View Full Version : The Training of Anakin

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:49:22 PM
::Once again...the Jedi Master made her way to a training room for a new jedi hopeful. It had been sometime since Leia graced these halls. Although, not much had truly changed in the jedi ways. The Jedi Master proceeded to take off her cloak and hanged it up on a hook behind her. She slid out a seat from beneath the table infront of her and sat down. Leia picked up the data pad on the table and began to read over today's iteinary, as she awaited for Anakin's arrival.::

Apr 8th, 2002, 11:46:19 AM
i am here for my training

Apr 8th, 2002, 06:18:33 PM
The young boy Anakin was taking time to prepare for his training...His new master Leia Solo was still scanning her data pad.
Finally he was prepared and waited for his Masters orders.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 8th, 2002, 11:20:36 PM
::The Jedi Master looked up from her datapad and proceeded to shut it off. Leia stood up and extended her right hand and with a smile::

Good morning Anakin. It is nice to see you are prompt and ready for your training. Please..Please...

::Leia stated as she gestured to the seat next to her::

...take a seat. If you may I would like to know a little more about yourself. Your history and such..if you mind.

OOC: Sorry for my delay. I am usually busy, but please be patient I should be able to post atleast once a day. Also I recieve your email. I can help you with a sig. But please tell me what you are looking for. Do you have a particular pic in mind etc etc.

Apr 9th, 2002, 12:11:03 AM
Well master I was born in Tatooine and raised till i was 6 then I first learned of my power. I learned from local residents that my powers where similar to that of a jedi. Then I found as many holograms of "The Jedi' as i could and learned of there ways. Now i know what im about to tell you is bad but i had no guide i wanted to be a jedi so bad i didnt know that the darkside can overtake you. I read over every detail and instructions and began to train. From the ages 8 to 13 I trained hard and left my family to live on my own. I learned powers such as force pull force push and force jump. I then constructed my own lightsaber. Yes..dangerous, but it was like natural to me i created it in less than 2 hours and began to train with my jedi weopon..I was mesmorized by its graze and looks. Its sleek design of chrome and metal and the sky-blue blade was beutiful. Now by 15 iv moved from Tatooine and found myself here to finish my training and become a jedi knight.

OOC:If you could i was hoping to find a pic of anakin from Episode 2...I dont know if you could get it but that would be great.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:40:18 PM
::Resting her chin on her hand, Leia listened intently to her new padawan. Ever so often, the Jedi Master nodded confirming that she was taking in his history.::

I must say that is very impressive Anakin. Your past sounds very much like a lot of Jedi Padawans around here. Even my own brother, did not know that power he poccessed until he came across an elder Jedi Master, years later. He was a few years older than you, may I add.

You know I will train you in the way of the force. But..I just want to make sure you understand the Jedi Code. Do you? If so...can you please tell me the Jedi Code.

::Leia looked on at her young padawan. This was a typical pop question that the Jedi Master asked any padawans. But a very important one::

OOC: I did make a sig, personal pic, and icon. I emailed you all the info. It was Anakin from EP2. Btw..OOC have you RPed before as a Jedi. Just wondering<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 10th, 2002, 12:24:48 AM
If i may proceed..

His master nodded and he began.

There is no emotion;only peace. There is no ignorance;there is knowledge. There is no passion;there is serenity.Their is no chaos;there is harmony.There is no death;there is the force.The peace and justice of the galaxy will be gaurded,and all life forms is and will be respected. For my ally is the force,and i use its powers to serve and protect the innocent from evil. I seek goodness and defend it from the darkside. I have dedicated my life to the truth. I am the light. I am a Jedi.

He bowed and waited his masters response.

OOC: Thanx im going to see my sig right now.

Apr 10th, 2002, 01:09:27 AM
OOC: Theres only one thing i can c and thats my personal photo my blue lightsaber has a box with an X in it and at the bottom of the screen where my sig is suppose to be theres just that url info you told me to write..answer when you can im in no hurry.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:25:17 PM
::The Jedi Master gave a small smile as Anakin repeated the Jedi Code::

You do know that there is one thing to recite the code and another to abide and live by it entirely. I must ask you Anakin..will you adhere to the Jedi Code?!

OOC: I did email you about correcting the pic problems. Hope you got it! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> BTW..when you entered the url for the sig you needed to have this <img src= URL </img> around it. Sorry about that.

Apr 12th, 2002, 10:05:31 PM
Yes master..I will.

edited by Leia:

I wanted to see if I can catch ya on aim to correct this. The sig should look like this:

<img src=http://jedisigs.clanpages.com/as1b.jpg></img>

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 13th, 2002, 10:30:05 PM
::The Jedi Master noted the sincerity in Anakin's voice and gave a nod of acknowledgement::

Very well! I am sorry if it seems like I am interrogating you. But this is all part of our screening process. I need to ask you some more questions too.

You mentioned that you have build a lightsaber. Is that correct? Then..how knowledgeable are you with this weapon. I would like to ask you if you have any other weapons knowledge. If so what are they, where and who trained you about these other weapons.

::Leia leaned back slightly in her chair, before resting her chin once again on her hand, waiting for Anakin's replies::

Apr 16th, 2002, 05:28:24 PM
Yes..Master..When i was 13 i built my own lightsaber and carefully trained with it for 2 years.....

Im sure enough I can handle another kid of my age at your Acadamy.

I have not carried any other weopon but my lightsaber.. so that should answer your question.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 16th, 2002, 10:04:46 PM
That is fine Anakin. One of the Jedis true weapons is the elegant lightsaber and it is good that you have exclusive knowledge to this weapon. But...

::The Jedi Master leaned over the table and tilted her head slightly::

the force is a Jedis true power, knowledge and weapon..so to speak. Tell me Anakin, what is the force?! And what is the force to you?

::Leia slowly sat back down in her seat and crossed her legs::

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:08:31 PM
The force is anything and everything around us...To me it is relaxing,it soothes me...I can feel it all the time, but yet it also confuses me at times.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:23:46 PM
In essence you are correct in your answer Anakin. The Force is what binds everything in this galaxy. It runs through you....me....everything! Yet keep in mind padawan..there are two sides to the force. One is the light, which is for all that is good, righteous, and peaceful in this galaxy and then there is the darkside. Manipulations, evil, unthinkable corruptions and wrong doings in what would be our peaceful galaxy. We being Jedi stand for all that is good to protect and serve this galaxy, while the Sith seek utter distruction and disharmony. They do this by using the force with hate and anger to make themselves powered by evil to destroy all that is good. Does this help you in any way in understanding it Anakin?

What is it you don't truly understand?

OOC: in case you didn't get my e-mail you have access to Temple Avalon now

Apr 19th, 2002, 11:32:08 AM
Why at some places the force is not as strong as other places..it sometimes confuses me...now that we have this over with.when do we begin my training.

OOC:I might not be on in a while i might have some bad grades but ill get on as much as i can.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 20th, 2002, 08:09:10 PM
Ahhh...don't be too much in a haste Anakin. You should know that is not a good Jedi trait.

Although the preliminaries are out of the way. I need to ask you one more question before we can begin. What is your force knowledge? Can you harness its powers of course for good.

::Leia stated with a smile::

OOC: Sorry for a delay. I hope your grades are not as bad as you think:( Good Luck and no worries I will be here for your posts. I am actually at the point we are going to start actions so to speak in our posts <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 20th, 2002, 10:32:29 PM
Anakin started a smile...

Im sorry master but I truly wish to become a great jedi..forgive me.

I have knowledge in only three force techniques..force pull, force push, and the old jedi mind trick i am not sure if i am suppose to know more but that is all I learned.

