View Full Version : Revelations (RP, Open)

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 05:52:57 AM
He was tired. There was so much to do and a lack of time to do it in. It was rare his body wanted sleep like this...

it was even rarer he would come up here... into the chamher of the Jedi Council. In fact he wasnt sure if he had been in here... since....


The room itself was empty, with the light reflected from the gas giant of Yavin reflecting into the windows. It was late and he was not expecting company.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 08:36:24 PM
::It was late at night, the petite Jedi Master found herself walking back to the Jedi Council Chambers because she forgot to take her datapad back to her room. There was some notes she wanted to look over before tomorrow's meeting. The doors quietly slid open, Leia entered the chambers. She stopped suddenly noticing a figure standing before her in the darken room::

YOU THERE!!! How were you able to enter these secure chambers?!

::Leia looked warily on. She could not make out the figures face. The Jedi Master slowly brought her hand down towards her belt where her saber rested. Not to sure what was going to happen next::

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:43:37 PM
:: Hunter turned his head to look at the unexpected arrival., before turning back to look out the window again.

"I've always been able to get in here Leia. I used Turbogeek's access codes. Now... Now why have you not cancelled them? Is there some delusion he's coming back?"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:26:11 PM
::All Leia could do was narrow her eyes coldly at Hunter, as she try and control her temper::

"How did you get those access codes? No one but the council member has these access codes, for that matter alone, there was no need to change them. But trust me, I will make sure to it that they will be!"

"I am not delusional Hunter. I truly believe one day Master Turbogeek will return to the light. Mark my words..HE WILL!!."

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 10:37:25 PM
:: Hunter coldy and slowly turned around to face the Jedi Master

"Dont delude yourself Leia. The Turbogeek who ripped through the Bar and Grill was not the original Turbogeek. I should know, The Jedi you so worship is nothing more than a pile of ashes on a dead end planet courtsey of me. "

He saw Leia's face twist but continued before she could interupt

"Maybe you should ask yourself who Turbogeek really was. What did you really know? And while we are at it, wasn't the access codes given to Turbogeek under what was supposed to be his true name? Do you reember what that name was?"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:13:10 PM
::Leia felt herself getting quite frustrated at Hunter's sheer arrogance. But the Jedi Master knew she must remain composed::

I know who Master Turbogeek was. Probably more so than you do..dear Hunter.

::Leia replied smuggly::

It is now my turn to question you..Hunter!! What do you know of Marcus QDunn? Please enlightment on your research.

And in response to your other comment, I know the Turbogeek who ripped through our bar is not the same DT. But things change Hunter..as the saying goes.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:22:56 PM
:: Hunter's face broke into a smile. But it was a smile not of mirth - but of pain.

"So you think you know the late lamented Turbogeek better than I do? That would be interesting to achieve. "

The Hunters tone turned decidedly chilly.

"I watched him being concieved. I saw his undevelped body grow. I watched as he took shape. Can you claim that?"

"And as for the real name of darth turbogeek...did you ever wonder why he never used it and yet kept a Sith title? Doesn't that strike you as odd?"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:31:47 PM
::Leia's face remained expressionless as she looked on at Hunter::

You are talking about this clone of Turbogeek, being conceived and all. I know the original DT Hunter! Not this clone...so indirectly..YES, you know the clone more than I do.

As far as the original Turbogeek I cannot say why he kept his sith title even though he changed over from the darkside. I have to admit, I truly don't know the answer to that.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:34:41 PM
:: Hunter just about exploded

"I wasn't talking about this new clone... I have no idea where the hell he came from - but I'll tell you I'll find out and then dispose of it.

No, I mean the original Turbogeek. I saw him created. I know where he really came from"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:41:15 PM
::Leia's face became one of puzzlement. She really did not know DT's past as it seemed::

Pardon my frankness..but how the heck were you around when DT was conceived.

How can that be?!!

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:47:28 PM
you should tell her

Maybe he should. But how do you go telling that one of the venerated Jedi was nothing more than a.....

"Yes, I was there. I saw it all. I was surpirsed when he turned up 8 years ago tho. I remember that quite well as I thought he wasn't released from the cloning cell. I watched him since then, watched him always. Watching for the madness."

Hunter saw the confused look on the Jedi

"Didnt you know clones always go mad?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:53:45 PM
::Leia just shook her head in disbelief with a very confused look predominantly on her face::

What?! What are you trying to say?!! The DT we knew and loved was a clone also. HOW CAN THAT BE?!!

A clone of who, Hunter?! You must tell me!

Force Master Hunter
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:07:58 AM
:: "I thought that was obvious now Leia...."

