View Full Version : Concerning Captives (ALL READ)

Nichos Marr
May 27th, 2001, 03:46:22 PM
Vis stumbled onto the recuse thread:

JediFerris: it's the Jedi rescue
Darth Viscera: what????
JediFerris: the Jedi rescue.
Darth Viscera: what jedi rescue?
JediFerris: your captives.
JediFerris: Disra was taken hostage
Darth Viscera: so????
JediFerris: and forced to get the Jedi, and now he's escorting them off planet with a blaster jabbed in his neck.
Darth Viscera: so tell them to pull the trigger. what's the problem?
JediFerris: I'm not gonna kill my character!
Darth Viscera: I'm not gonna give up my prisoners!
JediFerris: well, nothing else is being taken, what do you care?
Darth Viscera: if it means you have to sacrifice yourself, then don't let yourself get taken hostage!
JediFerris: Disra is not dying.
Darth Viscera: My prisoners are not going to be removed
JediFerris: they already have been.
Darth Viscera: then you'll have to die. go about creating a new character
Darth Viscera: one who knows how to keep track of prisoners
JediFerris: No thanks. Stop being so selfish. The jedi made a rescue plan like you said they should. They got off the barstool and made a plan.
JediFerris: You're not on Thyferra
Darth Viscera: no, sorry. no one even told me about this thread
JediFerris: that's the point! It's a secret rescue...
Darth Viscera: there's no way that the prisoners could have been released without the diktat's authorization
JediFerris: plus, the Jedi could be taking technology and much, much more. They only took their people back.
Darth Viscera: and it's not supposed to be secret OOC
JediFerris: I commanded them to under penalty of death.
Darth Viscera: you still don't have the authorization
Darth Viscera: the diktat does
JediFerris: You weren't on planet, I'm the next likely person to listen to.
Darth Viscera: you still don't have the authorization
Darth Viscera: the computers in charge of camp atonement respond to the diktat and the diktat only
JediFerris: Did Sidious have the authorization to make the blockade legal? Nope. He said "I'll make it legal" so basically, I said "I have the authorization, or I would be dead right now.
JediFerris: you can't just make up that the camp had automated computers to keep your captives.
Darth Viscera: lol
Darth Viscera: the computers simply grant access to one person. Darth Viscera
JediFerris: plus..a voice analyzer could be used
Darth Viscera: when it comes to releasing them, that is
JediFerris: edits can be made.
JediFerris: Why would you leave it up to computers? they can be sliced through. A good smashing bat can wreck 'em up,
JediFerris: there are people at camp atonement and you know it.
Darth Viscera: there are no people
Darth Viscera: droids
Darth Viscera: that's it
Darth Viscera: droid
Darth Viscera: +s
Darth Viscera: i explained that to the prisoners
JediFerris: can I see?
JediFerris: link
Darth Viscera: I must point out that this place is quite impenetrable.

The largest Fleet in the galaxy is stationed in orbit of this planet, ysalamari litter the compound, there are no escape routes, as you are completely durasteeled in. Droids or North Koreans man the store and cafeteria and bar, and on top of that, the Jedi would never dare assault the largest hospital planet in the galaxy! If they did, I would have a field day with the HoloNet.

Darth Viscera: pub57.ezboard.com/fsithse...ID=7.topic (http://pub57.ezboard.com/fsithsecretorder21526frm5.showMessage?topicID=7.to pic)
Darth Viscera: sorry, no humans inside camp atonement except for the prisoners
JediFerris: doesn't say anything about no humans
JediFerris: I don't see any NO HUMANS AT THE CAMP
Darth Viscera: no humans at the camp
JediFerris: doesn't say that.
Darth Viscera: no humans at the camp
JediFerris: you say that now because we broke in.
JediFerris: It's like we're asking for your Death Star here..
Darth Viscera: i say that now because you kept this from me
JediFerris: it wasn't supposed to be seen, that's the whole point of a rescue.
Darth Viscera: THIS IS OOC!
Darth Viscera: it's not supposed to be seen IC
JediFerris: even if you saw it OOC...you can't do anything about it, so what's the point of telling you?
Darth Viscera: that's for me to decide
JediFerris: you're not the dictator of SWFans.
Darth Viscera: (CLOSED)
JediFerris: yes
Darth Viscera: I want to cuss you out, and then block you, but i'm not
JediFerris: it's not a take-over thread or a death star building thread, it's a well thought out RP.
JediFerris: This wasn't even my idea, so don't get pissed off at me.
Darth Viscera: i'm just going to kick you out of the empire because you betrayed my trust, even OOC
JediFerris: understood.
JediFerris: Though that's highly unfair for such a trivial matter
Darth Viscera: unfair
Darth Viscera: i'll tell you what unfair is
Darth Viscera: unfair is when i give you a second chance, and you throw me out like yesterday's garbage, and crossdress. guess your primary character is nichos then
JediFerris: you still have your precious Empire, all your weapons. The only thing your missing is two stormtrooper suits!
Darth Viscera: don't insult my intelligence
JediFerris: my primary character has always been known as Nichos.
JediFerris: that's why I was let into Avalon over Sith locked forums
JediFerris: you should've known.
Darth Viscera: known what? that you would betray me a second time?
JediFerris: I never betrayed you...Not IC...You lost..4 captives...I didn't infiltrate or join the enemy.
JediFerris: that's not betrayal.
Darth Viscera: don't insult my intelligence
Darth Viscera: I am at a complete loss for words
Darth Viscera: i never thought you'd do this again
JediFerris: you'd think I stole the Empire from you.
JediFerris: I didn't do this in the first place..
JediFerris: I infiltrated before, mistakingly I might add because I wasn't quite aware of the rule.
JediFerris: there was nothing you could've done if the thread was closed, correct?
JediFerris: then what's the use of telling you..
JediFerris: it wouldn't make a difference
Darth Viscera: that's another thing that makes it god mode
JediFerris: oh really?
Darth Viscera: that's like declaring it a closed thread where the jedi can't respond, and invading yavin
JediFerris: no it isn't
JediFerris: these are the future careers of four roleplayers
Darth Viscera: i don't feel like talking to you
JediFerris: then don't,
JediFerris: block me.
JediFerris: ban me from your board.

