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Jedi Rebel X
Apr 18th, 2001, 02:15:44 PM
Seems like Viscera wants to talk. ( ?topicID=3556.topic)
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 03:42:52 PM
Hi, this is my chat with Michael so far.. (will update this further a bit later):
Michael da Jedi: ::Waves::
YoghurtDaJedi: Hello there :-)
Michael da Jedi: how is you?
YoghurtDaJedi: Oh good. Btw, have you seen this topic? ?topicID=3556.topic
YoghurtDaJedi: It should be interesting to see what Viscera wants in return..
Michael da Jedi: He won't give us up
Michael da Jedi: its a trick I know it
YoghurtDaJedi: Are you sure?
Michael da Jedi: It has to be
Michael da Jedi: Vis plans are to trying to force us to turn
Michael da Jedi: not release us
Michael da Jedi: that or he's going to turn us then release us and have us attack you. =/
Michael da Jedi: I'm pretty sure at least
Michael da Jedi: I have no idea what goes on in Viscera's mind though
Michael da Jedi: he's a complete nutcase
YoghurtDaJedi: lol Well, personally, I amnot sure what he is planning. But he has something in mind.
Michael da Jedi: definatly
Michael da Jedi: he won't just turn us over
Michael da Jedi: it has to be a trap
YoghurtDaJedi: Well, it could be a trade, but not sure what he would want to trade. Perhaps he wants us to sign some kind of treaty.
Michael da Jedi: I don't know
YoghurtDaJedi: .. since Yavin is bordering right next to Imperial theritory
Michael da Jedi: maybe
Michael da Jedi: I don't know
Michael da Jedi: damn
YoghurtDaJedi: What is up?
Michael da Jedi: I was just reading over the archives at Camp Attonement where we're all being held
YoghurtDaJedi: .. and?
Michael da Jedi: the chemical he has that turns mideochlorians to the darkside
YoghurtDaJedi: ugh..
Michael da Jedi: Triantichlorians
Michael da Jedi: ever heard of them?
YoghurtDaJedi: No, never
Michael da Jedi: its from Naga Shadow's period
YoghurtDaJedi: I see... so this may turn Jedi to the Dark Side?
Michael da Jedi: he explains the process he found them in, in his posts in the archives there
Michael da Jedi: yeah
Michael da Jedi: and the problem is that with the tie in to Naga Shadow and the exerts from Naga's book of Sith alchemy he used that it's SW sound and founded.
Michael da Jedi: which means he has a legitimate ability to do this.
Michael da Jedi: or at least a legitimate basis for this
Michael da Jedi: which means saying he's Godmoding won't work.
YoghurtDaJedi: You are right.
Michael da Jedi: so we have a BIG problem
YoghurtDaJedi: So any idea how he plans to use this chemical.. perhaps try to poison the GJO?
Michael da Jedi: I don't know
Michael da Jedi: He put a solution of it in the air vents of Leeloo's cell
Michael da Jedi: so it can be airborn
YoghurtDaJedi: Yes.. solution in the air may prove very dangerous. It may be contagous (not sure how to spell)
Michael da Jedi: I don't think it is
Michael da Jedi: it effects the person through coming in contact with their pores
YoghurtDaJedi: But small amounts may make great damage?
Michael da Jedi: so it has to land on them
YoghurtDaJedi: I see..
Michael da Jedi: he could dust groups of Jedi with an air vehicle
Michael da Jedi: the possibilites are almost endless, it may be possible for him to create a versoin that can be ingested or breathed in
Michael da Jedi: liquid form
Michael da Jedi: dust form
Michael da Jedi: gaseous form even
Michael da Jedi: So vis can at least in this RP make us turn or at least display Sith tendencies?
YoghurtDaJedi: I would say so. But I would have to investigate what I can find about this chemical..
Michael da Jedi: How long can he make us turn for?
Michael da Jedi: Can he have this stuff affecting us outside of this RP too?
YoghurtDaJedi: Perhaps.. hold on a sec while I check what I can find about it in my EU references..
YoghurtDaJedi: Could not find any reference about it in Unofficial Encyclopedia
Michael da Jedi: Well I got word from Lounge Lizard
Michael da Jedi: Vis Can temporarily make us Sith
Michael da Jedi: but he can't make us stay that way permanently
YoghurtDaJedi: I would agree.. because, you are free to roleplay your way out of it.
Michael da Jedi: thank you. =)
Apr 18th, 2001, 03:51:01 PM
Did they agree to it?
Also, has anyone else heard of this? Because Ive never heard of the book he talks about
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:03:29 PM
What Viscera describes is not only NOT part of anything I have heard, he is frankly pulling a god mode. GRRRRRR.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:13:45 PM
Darth Viscera: ?topicID=3556.topic
Darth Viscera: is it doable?
YoghurtDaJedi: Hmm.. well. What is meant by "become part of the Empire"?
Darth Viscera: glorified FBI agents
Darth Viscera: become an Imperial citizen, like others
Darth Viscera: could you post there? everyone gets an automatic reaction when it comes to sith + imperials
Darth Viscera: it's called a stereotype
YoghurtDaJedi: Well, I have to hear some intitial reactions to this first.