Hunter took one step closer.

"Haven't you ever worked out why I hide my Force presence when I am here? Haven't you asked yourself why I am so careful not to reveal just how powerful I really am? Are you Jedi all so blind that they missed the fact turbogeek seemed to change nearly two years ago?

Leia.... look at me and open your eyes - and see the truth. Turbogeek could never use the real name... because the real name was already in use...."

He closed his eyes and seemed to relax. But his presence in the Force began to change, from non existant.... brightened... then seemed to flare like a flame

"Leia... tell me who you see... and tell me if you see the truth now"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:15:31 AM
::Leia looked deeply into Hunter's eyes. The Jedi Master suddenly could not believe what she just saw::

It can't be!!!

::she thought. But the force was confirming it to her, for the mere fact Hunter was uncloaking his prescence::


::Leia felt faint and just crumbled to her knees. This revelation truly took back the Jedi Master. She now looked up at Hunter from her kneeling positon on the Jedi Council Chambers floor, totally speechless::

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:23:15 AM
:: He reached a hand out and touched Leia on the shoulder.

"Stand up sister Jedi. You are completely correct"

He glanced back out the window. Bloody Hell. Now the die was truly cast

"I am the real Jedi Master Macus Q'Dunn. The clone was never supposed to take my place in the Jedi and I had to destroy it finally to be rid of that mistake. You have known me for a while Leia... I have been Captain Tohmahawk and now Hunter. But now you finally see who I really am. Finally you see just how deep the rabbit hole went"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:31:33 AM
::Still in shock Leia rose off the floor and just shook her head at Hunter again. This time from not disbelief but for the sheer fact she was trying desperately to comprehend this news::

::The Jedi Master looked up at Hunter and did not know what to say at first. All she could do was to bow her head slightly out of respect to this Jedi Master::

Please forgive me Master QDunn. For I was not aware of any of this. You are right..it seems I have known you for sometime...yet I did not know who you really were.

::Leia paused momentarily::

What you have told me explains so many things and why DT was killed. But why keep this a secret Master QDunn. Don't you think the others should know?

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:37:36 AM
:: " the Jedi here... they should know. They should know I never left them, even if I had to hide myself. For too long they have been low and for too long they have lacked something... I'm not sure what, but the jedi have been lacking. Have you not sensed it?

And as for others... let them find out for themselves. Namely at the wrong end of my sabre and sword. "::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:48:45 AM
Yes...they do lack in areas. I have to agree with you Master QDunn. Now with your prescence I hope that will help change things.

I suggest we schedule a meeting with them at once. Do you not agree?

::Leia had to chuckle at Master QDunn referral to the sith::

Ya know Master QDunn....you sound like a true jedi to me with that comment about the sith. I am sure they will meet there end at the end of your saber soon enough

::Leia gave a smile at Master QDunn that seemed to smirk some::

Force Master Hunter
Jul 3rd, 2001, 12:56:28 AM
:: "No meeting Leia. I'll let my presence speak for me in here. And maybe... maybe some others will notice when i beat the sith out of one of those patheitc Dark siders."

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:00:58 AM
....Beautiful........it was the only way to describe the jungle plantlife of Yavin IV........the dew upon their petals glistening in the faint light of the jedi headquarters. Many times this had been where Kikran would spend his time, sitting, thinking......about things of the past, things to come. The jungle was a great place to be in tune with the force, especially when it was dark. This night, seemed to be different than the others though. There was only silence, no movement of the jungle's birds as they flew from tree to tree, no chirping sounds of the insects around. It was if, they were awaiting something.....something they were anxious to have happen. After and hour silence, the sound was everywhere. The animals all around in the jungle began to move at once, or make some kind of noise. It erupted in a strange, almost joyful fashion.......

::The jedi knight got up, and dusted himself off. He threw the flowers back to the ground and looked around. He felt something......but no........no one was usually awake at this time, and yet, someone was. He walked into the large jedi building, and began to look around::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:02:47 AM
::Leia smiled at Master QDunn's comments::

Very well no meeting. And if you are definetly going on a sith rampage...you will definetly be noticed. If you should require my assistance, I would be more than honored to be at your side...Master QDunn.

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:06:17 AM
:: "A sith rampage? No Leia, at least not yet. First thing we do is regather the children of GJO first. Many have left. It's time to bring them all back in. It pained me to see some of our best leave.

Like Morgan Evandar. Why was he allowed to leave? Why have people like Nupraptor basically gone? Answer me that Leia"::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:12:41 AM
::Leia pondered the direct line of questioning::

Nupraptor came back to the Jedi and is a padawan under Master Yoghurt.