Do not worry my master, I will use my powers for good and good only...

::Anakin paused for a moment and spoke::

The dark side will not overtake me..I have no anger..no fear..only the mind of someone seeking to do good..that is all.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2002, 12:02:55 AM
::The Jedi Master rose up from her chair. Then gently gave Anakin a pat on the back, as she reached with her other arm to get her cloak::

That is very good to hear Anakin.

::Leia then gestured to the door::

What we are now going to do is step out of the academy. Its a beautiful day and I think we will start in the garden area.

::Both Leia and Anakin headed down the hallways then thru the massive doors. One could see the Jedi Master only a few steps infront of her padawan, her cloak flowed with each and every step she took. Within a few moments, both master and padawan were in the beautiful lush garden area that graced outside of the academy::

I know you must be wondering why we are here. Well...I do like to begin training outside. It is something I have always chose to done. Besides it is quite beautiful and peaceful out here..very much like the force and a good choice to clear ones mind.

Anakin..you told me inside you have basic force knowledge. Its not that I doubt you, but I want you to demoninstrate this for me.

::Leia pointed at the ground at a medium size stone to Anakin::

You see that there stone. I would like you to focus on the force and send that very stone into that tree towards your right. Please take a moment and when you are ready..please do so...

Remember..take your time and concentrate on the force all around you and thru you.

Apr 21st, 2002, 12:18:11 AM
::Anakin obeyed his masters commands and concentrated::

::Anakin reached out with the force and focused on his object::

He began to feel it flow through him.

::Anakin slowly raising his hand keeping the rock steady::

He did not feel worry of his masters eyes watching him..he only focused on the force.

::Anakin then guided the stone to the tree and rested it steadily between two branches::

He then turned to his Master and patiently awaite her next instruction.

Apr 21st, 2002, 12:20:28 AM
OOC: Why do you think that my names still not on the member list as a padawan when it was updated today?

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2002, 12:47:53 AM
OOC: I don't know if the padawan section was updated today though. I used to help w/the site. I no longer have the time too. I did post in Avalon about adding your info to Master Yoghurt. BTW...you can click on the temple. You do have access there now.

If you don't mind...I am really tired and will post my reply to your thread tomorrow. LOL..I can't think straight. That is why I am not on AIM now. Sorry. Good Night for now. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2002, 03:34:01 PM
OOC: Nicely Rped <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

::Leia watched Anakin skillfully move the stone with the force. She could feel the force being one with him. There was no doubt in her mind he did have the basic force skills::

Impressive Anakin. It does seem to me you do have the basic skills as you stated.

::The Jedi Master paced the grass some for a few moments, deciding what move to proceed with. Leia surveyed around their surroundings and saw a very huge old tree...standing at an approximate height of 200 feet. Yes very tall indeed very much those found in Dagobah.::

Let's try something different Anakin. First listen and watch me carefully.

What I would like to do next is the "Force Jump", but before we start let us review how to channel the force correctly.

First...clear your minds, free yourself from the troubles of the galaxy. Let harmony, peace, humbleness, sacrifice fill your mind and soul. Sense the Force, touch it. Feel it running through your bones, your blood, through every microscopic cell of your body. Hear this force, hear what it tells you, wise the force is, many things you can learn from it. Now talk to the force, tell it your intentions, why you wish to accomplish this, tell it that you wish to use it for good, for defense, never for evil. After this command it to go wherever you want it to go. With time, experience and practice you will master this ability and you will be able to do this whole procedure in milliseconds. This is a very good exercise to practice in your room, in the temple or wherever you fill at peace. This is the starting point to meditation and to every force related move, word, though and action. It should form part of you every day life.

Now Force Jump, After doing the already discuss procedure channel all the mighty force into your legs, your thighs and simply jump like you would normally.

:: Suddenly Leia jumps up upon a high branch of the tree, over 150 feet up in the air landing easily on her feet ::*

::Quickly she leapt back down gracefully.::

A padawan can jump easily over 50 ft. A full train jedi knight can jump over 100 ft. Now you try...

Remember: PATIENCE

Apr 21st, 2002, 03:54:29 PM
::Anakin obeyed his masters command and concentrated::

::Then Anakin felt the force flow through him..anakin felt it spreading through his body::

He heard nothing..everything was quite and relaxing.

::Anakin was in contol of the force now he carefully moved its power to his legs and calf muscles::

::With one great leap Anakin flew up 55 feet in the air::

::Anakin steadily balanced himself on a shaky branch::

He had never done such a thing and was quite pleased with the results.

He looked down at his master..and saw a large smile on her face.

::Anakin then jumped leapt down and softly touched the ground::

Wow, that was extremely fun master...So did my jump live up to your expectations?

::Anakin said with a large smile::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:23:51 PM
::The Jedi Master was most certainly smiling back at Anakin::

Very nicely done!

::Leia then gave a slight chuckle::

I could see how you would think this was fun to do. You will find that in combat situation with the sith and such, this force move can get you out of some tough binds. Now....I think we will move a long to Force Speed.

Force Speed is a bit different than force jump or any other move. Once you have concentrated and at peace instead of projecting the force to your legs, to engage force speed you must visualize were you want to go. For example, if I want to run to where that rose bush is, I put that vision on my mind and go ** In half a second Leia is next to that very same rose bush that she had pointed out to Anakin. This bush was a good 20 feet away from her** Quickly,she turned, within in a blink of an eye she was standing near the tree where she was before she force sped to the rose bush::

Now it is your turn Anakin. Please try to do this when you are ready.

Apr 21st, 2002, 10:33:45 PM
::Anakin thought of his masters instructions and focused on the door they came in from...it must have been 40 feet away and was a very tough distance to travel in a half a second.

::Anakin concentrated on the door then closed his eyes::

When he opened them he took a glance at his master and in a half a second he was at the door.

Quite easy..that was not as hard as i expected.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:53:04 PM
::Leia watched intently as Anakin amazingly did this with no problem::

::Being that Anakin was a distance away, the Jedi Master thought that he should stay there. Leia focused on the force and sent Anakin a force message::

Stay right there Anakin. We will be heading inside now

::With in a blink of an eye Leia was standing right next to Anakin::

Let's continue inside Anakin.

::The two Jedi entered the Academy and walked down the corridors, to the training room they began in::

I have been thinking some. You really do have a grasp on the basic force moves. I think we will move on to hand to hand fighting skills.

What I want you to do is attack me Anakin.

::The Jedi Master threw down her cloak and ready herself in a defensive stance::

Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:16:12 AM
OOC:What do you mean by fighting??? "lightsaber" - "Hand to hand combat"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:41:33 AM
OOC: Well..I did mention "hand to hand" so no lightsabers, yet ;)

Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:17:07 AM
OOC:Sorry..i am lucky enough to be sick and im not at school today.

IC::Anakin looked at his master puzzled..Well if you say so.

::Anakin with quick movement fliped over his master and tried to kick her but her reflexes were to good and she quickly moved out the way::

Lets see what else can i use...

::While Anakin moved around the room steadily his masters eyes were directly upon him...With a half second he force sped to her and swung::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:25:10 AM
::With quick reflexes of a Jedi Master, Leia grabbed Anakin's hand and full stopped it in motion::

::The Jedi Master raise an eyebrow as she looked on to her padawan::

You know, I was testing you. But not as you are probably thinking.

::Anakin looked somewhat puzzled::

You see, Jedi do not make the attack or make the first move. I think you can understand what I am trying to say here. I wanted to make that perfectly clear. I sure hope you agree.

If you do...we may now proceed. And now you can attack me for training purposes, I do want you to try again and make the first move. I will then counter it and so on.

