View Full Version : Idea I have been thinking of
Darth Turbogeek
May 2nd, 2001, 06:39:46 AM
As you may well know, there are two views to what a Jedi should be. One is the peace and calm bit.... the other is the Warrior sect, seen in the NJO by Kyp Durron and in TPM by a character I cant think of right now, but Figrin used to have him as a sig pic.
The peaceful and mediator Jdi (as typified in the code) is equally valid to the warrior Jedi, which I have subscribed to in hte past, which has a different outlook to the use of the Force. Granted, a Warrior Jedi is more likely to fall to the Dark Side.
What I was thinking of was to begin a GJO sect specifically for Warrior Jedi. Just pure fighters and we use the Force for that. Others need to be scholars and healers. Warrior Jedi will study attacks and defence and learn martial arts and be trained in weapons other than sabres, also be kitted out in fighting armour. I would alos propose Warrior Jedi have military ranks, as well as their normal Jeid Ranks.
Let me make this clear from the start. In NO way is this a breakaway. At all times will this sect answer to the Council.
So, opinions?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2001, 10:55:01 AM
I always listen to new ideas. I am not against this. Considering they will answer to the council.
I would think if we do make this new sect that they should remain on this board being GJO Base. I would just suggest making a separate forum(s) for this group. This way it shows they are very much part of GJO.
Any thoughts or objections on this?
May 2nd, 2001, 11:19:28 AM
one problem. All the new ones will go the warrior way. It then means you have the hardcore RPers and the less common ones split
Sage Hazzard
May 2nd, 2001, 11:41:43 AM
I think this is a good idea. But what of the Jedi that are inbetween? Both warriors and scholars?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2001, 11:41:59 AM
Hmmm interesting point. How are you going to figure who goes in this group and who doesn't? Tough one.
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2001, 02:31:04 PM
I love the idea. This gives an extra incentive to join for those that prefer warrior like characters. In fact.. this makes introducing a character I have been thinking about implement in the roleplay more plausible.
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 02:38:31 PM
In that case, I'd like to bring up a subject from when I first started coming here. Some of you know my primary function was to be a Scholar Jedi, but that didn't seem to go well once I realized no one cared to discuss that stuff at all, or at least for long periods of time.
Because of this "sect" of warriors, I would also like to suggest the formation of a Scholar sect. To do this, I'd like to propose the establishment of a Greater Jedi Order Library forum. This, I guess can be partly used to save older, important threads with Force discussion.
It'll also act as a FAQ, because if we agree on something like what Force moves are exceptable or unexceptable, we can "write it in stone," etc.
May 2nd, 2001, 02:52:57 PM
I love this idea DT. But someone brought up a valid point. Everyone's going to want to be in this "warrior" sect. I don't know.. maybe there should be three seperate styles of GJO members..
One, perhaps a "scholar" sept.. devoted to peaceful remedies and the healing arts. One, the "warrior" sept, who is devoted to fighting the Sith, etc etc.. And the third, those who are in the middle. Who either do not wish to be in the septs, or do not meet the requirements.
This way both stay elite.. or is that ideology too elitest? I have a few ideas of what prerequisites people would need, but I'd rather have people comment on that idea.
Does that have some merit?
Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2001, 03:09:19 PM
Jedi Beldarine's approach might be a good way to implement it. I would imagine, a lot of people would either be neutrally aligned or warrior alligned. My character would be in the scholar category, and the other I mentioned earlier would be in the warrior category, a third I once thought about introducing but never got started would be neutrally aligned. Interesting. :)
May 2nd, 2001, 03:14:05 PM
I would hope to get into the warrior category.
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 03:17:42 PM
Would there be testing to pick this "elite for each sept."? I'd support that.
May 2nd, 2001, 03:31:34 PM
but heres my prob. ALL the new people, save one or two, will go fighter or middle. So, whoever controls that section ends up having to basically run all the ones who act unjedi like, cause problems etc. Meanwhile, the other group can just do a few RPs. Hardly seems balanced, does it?
May 2nd, 2001, 03:31:51 PM
That's what I was thinking.
First you'd have to be a Jedi Knight.