As far as Morgan..I do not know the true reason for leaving. I believe it was deception from the darkside influenced by sith known as Lady DeVille or Live Wire. I have heard it was one of these sith temptress. Just the name falls short from me.

Sadly we have lost Jace Darklighter. But that was another revelation..he was Sith Master Jedah Lynch's son.

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:16:05 AM
:: "Lynch's... SON?!?! You jest surely.

And as for the temptress or deciever... I have only one thing for her"

Q'Dunn drew out from behind his back the sword Icefist and slammed the blade into the floor. The stone crackled as it froze.

"For her there will only be death. We shall take back what is rightfully ours."::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:20:55 AM
::Leia flinched momentairly at the clash between the floor and QDunn's blade::

I wish I was just jesting as far as Jace is concerned but..sadly it is very true...Master QDunn.

I agree with you as far as taking back what is rightfully ours. We shall go after Morgan and introduce him back into the light where he truly belongs.

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:21:00 AM
The halls of the headquarters were dark, but that wouldn't matter to a jedi knight. He could sense a familiar presence, and then another one. It seemed to be one from long ago.....but he couldn't pinpoint it. He had decided not to mask his presence, as he wanted them to know he was coming. He had nothing to hide, and he didn't want it to look like he was sneaking around.

"Finally," Kikran thought as he reached the floor where the presence was. "Wait......that can't be right.....this is the council floor. Who else would be in here?" He moved past some rooms and began to turn a corner, as the air seemed to get colder. Strange, he said to himself, as he turned the corner, and saw the unknown person. Kikran's face turned pale, as the knight also went speechless.........

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:24:05 AM
:: Q'Dunn waved a hand at Leia to be quiet for a moment as the new arrival was seen at the council door. The Master didn't take long to recognise the new arrival.

"Well good evening Kikran. You seem a touch surprised. Like to tell me why?"::

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:26:41 AM
"I don't remember drinking too much at Yog's.........but I don't believe what I'm seeing.....you, you're....*The knights words wavered as he spoke*.....but it can't be you.......you're dead."

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:28:44 AM
::Q'Dunn just had to laugh at the poor Knight's confusion.

"Dead? Me? Far from it Kikran. Come here and touch my hand if you cant believe your eyes"::

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:34:39 AM
"I don't need to.....my strength in the force tells me that. It always seemed strange how your "death" happened so suddenly......but this, this seems like a fairytale, something you read about in a book."

::The truth all came before Kikran........he began to shape the puzzle of what had happened. All this came to him as a huge shock, but he held his composure::

"Tell me, if you may........why not return sooner?"

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:42:57 AM
:: " why return now?"

Q'Dunn paused for thought

"Because there needed to be time the name of Turbogeek to die. The clone has been seated in the Council for a long time and had gotten a certain perception of that name. I wished to come here on my own terms Kikran, under my own name and under my own reputation. One like you I think can understand that"::

Kikran Akard
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:49:50 AM
"I see.....shouldn't we reveal this to the rest of the jedi? It seems only a handful of us are still doing something to fight the sith. Perhaps this could boost their moral."

::Kikran turned over to Leia::

"I'm sorry for not greeting you earlier, I didn't even notice you were here until now......"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:54:28 AM
::Leia turned and smiled at Rebel::

It's quite alright Kikran. This has been an very unusual night.

Marcus QDunn
Jul 3rd, 2001, 05:34:42 AM
Q'Dunn had to shake his head.

Unusual night? Yeah, that would sum it up well.

Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:55:32 PM
She hadn't been invited, oh no... but not had she been in the chambers with Marcus' revelatiion... she didn't need to to know the truth of things.

From her first meeting with that one, the one that had been the killer of her teacher, her friend, she knew that something had not been quit right, something lurked benieth the the words and actions.

Her sightless eyes closed, and laughter escaped her lips, for without sight, she relied on the force to see the world. She had "witnessed" the removal of the masks and deceptions, she had felt the precense of one that was supose to be dead... but evedently wasn't.

"I'll be damned..."

she considered her words, and then laughed again, then corrected her self with a shout, echoing through her quarters


Figrin D an
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:52:13 AM
:: The mild shuffle of footsteps echoed down the hallway as Figrin approached the council chambers. The Yavin night was not as dark as some, but it was dark enough to allow one to sleep.

Most of the time, that is.

Figrin had been restless for much of the evening, and the disconfort continued into the night. He had tried to rest, but his mind would not allow it. There were simply too many thoughts crowding his head. A healthly dose of meditation was in order, and he felt the council room would be a quiet and comfortable place to do just that.

Figrin reached the door and tapped his security code into the locking system. The door hissed open and the Jedi Master stepped through.