You may begin when you are ready.

::Once again the Jedi Master placed herself in a defensive stance::

OOC: Hope you are not really sick. That stinks:( Get better

Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:36:00 AM
:: Anakin Took is offensive stance and made a quick jump towards Leia and swung twice, but Leia countered one and ducked for the next::

Very quick you are master..but lets see if you get past this one.

::With one quick step he forced jumped flipped twice and came down with a front kick::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:00:02 PM
::Leia kept her very well trained eyes on Anakin's every single move. As he went into the two quick flips, the Jedi Master summersaulted backwards missing Anakin's foot that was about to come down on her. She landed on her feet then quickly went into a squatting position, she spun down low on the floor..and brought her left leg around in the process...she was just about to take out Anakin's feet beneath him and send him on the floor...::

OOC: I left it open to see what you do. It's only fair! Normally.. in a fight I would send someone on their butt and then some LOL

Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:10:00 PM
::Anakin with increasing movement jumped from Leia's sweeping leg and gave a push off of Leia's head with his foot and landed on the other side of the room::

Sorry about that master..just wanted to have a little fun..

OOC:Last post i would have said i punched you in the face but I read the rules and you cant say i punched you and you fell down on your butt..lol

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2002, 10:07:41 PM
::Shaking off the cobwebs slightly, Leia thought to herself::

Fool me once..won't ever fool me ever again

OOC: lil humor!! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

::The Jedi Master sprung to her feet and just stood there momentarily. Slowly a small smirk crossed the Jedi Master's face::

::Leia quickly forcesped to Anakin..upon coming up to 6 feet infront of him, the Jedi Master hit the floor with her legs and went into a slide, which swiped Anakin on the floor. Leia quickly went into a leap off the floor and landed her legs..one on each side of the fallen padawan. Before he can move..she knelt down on his chest and pinned his arms down. This all happened so very quickly, he did not seeing it coming whatsoever::

Soooo..what are you going to do now Anakin?

OOC: You are really good at this. I basically am just going to do my responses to get you into situations and see how you handle them ;)

Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:32:42 PM
::I dont know master::

Anakin gave a smile..

::Im confortable where i am::

OOC:I can make funny remarks to..lol

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:04:49 AM
::A sort of awkward look came over Leia's face. Certainly, this was not the answer she was expecting::

I see...

::Is all she could say at the moment::

Suppose I should get out of this position then.

::The Jedi Master got up and extended her hand to Anakin...gesturing him to get off the floor::

Hmmm...I suppose we can try something else. Care to spar or is there something else you would like to cover before we go any further.

OOC: silly <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:09:04 AM
OOC: Yeah thats me..just think of the girls at school...it makes me sick..<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/biglaugh.gif ALT=":D">

IC: Im not sure if im ready to spar yet..but if you insist you can teach me some moves I havent learned yet.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:20:47 AM
Well..there is no need to rush into sparring. Would you prefer more time on hand to hand or other force moves? Just let me know what you feel comfortable with Anakin.

OOC: Poor guy! :( with regards to the girls at school. Hmm..let me know what you want to cover here now in training. I can go a few ways. thanks

Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:59:38 AM
::Anakin walked around the room..thinkink of what he should do::

He thought to himself would she be a hard opponent in a spar???

::Anakin stopped in the center of the training room::

I suppose we could spar Master..I havent seen you in battle with a lightsaber and I think im ready for lightsaber training now..but remember I do know a few moves of my own.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:08:58 AM
::Leia smiled at Anakin::

I don't doubt that Anakin.

::The Jedi Master proceeded to unclip her lightsaber from her belt. Once engaged it shined a bright magenta blade. Leia began to fiddled some with the adjustment switch::

Ok then this is what we are going to do. So no one gets hurt, adjust the setting to low..basically a stun mode. Now I will ready myself in a defensive stance and you may attack me as you see fit. This time I do want you to attack. I have to admit this jedi maybe a lil rusty, but we will see how it goes.

You may begin when you see fit Anakin.

OOC: btw padawan list was updated. You are there<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 23rd, 2002, 04:20:45 PM
::Anakin unhitched his lightsaber from his belt and egnited it..its long sky-blue blade gleaming in front of him with its low hum::

::Anakin set the power to low and began to move closer to Leia::

I have a better idea..with the power of force pull..Anakin pulled the boxes to the center of the training area.

This should increase the difficulty a little..it makes us quicker on our feet when in a real battle.

With a nod from Leia..Anakin was ready to begin

::Anakin kept the blade low and in front of him..he watched his masters eyes..he studied her magenta colored blade..And in a split second Anakin swung with a right slashing attack..::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:05:01 PM
::Leia countered Anakin's right slashing attack, bringing her blade down low and striking in an upward crescent strike...the blades clash with blue and magenta sparks fell gleaming thru the air. The Jedi Master pushed hard on her blade and went into a spin..causing the two crossed blades to become unlocked.::

::The Jedi Master moved back a few
steps to give the two some room, bringing her saber back down in a blocking position as she went back into a defensive stance::

::Leia's eyes continued to watch her padawans move. She figured she take this slow at first and see what he does next::

Apr 24th, 2002, 12:23:00 AM
::Anakin swayed his lightsaber back and forth letting the skyblue blade glimmer with every move..Anakin walked steadily towards his master watching her eyes follow my blade::

I kept my lightsaber moving..I began to twirl it at my side..You know you shure do look at my blade alot..I said with a smile.

Leia didnt answer she was locked on my blade..watching its every move

Well I think iv givin you enough time to rest for this next attack...

::Anakin quickly ran towards Leia and at the last second to attack Anakin force jumped over Leia..rested one foot on the large box behind her Anakin had moved there earlier..then did a 180* and came down behind her all happening in a second or two...Anakin came down with a hard slash of his lightsaber but he relized his master still wasnt around to block his attack...with a quick twirl of his lightsaber he stopped his attack that would have left her a serious burn.At the time he landed Leia was finally around and looked at her padawan with astonishment::

OOC::Will talk about this post later..<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:55:46 AM
OOC: Ummm <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/OOooh.gif ALT=":???"> Please fill me in and then I will post a response a lil later. Sounded good though<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 24th, 2002, 04:52:03 PM
I was wondering about what i wrote..I wish to play by the rules and i didnt know if i broke them by doing all these moves as a padawan.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:59:56 PM
OOC: It was written well. Not too overdone IMO. Just maybe not make it sound like I was shocked. What I mean is leave it open that you slashed me..this way, I can continue the fight/spar from there;) I am going to do that..as though you slashed me and then I make a move;)


::The Jedi Master felt a slight stun come across her back. Quickly she spun on her heels to face Anakin..raising her blade to meet his lightsaber as he was getting ready to attack once again. Sparks flew once more as the blades crossed. Leia parried left, Anakin parried right..the two kept in time, as both blades met each and every time. The Jedi Master arched her saber low for a sweeping strike to Anakin's legs, Anakin proceeded to jump over the strike, Leia's blade came up quickly in a continous crescent sweep strike and unexpectantly to Anakin ,she hit him with her right fist which was holding the hilt of her lightsaber. Anakin faltered back some from the blow to his lower chin area, as Leia moved back a few more steps...watching for Anakin's next move::

Remember...Expect the unexpected Anakin.

::Leia advised Anakin::

OOC: Little damages in sparring is ok. Like what I did and you did prior to this

Lord Hex
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:14:41 AM
Lord Hex enters. His mandalorian iron shoulder plate covering his whole right shoulder, gleaming with reflected light. His ice-blue eyes gleaming brightly. His emerald hilt gleaming with a bright green color. His crimson cloak following swiftly behind him, rippling in the wind he makes as he walks into the room. His twin daggers sheathed behind him, level with his kidneys, in his utility belt. His hair short, like he just entered the Academy. Nodding to Leia, and Anakin.

