View Full Version : The true path....(Kan Riki)

Apr 29th, 2002, 03:57:37 PM
Xazor stepped into the Jedi Academy and smiled as the lights flicked on. She was the first one there this morning, though she usually was everyday. The petite but muscular figure of the woman strode gracefully as she made her way to the center of the complex. She sat down on a large boulder there and stretched her tired muscles. It had been a while since she had begun the training of another, but it was a good feeling to have a new padawan. A few of her others had seemed to disappear, so it was time for a new one. With a gentle smile, she set her deep blue eyes on the door. The light caught the silver in them and reflected like glass. Her blue robes flowed around her like an ocean wave and her blonde hair seemed to crown her as it hung to her waist and gently laid upon her shoulders. She almost appeared perfect in her own little world as she sat atop the boulder in waiting for her padwan...but the truth was that her beauty covered a dark past that rested in her soul, something she was trying to rid herself of but it haunted her daily. Slowly thoughts crept into her mind and she pushed them out as she heard the door creak open. She smiled, wondering if that was Kan....

Kan Riki
Apr 29th, 2002, 10:13:35 PM
Kan Riki woke earlier than usual, for this was the morning that would change his life forever. Feeling much better after a good nights rest his wounds were healing now. "It's 6:45 time to start my new life."

Kan walked nervously into the Jedi Academy, but the butterflies disappeared when he saw his new master. Her beauty brought the nervous feeling back, but Kan new that this was not the place to find women, but the place of serious committment and determination.

Kan approached his master and bowed to her and asked, "What am I to learn today master?"

Apr 29th, 2002, 10:30:16 PM
Xazor smiled brightly as her Padawan approached. She bowed her head and motioned for him to sit in on the floor in front of her.

Greetings my student. Today you shall learn many things. It is good to see that you are eager.

She smiled once again and brushed some stray hair out of her face. The Knight gathered her thoughts and spoke once again.

First, I wish to know some things about you. Please tell me your full name, age, and where you were born. I like to know some things about my students, and in turn, you may ask whatever you wish to know about me. We are to keep nothing from one another. The padawan/master relationship is closer than friends.

She said with a gentle smile.

Kan Riki
Apr 29th, 2002, 10:48:54 PM
...hearing the question his master asked made Kan feel shame, for he didn't know himself where he was from...

"Master Xazor my name is Kan Riki, it was tattooed on my arm with the words peace and strength written under in"...pulling his shirt back and showing his master his tattoo. "I am 27 standard years old, and to be honest I don't know where I come from."

Feeling that if he wasn't completely honest with his master that she would see right through him, Kan told his story.

"I was raised by a group of monks on a small planet near Kessel, where I learned the art of smuggling, it is so small I believe it was destroyed by the strong graviational pull of the Maw. These monks did the best they could in raising me, and I think they are the reason I have any sence of the force. I left them as a young boy to help a man called Rift who smuggled for a man called Carde. That's how I got into the business. I was very good at what I did, and even got my own ship at the age of 16, the Rising Dawn, and have been smuggling ever since. The monks never mentioned a mother or father, so I really don't know where I'm from."

"Master I do have one question for you, why me?, why did you choose me?"
Kan asked for he has never been wanted in his life, not even the smugglers really wanted him around, they just wanted him to make money for them.

Apr 30th, 2002, 05:41:42 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.

I too have a tattoo....but mine stands for other things...mainly hate and darkness. See...

She pulled up the sleeve of her robes on her left arm, revealing a black and red tattoo on her bicept. She sighed slightly and let the robes fall to gather at her wrist once again.

Do not feel ashamed for not knowing where you were born. It is not a big issue, I just wanted to know more about you. Thank you for being honest with me....

She said softly. She looked into his eyes, as if she was searching for something. With a smile, she nodded slightly.

I choose you because I felt something linking us together. Now I come to find out that we share a similar past. We have much in common, Padawan....I like you a lot and I can tell that we will make a good team. You shall be a strong Jedi Knight someday.

She said with a confident aire. Smiling once again, she spoke.

You mentioned the Force...tell me, what is the Force to you?

The Knight questioned with a gentle smile. She wanted to ease Kan's nerves and let him know that he could be open with her about everything. This would make for a much better learning environment, and relationship between the two.

Kan Riki
Apr 30th, 2002, 07:12:48 PM
...Kan took a minute to to think about the question his master had just asked him...