Second, someone like DT would test you .. :)
Figrin D an
May 2nd, 2001, 03:37:10 PM
This is an interesting idea... I really would have no objection to doing something like this, although my character is certainly not exclusive to either scholarly or warrior tendencies...
The danger we need to avoid here is having sects competing for the same padawans/trainees... that kind of internal conflict would definately not be good for the stability of the Order...
Personally, my approach to training involves both mental and physical prowess and I will continue to train anyone under my tutelage in such a manner...
BTW, the Jedi you were trying to think of earlier, DT, was Plo Koon... strong, fierce warrior, with high enhanced telekinetic abilities...
Nichos Marr
May 2nd, 2001, 04:53:09 PM
I love this idea. Personally, I like Hart's idea of the Scholar forum. Basically my own character would fall under the scholar category since I love teaching and discussing the Force with others. Though I do enjoy an occasional fight here and there.
May 2nd, 2001, 05:02:02 PM
Well people can't fight over padawans.. because hopefully only Knights will be allowed in.
This will keep the units prestigious.. and hopefully the test that DT would give would be hard.. so it would be something to aspire to.
That's what my vision is, anyway
May 2nd, 2001, 05:06:54 PM
why stop with those two anyway? why not some other sub-groups?
Nichos Marr
May 2nd, 2001, 06:13:30 PM
Well if we had warriors, I was thinking something like defenders? So incase Yavin IV was invaded, the defenders would assemble and defend it. This would be since most of the other warriors would be off saving someone somewhere in the galaxy...
Force Master Hunter
May 2nd, 2001, 07:17:58 PM
:: Forgets to switch account, okay?!?!?::
Basically, I'm not sure if most people would want to be in the warrior sect. Why? Because it is planned to be scrict. There wont be compromises. It's not to be bought in to exclusively fight Sith, it's also for defending us and others.
Most Jedi fall under the "mixed" catagory and so it should be. That makes you a more rounded out Jedi. The warrior sect was always a small one at TPM times. Pure scholars are much more common and I agree that Hart's idea is good. We need scholars and teachers. We need to be rounded out and also encourage all types of Jedi, not just fighters. All I'm proposing is that I will be concentrating on the fighting and martial aspects of being Jedi, which is what I'm good at. I'm no teacher or scholar, but we NEED them.
This is what I'm thinking.....
1) Newbies need not apply. Until we are certain they can understand what the Force is, they shold not be trained as fighters. Why? Because fighters are dangerously close to the Dark Side as it is. It's hard enough for a Padawan to know where Darkand Light is, onyl those with a clear knowledge and knowing where the line is drawn should be trained to fight. In a battle, there is too much opportunity for one to slip into using the Dark Side.
2) Elite? Forget it. Anyone who has an understanding of the boundaries of Light and Dark is allowed.
3) However, there WILL be no arguing or swapping of Padwans. I was thinking invitation only, but that is eliteist. BUT, the adherence of One Master, One Learner will be adhered to for this sect only. In other words, if you are a Warrior Master, you may only have ONE Warrior Learner at one time. It is much harder and should be treated as such.
4) Warriors must have loyalty, honesty, bravery and also be answerable to the Council. And be 100% Jedi.
Anakis Moreven
May 2nd, 2001, 07:19:54 PM
I like Bel's idea. And not everyone would join the warrior sect.some who aren't as good in combat (like me) would join neutral or scholar. The warrior sect would be good for Sith turned Jedi.
and maybe if you think scholars will get less members, maybe it would have certain advantages, like access to a new secret forum.
Force Master Hunter
May 2nd, 2001, 07:27:49 PM
I'ld be leery of having an ex Sith as a Warrior. At least until they are proven loyal to the Jedi 100%
Figrin D an
May 2nd, 2001, 07:37:38 PM
As long as we set some ground rules and stick by them, I don't see a problem...
I definately agree that a warrior sect should be restricted to only experienced Jedi who have proven themselves in combat... on top of that, who ever is in charge of the sect, or perhaps the Council, should have final say on membership...
