards he then walks on a rock and fallls down on the floor hurting lightly his back his black shirt having a slight mark of red on it..blood::
Xeno where are you!??....I know you here!??....What is going on??......
:: Lance then sent his leg forwards quickly hitting them against the floor and taking back strenght with them he comes back upstraight he then summons the force quickly as he was intructed multiple times through his arm and a field of gravity makes his light saber fly in his hand hitting against the activator of Matrix a blue eerie light sorts out of the handle with a hum he then turns around and sees his brother (I don't feel like describing him the person to whom this character belongs to might not like MY description so NUUUUUU) ::
Xeno...after all these years....
:: The man did not answer back but simply sent multiple round houses and slashes to Lance, Lance blocked all of his slashes without a slight of a problem, Lance did not understand.. Xeno was extremely strong plus he was much stronger then Lance when he left his family...Lance now understood...that this is what he brought into this he simply came back to reality..he then felt a strange emotion and got out of his dream...breathing intensively...Lance returned out of the forest..and saw his master there::
...ahh....what was that all about....master....I brother.....
:: Lance stood silent...and paralized his only thought were::
Could it Xeno Alive?
OOC:Well that was interesting.
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:58:08 PM
::The Jedi Master was leaning against a tree waiting for her padawan to return from the cave. Lance came out without showing any fear..this was a good sign::
You said you saw your brother Xeno in there. Tell me what exactly happened, first before I answer your question.
OOC: Sorry about that I know by reading it. Just make it brief for Leia, because she really wouldn't know;) Thanks
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 1st, 2002, 07:08:33 PM
OOC: wahhh! my kb=broken gatta wait a week or so cant post tll then...damn on screen kb.....I WILL MISS YOU MOMMY..WAHHH!:( :p
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 1st, 2002, 08:05:27 PM
OOC: MOMMY!! :lol
Listen no worries!! You take care and we will continue when you are able to :)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:55:53 AM
:: Lance was lost in his thoughts and then turned his head towards his master, his eyes scattered around as he was still shocked by what he saw, he couldn't find the word to desacribe what happend to his master, but he took a grip of him-self and a deep breath and he started speaking::
..This is what happend...while I was walking through the deep and dark forest...I felt..strange...I felt something through the force..a presence..something that I had felt before...something I had felt..only when near one person...a deep darkness...that suropasses anything....I only felt that...when Stormrider...he's the friend I told you about...the one that was dark...that's why I have questionned you...a lot about the darkside...but I thought my brother was dead...I hadn't heard anything of him...or any rumors...but then when I felt his presence..I continued my way untill..a cave that I entered...when I did...I then felt the presence...coming closer and closer...I was paniced and fell on a rock...untill I got up he was there..I saw him..he even attacked me..without saying a word...then I understood that it was an illusion...master does this mean he's alive???? What does it mean?? I am so confused..
:: Lance's breathing was intense as he tried to stay calm even though he was trained by his father as a Strider and Strider even in extreme danger are always calm..Lance could not stay calm..this was just too much for him..::
OOC: YEHEY!:D I forgot about my old comp's KB! Muwhah <.< I own :p So I guess I won't have to wait for a week to rp with my mommy :cool
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 2nd, 2002, 08:45:53 PM
::Seeing that Lance was somewhat hyperventalating, Leia decided it was best to give him some advise::
First, I suggest you regroup. Apparently this is causing your breathing to become heavy and your heart is racing too from anxiety. Relax..I want you to meditate for a moment. I know this is NOT what you want to hear from me from this very moment. But must clear you mind...relax before proceeding in certain insistances. I suggest you do this now. Calm yourself thru the force....close your eyes and become one with it. Use your slow breathing technique followed by your meditative one too. When you are relax and have done so we will talk more about this.
OOC; Glad to hear it...Silly!
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 3rd, 2002, 06:43:30 AM
:: Lance still hyper listens to his master's advice::
Okkk...yar right...
:: He walks away from her a bit and stands straightly , he closes his eyes and crosses his arms backwards of his body. As he closes his eyes Lance calls upon the help of the force..he think about the past events of this day..and ponders on a possible explanation..but most of all he's trying to calm down...a few minutes later, Lance's breathing and heart are going to a normal rythm..Lance openes his eyes and comes back to his master::
There...all better..
:: Lance had heard an answer from the force it's self::
Hmm master..I think I said that what there was in there..was only what we brought...I guess my thought for my brother are what made me see him right? Or am I wrong?
:: Lance asked this question while completly calm::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:43:15 PM
::A gentle smile crept across the Jedi Master's face::
You've learned well my Padawan. That is correct! Your inner thoughts have been on your brother and this is of great concern of yours. The cave is a learning some way. It lets you confront one of your greatest most fears. In you case, Lance it is your concern for your brother.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 4th, 2002, 05:06:10 AM
:: Lance understood perfectly and felt yet anothe time a certain sense of accomplishment::
I see...
