View Full Version : The right time.....(Orion Carde)

Apr 8th, 2002, 09:08:19 PM
Xazor walked into the academy complex. The autolights turned on immediatly at her presence and she slowly walked to the middle of the room. The weather outside was beautiful, unlike the last few days. She smiled and took a seat on the large boulder that rested there. Sitting in the silence, she fell into a shallow meditation as she waited for her newest padawan to arrive.

Apr 9th, 2002, 10:09:11 PM
Ace (Orions nick name) walked into the complex to meet with his new trainar. He noticed her on a bolder not far from were he stands.
"Well." Ace said to himself. "Looks like a nice time for a nap while she is meditatining.
Ace streched and feel asleep leaning on to a tree.

Apr 9th, 2002, 10:13:11 PM
Xazor is immediatly aware of her padawan's presence and opens her eyes to see him sleeping against a tree. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she jumped down off the boulder and made her way toward him.

Good morning, Ace....

She knew his nickname because of what Shade had told her about him. She smiled as he opened his eyes in surprise to her voice.

Didn't get enough sleep last night?

She jokingly questioned him.

Apr 11th, 2002, 11:10:08 PM
Ace yawned. "Ahhh...no. I had a rough night."

Ace got up slowly and streched...

"Were master....what do we do now?"

OOC: Pardon me spelling.

Apr 12th, 2002, 05:49:23 PM
First we must become familiar with the Force......

She said, sitting down and smiling gently. She closed her eyes and felt pure peace and joy. She then stretched her mind and touched her padawan's mind.

Now......you must be in the Force in order to do anything as a Jedi.....

She nodded and instructed him to do as she had done.

Apr 12th, 2002, 08:04:37 PM
Ace stood up before trying what his master had srated. He streched then sat down.

He sat down a reached out into the force. He senced something that felt evil moving at a rapid pace towards them but paid no mined to it......for the moment.

Ace reachs the thought of his master after several hours.

"Like this master?"

Apr 12th, 2002, 08:30:47 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently.

Yes, very good! Now.......stretch out even further and see what the Force is trying to tell you....

She instructed and nodded for him to begin.

Apr 13th, 2002, 08:32:59 PM
Ace did as was instructed. He reached out but that evil he felt had vanished.

"Master I can no longer sence it's prence."

He stod up for a while to strech his leages and sat back down. Before he contiued to search he asked.

"Will I ever biuld a light saber?"

After a while when there wasn't an answer he contiued to train.

Apr 14th, 2002, 10:16:59 PM
Ace contiued to train for severl hours before he asked...

"Master? Why am I still doing this?"

Apr 14th, 2002, 10:32:01 PM
Xazor smiled gently on her padawan.

Ace......patience is the virtue of a Jedi. You must first have a firm grasp on the Force before doing other things. If not.....then you would not be able to accomplish them. Now.....I want you to focus on those rocks over there and lift one with your mind......

She demonstrated and floated a rock over and set it down at his feet with a grin. She then nodded for him to try.

Apr 14th, 2002, 10:44:48 PM
"Ok master I'll try."

Ace looked at the rocks and stood up. He closed his eyes and strenched out his hand. He started to breath slowly and realxed his mussles. After about an hour of consintrtion he lifted up on of the rocks with his mind and brought it slowly to him. Ace stacked the all one on top of each other until the last one was on top. Ace opened his eyes suddly and all the rocks fell down. Ace was turneed around with his blaster out of his holter pointing in the dictrection that he senced some one watching.

He whispered quielty enough that only Xazor could hear. "Master.......Master...I fell a great evil about 100 meters away....Master do you sence it?"

Apr 14th, 2002, 10:55:26 PM
Xazor smiled, her padawan had done well. She was shocked, though, when he whipped out a blaster and pointed it in a particular direction. She rose to her feet and placed her hand on his blaster, gently pulling it down.

I too sense something.....

She placed her hand on his shoulder in a motion for him to stay put. With a swift movement, her lightsaber was in her hand. The Knight's index finger slowly moved over the ignition switch and a blue blade shot forth with a hissing sound. She walked slowly toward the direction where she felt the presence.....