May 27th, 2001, 03:51:00 PM
I'd like to know where he got all those Ysalamiri, seeing as how Myrkr (the only place you can get ahold of those furry little salamanders) is strictly controlled by TriOptimum. :/

The only reason I bring this up is becuase I think it's flat out sickening how everyone thinks they can just up and get hundreds of Ysalamiri and instantly thwart Jedi.

Force Master Hunter
May 27th, 2001, 05:42:09 PM
What did I say about viscera? Cheating God moder.

May 27th, 2001, 06:32:36 PM
You know what.

Fu!k Viscera.

This was done cleanly, he can eat sh1T, and I'll tell him that over AIM.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
May 27th, 2001, 10:33:12 PM
He's acting unfair!! That's all I want to say!!

Force Master Hunter
May 27th, 2001, 10:58:18 PM
He's had the facts of life explained (beaten into) to him. Yes, it's somewhat more tricky now, but if your good enough I see you can still get out, just make it quick. Just raising shields aint going to make a enterprising Jedi sweat. Just make it quick

May 28th, 2001, 07:45:55 AM
got any suggestions? As in, hes now put shields up, so we have to deactivate them, and then get past his giant ship. Any suggestions would be nice

Force Master Hunter
May 28th, 2001, 08:57:59 AM
1) He's not there and wont be able to get there before you get the hell out

2) Your Jedi. Use your influence to scam a 5 second hole in the shield. Disra is still on your side and Viscera's edict to raise shields didnt really prevent the Moff from overriding orders for his sake. Mind trick the Moff. As far as I read, no one on the planet really knows your there and the alarm raised was not specific.

3) Activate the hyperspace distress beacon in your pocket. I promise ships in the area will get the hell out of the way.

Nichos Marr
May 28th, 2001, 12:11:46 PM
If you keep that blaster at Disra's head, he'll be able to get you through the fleet and disable the Interdiction pickets, allowing you to go to Hyperspace.

About the shield? Disra has the proper codes to disable it :) It would make common sense since he's Governor of the Thyferra sector.

May 28th, 2001, 02:02:11 PM
But Visc again would complain since he put the shield up.

I think we may need to be more tricky.

I like the idea of hacking into the system. DV did say the place was fully automated, I'm sure one of us is a good enough slicer to disable part of the ship.

And a hyperspace distress signal? What's that?

Nichos Marr
May 28th, 2001, 03:47:12 PM
Remember that Slicing takes hours. We don't have hours.

Force Master Hunter
May 28th, 2001, 05:30:51 PM
No, but hotwiring takes seconds

The distress beacon will bring some very, very heavy weaponry to the airspace of the planet.

May 29th, 2001, 12:53:19 AM
alright, well Fett will be carrying that.. seeing that I have no room in my lack of clothing for that thing.

So we call the troops in.. they come, and make an opening for us.. we get away..

And how does one hotwire a shield?

BTW: I told DV this tonight. I will be gone until Saturday.. Feel free to post in the Official Business thread without me, making me a secondary character.. Seeing that I have no clue what to do anyway.. Or you can wait until I get back.

Up to you.

Force Master Hunter
May 29th, 2001, 01:04:23 AM
Shields have on/ off switches.

May 29th, 2001, 08:06:29 AM
Dont worry Bel, we have less ideas

Sage Hazzard
May 30th, 2001, 02:33:18 AM
Well we do have a Wookiee on board, Chewnakka. He's more then familar with all ships parts and usages. He could do anything you are planning most likely faster and better the anyone on board. So he could chop off some time for ya. In other words, if you need something fancy done, have him do it. That way Viscera can't whine about us Jedi not knowing how to do such things. He's a Wookiee and used to work on Imperial ships.

Nichos Marr
May 30th, 2001, 11:53:11 AM
We're still in Disra's office as of now, but Chewnakka could come in handy.

Sage Hazzard
May 31st, 2001, 02:27:54 AM
Let me know.