"May I watch you two?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 25th, 2002, 04:42:49 PM
::The Jedi Master looked at Anakin for a moment and motioned her left hand as if he should halt any further moves for now::

::Leia turned to the unfamilar man standing before her. The Jedi Master took note of the armour on the gentleman::

Who are you? You wear armour of Mandalorians. How did you get into the Academy and what is your business here? I am sorry if I sound a little rude, by quite frankly you don't belong here.

::The Jedi Master looked on to the newcomer..keeping her grasp tightly on her lightsaber hilt for any uncertain move from the stranger::

Lord Hex
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:06:11 AM
Lord hex's smile grows, lookinh to Leia.

"I have armor because it looks good on myself. And Xazor said I was ready to start my training."

His hand releases the emerald hilt that lay clipped on his belt.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:03:02 PM
::A slight smirk crossed the Jedi Master's lips::

I see. Is Xazor training you then?

Lord Hex
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:04:16 PM
Lord hex bows with deep respect..

"I am seeking a master.. I thought I would look around, and watch so I can get started.."

Amalia Azalin
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:33:52 PM
Now where did he run off to?

Amalia's thoughts were dwelling upon a new recruit she had met during her spar with her husband, Warren. He seemed rather friendly, but Amalia had not had much time to chat with him, due to her being in the middle of a spar. She did not know him by name, but she could easily recognize him by presence.

She was walking around, searching quietly, trying not to disturb those in training, looking for the recruit she ahd met not days ago, the one with the mandalorian armor.

It just so happened that she found him as she peeked into the next training room. She found him, standing with Leia, and another student, whom she assumed to be a student of Leia's.

Slowly she entered the room, at a time when a moment of silence had slipped, she smiled warmly and then bowed respectfully.

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt, but I believe you have someone with you that I've been looking for..."

She placed a light hand on Hex's shoulder, looking at him thoughtfully as she set eyes on him.

"I heard you've been seeking a Master to train you, and well..."

Her smile grew.

"..If it's alright by you, I'd like to be your Master."

Apr 27th, 2002, 05:41:07 PM
Well, now that you people are finished..I would like to finish my training.

::Anakin switched his lightsaber back on and moved forward::

Leia saw her padawan moving in..she ignited her magenta blade and took the defensive position.

If you dont mind master, can we do some quick lightsaber action up close..none of this attacking and moving..lets just go at it..but with technique.

Apr 27th, 2002, 08:28:45 PM
Sorry master for such a short notice..but now that you have a new padawan to train..Im taking one of the Academy's X-wings to Tatooine..I have some business there to take care of..I dont know when i will be back..have fun with your new padawan.....

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:42:45 PM
::Leia looked puzzled at Anakin::

What makes you run in haste Anakin. I can train both of you. I will have you know that I have trained approximately 10 padawans at once. Hard to believe, but I have.

Does something trouble you Anakin?

::The Jedi Master crossed her arms and looked on at Anakin.::

Patience...she kept thinking to herself. The boy needs patience

OOC: HUH?!! I am getting on AIM I see you are on, but you are not on. BTW..me and 10 padawans..that is really true. But I am not take anymore than you and Lance. I want to devote total attention to you both. If something else is up and you cant RP let me know. I private messaged you (email)

Apr 28th, 2002, 08:50:45 AM
OOC::I love roleplaying..Im on like alot..but every time im on you are not..I know you have RL things to deal with..but it makes me angry when i see Xazor who has 4 padawans who are barely on..but i am..and i think if that was my master i could be twice as far in my training as i am with you..because we both are on at the same time..Now that you have taken another padawan, that limits are roleplaying experience some more..

Taking 10 padawans is alot..and I believe you, but that was probably when you had time to get on the website all day to reply..I can post at 5 then i will get on every 15 minutes to see if you have replied..by the time i finally give up i get on at 10 or 11 then you have replied..its just to slow for me...

Patience I have..but knowing how quicker i can be to becoming a knight in this website makes me more exited to be here..if i stay like this im eventually going to get bored of the website and leave..and i dont want that to happen..this is the best RP starwars board ever..I still think your fun..and you can train me good im having a blast in our sparring training right now, but the wait for your reply is very long..

O and another thing..I am as jelouse as a guy can come..I do not like the fact that you might favor this lance guy more than me.

::Anakin walked over and took a seat in the chair across from his master::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:37:23 AM
OOC: I see. Ok a few things. Xazor is on a lot more than me. This is true. She reminds me of when I used to be around the boards what seemed 24/7, unfortunately things have changed some for me. But I assure you, you cannot get promoted any quickier with her than me. That's just how things are here. I have had a lot of padawans, some of mine that have been promoted are: Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin, Jedi Master Warren Azalin & Jedi Knight Ryla Relvinan to name a few. I am sorry I am not on as much. I will try and post more, hopefully that is ok with you.

Now actually I think you are a Great RPer and I was worried you leave. Quite honestly I only wanted you as a padawan, but because people like Xazor, Navaria can't take anymore I offered. But that is it. I will not take anymore. Now..I doubt I will like him anymore than you as a padawan. I think you are great and have great potential. I have told this to a few peep here. And you do fit the Anakin profile ;) So..I hope you stick with me. We will spar more and continue. I did register you at SWFANNET we will eventually venture there..and you can encounter Sith with me . Ok?! What do you say?


Very well Anakin. We won't hold back. I'll let you make the first move and we will consider this more of a spar. Where I was originally just making moves to slow it down some. But I see we should kick it up a lil. You may begin when you are ready.

Apr 28th, 2002, 12:07:05 PM
::Anakin stood up form his chair and unhitched his lightsaber..He walked forward and ignited his skyblue blade::

::With a look of concentration in his face Anakin took the offensive position::

Im ready when you are..

Leia with a simple nod was ready to begin

:: Anakin moved his lightsaber in a circle motion at his side..looking intently at his master..with one quick step he jabbed his lightsaber aiming straight for her stomach..

Apr 28th, 2002, 12:30:27 PM
OOC: I just found something extremely funny..I read the post in the temple.Im glad you find me very good at rp..but you said I even sound like a real anakin..Well i just remembered a clip of the episode 2 movie and theres a part where Anakin is in tattoine with Padme and he says "Hes just holding me back."
Hes talking about he has far more power that Obi has and he cant teach Anakin anymore because he is already caught up with Obi-Wan..Well i read my post again..and I was acting like him without even noticing it.

I was acting like you were holding me back because you cant get on as much as me...<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> ..Well you may not think its funny, but yet again i am showing his traits.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:31:00 PM
::As Anakin stepped forward with his saber in a forward thrust..Leia countered and block. She bought both of their blades up while they were in a crosslock..taking a step back while releasing the block, Anakin advanced left...right..left trying to back up Leia some. She knew he is pretty talented and decided to pick up the pace. The Jedi Master quickly parred left.. right..left..right in a frenzy like fashion...now it was Anakin's turn to back up to the very fast paced strikes the Jedi Master was giving him. Anakin never let up once..the two's duel continued as such. As Leia continued to fend Anakin off, she motioned her left hand...sending a box towards the back of Anakin's head..unbeknownst to him::

OOC: UGH...Sorry I have been trying to reply a few times today. My server stinks!! It drops constantly. I think Prodigy is having major problems today. Anyway..finally posted. We are going to have company today. So..I probably won't be able to reply until tonight. Just wanted you to know.