I would also suggest that before a "Sith turned Jedi" would be allowed into the warrior sect that they complete the normal padawan instruction to re-train their minds in the mold of the Light Side of the Force...
Darth Turbogeek
May 2nd, 2001, 08:04:54 PM
I lke the idea of Council having final say on membership. But, I wish to make sure the sect is NOT seen as eliteism. Because it is going to be difficult and no compromises. Casual Rp'ers would find what I have in mind not to their liking. This is for committed and serious players. I dont think skill level should be much bearing in the end, all I think is that they MUST be committed to the Jedi and willing to be Jedi totally.
It's not some exclusive club either, dictated in membership by an inner circle. Thence, to be a warrior will need evaluations and there will be openness in how it is run
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 10:03:54 PM
100% Jedi as in no Sith character? How about a normal human like my Lando?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2001, 10:11:12 PM
I like Hart's Scholar idea and this warrior sect doesn't sound like such a bad idea. Again..I think they all should remain on this board.. Possibly different forums.
I personally, fit right in the middle here. As I teach and such...but I do find myself in major battles when I see them. So...I don't know how I would fit in here personally.
May 2nd, 2001, 10:32:45 PM
Hmm. Interesting idea... I've seen similar implementation in the past, with a more or less exclusive sect of Jedi that are more proactive rather than reactive.
Can't say TUJK is a canadate for it, but I can lend you my knowledge of things if you want.
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 10:38:01 PM
Hey, you'd be a great teacher. I remember you making a thread at the academy once for that.
May 2nd, 2001, 10:39:10 PM
Who? Huh? Me?
Darth Turbogeek
May 2nd, 2001, 10:45:11 PM
Yes, you. You would be good at it.
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 10:52:05 PM
*nods* Everyone respects you more than you think.
May 2nd, 2001, 10:53:54 PM
Everyone must also be sniffing more glue than I previously thought then as well...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 2nd, 2001, 11:08:54 PM
Nope...TUJK. I think you are a scholar just like Hart. I am not one myself. Although I am a true jedi through and through with my beliefs..but I do NOT fit the scholar type. I would be more of a fighter jedi than a scholar if it came down between the two.
So..YES..TUJK you are the scholar type
Hart Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 11:22:25 PM
Since it's only Knight and above, how about we redesign the Knights Only Forum for the planning of this operation? After all, NJO has dissolved according to it's board.
Darth Turbogeek
May 2nd, 2001, 11:30:45 PM
It's not just for Knights. But redesignating the forum is an idea.
I want to get the Warrior sect kicked off and I want Sage, Figrin and Beldarine as the first Warrior Masters. I'll like ot hear who else might be interested so I may put this as a official proposal to the Council
Hart Kenobi
May 3rd, 2001, 01:11:50 AM
There's going to be a separate ranking system within the groups? Shouldn't everyone just keep their own level once they're in there?
And also, I think we should reconsider the word "Warrior" to something else. "Warrior" just isn't jedi-like. Maybe something like "Fighting," "Dueling Artist" and such, but "wars not make one great."
Darth Turbogeek
May 3rd, 2001, 01:40:58 AM
Umm, that's not my point. This is a Jedi sect that doesnt agree with that one bit. They are Warriors in all sense of the word and I'm backing up the legitamacy of it by pointing to TPM and the fact such a sect existed there.
My point is that warrior is part of the Jedi hertiage. We should be embracing not only the Peaceful and scholar parts of the Jedi, but the aspects of fighting arts as well. Some Jedi were Generals, others Warlords.
In case there is confusion, Jedi ranks would remain as they are and any rank is welcome to train. It is not a breakaway at all and at all time is answerable to the Council.
One Warrior Master traines one Warrior Learner.
Hopefully clears up some issues
Sage Hazzard
May 3rd, 2001, 02:49:09 AM
I'd love ti be a Warrior. Although I do talk a lot about the Force and always spread the gospel of the Jedi. But Sage is a warrior at heart and would love this kind of thing. Also, if Chewnakka ever joins the order that's the only thing he'd be in. So I think it's good for that sort of stuff. Jedi that like to kick major behind instead of talking.