Apr 14th, 2002, 11:16:47 PM
Ace watched as his master slowly walked towards the direction. He didn't want to lower his blaster but he knew if his master said down it means put the gun down.

"Master....what do u want me to do?"

Apr 15th, 2002, 08:50:27 PM
Xazor held her hand up behind her for him to stay put for a moment. She then slowly continued to creep toward the disturbance.

Shh.....come up behind me and watch my back........

She whispered to him as she crept toward the form even more.....

Apr 15th, 2002, 10:03:25 PM
Ace did as was commanded but had his holster buckele unbuckled.

Ace moved in a similar form behind his master.

Apr 15th, 2002, 10:51:56 PM
She continued to walk foreward, her padawan close behind her. She did not see the intruder.....it seemed almost......invisible. With a confused expression, she reached out in the Force but could not place a name to the signature of the being.

I have no idea what it is.......

She said softly to Ace.

Apr 16th, 2002, 12:09:14 AM
"What are we gonna do master?" Ace said.

Apr 16th, 2002, 08:28:57 PM
OOC: Why don't u give me your e-mail or some thing to tell me when u need to go for a while to some place or something.

Apr 16th, 2002, 08:34:11 PM
Xazor shook her head and turned around.

I see nothing.......therefore I cannot defend against it. Perhaps......perhaps there is something bothering you in the back of your mind and I sense this also.......is there anything you wish to talk about?

This was the only logical explanation she could come up with.

ooc: blackbelt_kai@yahoo.com

sorry if I don't post a lot, I am on all the time, but I have like, four padawans plus some other major rps and it is hard to post as often as I would like to..... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 16th, 2002, 11:53:53 PM
"Nothing......" said Ace.

"It could be that a light saber..." Ace trailed off as he felt it again. "Master? Could it be some thing I for shadow?"

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:06:14 AM
Xazor looked at her lightsaber and smile, disegniting the blade. She looked at the silver hilt and handed it to her padawan.

A lightsaber? What about one? This is mine...it is called "Love" and it was a gift to me on my promotion day. Its previous owner had used it for several years...it was one he had built as a padawan...

She smiled gently, thinking about how it was a good replacement to the one she had lost in battle.

Foreshadow things....yes, you might be able to...what's on your mind?

She questioned with a gentle smile.

Apr 17th, 2002, 07:33:00 PM
Ace toke the light saber and hekd it in his hand. It looked so pieceful when it had a slight refecltion of the sun bounsing off it.

"I have something on my mind. It's about my dad and how he was a...." Ace trailed off as he felt the prence again.

"I can't shake the feeling that the man who killed my father so many years ago before I was left in carbonte my be coming to "disspose" of his failed atept."

Ace handed the eligant weapon back to his master.

"Any ways Master. What is next in my training?"

OOC: Ace said as he pulled out his data pad.

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:26:42 PM
Xazor smiled and walked over to the center of the complex. She took out a bag with several metal parts in it, and a few crystals.

You shall make your lightsaber. Remember....it is a weapon.......a very dangerous one, not a toy. It will not solve your problems, only aid you. The Jedi use this as their weapon of choice. Inside this bag are all the parts you will need for it. There are no set instructions, but the Force will guide you.....

She said softly, nodding for him to take the bag from her.

ooc: It should take you a few days in RL time to build it. I suggest making a thread in the LQ, like, build it in your room or if you would like to build it here that is fine. I built mine in a few hours with my Master, but whatever you want to do is fine with me.

Apr 18th, 2002, 02:16:02 AM
Ace bowed before his master when she handed him the bag.

"Master. I shall need time to build such a weapon. If I my I request 4 days to biuld it before we continue our training." Ace said as he headed for his room.

"Sorry mastr but....is it alright?"

Apr 18th, 2002, 02:26:02 AM
OOC: It will be under little worker on the LQ. U can post or whatever u want on that thread.

Apr 18th, 2002, 08:15:46 AM
ooc: That is wonderful! Good luck.... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 18th, 2002, 08:14:16 PM
OOC: I think it will help u with your other padawans.