LOL..I see. Well I spoke the truth of you. I see you as Anakin. Just don't turn on me ;) LOL. Wait until you meet Obi ;) LOL I have to introduce you to one day. HEEHEE! So..I am holding you back huh!

Apr 28th, 2002, 02:32:40 PM
::Anakin sensed an object coming at him..he quickly turned the power to high with his little finger and slashed the box in to..watching Leia in the corner of his eye..Anakin ducked from a hard slashing swing::

::Anakin felt its heat on top of his head with a quick sweep of his leg he sent Leia falling to the floor::

::Anakin quickly rolled backwards and then stood up::

You move your lightsaber very fast its hard to get a hit on you..Luckily i got the chance to trip you..I needed time to set my power back to low and get out of the danger zone of your lightsaber...<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

::Anakin once again took his offensive stance and waited for Leia::

Leia stood up with ease and brought her lightsaber in front of her in her defensive stance

::Anakin once again moved in closer and watched his masters lightsaber..He then force sped to Leia and slashed left, right, right,left,right..then Anakin swung with a slashing overhead blow...

Apr 28th, 2002, 07:29:05 PM
Nice to see ya Nav Hope to see more of you later

Anakin....OH Nooooooooooooo!!
Ok..I get the one with no patience...UGH..TOO DEJA VOUS FOR ME! What a way to get back into training. Ok..I won't complain..I will do it.

Btw...Nav..Alexander Dawnstrider would like you to train him

Wow..Nice 2 know that my Master didnt even want me at first

LOL..I just read my post in the recruitment center..no wonder you didnt want me..you should have just pointed to the sith recruitment center..<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:28:37 PM
::The Jedi Master used her small height to her advantage as Anakin's saber came with a slashing overhead blow. She came from beneath him...blocking the strike with her saber hand as she thrust her full body strength into his chest. The two Jedi go flying towards the ground. Leia quickly sprung back to her feet, while Anakin laid there momentarily. Moving her saber arm back and bringing it forward, Leia went for a finishing strike right down towards Anakin chest::

OOC: LOL...that was all in jest!! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"> I was going by the Anakin character. I was doing an Obi "Noooooo!' thinking oh oh he is going to turn ;) Nah..I don't want you being a sith <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 28th, 2002, 10:11:14 PM
::Anakin's lightsaber was in his left hand and was to far out to block Leia's attack::

::Anakin in quick movements brought his right hand up and used force push and sent Leia flying to the opposite side of the room hitting the padded wall::

::With a quick flip Anakin was on his feet..Anakin reached out and force pulled Leia back to him::

He stopped her about 3 feet in front of him..placing her on her feet.
::Anakin took no time and swung a killing blow straight for the head..<img src=http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/ups/unknown/lsvader.gif ALT=":duel"> ..

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:50:52 PM
::Quickly Leia blocked, pushing on her saber against Anakins,as she went into a left spin..turning completely around. Upon stopping infront of Anakin in a continous motion, the Jedi Master leaped into a jack knife kick...her right leg boot heel went smacking Anakin in the jaw, causing him to stumble back. Quickly Leia concentrated on the force and two boxes in the room..one from the left and one from the right and sent them flying quickly towards Anakin::

Apr 28th, 2002, 11:14:26 PM
::Anakin quickly jumped up and spread both legs crushing both boxes sent by Leia::

::Anakin then swung twice missing Leia's head::

This left an open attack and Leia took it..hitting Anakin in the chest with her lightsaber leaving a burned red mark

::Anakin took a step back and rubbed the wound::

It was a good thing you hitting me..now in battle i will not make that mistake again.

::Anakin retook his position and came at her with a low swing of his lightsaber..

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:47:54 PM
::Seeing the low sweep of Anakin's saber...the Jedi Master leapt up and went into a high overhead flip...flipping over her padawan. As she was coming down...she kicked out her left leg placing it on the small of her padawan's back.. sending Anakin stumbling forward once again::

Sorry about the jab at the chin.

::She said with an impish smile::

I must say, you are quite skilled and have a few tricks of your own.

::Leia then gave off a smile while rubbing her buttock some due to the fact she hit the floor a couple of times thanks to Anakin. The Jedi Master then readied herself once more defensively, placing her saber in front::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 12:15:52 AM
OOC: I got your private message. Please check your email . I replied an important response GOod Night

Apr 29th, 2002, 05:09:10 PM
::Anakin stumbling to get up from the kick..takes his positon as well::

::Anakin brought his lightsaber out in front and walked back and forth..taking a few steps left then right Anakin figured out his next attack::

Lets see you block this

::With a spin of his lightsaber Anakin leapt high then flipped over Leia attempting to slash her head::

Leia was to wise and simply brought her saber above her head and blocked holding her saber in a crosslock

::But Anakin was now through..When coming down Anakin used his weight to curve his body making him come in horizontally hitting Leia's knees with full force.Leia flipped forward and landed on the mat with a loud "SMACK".

OOC: Dont get mad..but when i think of some moves i just write them down and go with it.

Apr 29th, 2002, 05:39:45 PM
OOC: If you dont have anything important to do i will stay on after you post and reply in like 5 min time..so if you could wait and reply again we could rp more than usual...<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:47:27 PM
OOC: No I don't get mad. Its all apart of this after all if I can kick you in the jaw and smack you with the hilt of my saber..I can land on my butt and get a few whacks a long the way! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">


::As Anakin backed up from his attack...Leia slowly got up off the mat. The last slam from him was a good one. Good Leia thought. As Anakin stood in a defensive stance...Leia paced from side to side in deep concentration. Pondering what to do next::

::Within milliseconds..the Jedi Master forcespeed towards Anakin, drawing her saber she leapt upon approach and went for a head slash, the padawan sense this move and blocked. The two went back to a fierce pace sparring. Sparks of magenta and blue fiercly went spraying about.. Leia went to strike left...but it was a fake out and parred right..Anakin was unableto block the unexpected strike..the Jedi Master's blade grazed his arm, luckily in stunn mode. As Anakin was temporary disable Leia force push him to the wall...Anakin went flying backwards.::

Lets see how your reflexes are!

::Quickly Leia threw her saber...it went soaring in the air to an lighting fixture above Anakin's head..seering the wires..as it becomes to topple on him. As the Jedi Master's saber did its deed it went back in a boomrang fashion right into the palm of Leia's hand.::

OOC: Well ONE more maybe <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:52:53 PM
OOC: UGH..lol typos! I can possibly post a lil longer. Then I have to get off for supper. I will be back on later tonight<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 29th, 2002, 06:13:57 PM
::Anakins arm was still numb and wouldnt move..He quickly rolled out from the lighting fixture and leapt flipping twice..his arm was now back to normal and he held his lightsaber in both hands coming down for a hard slash to the head::

Leia quickly slashed at Anakins saber knocking it to the right then swung for Anakins right arm.

::Anakin brought his arm up barely missing the blade of Leia's lightsaber..Anakin ducked for Leia's return swing then kicked leia in the gut knocking the wind out of her. Anakin taking no time to waste slashed at Leias back..

Leia sensing the attack dropped then spun knocking Anakin off his feet. Leia standing up taking her defensive position once again..waited for her padawan to get up.

::Anakin laid ther for a minute gathering up strength to go on..then after a short period of time Anakin stood up and took his stance::

::Anakin swung left..but was blocked. Then right..but he was blocked again..Anakin jabbed forwards but Leia countered bringing there lightsabers into a crosslock..The blue and magenta sparks sparkled in the air..Then leia pushed off sending Anakin to the floor.