I think alternate ranks would not be so bad. We could instead of Master, Knight, Padawan we could have General, Sergeant, Private, since they're warriors. It's like an army I would think.
I'd join DT and I accept your request for me to be in it.
May 3rd, 2001, 03:40:14 AM
mmmmmmmmm... I don't like the idea of it being an "army" with ranks like that and such.
I think DT meant that Jedi Ranks would remain -- such as Master, Knight, Padawan.
When I think about army, I think about nonthinking clones. I don't want this warrior sept to become an "army"... That idea just bothers me for some odd reason. I'd like to think of an elite fighting corps, as opposed to an army.
Plus adding rankings would make it like we're Imperials or New Republic fighters. We're Jedi.. to me, rank means nothing..
Anyone else be interested? Besides myself, Sage and Figrin?
May 3rd, 2001, 03:47:54 AM
*cracks her neck*
Within the jedi there has always been many differnt paths. The most noticed were the healers, the teachers, the defenders. There were alo those that held akilla in mechanical workings, dealing with creatures of all sorts, and many other things. Just as there are many types of people, there is many types of jedi.
And yet, that isn't what we are speaking of.
We're speaking of those that enter combat when needed, seeking one thing that no other jedi seeks.
To become unnessisary.
In the past there has been jedi that are labled battle masters, those that are the first to take up arms when nessisary. Their entire focus is on perfecting themselves within harmony of the force to combat those that stand within the darkness.
And yet, sadly, such jedi walk dangeriously near the dark, for they become the hunters, loosing themselves to the hunt far too often, becomming what they fought against.
(as a side note, I detest the notion of battlemasters OOC.)
But that is mearly one path that jedi have followed in the past, and perhaps in other times as well. But it was ment as an example, not truely my point.
I will speak now of a path that is far more difficult, a path not simply of a warrior, but of a healer, a scholar, of everything a jedi can be... but most of all, a survivalist, and in being such, a guided weapon against the darkness.
Skywalker was one of these. His lessons learned from a normal teacher, he learned how the force could guide him, if he let it, how it could empoer him, if he did not fight it.
And yet, his training was incompleate, to be later continued by life, a life that he was unprepared for, as survival wasn't truely a lesson he had.
Three trials a jedi faces upon this path...
Survival- The first trial... as what good is it to learn more if you cannot survive to use them? The body, the mind pushed to limits, tested at every turn. While some might teach the use of a lightsaber near the end of apprentaceship, this path asks, nay, demands that a weapon be crafted early on.. while it is a simple tool, it can be of great use in the development of concentration.
Understanding- What can be defeated without being understood? Learn of the techniques used aginst you, learn how to press your advantaged... the first trial taught you to survive, the second teaches you how to ensure others the same.
The final trial is one not many face in these difficult times. It is the trial of being able to put aside your weapons, your training, and being no longer nessisary. For a weapon of the light should be only be used to help ensure that one day, no such weapons need to be raised again in such a manner.
May 3rd, 2001, 06:00:46 AM
we did vote to get rid of that forum, so you can do whatever with that
May 3rd, 2001, 04:05:30 PM
can I suggest again, more sects? You get some people, like me, whod like to do this, but are miles off from being a scholar, and about as far from being a proper warrior. Isnt there something else they could become?
Cant think of any myself, only thing Im good at is talking. And Im yet to see a place for a hostage negotiator:)
Also, about the warrior three DT chose. I really think you need four. the three are good enough no doubt, but Sage doesnt have a message service(not dissing you, I understand why) and Bel may not be well known enough. The problem is, if someone needed to talk ingroup, those two may be straght away off the list. That leaves Figrin, which could cause a problem when he is away. You really need a fourth whos like how Nup was, often online and well known. Just my 2 Euros
Katarina Kariena
May 3rd, 2001, 04:57:49 PM
Ok, I haven't really read all the posts so this might of already been sugested, but anyway.
