View Full Version : Go have a look quietlyat TSE
Force Master Hunter
Apr 29th, 2001, 01:14:09 AM
Something bad has gone done there. People are leaving.
Go have a look.
Also, I can see TSE are having some sort of argument with TBH.
Warren Azalin
Apr 29th, 2001, 01:36:48 AM
Well the few that left TSE might have been nothing big but if so this could be a good thing for us again, nothing like a few Sith arguing among each other to make them foget us Jedi evil exist.
As For TBH and TSE I know OOC that they are having a lot of bad blood between them, this is all thanks to that <sarcasm>genious</sarcasm> Rama.
Apr 29th, 2001, 04:05:51 AM
I don't even want to think about TSE right now.
DT, there are many reasons why a lot of people left. If you want to IM me, I can give them to you. I'm really close to Dyne, so there are many personal reasons that extend into OOC stuff.
As for the problems with TBH, don't ask. You guys all know that I play Cardinal, so I'm involved directly in that. It's stressful and frustrating and I honestly couldn't care if Rama fell off the face of the planet right now.
Actually.. if about 85% of TSE fell off the face of the planet, I'd be happy.
Apr 29th, 2001, 06:13:59 AM
heh, this is quality
You might not like how the Empire is run but its the most successfully run group on SWFANS currently and EVER. Thats not bragging, that is simlply easy to see
Can we say BS? Id say TSO are better run, as the impact they made with less people is far greater. And RSO actually caused problems. When they merged, that died down
Force Master Hunter
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:49:26 AM
When they merged? Try More like when Lynch engineered a coup and locked Venom out completely.
There was no merge. It was just done by one or two people withut consultation when the big hitter was not a factor. The Black Hand emerging was a direct result.
I'll tell you all the story of RSO one day. And then I'll tell you the real reason it was begun. How a certain Sith really hurt some people OOC.
No, not my business to say it out loud here.
You have no idea how bad it was. I became Hunter to close that book and to get those -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s off my back. I've rethought my stance, I'm not going to appease them because they try to cut me down behind my back. People I trusted have backstabbed me and they are all in TSE. They have lied and attacked me OOC and up to now, I've ignored them and let it slide.
I want to bust them..... but I have to just let it go. If you guys only knew what the truth was. Which is one of the reasons I am soooooo against IC relationships and always will be. I've seen how screwed up things get.
* sigh *
I'm no innocent. But if you only knew the truth and not the lies that they spread....
Nichos Marr
Apr 29th, 2001, 09:45:45 AM
Being a member of TSE as Seth, I pretty much know why all those guys are leaving. And after talking with a few people, I highly doubt it's even close to the best group. Numbers and a nice looking board don't make a group good. It's skill and trust.
About TBH, I've noticed how Rama just has to stick his nose in and act rudely to the Black Hand members. I don't know what motivates him to do so. Frankly I don't care. Rama is just getting himself less respected and into trouble. TSE Masters think they are indestructable nowadays.
Apr 29th, 2001, 04:10:10 PM
Rama just thinks that he can be rude to us since we're not part of the high and friggin mighty TSE. He want's us to come under TSE's power, and he isn't happy with our answer.
He's an arrogant, self-centered f&ck. That's just the way he is. He also thinks that the TSE is indestructable, which can work very much so to our advantage.
Anyone want to deflate his ego?
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:27:00 PM
::Sees a large show of hands::
Organa Solo
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:52:03 PM
You all know it is going to, or was going to, catch up to them. And it seems now is that time.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 29th, 2001, 10:03:40 PM
**Is not fond of Rama..finds him Egotistical**
Sage Hazzard
Apr 30th, 2001, 12:58:29 AM
The fact that the largest imbecile on the face of the planet is running things is testement to their disorder.
Apr 30th, 2001, 01:18:40 PM
You want to know what's happening, in my opinion? People are realizing that they don't have to live under Rama's tyrannical rule just because they want to play an evil character, that's what.
Apr 30th, 2001, 01:42:59 PM
Well.. people are realizing that in TSE unless you in the "inner circle" of powerful Masters.. You have no say. Disciples, Warriors, Knights -- they're treated like drones in an army.. just there for the statistic.. to add another tally mark so TSE can say "I have this many knights.. so we're bigger, thus we must be better." They are not supposed to have opinions.
Lords aren't treated much better than that. And if anyone tells you different.. I'll wager money, they're on the inside guest list. The inside guest list by Summs, Dara and Rama.
It isn't just Rama to blame.. Though he is a LARGE part of it. Dara feels the same way, so does Summs, so they simply add to the chaos. But what did they do when someone wants to bring up constructive criticism? They close the thread and sweep it under a rug.
That's who we're dealing with here. It's irritating to say the least.
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