I am very tired of training now..dont think im quitting master, but im just very sore and i need time to relax..I also want to learn more force moves..if that is alright with you...

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 09:19:34 PM
::Leia disengaged her lightsaber and clipped it back on her belt.::

Anakin..I would be more than happy to go ahead and continue with some force moves. That is perfectly fine. We should mix it up some.

::Rubbing her right hand under her chin, as she began to pace the room once more in deep concentration, thinking of what to do next::

Anakin...lets touch base on the Force Grab. It is a pretty simple maneuver but one you will use many times. For example I always hold my lightsaber on a force grab making my grip stronger and my attacks stronger also. It also a good technique because it makes it tougher for a sith to knock your ligthsaber out your hand. To do a Force Grab: First...concentrate, feel the force, this time concentrate on your hands. Feel each of your fingers, the palm of your hand. Feel the texture of the item you are holding. And grab it.

:: Leia grabs a small metal pole, grabs it and squeezes it. It bends like clay very easily::

You see?! Not that hard is it!

::Leia turned around and gave Anakin a similair size metal pole::

Now..if you may please try and do this. Remember concentrate on the Force.

Apr 29th, 2002, 09:33:59 PM
::Anakin clenched the small metal pole in his hand feeling how hard it was::

Iv never tried this force move before..but I guess we will see how I do.

::With this said Anakin reached out with the force..it started running through him his body..it felt very relaxing from his long spar with his master. Anakin looked down at the metal pole and sent all of the force into his hand and squeezed it. The pole bent in at the sides but nothing like Leias pole..with one more attempt Anakin focused for a long time and squeezed the pole again this time making it shrivel up and it looked liked Leias.

Well I guess 2 times isnt so bad.

Anankin looked at his master dissapointed..

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 09:40:59 PM
::Leia smiled on at Anakin::

You did that perfectly for someone that has nevered tried that Anakin. You should be proud of yourself. As they say..practice makes perfect and quite honestly knowing you Anakin, you will succeed all expections here.

::The Jedi Master smiled once more, before giving Anakin a comforting pat on the back.::

By the way..I hear Jedi Knight Xazor is looking for you in the bar and grill did you get her message?

Apr 29th, 2002, 09:55:24 PM
Yes, what do you think she wants to speak to me about..Master

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2002, 10:03:55 PM
::Leia looked just as puzzled as Anakin::

Truthfully. I have no idea what. Maybe she has overheard how special of a padawan you are and just would like to met you. That could very well be it. Either way..I think its a great opportunity for you to mingle and meet some of the fellow Jedi here. Why don't you join her? You can use the break and get something to eat while you are there.

Apr 30th, 2002, 08:33:03 AM
OOC:sorry..Last night my computer would not let me get onto the internet..boy was i getting angry..<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

IC: I suppose i could go..I will meet back with you here in an hour..bye

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:03:18 AM
::Leia smiled approvingly::

Sure thing. Enjoy Anakin. I will see you back here a little later on.

OOC: I know what you mean. I was having tons of problems yesterday myself. Gotta luv it.

Apr 30th, 2002, 04:51:24 PM
::With that said..Anakin walked out of the training room his robe sliding on the floor behind him.. Lets see what Xazor wishes to speak to me about..

Apr 30th, 2002, 06:27:28 PM
OOC:Im just going to come back to training..Xazor hasnt replied yet..Yeah I know im impatient..Ill check back in there tomorrow she might reply then.

IC ::Anakin opened the door to his training room once again.
His master, Leia was on the floor sitting crosslegged meditating..Anakin stepped forth and sat across from his master..sitting in her same position Anakin focused on the force and felt it run through him. Anakin sat there for 10 min or so..then sent Leia a force message.
I would like to continue on with my force training
Anakin opened his eyes looking straight into Leias.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 30th, 2002, 09:44:17 PM
OOC: UGH!! I have been trying 6 times to connect and everytime I get booted off! Again dumb prodigy. Let me get this message to you at least then I will TRY to post *sigh* I hate this feel like kicking my computer! Sorry if for some reason I can't get back to post :(

NOW 7th !!! I doubt I can post when I went to post this it got lost again DANG! SORRY I am so MAD NOW!

Apr 30th, 2002, 10:15:50 PM
OOC:Its ok...dont worry about try again tomorrow im about to do some work then go to sleep anywayz..o bye the way my posting this week will be a little short..My health teacher is giving our class mechanical babies that cry and do stupid stuff..i have to carry it everywhere i go..so this week will be a little hectic.

Talk to ya later

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2002, 10:43:50 AM
::Leia came out of her meditation trance and smiled at Anakin::

I sensed your prescence, Anakin.
Tell me...how did things go with Xazor? Did you find out why she requested your prescence?

OOC: sorry about yesterday was very hectic. Will post again, later although I am going out some tonight. If I am on it will be probably LATE. Sorry:(

May 2nd, 2002, 10:19:46 PM
No master..it was a very interesting but strange meeting.

She seems to think there is a connection but I did not feel anything. She has'nt figured it out yet but she will keep thinking about it.

::Anakin stood up and gave a hand to his master. So master..what shall we do today???

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 3rd, 2002, 10:43:16 AM
Well that does seem a little odd about Xazor. Maybe she thinks she has seen you some place before. But then again, you said you two have never met until now.

::Leia shrugged her shoulders::

Well not important. I am sure she will figure it out soon enough.

::Leia took Anakin's hand and stood up next to him::

Thank you Anakin.

::The Jedi Master smiled::

Yes, we may continue. There are advance force moves we can go over.

::Leia thought momentarily::

I can think of a few. But, actually I was wondering. I am sure you have heard of some. Is there any that intrigue you some. If so which. I wouldn't mind going over those first.

OOC: Sorry about yesterday. Was very hectic and got in so late I was very tired. I should be able to post later sometime and just so ya know I have to work the weekend. So my replies will be on the slow side then. Sorry:(

BTW: I asked Sage to make you a new Sig. He does excellent work. He said he would do so. So I guess we will see soon enough<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

May 4th, 2002, 05:22:04 PM
::Anakin pondered for a moment thinking of a force power he has not learned yet::

I have not learned of force heal..Not the most intriguing force move but by far one of the most important.

::Anakin looked around the room puzzled. Lets see, how are we going to do this if none of us are injured???::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 4th, 2002, 09:46:34 PM
::Rubbing her chin, in thought..Leia responded::

Well..we can go about what you need to know to do this without necessarily doing the actual healing. There are two types. There is the healing..that you can do for someone else and there is one for yourself for when you are in a battle situation.

But...its important for me to ask you this. Before we can even venture on that. I have to ask you...do you know meditation? I believe you do. This is very important for this procedure.

May 5th, 2002, 01:46:25 AM
Why of coarse I do master..that was one of the first things I learned when I began on my own.

::Anakin paused then laughed..I am strong in force push and pull but you think I do not know how to meditate..thats a first::

Well now where were we..o yes, I think I would like to learn how to heal others first. Then if im up to it, I will learn how to heal myself.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 6th, 2002, 11:20:48 AM
Very well Anakin.

::Leia collected her thoughts trying to describe the heal properties the best way she can::

As you know it is very important to be unified with the living force. This is where your meditation skills come into play.

For instance, you come across a new republic soldier that apparently was knocked unconscious and may have some minor concusions. You walk up to this gentleman, kneel down besides him. Placing a hand on his forehead..for this is the place where you can tell his injury is...you close your eyes...concentrate on the living force...like meditation...it becomes one with you...you focus your energy and healing properties....this gets emitted thru you to the soldier thru your sense of touch. Again, because you are using your unification with the force. You will be able to tell when this procedure is done. Then you will open your eyes and remove your hand. You will then see that this soldier, might seem somewhat dazed but he is now healed due to "Force Healing".