Apr 18th, 2002, 08:17:29 PM
ooc: probably! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Apr 27th, 2002, 03:39:26 PM
Nodded and waited til his master left. He stood at his flat screen and whatched the sun set. The way the colors mixed made it very beuietful.

"Very nice.....Very nice indeed." Ace thought.

He sat himself on his bed and toke a long rest..

When he woke up he realized he had 10 minutes to get to the acdamy. He ran to the refresher and washed quickly and ran to his training class.

When he got there he was 10 minutes late. He forgot to keep his blaster at his quarters but thought that it would be all right.

He looked around and didn't see his master. He sat down and meditaed til she came.

Apr 27th, 2002, 03:52:26 PM
Xazor walks into the academy and spots her padawan in meditation. Walking slowly toward him, she bows in greeting when she stops.

I am here and it seems as though you are ready. Very good, you passed one of your first tests from me. Punctuality is very important. Now...did you bring your saber?

She questioned with a smile.

Apr 27th, 2002, 10:36:39 PM
Ace thought for a moment and stod up. He faced her and said.

"Master. You will only get an answer when you ask the right question. Meaning...of coarse I did."

He pulled it out and ignited it. A silver-green blade shot from it and he slowly got into a fighting stance.

"Master...I have been practicing."

Apr 27th, 2002, 10:47:35 PM
Xazor smiled, lofting a brow. A curious expression danced upon her expression.

Oh really now? Even if you have...you could have been teaching yourself incorrectly. You'll still have to learn many things. Show me what you know....

She nodded, allowing him to perform whatever skills he had...

Apr 29th, 2002, 11:27:46 AM
"Are you going to to "spar" aganist me master?"

Apr 29th, 2002, 11:45:11 AM
A small smile curled on her lips. The Jedi Knight had been pacing slightly and stopped to face her student.

If you think that you're ready. I know that you will loose in a spar against me....but I am curious to see what you know.

She drew her duel phased lightsaber and ignited it. Two blue beams shot forth from the hilt and the weapon hummed in melodious tones. She smiled and stood in her usual fighting stance.

Have the first move padawan....

She instructed gently.

Apr 29th, 2002, 09:29:38 PM
Nodded as he turned down te saber power so if he were to hit his master it would only fell like a light shock.

"Alright then."

Ace moved swiftly with an attack that would have been deadly if it wasn't so predictable. He heard his saber crash aganist hers and reached into his self to here the hum of her saber and blocked the blow.

He jumped backwards and landed in a fighting stance.

"Your move." he said with a smile.

Apr 29th, 2002, 09:48:42 PM
Xazor grinned and focused on the ground. Suddenly, she ran back wards and away from her padawan. He looked slightly confused as she bent over and gathered some sand in her hand. She blew it at him, and created the illusion of a hundred throwing knives flying at him. She drew one of her own and threw it along with the image. He blocked well....and if they would have been real, he would have only been hit a few times....but it was the deception of the move for the real knife made its mark in his right bicept. It dug in about an inch and a half, enough to give him a slight shock and pain to remember his mistake. She had not used her saber at all. She smiled as she walked toward him.

You must keep your mind clear and be aware of all things. Be mindful of the living Force. Don't worry, you'll get better at this in time. Now....

She approached him, her saber still humming deeply. She pulled the knife out of his arm and put it back in her belt. She then placed her hand over the wound and smiled as it healed. When she pulled her hand away, there was no trace of a wound and the pain was gone except for a little nagging throb. That would serve as his reminder to be mindful.....

Apr 30th, 2002, 09:40:56 PM
Ace deactived his light saber but felt as though he lost the "GAME" so to speak.

"I didn't think I would win but I thought that I may have put up a better fight."

He sat down to collect his thoughts.

"Well master....what is next?"

May 1st, 2002, 06:35:36 PM
Xazor laughed to herself and smiled.

That is why you're my student.....so you can learn. If you came in perfect...you'd be teaching me!

She said as she held her lightsaber in front of her.

Okay.....you must understand the basics. Throw a rock at me....

He did so and Xazor closed her eyes, feeling its location through the Force. With accurate speed and angle, she smashed through the rock with her saber and then opened her eyes, holding the weapon at her side.