:: He then wondered what was to come next::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 4th, 2002, 08:40:48 PM
::Leia stood up and motioned to Lance to follow her::
Let's head back to The Academy to continue your training, Lance.
::Both Master & Padawan began their trek back through the woods, finally coming up to the aircraft they arrived on. Leia turned to the NR Pilot, whose was waiting for their return::
Pilot we are ready to return home.
::Leia gave a slight bow of the head before embarking up the ship's ramp with Lance and the pilot following shortly behind her. Once again, they got situated on the craft. As the flight crew prepped the craft for takeoff. With in minutes, the craft was airbourne and later..into hyperspace. After a few hours...they arrived back and docked in Docking Bay #34. Lance & Leia eventually made it back to the academy. The Jedi Master took off her cloak and decided to sit down a moment. She once again motioned to Lance::
Please take a seat. Its been one busy day for the both of us. I have been thinking while were on our way back as to what we should cover next. I'd figured I suggest a couple of things to you. I can possibly show you some more force moves, or if you like try a hand at some combat sparring.
Tell me Lance. What do you think?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:24:58 AM
:: Lance knew that if he would engage his master in a spar, without his Strider skills he wouldn't be very interesting to fight.::
I say some more force moves...I'll spar you after...I just don't want to dissapoint you..hehe
:: Sat down next to his master and waited for her final decision::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:33:06 PM
Very well more focus on the basics.
::The Jedi Master rised from her chair, pacing the room back and forth for a lil bit, thinking of what she should cover next. She stopped momentarily and looked up at Lance::
Tell me Lance. What do you know about "Force Healing"? If anything at all.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 7th, 2002, 04:34:20 AM
:: Lance eye's pierced Leia's look as he heard "Force Healing"::
Force Healing!? I've never heard of such a thing...but it sound very interesting...could you actually instruct me on that subject?
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:00:04 PM
Well my padawan its more than interesting. Its something that can save a person's life, even your own.
There are two types of healing. One that you can do for someone else and there is also one that you perform on yourself for when you are in a battle situation and have been wounded.
There is one thing that is important for me to ask you before we try to do this. Do you know meditation? This is a critical part of the procedure, that is why I am asking you.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:49:41 PM
:: Lance's attention was redirected to Leia when she spoke of "Meditation".::
Meditation? ...I meditate in general about 5 times a day..of course not for the force..but for other arts that I practice...
:: Lance smiled at his Master very confident that he will learn force healing extremely fast ::
If it's about problem master..
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:10:32 PM
Apparently then Lance you have a great deal of understanding on meditation.
::The Jedi Master began to pace once again as she tried to describe "Force Healing"::
As you know it is very important to be unified with the living force. This is where your meditation skills come into play. Very much like the meditation you use in martial arts or your strider meditation.
For instance, you come across a citizen that apparently was knocked unconscious and may have some minor concusions. You would walk up to this civilian, kneel down besides him or her. Placing a hand on their forehead..for this is the place where their injury close your eyes...concentrate on the living becomes one with focus your energy and healing properties....this gets emitted thru you to the civilian thru your sense of touch. Again, because you are using your unification with the force. You will be able to tell when this procedure is done. Then you will open your eyes and remove your hand. You will then see that this civilian, might seem somewhat dazed but they are now healed due to "Force Healing".
Now..I hope that explains it. Do you have any questions on this type of "Force Healing"? If not I will proceed with one that you would use upon yourself.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:45:26 PM
:: Lance listened to his master's instructions closely as always and understood everything perfectly::
Yes master..I understand everything..perfectly..
:: Lance awaited for his master to proceed with the other example::
OOC: Sorry for the short replys mommy but I'm exhausted -_-...
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:42:56 PM
::Leia smiled back at Lance::
Very well.
Self healing is the same. But in a battle situation..where you are up against a sith, you need a lil time to do this. This is one skill we have the sith do not. They cannot force heal.
A suggestion and one I have done in a fight is to create a "Force Bubble". A Force Bubble is a field of energy created by you using the Force to protect yourself...a force shield, so to speak. This will prevent you from any attacks even force lightening..while you are healing. To do this you must concentrate on the force, as you usual would. A deep concentration as you close your eyes...visual all the energy of the force surrounding you. You will then create this shield and see it illuminating properties. Once you achieve this, you may proceed to force heal..depending on your injury is where you would focus on the force to heal. Let's say its a saber graze, burn on your left arm. Place your hand over the area...just like you would to a victim and proceed to go about healing. What happens is there will be no outside physical scarring that will be seen after you have done this. Although...again, if this wound was deeper..the appearance maybe be gone..but internal injuries take longer to heal. Even though you no longer see will feel it still. Do keep this in mind.
::Leia looked on to Lance::
Do you have any questions?