Why don't you train the padawans in all the scollar/warrior arts and then when they reach the level of Knight let them dicide where they want to go. *shrugs* just a sugestion. Once I get Daniel and Callista fully trained I'm not going to take any more padawans. I don't have a very good knack for teaching. :b
May 3rd, 2001, 05:53:42 PM
That's kinda what I suggested.. Have a neutral person teach them the ways of the Force.. then when they decide, have them come over one way or the other :)
Or when they get knighted.. either way
Hart Kenobi
May 3rd, 2001, 06:19:15 PM
I'm not liking the idea of a separate ranking system within each sect if we're gonna use the same titles. For example, a general Knight shouldn't be a Master Scholar, and a general Master shouldn't be a Knight Warrior and such.
Force Master Hunter
May 3rd, 2001, 06:57:23 PM
Okay, internal ranks are seen as bad?
But genenerally in agreement this would be a good thing?
I also quite realise that Warriors are skirting the Dark Side, seems as DT I was doing that all the time. Truly powerful Jedi like DT appear to be always pushing the limits, which is why only committed and stable Jedi can be full on fighters. I know it's not the way the majority of Jedi should be, but my point is, it IS a way that Jedi have been.
Reaperfett gave me a few good ideas....
Darth Turbogeek: Just a quick clarification... you like the ldea of the warrior sect, but dont see it as something for you?
ReaperFett: sortof yes
ReaperFett: I like it in principle very much
Darth Turbogeek: Reservations? Let me hear them
ReaperFett: could end up unbalanced
Darth Turbogeek: Too many warriors?
ReaperFett: yes
Darth Turbogeek: I know. Been thinking about what to do as I do not want it to be too big or seperate
ReaperFett: maybe you start off with four
ReaperFett: then add one/two every 2months or whatever
ReaperFett: the group would then slowly grow in strength, as more people evolve as good for the post
Darth Turbogeek: Okay, I like that. I never wanted everyone in it anyway
ReaperFett: youd also end up where the longest standing members are the most worthy and best, intheory
Darth Turbogeek: Theory, yes. Yey, Bel aint been around long and she was second person I thought of
ReaperFett: I do think shed be good
ReaperFett: I just think maybe a fourth starter may be good
Darth Turbogeek: Okay, but a name eludes me for it. I would have said Yog, but he's stated he's more neutral
ReaperFett: Obi
Darth Turbogeek: !!! Good idea.
ReaperFett: :-)
ReaperFett: only other thing to think of is maybe another sect or so
Darth Turbogeek: Well, I woud say Jedi have always been divided in three POV. One is Warrior and that is a small part. The majority are as Yog put it, nuetral and are more rounded. Then you have scholars
I'ld ask Sage Hazzard, Figrin, Bel and Obi if they want to do this. I know Bel's dead keen. Any other expressions of interest would be welcome. I'ld like to hammer out what we stand for and how this is going to work to the satisfaction of the Council
May 3rd, 2001, 07:16:58 PM
*feels like typeing up something that works with this discussion again*
Jedi and the Act of War.
There is few that do not know the jedi oppose those who twist the force for thier own ends, nor is it unlikely that a Jedi will cause the death of a darksider. However, there is several misconceptions about a jedi in battle.
The first is that Jedi do not go to war. Jedi have, many times in the past went to war against those that twisted the force, the sith, the brotherhood of darkness and others. Opposition becomes war when all attempts short of physical confrontaion have been exhauseted, when the jedi knows and understands that nothing short of death will end the darksiders ambitions. It is a sad time, but nessisary.
The second is the Jedi will always grant quarter. This is not so... when faced with the chance to defeat a foe, expecially one that tempts you by preforming such an act as dropping thier weapons and taunting you... do not hesitate, strike. It is not a dark act, for even without simple physical weapons, a darksider continues to hold lies and confusion to those that will listen. They are not defenceless.
Be ruthless in your persuites, but do not be cruel. Strike when the chance is there, end it quicky. Do not prolong the suffering.
And most of all, strike with calmness and understanding of the actions you take.
May 3rd, 2001, 07:22:19 PM
Thanks guys..
You're right FMH.. I'd love to do this.
Do we want to redo the Knight's forum and make it oriented towards our ideas concerning the three sects in the GJO?