It looked easier than it was. Perhaps before we go into saber fighting, we should cover a few more things. First.....you must understand the Sphere of Responsiblity. What that is....is like when you threw the rock at me, I could sense its every movement through the Force. When you are fighting it is very important. This will help you not to be hit very often by the opponents weapon. You must have an alert mind for it to work, though....

She smiled, disengaging her saber and clipping it to her belt, instructing Orion to do so.

Now, take this Staff. I am going to throw some stones at you and I want you to defend yourself, using the Sphere of Responsiblity. It may take a few tries to get used to it, but I have confidence in you.

She bent over and picked up a few stones in her hand. Walking backwards a few steps, she nodded and threw the first stone, anticipating his reaction.

May 2nd, 2002, 09:06:25 PM
Ace stod there reaching out into the force he antticapeted its speed and fliped to the side before it could hit him. It hit him right in the gut but didn't flinch. He stood strait and moshined for her to throw another stone. This time he got hit right on his bisep but didn't flinch. After a few more throws he got hit rarly. He knew if his master really wanted to she could hit him.

"Give me all you got. I will never learn if I don't start from the top."

May 2nd, 2002, 09:13:25 PM
Xazor smiled at his enthusiasm. She nodded and lifted a group of twelve stones with her mind. They hovered above the ground and suddenly were propelled straight at the padawan. He would have to be quick in order to deflect the many stones.

Keep your mind clear padawan!

She shouted with an encouraging tone as the stones neared him.

May 5th, 2002, 03:54:04 PM
Ace cleared his mind and saw as they speed towards him. He backed flipped to jodge the first six. On his last flip he pulled out his light saber and turned on his light saber. The next 3 he difleceted but was hit with the last three.

"Ahhhh.....that hurt." Ace said as he pulled himself up from the floor.

"Well master....I did my best. Are we going to continue?" Ace said as he brought the silvery-green blade infront of him.

May 10th, 2002, 01:05:43 AM
OOC: Are we going to contiue?

May 10th, 2002, 02:21:47 PM
ooc: I am soooo sorry. I thought that this thread was lost, but I guess I overlooked it while trying to find it. I apologize (and am quite embarrassed at my timing in replying).


Xazor nodded and reached down to a small bag and pulled a practice droid from it. Pressing a few buttons, it light up and began hovering a few feet above the ground.

"Now, this will shoot shots at you that you must block with your saber. Use the Sphere of Responsibility to detect the shots."

She nodded for him to take out his saber and begin.

May 11th, 2002, 03:22:04 PM
Ace shock his head.

"No master...I don't need the sphere."

Ace brought his saber up once again and began to move as though he had been training for years. He got hit a couple of times but after several hurs he asked.

"Master? Tell me when we need to continue other leasons."

OOC: I am going on a vacation for a month or two and will try to be on as much as possible.

May 11th, 2002, 04:56:04 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and cocked her head to the side. She did not understand how he could defy her teaching.

"The Sphere would have helped you block the ones you were hit with....I know, I am a Jedi Knight, remember? Now...to continue other lessons we do not need much. You know how to fight, how to heal, and how to feel the Force, now we must apply these things into real life situations. I think that you are ready to spar."

She said with a smile.

ooc: It's okay, I'll be on everyday and looking for your posts! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Have fun!

May 13th, 2002, 07:57:20 PM
Ace asked..."Master if it is possible I would like to rest on this before we do any thing else....would it be ok?"

OOC: Srry it toke so long....i'll try to post asap.

May 13th, 2002, 10:21:24 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

"Yes......rest is good. Perhaps it will benifit your body before we begin sparring....."

She said gently.

ooc: It's fine......take your time. RL comes first! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

May 27th, 2002, 10:12:01 PM
Ace sighed and bowed and headed off towrds his dorm.

"Ahh peace and quiet." he thought as his door slide open.

He jumped into the refresher and slept for a week. He woke up in the morning with a cold sweet dripping from hi face. He got into the refresher once more and ate a quick breakfast. He headed to the sparring room and found a nice corner and through his heavy cloak so he would be in his sparring clothes.
He sat in the corner with his lightsaber not 4 inches from his right side and began to medite while he waited for his master.

