View Full Version : Standards for Jedi Master promotion
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 16th, 2001, 07:54:08 PM
Okay, Lets say I'm perplexed. I didnt pay real attention to the recent promotions and I see that a recent promotion turned to the Sith. That's annoying. It says something was wrong. Was it not noted?
Be that as it may, I wish to ask what should our standards for promotion to being Master be. I have rules of thumb that you may want to use...
1) Dedicated service to the Jedi (I was thinking of NEVER turned from the Jedi, but that is harsh). This means time, activeity and dedication. And holding up the Jedi ideals
2) Roleplay ability.
3) Satisfactory reply when asked "How feel You?". BTW, this was a traditional part of Knight promotions.
4) A trial. This may or may not take place, depending on the person in question. Usually it does and it is usually set by myself. The last ones were direct fights against me, which I would suggest would be a trial for anyone and I would suggest we keep.
Thoughts? Ridicule?
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 16th, 2001, 08:40:36 PM
Hmm...the Kaine situation was strange. He seemed to change his mind and turn sith all in the course of last night. He seemed like a mindful jedi knight until today. No one saw it coming.
Apr 16th, 2001, 08:47:16 PM
5) Insanity enough to accutally accept said rank.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 16th, 2001, 09:19:33 PM
As far as Kaine...never saw it coming.
As far a promotion for Jedi Master standards..I think your standards are very good. I guess the obvious also, is feeling that the knight is exceptional in the way they carry themselves, train, present themselves as far as Jedi, fight and that their is some unique quality that sets them above the rest. Hard to explain what I mean, but you just know when they are ready.
Hart Kenobi
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:41:41 PM
For Kaine, I saw it A MILE away. I didn't want the guy even coming close to being a knight or even considered. I was completely blown away when he was actually voted in.
As for the master thing, a person should only become a master when it's obvious. No "guidelines" or rules. It should be clear to everyone.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 17th, 2001, 03:06:24 PM
Actually, I did not vote for Kaine, because I saw some members posting concerns about him (TUJK, Anakis and Hart). Did word myself in a diplomatic manner though.
Back to topic.. standards for Jedi Master promotion. I agree with what Hart says. One should only be promoted to to Master when it seems obvious to all the members.
My personal mental guidelines are very much coherent to what DT says. There are some additional traits I look for however:
* Do treat other members with utmost respect. Be nice to others.
* Do not seek brawls or petty arguments. Be constructive.
* Do not ask what the Jedi can do for you, but what you can do for the Jedi.
* Do not ask for titles, or ranks. You are judged upon your actions, not your title. Ranks are given, not taken.
* Do fully understand what a Jedi is and act accordingly.
As for trials, I would like this to be expanded and split into different parts so it is easier for the Council to judge the different traits:
* The Confrontation - the test of valor. Fight as done by DT. The Knight must show he will act as a Jedi. Defend what he believes in, yet not lash out in aggression.
* The Challenge - the test of strength. The Knight is presented upon a rigorous difficult task only possible to solve by using the Force.
* The Choice - the test of righteousness. The Jedi is presented upon an ethical dilemma. He must chose what he would have done and explain why.
* The Cave - the test of serenity. As seen in ESB. Candidate must face his/her own worst nightmare and show that they ultimately are of the Light side.
* The Council - The test of knowledge and wisdom. Council ask candidate questions concerning Jedi philosophy, the Force, and finally "how feel you"..
My two pots of root stew. :)
Loki Ahmrah
Jun 9th, 2002, 05:11:50 PM
I'm bumping this up in order to make a statement and a question in said order:
I believe that these stipulations should be said for Knight promotion too, not just masters. I agree wholly with what was said here.
Secondly I think that Yog's post above is an ideal example of what the famed "Jedi Trials" should be - I think we should start to consider implementing this firmly into promotion criteria for Jedi Knight status. Personally, I think it would be ideal; the trials can be used to asses the individual, highlight their strengths and weaknesses and regardless of whether or not they pass the trials, the accumulated data would help the individual to improve on their weaknesses and focus their strengths. Therefore a more conciencious Jedi Knight will emerge with a greater awareness of their own abilities, as will the council.
Thoughts anyone?
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 9th, 2002, 07:44:28 PM
Interesting that this was bumped because Dasquian I feel will be ready to become a Knight ... now that he has finally regained his memories.
I was going to bring him before the other members of the Council and make sure that he has truly come to terms with who he really is and then let it be decided by vote for him to become a Knight.
I like this VERY much... and being promoted to Knight now has some Roleplay to it and can mean a lot more :)
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:03:01 PM
This is a very good idea. To have it based on more than just the training and some rps that we review the links. But also adding in an actual trial.
I do like this very much.