Darth Viscera: oh, come on. we both know the initial reactions. people are sheep
Darth Viscera: we both know that no one will give this any thought unless someone who has an ounce of intelligence gives them a reason to
YoghurtDaJedi: Well, I get a few messages on AIM right now. Most does not seem excactly enthusiastic about it. Perhaps if the treaty was modified to a normal non aggression treaty.
Darth Viscera: no. that's positive results for the jedi, nothing for the empire and the sith
Darth Viscera: seeing as how the jedi are pretty much outflanked and outnumbered
Darth Viscera: some idiots need to stop thinking of the sith as the bogeymen
Darth Viscera: i need some sort of net gain in order to justify this to TSE
Darth Viscera: and I believe that what i'm doing is in the best interests of the jedi as well
Darth Viscera: they're losing. we're offering them a chance to surrender and keep their horses and their sidearms
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:21:29 PM
YoghurtDaJedi: Would you by any chance know anything about "Triantichlorians"? A chemical that turns Jedi into Sith? I have trouble finding anything about it in my EU references, but it is supposed to be mentioned somewhere.
LoungeLzrd: I have no idea....probably in one of the recent prequel-related books...
YoghurtDaJedi: It should be related to the Naga Shadow period
LoungeLzrd: however...the basis behind it is simple enough, relating it to mood-altering drugs
YoghurtDaJedi: Hmm.. yes, sounds.. sound. :-)
YoghurtDaJedi: It was the midichlorian part of it I found confusing
LoungeLzrd: I wouldn't think it would affect midichlorians
LoungeLzrd: maybe the medulla oblongata region of the brain, which controls emotional response
YoghurtDaJedi: That sounds logical
LoungeLzrd: they've proven they can alter a person's emotional levels with either pressure or chemical stimulation
Nichos Marr
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:26:10 PM
ACK! First of all it's Naga Sadow :)
And yes I have read about Sadow practicing Sith Alchemy in the comics, but I've never heard of that Triantichloreans...
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:31:05 PM
Absoluty under NO circumstances are we going to agree to ANY of this @#%$!!!!
This is BS! Right now, I am willing to beat Viscera up by myself I am that angry. ABSOLUTE ROT. Nothing what I am hearing is possible and I say NOW we just tell him to go shove this head up his -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-.
We are of the Lightside. We Do NOT go wtih this. I wish permission to make my feeling known to him.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:42:36 PM
Obivously, we are not agreeing to the treaty as it stands now.
One thing about chemicals.. are not Jedi and Sith supposed to be immune against poisoning? And have yet to find any reference to it in my EU resource reference..
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:42:41 PM
Wow this is one crazy situation, turning Jedi into Sith via chemicals. Sounds God Modish in away...I mean just like that GJO is a bunch of Sith if Viscera got his way.
Don't like this one bit!
Warren Azalin
Apr 18th, 2001, 05:01:56 PM
This sounds crazy, and the fact that Viscera wants us to listen to this is even worse. Who in their right mind to agree with this, no offence to whatever he is thinking but anyway you look at it sounds like god moding. The fact that he can turn you to the dark without having your say in any of it is bad enough.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 05:10:59 PM
I gave him message GJO could not accept such such treaty.
Viscera's response:
Darth Viscera: people are indeed very much sheep
Darth Viscera: if it has to do with the sith, who are bad, then it's a no-no, because the sith are bad. did I mention the sith are bad? because they're bad
Darth Viscera: this sort of blind idiocy can be very infuriating
Darth Viscera: i've asked the admins to delete that thread. i don't know why i bother. some people are just too stubborn
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:51:45 PM
My word, what a fool.
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:58:44 PM
I'm going to find Viscera and beat him with a stick. A very large stick. I had heard rumors of him working on this, but I didn't think he was seriously considering using it. This is the biggest load of %$#& that I've ever heard, especially considering that I fail to recognize the idea of Midichlorians in the first place. Even granted that they are a part of the SW universe, what he's describing is impossible: Midichlorians simply allow a person to interact with the force, like a conduit. There is no way that they can influence someone's behaviour.
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 18th, 2001, 07:18:20 PM
He's crazy...just simply crazy...
Apr 18th, 2001, 07:29:31 PM
Seems he caught wind of this whole mess and his thread deleted. Wish there was a little delete button for him.
Apr 18th, 2001, 07:32:11 PM
:: Raises an eyebrow to the whole situation. ::
One word: WEIRD.
Force Master Hunter
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:27:53 PM
OOC I have been talking to L who is hs Master and conveying our bemusement. He asks...."Leave it to LL...because if I'm the only one who will sit and talk with him about this, then so be it."
Personally, I would say we do that.
However IC : Bounty Hunter for Hire. Specials on Imperials today only
Nichos Marr
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:32:56 PM
*Begins to take out his wallet but thinks better of it*
:evil: :)
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:37:59 PM
::Begins to take out his wallet but takes out Nichos' wallet instead:: :D
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:32:12 PM
Now that Viscera has blown this plan....what will he do with the prisoners?
Hart Kenobi
Apr 18th, 2001, 10:41:20 PM
Ransom it for an imagination.
Nichos Marr
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:10:14 PM
Sorry for asking...isn't there a rule against posting a convo without someone's permission?
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 19th, 2001, 08:23:01 PM
Hmm...not that I know of...
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