"The force to me comes in two different forms, the first is a feeling. I have a strange ability to feel/sence the outcome of different situations. Such as with gambling, I could sence what card was coming next. The other form was more physical."

...Kan took a data pad from his pocket and put it on the floor next to his master, he then stepped away and gently reached out with his hand and the data pad came to him as if Kan had some sort of magnetic energy...

"I have the ability to move things with my mind. I cannot always control it, but I've always been able to do things such as this."

"The monks I lived with told me about this "force" I had and insited that as a young boy that I needed to come to the Jedi Order, but I had other things on my mind at that time."

"What does the force mean to you Master?"

Apr 30th, 2002, 08:58:20 PM
Xazor smiled and clapped for her padawan. He had done well, and training would go well for him. She nodded and spoke gently.

You are correct in what you speak. To me, the Force is my ally. It binds all things together....me, you, that tree.....that rock....all things. It flows through everything and is what gives the Jedi his power. The way we obtain this power, is by tapping into the "Force River". The Jedi use this power to boost abilities that they already have but are not aware of.....such as moving things with their mind. Once a Jedi learns how to control the Force, they use it for good purposes. On the other hand....there is another side. The dark side, controlled by the Sith. They harness their anger and aggression to aid their Force abilities for evil purposes. They make themselves more powerful as they take in the Force they get from their hate. The ways of the Sith, or Dark Jedi are quick and ready to ensnare you at any point....but beware, they prowl around like a hungry lion ready to eat you up. A Jedi must be strong and use the Force to guide and direct the path of the Light....the one true path.

She gave this small speech in an informative way. With a smile she nodded.

Do you understand this, and if not, ask me questions......I will tell you what you wish to know.

The Garou said, through her eyes, she displayed her willingness to help him in any way she could.

Kan Riki
May 1st, 2002, 02:23:53 PM
...Kan pondered this next question to himself...what did he wish to learn?...a few moments past then he spoke...

"I wish to learn everything: the life of a Jedi, how to control the force within me, how to stay on the true path." "I am a man that has always been the best at what I do, now I wish to be the best Jedi I know how, please guide me down this path master."

...Kan looked at his master hoping that she would see his sence of committment in this process, and that Kan was ready to start down the true path...

May 1st, 2002, 06:25:44 PM
Xazor smiled brightly and nodded. This Padawan had true committment.....and it brought joy to her heart. She could see it in his eyes....feel it in his presence and hear it in his voice. She approved greatly of his words.

You shall make a fine Jedi and bring honor to this Order someday....

She said with a reassuring smile. After thinking for a moment, she decided to move on with a real lesson.

Alright......you can sense the Force, you told me that. I want you to really sense it though....

She closed her eyes and smiled to herself as she bathed herself in the Force. She suddenly began floating off of the ground. Once suspended about three feet off the ground, she opened her eyes and nodded to her padawan.

This is what you can accomplish when you are very adept to the Force. You'll get there someday, don't worry.

She gently glided back down and sat upon the ground once again.

Now, I am not expecting that you do that yet...but I do want you to reach out with your mind and touch the Force. Bathe youself in it....like it is a cool river rushing over you. Closing your eyes helps you concentrate...but do whatever you like.

She said softly and then nodded for him to try. She too bathed herself in the Force and reached out, gently touching his mind with hers.

This is how you really feel the Force...with your heart and mind.

She said softly, waiting for him to do as she had instructed.

Kan Riki
May 1st, 2002, 10:37:13 PM
Kan closed his eyes and called on that special power of his. He felt an amazing amount of energy fill his body. He almost felt overwhelmed by it, it had never flowed this strong before. Being in a place so good and pure brought out an enourmous amount of energy inside him. Kan out of pure excitement started moving things with his mind. First the boulder his master was sitting on, then his data pad again, then he tried to mimic his master and found he was not quite as strong yet, but was easily lifting himself up by one arm. Kan opened his eyes and had a huge grin on his face.

"I like this, teach me more master."

May 3rd, 2002, 05:49:14 PM
Xazor was shocked when the boulder she was sitting on, was lifted into the air. She felt a tremendous amount of energy radiating from Kan's aura. She smiled and clapped her hands, showing her approvment of his first lesson.

Very very good job! Your abilities exceed that of most beginners.....

She smiled once again and nodded. He would learn quickly, she knew he would be a great student.