Now..I hope that explains it. How do you feel about this Anakin. I know you said you know about meditation, obviously

::Leia chuckled::

But what I am saying your skills with the living force. Due you feel that intuned to it. I believe you will answer me yes. For I see you being more advance than most padawans I have come across.

OOC: Btw..would you like a special CT (custom title instead of seeker of knowledge) If so do you have one in mind? I can do that for you

May 6th, 2002, 05:27:02 PM
::Anakin pondered for a minute..I believe if I come across someone who is injured I will know what to do::

::Anakin looked around the room curiously.. ::

Ummm...Im going to give myself a challenge. Lets see what I can do.

::Anakin took a step and then lept from the floor to the tallest box in the room..Anakin pulled out what seemed to be a cloth and wrapped it around his eyes..Anakin channeled the force through his body then through his legs powering up for the long leap across the room. Anakin leapt forward and glided through the air::

::Anakin with the power of the force sensed the object infront of him and put his leg out planting it on the top of the box::

Whew..My, I felt like I was floating for 10 seconds.

His master looked quite confused.."Why did you do that?"

Im just up for challenges and the thought kept running through my head that I couldnt do it..So I had to prove myself wrong..

OOC: I do wish for it to be changed but I do not know what to change it to..If you can think of anything cool then i wont mind you writing it...Maybe something about powerful padawan or sometin..whatever, I leave it up to you..<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 7th, 2002, 11:26:19 AM
::Leia smiled back at Anakin::

The things you come up with amaze me at times Anakin.

::The Jedi Master could not help but smile and giggle at the same time::

Obviously nothing wrong with that Anakin. That is truly a good thing. That you focus on the force and see how you can use it. Very very good!!

Shall we contine...you would like to now know how to self heal. Basically it is similar in someways.

OOC: Ok..well I have to think on the ct unless you came up with one;) BTW...Sage made you a new SIG..It is GREAT!!! Go here;

pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...=501.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm10.showMessage?topicID=501.topic)

You see all that map information. Go into your ezboard preferences..take out the old sig info and copy all that. Then enter it. If you like the Hayden pic..up to you....do the same.

I have to work today so I don't know how my posting is going to go Just wanted you to know.

May 8th, 2002, 08:17:23 PM
::Anakin gave a smile to Leia for her coment::

I just need the basics and then I will test it later..ill search the forests outside the temple and find a injured animal to heal.

::Anakin ready to learn force heal..payed attention to his masters every word...

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 9th, 2002, 10:33:39 AM
Very well.

::Leia smiled back at Anakin::

Like I said before...self healing is the same. But in a battle situation..where you are up against a sith, you need a lil time to do this. This is one skill we have the sith do not. They cannot force heal.

A suggestion and one I have done in a fight is to create a "Force Bubble". A Force Bubble is a field of energy created by you using the Force to protect yourself...a force shield, so to speak. This will prevent you from any attacks even force lightening..while you are healing. To do this you must concentrate on the force, as you usual would. A deep concentration as you close your eyes...visual all the energy of the force surrounding you. You will then create this shield and see it illuminating properties. Once you achieve this, you may proceed to force heal..depending on your injury is where you would focus on the force to heal. Let's say its a saber graze, burn on your left arm. Place your hand over the area...just like you would to a victim and proceed to go about healing. What happens is there will be no outside physical scarring that will be seen after you have done this. Although...again, if this wound was deeper..the appearance maybe be gone..but internal injuries take longer to heal. Even though you no longer see it...you will feel it still. Do keep this in mind.

::Leia looked on to Anakin::

Do you have any questions?

OOC: Sorry been busy with work and RL. I have to work again today. But I hope to be able to post again later. Glad you liked the sig Sage did. He did a great job.

May 9th, 2002, 06:46:55 PM
:: Anakin looked into his masters eyes with confidence. I understand master ::

So master where should we go from here...

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 10th, 2002, 11:19:30 PM
::Leia thought momentarily::

There is a trip that I usually like to take my padawans on. I think you are ready for it and may find it interesting. A change from the standard training atmosphere.

We will be going to Dagobah. Follow me I will make sure a ship is ready for us.

::Leia and Anakin made their way through to Docking Bay #56. She had previously had informed a NR pilot of their little trip. Both master and padawan got situated on the ship..as the pilot then ready the ship for take off. Moments later they were airborne and were hitting lightspeed. Some time later..they arrived to the damp lush planet of Dagobah::

::Leia bowed at the pilot and informed him how long they will be and that he should standby. The Jedi Master and Anakin proceeded to walk thru the forest.::

::They finally reached their destination. Anakin looked on to see a huge, dead, black tree, sitting in a few feet of water. It has giant, twisted roots form a dark and sinister cave on one side. He stare at the tree and sense a cool chill in the air.::

Anakin: There's something not right here. Something about this place. It feels cold and like death here.

Leia: That place... is strong with the dark side of the Force. There lies evil. You must go in there and see for yourself.

Anakin: What's in there?

Leia: As Master Yoghurt would say...Only what you take with you! Please go in and see for yourself. I will be here waiting.

OOC: What I want you to do is RP a situation about what you experience when you go inside and how it goes..then come out and tell me. Very much like Empire Strikes Back ;)

May 11th, 2002, 10:00:49 AM
:: Anakin took a few steps forward and felt the dark sides power lingering in the area::

Are you sure I will be alright?

Leia: I have confidence in you..you will do fine.

::Anakin turned back to the huge tree and proceeded to enter the entrance of the cave::

::Anakin staggered down then jumped into the dark hole. Anakin could feel the dark sides power far greater now::

I wonder what's down here???

::Anakin noticed something dark in the corner and it was moving::

Who is there???

::Anakin could see a little clearly now that his eyes were set to the darkness of the cave. There stood a man in a long dark cloak. Anakin could see something in his hand brighter than anything else. In an instant the tall man walked forward and threw back the hood of his cloak::

::Anakin gasped..What are you doing out here father?? ::

Father:The tall man looked down on Anakin and brought up the shiny object in his hand.

Anakin: It was my old lightsaber I made back in Tatooine.

Father: The tall man ignited it and a red glow shot out the end of it.

Anakin:You reconstructed my lightsaber..My color was blue.

Father: You left us to have a better life..we were stuck having to work alone on the moisture farms..you will pay.

::Anakin drew his lightsaber and blocked the overhead swing his father tried to kill him with. Anakin took no time and parred the next swing that was low and kept it in a crosslock..The blue and red sparks flying everywhere. Anakin spinned out and brought himself out of the crosslock. Anakin thought it was going to be easy until his father reached out and pulled out another lightsaber its red color gleaming in the darkness. Anakin took the defensive position and readied himself for the attack. His father taking no time came at Anakin full speed swinging left right then left again. Anakin being so skilled blocked all three attacks then came over head and made him block my attack. Within a few second Anakins father used his other lightsaber to stab Anakin with the shot to the stomach, but Anakin moved left and forced push his father to the wall. His father hit his head then fell to the floor causing him to pass out::

::Anakin switched off his lightsaber and hitched it onto his belt. Anakin ran out and jumped out of the hole. His master was waiting for him leaning on a nearby tree::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 13th, 2002, 10:03:28 PM
::Leia stood up and looked at Anakin. She was taking note of his reactions to the cave experience. Keeping calm, the Jedi Master began to question Anakin::

How are you Anakin?

::The Jedi Master motioned at a boulder nearby the two.::

Please sit down and take a rest. Tell me..what happened in there? What was your experience in the cave?

