View Full Version : To the Council and Jedi Masters (promotion)
Sage Hazzard
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:16:17 AM
Sage Hazzard steps up to the podeum. He pulls back his Jedi hood revealing his face. The man takes a brief sip from a glass of water before speaking.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Jedi, and distinguised Jedi Masters, good evening. I have been teaching the ways of the Force for some time now, and I believe I know talent when I see it. I have come across a young lady who has exceptional control over the Lightside of the Force. This young lady has become my Padawan, JediBeldarine."
Sage folds his hands as he takes a deep breath.
"I ask you to look beyond her relitivly short stay here at GJO, look past her youth, look past these trivial matters. I ask you ladies and gentlemen, look deep into her heart. Find the wisdom and kindness I have seen so many times. See her pure heart. See her devotion to the Jedi. A Jedi Knight is not a rank, not just a title. It is a marker of what this man or woman has accomplished, how far they have come. A title or rank would mean you should look carelessly at the time she has spent and then cast her away for a later date. But the true meaning of what a Knight is commands you not to look at such small things, but rather look at her soul, her heart, and her mind."
Sage bows as his speech is done.
"I await your response and decision ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. And may the Force be with you."
Sage steps back and into the crowd, listening to the Council's ruling.
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:36:26 AM
Then I ask her...
How feel you?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:39:40 AM
OOC: DT, I don't think she has Temple Access.
Warren Azalin
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:41:18 AM
OOC: I just asked her, she doesn't.
Hart Kenobi
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:55:33 AM
I feel that the council should at least have the vote even if it is only technicalities.
Apr 13th, 2001, 09:33:49 AM
whats the point having promotions every 3 months if you go for another one a few weeks afterwards?
Hart Kenobi
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:16:07 PM
I do agree with that. She should have been brought up for evaluation when everyone else was.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:28:55 PM
Sage and I were recently discussing Bel. Unfortunately, It was after the fact of the recent promotion.
BUT...she is definetly ready..I agree. Bel has been here over 2 months. She acts like a true jedi and is one for that matter. Her skills as a Jedi are advance (OOC: just so you know she has RP over years as a Jedi Master and her RPing skills are excellent, no one can argue that).
My vote is "Yes" The council should vote because it is procedure and policy..I agree and please do so.
At the same time I see nothing wrong with DT asking her the question.
I have also given her temple access.
OOC: I probably will not be on again until later tonight
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:32:51 PM
well, I vote no
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:35:04 PM
Fair Enough Fett you are entitled to your opinon. Everyone does and should vote the way they feel :)
May I ask why you voted "no"? Just curious
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:38:33 PM
1- not within 3 months, my mental little time
2- not in the promotion window
Hart Kenobi
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:45:23 PM
It seems to me that this is just bending the rules and all of the council's decisions with just a "personal" feeling. I like Bel a lot, but it's just the rule in general that I really want to enforce. I would've definitely agreed to her if she was brought up a few days ago, but this right now just looks like an abuse of influence and admin powers where no one else can have a say.
True, you're admins, but does one have the power to overrule the entire council?
Again, Bel is ready and she's a great writer, but if this is going to be an exception, I hope it's the LAST one.
I'll vote later when I think about it.
EDIT: I'll say yes because I think she always deserved it and it would be really cruel to turn her away from it after she was given the impression she would get promoted. Kinda like smelling something you can't eat.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:51:37 PM
Hart..I think the council should vote.. I did state that :) I totally agree.
What I am saying is..that UNFORTUNATELY...Sage did not post her up for promotion a few days. A slight oversight..if you want to call it.
We are NOT trying to abuse admin powers at all. I think the council should vote on it. Again, its' only my opinon that she is ready and the council should vote. I guess that is all I will say on this.
I will remove access for Bel until voting is completed
Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2001, 12:33:14 AM
"Wait a minute."
Sage steps back up to the podeum.
"Are you saying you are denying her right to be promoted simply because there is not others being promoted? I was not informed that only mass promotions were allowed. And I, having no information indicating otherwise, believe this is not the case. Should you not look at her merits instead of when she is promoted? Does the volume of Jedi being promoted at the time effect her right to be granted Knighthood? Since when do we look to quantity rather then quality?"
OOC:I fail to see how the fact I didn't bring this up a week matters. She wasn't ready then, but is not, that's my opinion. Obiwan Kanobi was promoted once he passed the trails from the Council after Qui Gonn Jinn requested he be tested. Why the sudden change? Why are we only shipping out Knights in mass production? Differant Padawans join at differant times and each take differant time lengths to be ready. Why is it you are denying her promotion simply because last week other people were promoted? What does that have to do with this?
Jace Darklighter
Apr 14th, 2001, 12:43:48 AM
I agree with Sage. Shouldn't it be up to the master when their Padawan is ready? Sage feels that Beldarine is ready now for knighthood. Making her wait just because she hasn't been here for a specified time I believe is quite unfair. Not only that, but she has role-played as a Jedi Master before and has the necessary attributes of a Jedi Knight. That is, at least, my opinion.
Hart Kenobi
Apr 14th, 2001, 12:54:44 AM
I had no problem with her being promoted late, I just had the false impression that there wasn't going to be a vote. It didn't look like it at first.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 14th, 2001, 05:21:58 AM
I agree with what Jace says here.