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 08:29:05 PM
Xazor walked into the Academy. Smiling to herself, she spotted Ace and approached him. Bowing gently, she looked up and motioned for him to follow her into the larger portion of the room.

"Greetings my Padawan...I trust that you are prepared for sparring this day?"

She questioned with a grin. Taking her saber from her belt, she ignited it. Two blue beams shot forth from both ends of the hilt with a familiar hissing sound. She held the saber at her waist, parallel to the ground in a defensive stance. She was ready to go....and she would be testing his skill.

"You may have the first move whenever you're ready."

The Knight bowed her head and waited for whatever he was to do. Not only would he have to use his body...but more so the Force. It was his strongest ally...

May 30th, 2002, 11:09:10 PM
Ace smiled as he got up. How she would she how his skill has improved. He rembered the dreams he had had and wanted to see if the force powers he had seen and sum what practiced would really work. He knew and practiced many force abblites and knew more then levting objects would be needed to "defeat" his master.

He stod up and ignited his own blade.

"Well master I have been prcaticing my force powers......'hope you lke what you see" Ace said with a smerk.

He moved into a kung-fu fighting stance and did a quick move that resaltied in a semi hard blow that was easliy bolcked. He jumped backward and reached out into the force and pulled onto him Combat Sense. Ace could hardly see any thing but his master but he saw a blur were every thing else should be.
He quickly did a rapid move of attacks in which his master had easily blocked. And again Ace jumped backwards.

"Your move master." Ace said with a grin.

Jun 12th, 2002, 10:13:42 AM
OOC: Hi are you stopping our training???

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 10:24:39 AM
ooc: D'oh! I lost the thread again. :lol No, your training is still going full speed ahead!! :) PM me when you get the chance, I wanna talk to you about something.


Xazor smiled and bent over, picking up some sand from the ground. She blew it from her hand and created the image of a hundred throwing knives heading for him. With her free hand, she pulled out four of her own and threw them along with the illusion...it would be difficult for him to see what was reality and what was illusion...and seeing as though he was not very experienced, it would make it all the more difficult...

Jun 13th, 2002, 01:30:01 PM
OOC: Ok...sorry for sounding rude.


Ace saw the knives and remebered that his master had used it in the first spar. He saw throw most of the illuisn and blocked 2 of the 4. The 2 knives hit him just right of his chest and one into his left arm. It was hard to move but he forgot about the pain and he again attacked with his lightsaber.

The blades went crash and crackel as they hit and it looked like the final battle in Episode One. His master then.........

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:34:08 PM
Xazor grinned, glad that he had seen through the illusion. She landed her foot into his abdomin and pushed him backwards to gain ground for herself. Spinning on her heal, she smashed her right foot into his face, then retrieved the knives from his body and the ground...using the Force to bring them to her empty hand. She placed them on her belt and took a defensive stance to see what he would do.....

Jun 14th, 2002, 12:24:57 PM
Spitting some blood out of his mouth and whipping it from his face he contined to attack like Obi-Wan in Episode 1 to the point were he was wereing him self out. He jumped over his master and tried to strike his master but she blocked it easily. He did a back flip back wards and waited to see what his master would do next......

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 12:33:12 PM
Xazor spun around quickly and slashed the bottom half of her saber toward his knees.....then slashed the top part across his chest. She then jumped over his head and kicked him in the center of the spinal coard, buckling his knees....

Jun 15th, 2002, 01:50:55 PM
He fell flat on his face and saw this white light as he drifted off into a state of uncontioness........

OOC: Just add to this I can't think of any thing to add.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 15th, 2002, 09:55:16 PM
ooc: :lol It works! ;)

ic: Xazor suddenly saw what happened to her Padawan. She had gone to far and too hard on him. He wasn't ready. Cursing herself silently, she disengaged her saber and quickly clipped it to her belt before falling to her knees at his side.

"Ace.....Ace! It's me Xazor.....please be okay... I can't loose you!"

She closed her eyes and laid her hands on his back, then sent deep healing waves through the Force and into his body. She prayed with all that she had...that he would be alright....