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 14th, 2002, 02:46:22 PM
OOC: Anakin...remember your username here is : Jedi Anakin Skywalker and your password is the same as before. Just a reminder ;)

Wonders..where Ani is now??;):)


Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 21st, 2002, 10:21:51 AM
OOC:Sorry it took so long. My internet service ran out and the bill came in on my dads internet service and it wasnt good.
Im at school now posting. It may take awhile for me to get a new internet service but i hope you can wait.

BTW: I saw the movie it was awesome but i didnt like when Dooku cut off my hand.

PS:The part where i kill all the tusken raiders was my favorite part..im the badest jedi in the world..:)

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 21st, 2002, 02:19:22 PM

OOC: Poor guy :( Sure you know I can wait. Afterall, you are like family ;) LOL..yes I tried to make a joke.

Whenever you can post works for me. Glad you are still around.

I also saw AOTC. I LOVED IT!! Yeah I don't blame ya about the arm bit. But..HEY..killing the tusken raiders.. BAD ANAKIN!! :mad :p

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 22nd, 2002, 10:10:59 AM
OOC:Im at school again. I will be able to post frequently in june which isnt to far away....The tusken raiders killed my mom so i had to do sometin..but that part was intense in fighting so thats why i liked it.. I also liked the part where Yoda kicked Dookus butt.

Ill reply tomorrow..in april we will start training again..Bye

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 23rd, 2002, 08:34:12 AM
Heehee well Yoda kicking Dooku's butt was great!:D

Like I said no worries about training. We will continue in June. hope everything else is ok.

For now Take Care!

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 23rd, 2002, 10:22:10 AM
Ok thats great.

Im just going to post my sig to show someone from school so dont get puzzled.

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 24th, 2002, 10:04:52 AM
O good for a second i didnt think it was going to work.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 24th, 2002, 11:58:40 AM
OOC: Well it wasn't at first. I had to copy the map in there. But as you can see it is now :)

BTW...I have a question for you. Obi is going to be back and posting more now. You and I really have done a great deal of your training. Now..this was only a thought. Obi was saying he was considering taking on a padawan..and well I started thinking how cool it would be for you to be under him. First off, I think you guys would get a long great. I was telling him also what a really good rper you are. 2nd...how cool would it be to have Anakin as Obi Wan's padawan?! LOL!! :crack

Now I am not saying this is definite, because I will NOT change anything unless you want to. So, basically I am asking you what you think. If you really like the idea, then I can introduce the two of you ;) :lol

Let me know what you think. Don't get me wrong...if you prefer I can still be your master. Either way...its your choice and is cool either way.

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 27th, 2002, 10:08:56 AM
OOC: Shure i like that idea. Haviung Obi as my Master would make the Rp experience a whole lot better.

If you are ok with it..I had a great time being your padawan but i could change to make it more interesting.

BTW: I was just wondering how much time do you think he will spend Rp more than you or less???

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 27th, 2002, 09:25:37 PM
OOC: Sure I am ok with it. Its been fun. But I know it will be cool with Obi Just promise me you stay Jedi ;)

Tell you what. He is going to be calling me tomorrow. I will talk to him about this. We already had a conversation about it. I know he will take you as his padawan. Now as far as when or how often. I dunno. I suppose I will have him post here OOC for you.

BTW when do you think you will be ready to post again? The reason is I am wondering when I should have him show up and I introduce you to him.

Let me know thanks! :)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
May 28th, 2002, 01:52:05 PM
OOC: I will be able to post again one the new month begins.3 Dayz to bew exact.

BTW: I really cant wait.. Itsgoing to be somuch fun. What would be really cool is the masters on the council give missions for the masters and padawans to go on...just a suggesation.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 29th, 2002, 08:23:07 PM
OOC: Sorry only getting to respond now. Had connection problems. Ok...I spoke to Obi. Have to do a lil more talking about it. I didn't at the time know when you could post. So I will tell him.

Yeah it should be fun! LOL!! Actually there are missions that will be happening and planned. You can see some in the temple.

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 1st, 2002, 02:52:45 AM
Well glad to inform you the new month has started and i have hours again but not much..so i cant stay on that long.

Man i felt like i grounded myself from the computer it really sucked.

Well im going to wonder off and talk to some people.. later

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:52:32 PM
OOC: Well, that kinda stinks. Sorry guy! It might be hard for Obi to post until Monday. Weekends are usually hard on him. He is also taking a course thru part of the summer. So..no worries it just might work out just as well, since you both have kinda limited time. Talk to ya later.:)

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 2nd, 2002, 08:50:07 PM
OOC: I fixed your sig to Obi as Master. Also he post in my thread to you, the one you also posted in. About me taking on a new padawan. Just thought I mention it :cool

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 2nd, 2002, 10:16:10 PM
Yes I know thanx for fixing my sig I really didnt want a wole new one cuz thats the greatest one I will ever get.

I am really going to miss are sparring together..especially the funny awkward ones..:)

HeHe..That was the funnies thing I had ever said while posting anywhere.

OOC::O one thing I wanted to know how my last training session with you went..The cave on Dagobah where I went in. I want your honest opinion did I roleplay it well or was it good but not that good or was it just sorry..I dont care so be honest that way I can improve on those kinda situations.

Well talk to ya later..bye:)

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:37:31 PM
LOL..on the sparring! :p

I think Obi & you as Master and Padawan will work well. A good thing is we covered a lot of the basics. Basically, Obi can run over more sparring and combative moves. Possibly advance force moves...then get you out there w/him w/the sith and missions ;)

You are welcome. Luckily I was able to fix the sig. I basically figured out a way to do it and saved it again.

Oh..about your response to the whole ESB rp. I really think you did a very nice job on it. Like I've told you before, you do really rp well :)

Talk to you later too:D

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 4th, 2002, 10:28:05 PM
Hey, I just figured out you gave me a new title..I like it very much..Thanx Leia..:)

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:23:39 PM
You are quite welcome!! :)

BTW...spoke to Obi on the phone today. His last week of college is next week. So he is very busy with papers and studying for exams. He mentioned he wants to start a thread with you soon. I just thought I let you know:)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 6th, 2002, 11:55:04 PM
Sweet..Tell Obi im lookin forward to it.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 7th, 2002, 07:46:33 PM
I will :)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:32:32 AM
When is Jas's last exam?

I know i may be acting impatient but i love to train and its been like a month of not training..so im kinda looking forward to it.
Right now Lance and I are sparring against Satine(Alpha) im doing better now i can write 10 sentence paragraphs now so im starting to get used to rp very well.

Talk to ya later..:)

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:35:26 PM
OOC: Jas' last exam is this week. I think Thursday. I will be talking to him tomorrow. I will tell him what you said. LOL..you are IMPATIENT my ex-padawan :p

Yes..I saw the spar. I think it went well. Just a lil constructive criticism. The moves and all were very good. But...do less of "Anakin does..this..." Anakin...." Add some "He moves to...." or "The Jedi moves." not all Anakin ;) I hope you don't mind me adding that ;):)

Otherwise nice job:D

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:46:00 PM
Ok I knew i was putting to much Anakin in on my posts but whats constructive criticism??

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:50:27 PM
Constructive criticism is actually pointing out something that you can improve on. But not meaning it in a bad way. Just trying to be helpful :)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:54:10 PM
K..I will do better next time Master Solo

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:01:23 PM
You're doing fine:D

Just thought I help a lil ;)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:33:27 PM
OOC: Just for laughs.. My last move on Alpha was the sweep of the leg. I bet you remember those dayz..:lol

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:51:18 PM
Yes!! :lol

::Rubs her butt:: :p :\