Alright.....now we must build on that. You were able to lift this boulder, and your datapad. Other things are not too difficult. It may seem like it because of the objects size.....but size matters not. It is only in your mind that something is large. Now, focus as you just were, but go......deeper, into the Force. In your mind, free yourself of the mental image of your size.....then lift yourself as you did the boulder. All things are possible...you are strong.

She said confidently, and nodded for him to proceed with the task. She had great faith in him. It would not be easy.....but he could overcome the challenge.

Kan Riki
May 5th, 2002, 12:27:35 PM
...Kan took his masters advice and closed his eyes again. He never had any problems moving things with size, but trusting his powers to levitate himself he really wasn't sure of. Kan had never trusted anyone or anything before, not even himself. Kan knew that if he were to excel at becoming a Jedi that he would have to overcome this...

...Calling to the force Kan filled his body with energy until he was about to explode with it, he crossed his legs and his arms and lifted himself off the ground in the lotus position. He found himself floating about four feet above the ground and still had strength, so he decided to float around the room like a ghost. After Kan circled the room he landed in the space where he started...

Exhausted Kan said, "Is that good enough master?"

May 5th, 2002, 01:55:29 PM
Xazor couldn't believe how well he was doing already. All he had to do was have faith in himself and he could go for miles. She clapped for him and smiled brightly.

That was excellent! More than enough my padawan!

She praised him for his efforts. That was absolutely fantastic and she was so proud of him.

Good.......now......I want you to try to move a few more than one objects. Try moving those three rocks. Stack them if you choose, or let them circle around eachother. Try something new....

She said with a smile, motioning for the rocks that were sitting beside her.

Kan Riki
May 6th, 2002, 03:22:17 PM
Kan could see that he was impressing his master which filled his body full of joy. He then decided to try and impress her even more. He took out three peices of cloth from his napsack and cut three long and slender pieces from the three different colored clothes, one red, one white, and one blue. He then tied the cloth to each of the three rocks.

Kan then closed his eyes and once again called on the force. He then raised each of the rocks one at a time until they were all about four feet off the ground. He then begin moving the rocks in a figure eight motion. Kan finished and let the rocks slowly assend to the floor. He went to collect his prize. He cut free the cloth and approached his master.

"Master here is a gift for you," kan grabbed his masters wrist and attached a finely woven braid. "Master the colors represent my past in red, my present white and pure, and my future true blue like the path you are leading me down."

Kan sat next to his master exhausted and feeling more sure of himself every minute he spends with this lovely woman.

May 7th, 2002, 08:15:42 PM
Xazor clapped her hands and smiled.

"That was wonderful my padawan......"

Kan then grabbed her wrist and put the bracelet on it. She grinned and blushed slightly, for she had not recieved a gift like that in a long time. It was truly from his heart....

"Oh wow.......it's beautiful Kan......thank you....."

She said with a bright smile. She looked down at it and ran her fingers over the fine weaving, then looked up at him and smiled once again.

"This is a statement for both of us......"

She said with a reassuring smile.

Kan Riki
May 13th, 2002, 01:57:28 PM
...Kan still sitting in exhaustion...

"I glad you like your gift my master. My sence of the force is getting stronger every second I'm here, but I seem to be very tired and hungry. Is there any place that we could eat together?"

May 13th, 2002, 10:20:06 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"Oh yes.....Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill has some awesome food! I think you will enjoy it there.....the atmosphere is unbeatable."

She said gently, understanding how tired he was. Using the Force was not an easy effort of the body....she had learned that first hand.

Kan Riki
May 17th, 2002, 07:01:22 PM

I don't know exactically know where you want to go with this, please lead me in some direction.


Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 07:05:21 PM
ooc: I'll post a thread in the bar and grill, and just meet me there!! :)

Kan Riki
May 24th, 2002, 01:08:59 PM
OOC: I don't think the thread in the B&G is going anywhere, can we go back to training.

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 01:17:02 PM
ooc: Yes...I was going to try and contact Sage and D'Mourning...(they are brothers in RL) but both have other committments and it is difficult for them to get into other smaller RPs I guess. I am glad you haven't left, though. I was starting to wonder if you were still here because I haven't seen you online a lot! But you're here! :) So, we can start another training thread if you would like. :)

Kan Riki
May 25th, 2002, 09:19:30 PM
OOC: Don't worry I check this sight at least once a day so post anytime and I'll be ready. Thanks for trying and I can't wait to start training again.

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 09:35:21 PM
Okay.....I'll start the new training thread tomorrow! :) Cya then!