View Full Version : ideas for break out plan, Bels one
Apr 27th, 2001, 03:49:16 AM
Ive so far heard three ideas for getting them out. Kidnap Imps, my one, and the scantily clad one. So, may as well think of ideas to expand said one, as it does show potential. The basic things to decide are:
HOW they get onplanet
WHAT they do there
HOW they rescue to prisoners
Few ideas from me:
Reason said to be on could be to visit relatives.
Maybe say you want to talk to DIsra about a business proposition
Maybe a second one goes, looking like the businessman-type, to further the story.
get Disra KOed by person enticing
get other to get needed things to break them out while Dis is occupied
Bel seems ok to do this, but it needs some work on the thinking end. Any more ideas?
Apr 27th, 2001, 04:25:58 AM
hmmm.. Ok.. if we want to take this idea and run with it, I think it would be interesting.
Ok.. here's what I understand. There is a force-less area around where I will be.. so if I go in, it will be virtually defenseless. I will have some kind of vibroblade hidden on me *somewhere* cause I ain't going in there without the force and without weapons.
I think the business proposition and the enticing idea can work hand in hand.
Fett and I are working things out over AIM.. The only thing is.. Sage.. we won't move until you get there.. if you stay captured... actually.. It might be better if you DID stay captured -- more of an incentive for Bel to do this.
Let me write to you in the OOC forum and tell you more.
Force Master Hunter
Apr 27th, 2001, 07:08:34 AM
Been reading that...
WTF is this person with a Forceless zone? Excuse me? Is that a deliberate Moder or what? I find the Vong fairly impausible, but it unfortunantly is in the EU, but a person who is the same as a Yalsalimar? Oh come on.
Nichos Marr
Apr 27th, 2001, 09:13:30 AM
Don't you guys see, taking out the Hunters and even Disra will not stop the hunt. You have to get Viscera. Now I'm not sure if FMH is trying to do that, but that would be the best plan right now. Get Vis, hold him hostage and Disra would be more then happy to give the Jedi back.
Apr 27th, 2001, 09:29:58 AM
but to kidnap him without permission is GMing, or stooping to his level
Nichos Marr
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:12:00 PM
Well now you have permission :)
Apr 27th, 2001, 02:44:18 PM
I like the idea we worked out, personally.
We can deal with Viscera later.
All we're waiting on is Sage to get captured already lol ;)
Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2001, 02:56:46 PM
That Azure kind of made me mad with her forceless buble. But oh well.
Let me make it believeable. Then I'll let myself get captured. I hope she takes Nakka with me.
Apr 27th, 2001, 03:11:17 PM
Just give us the word, and we on to it.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2001, 03:57:47 PM
If you read on of Chewnakka's post, he released a rescue beacon. So when we get captured I'll post in the B&G with Chewnakka. It'll be a HoloMessage embeded with coordinates for our last postition.
Nichos Marr
Apr 27th, 2001, 04:25:10 PM
Nichos has the coordinates for the prison in his X-wing's Nav comp. But send 'em anyway :)
Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2001, 04:37:45 PM
It's not for the prison. It's for the planet they're on. It just adds to the RP. Jedi show up and find no one, so they know I've been captured.
Apr 27th, 2001, 05:35:01 PM
Great idea Sage... Nichos.. We already know where they're being held, silly.. we don't need the coordinates there.
But this will give Bel even more incentive to go and undertake the mission. If she knows Sage's been captured.. there's incentive enough right there. :lol:
Hey Fett.. I've actually already written my first post if you want me to email it to you.. what's your email?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 28th, 2001, 09:18:13 AM
Nice plan. I know you guys were able to give me that basic idea behind this. I think it should work out well. I wish you all the best. :)
Get Viscera! ;)
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