View Full Version : COUNCIL VOTE On a B&G idea

Jun 5th, 2001, 02:13:11 PM
ok, saw Liams idea. Disagree with it. However, there is a good idea at the heart of that- encourage RPing. SO, I propose this.

We pick ONE day. ANd for that day, it is for IC RPing ONLY. 24 hours of it. Say a Thursday, out of the way then

Nichos Marr
Jun 5th, 2001, 05:56:56 PM
I vote no. The B&G has always been a mix of OOC and IC. I wouldn't want to see it change, even for a day.

Liam Jinn
Jun 5th, 2001, 06:48:25 PM
eh how long u been here at GJO Nichos? A year ago it was a really good place for RPing, anyone and everyone there was at SWFans participating. There is no reason why Fett's idea shouldn't be passed by the council. It's only one day so there's not much to lose..

just my 2 cents...

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 5th, 2001, 06:58:20 PM
Bar closed one day a week. Not a bad idea. I guess

Jun 5th, 2001, 07:03:20 PM
Leia, you get it wrong. One off, IC only. Nothing more

Jun 5th, 2001, 08:34:20 PM
Sure, why not?

I hardly, if ever, RP anymore.. So it will be tough to stay away for a whole day... Who knows.. I might actually get involved.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 5th, 2001, 10:23:00 PM
:lol: Silly me!!

Sure that won't be hard to do. I RP in the B &G IC as Leia and Selena. :)

Sage Hazzard
Jun 5th, 2001, 11:51:12 PM
Hmm.... Most of the Jedi "problem cases", who only post in the bars, they have a thin line between IC and OOC. They'll post IC, but say things they would only say OOC. Before we can adress how to solve that for this one day, I will not vote on this, because it would change my voting.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 5th, 2001, 11:54:37 PM
What's the issue here? The jedi IN the bar, or how they act? I say it's how they act, thence closing the B&G for one day wont mean jack

Jun 6th, 2001, 01:52:08 AM
DT, read it, never said to close it

Nichos Marr
Jun 6th, 2001, 05:36:42 PM
Actually I've been at SWFans a year today Liam :) Yep. BBN joined TSE June 6th 2000. Ahh memories.

Jun 6th, 2001, 08:38:03 PM
From what I see, people already RP in there. There's always IC and OOC stuff going on in there. I mean, I like the idea, but I don't see how that changes things much.

Jun 6th, 2001, 08:42:47 PM
Im thinking that theres a majority who dont touch IC. Make them go lightly into it, and maybe something will come of it. Whats the worst that can happen for one Thursday?

Jun 6th, 2001, 08:50:30 PM
Well, nothing wrong in doing a test run. :)

Force Master Hunter
Jun 7th, 2001, 06:39:35 AM
The problem is NOT going to be solved by closing the bar for one day!!!!!!! This is just a damn bandaid solution.

Jun 7th, 2001, 07:12:15 AM
::clears throught::

I DIDNT SAY CLOSE IT! I said we just have 24 hours of ICness. I used to think RPing was dull. I tried it for an hour, converted me. Its not like it has to be a tradegy or anything, you could do basically anything. You want to say a joke? You can. But rather than OOC: FUNNY JOKE!!!!! or something, it gets into a RP. People like it, they can RP that.

Whats the matter with a one day trial? You dont know if it works until it happens

Jun 7th, 2001, 09:37:05 AM
I like the idea. It'll force people to use the bar for IC and therefore develop a better character from it

Jun 9th, 2001, 10:48:49 PM
Yeah, doing the IC thing for one day at the bar would be fun. I say we go for it and see how people like it.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2001, 10:52:32 PM
Definetly do it. I truly don't understand why some people don't do so in the first place.