And Nav...I think Dasquian is ready for a trial :)
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:05:52 PM
once we rap up our thread I am going to post here :) Now ... I will leave Dasquian out of the discussion since this thread should be saved for the trial dicussions
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:07:41 PM
Ok sounds good. I stickied this thread to be read! ;)
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 9th, 2002, 10:55:15 PM
Secondly I think that Yog's post above is an ideal example of what the famed "Jedi Trials" should be - I think we should start to consider implementing this firmly into promotion criteria for Jedi Knight status. Personally, I think it would be ideal; the trials can be used to asses the individual, highlight their strengths and weaknesses and regardless of whether or not they pass the trials, the accumulated data would help the individual to improve on their weaknesses and focus their strengths. Therefore a more conciencious Jedi Knight will emerge with a greater awareness of their own abilities, as will the council.
Yes, exactly. The Master trial is usually done in such a way to negate known strength and target a weakness I percieve. I also am a big believer in the ambush test - never allow the person under trial to know it's on. Thence, you get a true indication if they are worthy. And you dont have to say if they pass or fail or why. I point out Kat Kariena got tested twice and failed both times and was none the wiser. Aonther Knight as passed the trial some time ago...... and why am I waiting to put the name forward? I must do this....
Now, as for Padawans, I would love to have a toned down version, but it's not easy organising such trials OOC or IC. There will need to be a pool of existing Knoghts and Masters prepared to organise trials and tests, plus observation of Padawans. This is however a damn good idea to discuss. I have some specific things I would like to see a Padawan do - like training and also at least one mission. Think on this I will
Sejah Haversh
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:33:09 AM
Thank you.
For the entire time I have been here, I have only been able to glean what information about what it takes to become a Knight by reading other posts, and occasional conversations with some of you. Now I understand what should really be involved, and how I should begin to shape my character. I believe that this thread should be required reading for all us Padawans, as that we would better comprehend what we're getting into.
It would also add to our (us padawans) ability to play with each other, as well, as that we could also talk to each other about, "Oh, I had to do this", or, "Man, that was hard." or something like that. Not having enough masters to go around has sort of made us into a form of High School for the Force, and we've got lots of teachers in different periods, if that makes sense.
Also, seeing these guidelines/progressions, I have actually decided to alter how I play Sejah. I feel I was sort of rushing him, and now I believe I'll slow down, make his trainign as real to his character as possible. It's not to say I don't want to be a Knight, but I really want to feel like I earned it.
Thanks again, this has been a big help.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:08:23 PM
Marcus, quick question:
You mentioned before,
The Master trial is usually done in such a way to negate known strength and target a weakness I percieve. I also am a big believer in the ambush test - never allow the person under trial to know it's on. Thence, you get a true indication if they are worthy. And you dont have to say if they pass or fail or why. I point out Kat Kariena got tested twice and failed both times and was none the wiser. Aonther Knight as passed the trial some time ago......
So, my question is, are the trials always a fight? It seems that, at least in some characters, they don't always focus on the fighting aspect, but rather on teaching others, and sometimes (rarely, though) working with animals or healing. Will the trials be personally crafted for each character?
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:23:32 PM
No, the trials are not always a fight. It might be some guy you talk to in a bar, and he discusses the nature of The Force for instance. Or it might be a Padawan who turns up, stays around to be trained, then mysteriously disappears.
Or it could be a gargolyle who mistakes a a loved one for a Vampire and tries to rip them in half and you have to defuse the situation. Who knows what it could be :)
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:52:35 PM
Wow, tons of fun. Would finding out that your entire extended family is Sith be a trial???? *wink*
Jun 23rd, 2002, 12:22:04 PM
Hey, yes is me...
Anyway I was lurking in the shadows of the temple and while reading this post and idead popped into my head.
Does the council has to conduct every trial? It seems things are busy here and I doubt the council has the time to test every padawan. So I suggest that since guidelines have been established the every master test their padawan (s) as he sees fit following the rules. After he/she is done they submit the thread to the council.
Of course this would only work with knight promotions, masters are different deal.
Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 02:21:09 PM
I agree with JB....I think that the Masters should test their own Padawans....any way that would fit the guidelines, and then submit it to the Council. Tis a very good idea! :)
Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:05:39 AM
(Twiddles thumbs)
Loki Ahmrah
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:53:56 PM
What's the matter?
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2002, 04:12:01 PM
It's in process. He just might be very surprised how and where.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 29th, 2002, 01:14:07 AM
*sigh* I edited this. Move along, move along.
Estelle Russard
Jul 29th, 2002, 09:13:58 PM
I agree - padawans should read this to get a good idea of what is expected as a Jedi and like Sejah mentioned, would help themselves to know what way to develop their character.
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