I like that idea
May 3rd, 2001, 07:24:01 PM
I say we delete Knights, as decreed, and make new forums
Hart Kenobi
May 3rd, 2001, 11:33:52 PM
I see a Warriors forum is up. How about Scholars. But call it The Jedi Scholar's Library or something similar to that. A title that expresses a place of knowledge and intense study.
Darth Turbogeek
May 3rd, 2001, 11:40:34 PM
Sure, but I would think we could recycle one of lesser used forums. My thought was Bios be expanded to Library of Knowledge?
Hart Kenobi
May 3rd, 2001, 11:45:27 PM
Sure. But what are we gonna do with the posts in there? Erase it?
Sage Hazzard
May 4th, 2001, 12:04:31 AM
Well, think of it this way. What's in a library? Books. What are some examples of books? History. It'd still be like a library except it'd have catologs of the Jedi. So Bios could still go there.
DT, I am officially accepting the Warrior title if you wish to grant me it. Sage has always been on the edge of the Darkside, this will be no differant.
Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2001, 12:05:01 AM
No, I think the bios should stay just as they are, and add a separate library / medical training. We're all but neglecting the natural healers and scholars.
Hart Kenobi
May 4th, 2001, 12:10:29 AM
hmmm, that's right. Healers. But do you think we should put them in the same forum as the scholars? After all, the warriors should outnumber both of us combined anyway.
Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2001, 12:18:00 AM
Methinks it should start combined. We can always outgrow!
May 4th, 2001, 03:10:53 AM
woah woah woah. Stay of the bio forum. The idea is so people can find out about a character quickly. You do that, it will clutter up. Dont ruin my baby:)
Darth Turbogeek
May 4th, 2001, 06:03:40 AM
Okay, hands off that forum it is :)
So we want a library / scholar forum?
Damel Girte
May 4th, 2001, 11:49:47 AM
*raises hand* I think a library/scholar forum would be a good idea, and that it should be coupled with a Healers bit too- the Scholar Jedi probably aren't going to be battling as much as the Warriors, so this might be a way to get them involved in the battle parts a little more.
(After reading all the posts..) I think the two sects would be a good idea- but agree with TUJK and Kat in that Padawans should be trained "neutral," then if they want to be in one of the two sects, to be tested for that sect. But not everybody should have to join a sect. The neutral ground should remain for those that aren't really one way or the other. And rankings might make it too much like an army, true... but there should probably be some basic ones, especially within the Warrior sect, to keep things clear- i.e. the four people at the top, then the new ones that have just been accepted, then the ones in the middle that have become full Warriors (like the Padawan/Knight/Master system now, only within the Warrior sect.) For Scholars, I'm not sure if ranking is really needed.
Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2001, 12:19:18 PM
Well, sometimes characters come in with ideas of a skill they have or want to have. For instance, Kiranna Organa, my Padawan, has expressed interest to me about furthering her healing abilities, and I think, just in general, it's a good idea to let every Padawan try every skill in training.
But as for training them neutral, I say that will never happen unless we change the way the learning environment is structured. A true neutral training would be to start out with a "Force 101" class, if you will, then move on to the appropriate Knight or Master to focus on their strengths. Some for fighting, some for healing, some for knowledge. But do we have the numbers, or even the interest to do that? I don't know.
Hart Kenobi
May 4th, 2001, 05:39:00 PM
There should be no ranking among the scholars like Damel suggested. But I would suggest some sort of committee of five so that there can be votes on stuff like "Is this force move acceptable according to SW" and stuff.
May 4th, 2001, 05:53:24 PM
While I think everyone agrees that this is a good idea, I also think that it should be re-iterated that this needs to be a highly controlled environment. People are used to the set rules: "This is what a Jedi can and can't do". What you're doing here is saying "Well, a Jedi can do this, if his intetions are right." The distinction needs to be made clear every step of the way.
I would volunteer for it, except that I don't think I really fit the mold. I've always seen myself as more of a Philosopher Jedi (or, as Hart put it, a 'Scholar'). I try to avoid fights whenever possible. But I recognize the need to give the Jedi a strong arm to support itself with.