When did large number promotions became an obligatory requirement for deciding a member's rank? I was under the impression the purpose of these multi promotion threads were a matter of convenience so the Council would not have to be called together for voting unnecessarily often.
If the purpose was different or there was any more to this procedure, then please inform me.
Promotions are and have been based on candidate's level of experience. IE, when roleplayers from TGC as Organa Solo and Danster were given a rank, they were not asked to train as Padawans for at least 3 months. That would have been ignoring their merits.
My vote is YES
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:21:28 AM
Promotions are given on merit with conditions that they act like true Jedi, have been trained well and they have meet the requirements of RPing (doing a few good RPs) and have been here a fair amount of time (IE. 2 months). To me multiple promotions were were just a convience factor. Being that once someone nominated a padawan, usually other knights considered nominating one of their own. I feel that there is nothing wrong in nominating Bel now, quite frankly..IMO.
As far as rushing padawans for promotions, I do not think we are doing that. Atleast that is my opinon, for example Ami and Damel have been here since December and just got promoted. Practically 4 months ago...I don't think that is a short time and they fulfilled all the requirements here.
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:57:23 AM
so, why have the rule? In fact, why have ANY rule? Why dont we just ignore rules everytime! Why bother suggesting them? SOmeone will ignore them eventually
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:07:28 AM
also, screw what they have done at other places. Places have different rules. So, if I said I have RPed at 6 Star Wars boards, and at each I was a master, I get a quick promotion? Well gee wizz, thats fair
Nichos Marr
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:08:45 AM
Has anyone forgotten the fact that she plays Cardinal Aiyalin of The Black Hand? I'm sure some of you weren't aware, but I don't think she kept it a secret. And isn't there a rule that states a Roleplayer cannot be allowed in locked forums from two separate groups at a time?
Hart Kenobi
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:41:30 PM
Sage: can you provide a link to an rp JediBelderine was in?
Also,I agree with Fett. If the general feeling is that a person is promoted when they feel they are ready, then let's just get rid of the law instead of constantly breaking it and having a discussion every time it happens.
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:12:00 AM
Simple, don't make it a law, make it a guideline. Something that I hold to... there are no hard and fast rules in RP, simply guidelines.
Considering I'm bad at remembering dates, this is a good thing for me...
Sage Hazzard
Apr 15th, 2001, 02:23:28 AM
OOC:I'll look for it in a moment. I'm busy at the moment. I know she took part in your RP thread Hart, the attack on TSE.
Apr 15th, 2001, 07:31:12 PM
fine, make it a "guideline". I want a new council, Liam, Yog and Obi have missed one or two votes, do it now!
Do you want THAT every week?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 16th, 2001, 11:24:38 AM
**Tries to smile**
New Council..Fett?! 3 months is up May 14. That is when we may vote on the new council.
Yes..Obi, Yog and Liam have to vote. Also Figrin and JB have not been around. They need to vote too.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:33:33 AM
There are rules and guidelines. If the 3 months Council terms rule went out of the window, the opposite of what Fett suggested would happen. Council would sit for 6 months + like it did in the past. We want to prevent that, to keep the Council democratic and representative. That is the reason and purpose of the rule. And yes, that is a rule which had majority vote over a year ago.
Large number promotions is neither a rule or guideline, but a practice we have grown accustomed to. It has through time turned more and more common because it is convenient. Reason and purpose is achieving released Council workload by not having promotion threads every single week. We do that to 1. make voting more efficient and 2. to prevent Padawans having to wait in eternity for vote to finish because some Councilors are not responding due to veto, RL or other reason.
That is why Padawans are promoted in large numbers. A big thread for everyone to see where every Councilor will vote. That makes voting efficient. On the other hand, if a majority vote can be reached without the entire Council present, that only makes it more difficult for the vote to go through. My hat off for the Padawan that have such confidence within the Council.
However, am I saying there should be no rules at all? Not really. I think of a bare minimum of 2 months before a Padawan can be promoted. However, that requires exceptional quick progress for someone with no previous experience. 3 months is realistically the amount of time a Padawan can expect to be Knighted if progressing fast in the training. Often, it would require considerable more time. Depends on the Padawan. Progressing more quickly when having previous experience is only natural.
If you want to set a 3 months minimum rule for promotions, the Padawan should be able to get promoted after that amount of time. Otherwise, such rule would be pointless. For example, what happens if Padawan joins a few days after a big promotion vote and such promotions are only done every 3 month? The Padawan has to wait 6 months.
So bottom line, promotions are handled flexible and based on common sense, not rigorous practice of rules.
As for disregarding previous roleplay experience when considering ranks, that may make sense in some scenarios. For example, when joining from other Jedi groups, no one should start out with higher rank than Knight regardless of previous RP experience. Rank of Master should only be reached when being a Knight here for a long time.
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:41:49 AM
OK, hoe about this. I would say Bel is about ready, just about. We let this one count and vote, but then we stick the the vote?
Apr 19th, 2001, 06:46:40 AM
Apr 20th, 2001, 06:20:30 PM
Apr 21st, 2001, 01:13:03 PM
I feel as though Bel is vote is yes
Oh, and Fett.....calm down, need to get your panties in a wad ;) :)
Hart Kenobi
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:42:14 AM
She's probably got the majority now
Apr 22nd, 2001, 10:11:27 AM
rough count, its 3-1 yes, with noone even replying to what I said
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