OOC: Its ok about being tired. I am BEAT from working this weekend. To be honest this post is copied from another, which does explain the same thing I would have typed from scratch.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:24:46 AM
:: Lance looks a lil puzzled by this last explanation and needs an answer to a question::
"Hmmm but...I mean this force shield you speak about? How much time does it last, and can it prevent a close range attack? Like can someone come in the shield and start hitting me? And also what will be my moving capabilities with this shield? Sorry but these are things I absolutely need to know in case I ever use it...Hehe
:: Lance was very curious about this, but also needed these answers toknow exactly what he was doing.::
OOC: That's oki :)
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:55:52 PM
Very good questions you have and they should be answered.
Once you generate this "force bubble" (force shield) as long as you remain focus and intuned with the force it shall last you a very long time. No real time limit persay. Distance of an attack on you, matters not. It will protect you from any distance. It is just very important to keep your mind focused on the Force. No weapon or person can penetrate this shield either.
I hope that explains that a lil better. Does it?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 11th, 2002, 04:36:23 AM
:: Lance nods to his master as these explanations were exatly what he wanted, now he knew that this new skill would be very usefull not only for healing but for other techniques he usually excerces::
Thanks master these instruction are lethal to me...
:: Lance now wonders if he'll be asked to perform them::
Well...what shall I do now?
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:29:59 AM
::Leia sensed Lance's thoughts::
No Lance, I will not ask you to preform this now. It is quite impossible. But atleast you know what to do if the situation arises.
Now, as far as what we do next. Hmmm...well there is another move almost like a "force bubble/force shield" . Tell me, do you know what a "Force Wall" is? If would you go about it and under what situation.
OOC: Sorry work again. I was busy yesterday.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:48:14 PM
:: Lance's attention was full redirected towards his master when she spoke about the Force Wall::
"Force wall!?....Ahh! I don't know what it is..but whatever it is I am positive..that I can learn it quite easily...please explain master I'm very curious about this"
OOC: lol, that's oki mommy:crack
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:49:59 PM
Well you see, it is rather much like the force bubble/force shield. Basically, you meditate..or shall I see get in tuned with the force rather quickly. More than likely an object is coming at you rather quickly. Usually a bunch of weapons at once, possibly for example sith daggers that were released in repetition. You would normally not have enough time to deflect all these with a lightsaber. Once you focus, you gather energy from the force to create this barrier..."Force Wall". It is an unseen force energy shield. This will protect you from these daggers and cause them to comel crashing down to the ground, as they collide into it.
So you see this is quite useful. Do keep this one in mind. It will come in handy.
OOC: thanks:)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 04:42:44 AM
:: Lance rests his hand under his chin before speaking again, he ponders on this attack comparing it to his "Gravity barrier" Strider tecnique he uses...but this "Force Wall" Was much better since it used the force...and not his aura which would give him more capacities in battle and a big advantage since Lance has always been a major user of these kind of techniques, Lance now glances his hands back down and looks at his master as he speaks::
" I understand perfectly tell me? Is there something else that I must know?"
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 14th, 2002, 07:23:52 AM
I suppose you can say this is a lot like what you have come to know as your "strider" skills.
::The Jedi Master smiled at Lance::
You asked if there is anything else you need to know?!
::Letting out a soft chuckle, Leia replied::
Of course there is!! We NEVER stop learning. Even myself. But in general...we can eventually more into more advance moves, now that we covered the basics.
I have to admit. I am curious how you would handle sparring. Hand to Hand and Lightsaber skills.
Think you want to try some?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:32:21 AM
:: Lance's eyes opened wide as she said the word "spar"::
*" Ahh! I might be a padawan! I might be new in GJO but I am certainly the last person you would want as an opponent in a non-force combat hand to hand or Lightsaber. Actually, at the age of 3 my father started to train me as a all my life everything i've done was space meditation training and training so yeah I can somehow...manage to handle a battle...with anyone....I'm more an extremely fast fighter and intensify my strenght only when I can reach unto a weak point...if not I go step by step weaken my opponent more and more untill he reaches a critical's hard to actually hit me...I go extremely fast...that is why force speed is vital to me..I wanna intensify my speed even more anyways...are we gonna spar I am eager to see you in action master..."
:: Lance nodded slightly::
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:53:17 PM
OOC: Hi..meesa back! Thanks Lance for your patience. I will probably post here tomorrow. OK?! Thanks!
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:21:40 PM
:) Alrighty
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 27th, 2002, 06:06:54 PM
::Leia smiled at Lance. But began to pace the room, while her finger rubbed her chin slightly. Stopping suddenly, she turned to Lance::
I know you have sparred with several Jedi here. Indeed you are very talented. I have seen it for myself. I was wondering would you care to venture on mission either by yourself or with me?
OOC: What I am wondering is..have you personally fought a sith by yourself? And if not would you without me there..maybe just observing. Or would you care one to be a Master and Padawan fight?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:01:39 PM
:: Lance pondered on the question, he had never seen his master in action either did he ever go on a mission::
"'s gonna be my first mission..I would prefer to along with you master..if it's not too much to ask."
OOC: o.O I don't get it......v.v.......
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