"We need a med unit prepared now! Get a Bacta Tank ready!"

She called on her wrist bound comm unit. Hopefully he would wake up....or she would be carrying him up to the med bay....

Jun 17th, 2002, 03:51:29 PM
"W-w-w-what happened?" Ace said as he tried to open an eye.
"Why d-d-do I feel so numm? Master.....What is g-g-going to h-happen to m-m-e?" Ace said then fainted.

OOC: I can't think of anything again. Sorry that I'm not in a creative mood lately.


Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:10:10 PM
ooc: Tis alright....we all have those writers blocks. :lol


Xazor lifted her Padawan in her arms. Though she was a woman, she was strong and could more than handle his weight. She looked down into his eyes and whispered.

"It's alright...you're going to be fine. We all have these experiences in our first spars...."

With that, she used the Force to enhance her speed as she rushed him up to the Med Bay. Once in the Bay, the Knight handed her Padawan over to a series of medical droids who prepped him for the Bacta Tank. After a few minutes of prep, he was dunked into the warm thick liquid of the tank, hooked up to a respirator so that he could breath while submurssed. The Knight placed her hand against the glass and looked in at him.

Ace.....can you hear me?

She spoke in his mind, knowing that telepathy was the only way he would be able to communicate inside the Tank...

Jun 26th, 2002, 09:45:22 AM
"Yes." Ace replied even though it was ever so faint.

Ace just flooted there and wanted to move but he had a very bad pain when he even moved an arm.

"Master?" Ace whistpered through the force. "Am I going to be alright?"

OOC: sorry. I was doing some family things for awhile. And i have just gotten over a really, really, really, and a really bad cold. I still feel a little bad but i'll replie ASAP when you post. How I got it I don't know.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:47:15 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled.

You'll be just fine, my Padawan.....

She said through the Force, a tender aire carrying through her telepathic voice.

ooc: Tis alright! I hope you're feeling better!! RL first ya know? :) I have an RP in the process o being planned...I want you to be in it with two of my other Padawans. All of you are at the same level now, and I think it would be cool to have all three of you work together. BTW, how long have you been a member???

Jun 27th, 2002, 11:40:59 AM
OOC: Sounds great. I think I've been a member since the day before I started to train with Macus.


"That's good." He said through the force.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 27th, 2002, 07:29:47 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently.

"We have a few more things to learn, my Padawan, and then I will not be able to teach you much more. I have some things planned for us, though. You are doing so well!"

She said with an encouraging smile.

ooc: I was kinda asking if you knew like a time frame. Which month did you join in, at the original GJO board??? :)

Jun 29th, 2002, 11:26:16 AM
OOC: It has been awhile since I even thought about it so I realy couldn't tell you srry.


"That's good master." Ace thought as he passed out.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:40:04 PM
ooc: Tis alright, I will find out. :) Okay, another thing...there's an RP in the RPing section of SWFans. It's called, "To Hell and Back Again". There's a link to it in the Temple under the thread, "NEW RP". Please go post! I think this will be a good first mission for you. :)


Xazor sighed as he passed out and shook her head.

"Well, my Padawan....rest well. You will feel better if you do."

She said gently and squeezed his unconscious shoulder once again before parting to her own room for sleep........

Jul 7th, 2002, 06:17:23 PM
OOC: Sorry I was on a vaction then got home then went camping so that is why I haven't reblied.


Ace woke up and felt all cold as swet dropped from his for head.
"Were am I?" he thought

Xazor Elessar
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:02:02 PM
Xazor had left a note for Ace for when he awoke. It was lying next to his cot and it read as follows:


I am glad that you are feeling better, my Padawan....please rest for a few days and then we shall begin training once again. Perhaps we should meet sometime in between our busy schedules before then, for a drink or something of the sort. By the way, you have done an excellent job with your training.

In the Force,

Jul 16th, 2002, 02:24:14 PM
As Ace looked over the note he smiled and thought about it.

"Well might as well go train."

Ace but on his cloths and grabed his light saber and walked towords the training hall.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:47:56 PM
ooc: Hey Ace, check your PMs! :) Thank you!! :)