Hart Kenobi
May 4th, 2001, 06:03:37 PM
I'd definitely plead that you do join it Nup. Like everyone, you get crazy at times :) but you know what you're doing and you do it well. I remember when I posted my first theory a while ago at the Academy, only you seemed to be interested enough in that "boring" stuff to give your in depth opinion.
May 4th, 2001, 06:08:56 PM
Well, I've tried to build up this character where I involve myself in as few fights as possible. In all, I've only gotten into maybe 10 situations that resulted in a combat situation with this character since I first started RPing him.
May 4th, 2001, 06:23:24 PM
I did a lot of fights. Lost nearly all. Im a fighter. A bad fighter:)
May 4th, 2001, 06:31:38 PM
Nupraptor is uncomfortable doing anything even remotely unJedi-like. In fact, he's very hesitant about so much as using "Mind Tricks", since he feels that this is a vaguely Dark Side trait (sort of a 'Gray Area').
May 4th, 2001, 06:35:35 PM
I can see that.
Anyone any ideas for other relelvent sects then? Seems the three are pretty good for them
Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2001, 07:23:32 PM
It's alright Nup, you can be a peace-loving Jedi like me. mmk? :]
May 4th, 2001, 08:49:34 PM
That ain't the only thing I love. ;)
Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2001, 11:53:08 PM
Oh, right. Peace, love and macrame. Got it.
Anakis Moreven
May 5th, 2001, 09:34:51 AM
I've always been more of a warrior Jedi, so i'd be one if you'd like, but I really don't care. I wouldn't mind being a schoalr either, but right now i'm staying neutral unless someone wants me on either side.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 7th, 2001, 11:43:17 AM
Wow!! I have missed a lot.
Ok..I have to get in touch with Obi about the Warrior Sect. I have to admit he is perfect for that. I will let him know. He has been extremely busy with school and his graduation coming up shortly. He should be around more very soon.
Myself..I still don't know where I fit. Not really the warrior type. More teacher but not scholar..diplomat? Ok I am confused..needs to speak to DT.
May 7th, 2001, 05:15:45 PM
When I first was told of this idea, I wasn't too keen on it since I have always been a strong believer that wars do not make one great...however, as I read more and think about it...the more I like it. I never have considered myself much of a warrior, but I realize you must see something in me or else you never would have brought my name up.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is...DT, I would be honored
May 7th, 2001, 08:17:47 PM
Ok.. So.. I want to get the four of us (Sage, Obi, myself and Figrin) together to talk about this... and of course FMH ;) ..
I'll make a new thread here... right now.. Hopefully all you guys can post there at one point in time or another to give me your opinions on the subject..
EDIT: I scrapped the original idea of posting in the warrior forum since it's not locked.. I don't know how much of this other's know.. ::shrugs::
Hart Kenobi
May 7th, 2001, 08:25:23 PM
Leia, it's kinda obvious what that you should be a diplomat if that's what you want, isn't it? After all, you ARE roleplaying Leia Organa Solo, Councillor and ambassador for the New Republic. :) You would make the most sense there. It's your character to be in charge of that if you choose so.
May 7th, 2001, 08:28:04 PM
isnt diplomacy a bit niche though? Isnt there anyway to expand it slightly?
May 7th, 2001, 08:46:56 PM
Actually, there were jedi that were primarly mediators, which, overall is rather rare to see RP... they're the type that are often found makeing peace be seeing the whole situation, and makeing both sides see the others view.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 7th, 2001, 09:52:35 PM
Glad to see you made it here Obi.
Thanks Hart. I guess I am sorta that without the title. I still have a lot of Jedi that come to me for counciling and such. Although to broaden the role..I have not had the opportunity. Although I have to make one post now for such a misson.
Personally..I am comfortable joining in major fights and having challenges by Sith Lords. I'll admit some are very challenging..Lynch for example. But to fight all the time..doesn't seem Leia like ;) I do enjoy teaching and helping out the Jedi Order. I remember on several occassions JB told me I was a Jedi who kept the fort down so to speak at GJO. Heehee...girl married to her work here and never gets out to fight! ;) Well..I do but not constantly. Well..I am happy with what I do.
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