Instead of finding an empty room, Figrin saw three figures standing the middle of the chamber: Leia, Kikran Akard and .... Hunter. Figrin could feel that something was wrong though.... he felt a strong Force presence from Hunter, something that he never detected before. What kind of deception is this? he wondered. Despite the help he had given to the Jedi in the past, Figrin never did quite trust Hunter. The Jedi had always felt that there was more to the man than he had chosen to reveal, and for that Figrin always was slightly weary of his presence....

"Well.... it seems that I won't be alone this evening after all...." said Figrin in a matter-of-fact manner.

He looked at Leia, scowling slightly, and pointed towards Hunter.

"Would you mind me what HE is doing in the council chambers?"

Kikran Akard
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:00:49 AM
:: Kikran turned around as he looked towards Figrin, uncovering "Hunter's" face. He waited to see Figrin's facial expression::

Marcus QDunn
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:19:12 AM
Some of the smile faded from Q'Dunn's face as the words of the new arrival. He saw it was the Jedi Master Figrin D'An, a man whom Q'Dunn had always had the deepest respect for... and even admired. If there was one Jedi who was to be held up as an example to all others, it was Figrin D'An.

He saw Leia was about to reply to the Master's demand, when Q'dunn touched the petite Jedi on the shoulder.

"I will answer for myself, Leia"

His face was directed at the other othe Jedi Master. "I remember the day I first had access here Master D'An. I said on that day I would serve the Light until the day I was called to leave this plane. it is true today now as it was then. I can remember you nodding in agreement then, you and the rest of the Council. I remember we spoke of our home worlds, you and I at the Jedi Council of Coruscant. Would you ever care to speak to Marcus Q'Dunn again of this one day? We have shared much Master Figrin... I am almost dissappointed you would not recognise me... especially as I have now chosen to reveal myself in truth to you all"

Q'Dunn stretched out a hand, to offer it to the other Jedi.

Figrin D an
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:55:07 AM
:: Figrin could not believe what he was hearing... This man was speaking of a time, years ago.... a time that few of the current Jedi knew anything about. The events flashed before him as vivid as a fortnight's memory.

The old council... the promise a man made to defend the Light to his last breathe... the shared insight that this man would be someone special, one of the most powerful warriors ever...

Figrin remembered the day well... and he remember the man even more so.

The Jedi was speechless. It wasn't so much the words that tore through his mind... it was the voice.

The voice... the same voice that he met that day many years ago... the same voice that had fought along side him... the same voice that would become a respected comrade and a dear friend.

Figrin came to senses after what seemed like an eternity. He saw the hand, a hand of friendship extended towards him. He wanted desperately to grasp it and blissfullly accept that perhaps a miracle had occured...

But he was too much in shock. Figrin felt as if he could barely move... his body seemed to fail him, freezing him in a moment of time. Finally, he managed to utter some simple words...

"That name..... I haven't heard.... or spoken..... that name... since.... since...."

It was all that he could get out....

Marcus QDunn
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:45:38 AM
"You have not heard that name in many months as the person who is the real possessor of that name was not here, Shortly after the Temple at Coruscant fell. I was nearly killed then Figrin and for a long time I wondered if I would ever be able to walk again. when I recovered enough, I stayed away and watched. Sometimes guided silently. I saw as the clone that was used to hide my absence grew in power and influence and eventually ruled in all but name. I thought that it would declare itself an Emperor and I would be forced to act then. But... like all clones, it went mad. That is when I had my hand forced.

Since then I have been biding my time and wondering when the proper time would be to come back. i.. I had on Arcan IV something that changed my point of view"

Q'Dunn looked at his hand, still extended, then moved out outwards towards Figrin again.

"It would mean much to me to be touch hands with the Jedi I truly looked up to and someone I never lost any respect for"

Figrin D an
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:09:15 PM
The shock slowly began to wear off. It would take time to fully recover from it, but at least for the moment, Figrin started to think clearly again. He saw Q'Dunn's hand before him yet again... this time, Figrin extended his own hand and grasped the hand of his fellow Jedi. At that moment, Figrin could feel the strength... and the radiance... of the man's aura. Figrin knew then that the man called Hunter was more than he let on.... he was a Jedi....

"It... really is you."

Marcus QDunn
Jul 4th, 2001, 07:07:39 PM
"Yes my friend... it truly is..."

He didnt think he would be this emotional. It was like a fierce joy in him.

Like being finally home.

Liam Jinn
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:06:38 AM
Liam had been awake for quite some time. Something told him he couldn't sleep, so he decided to wander aimlessly around the temple. When he came to the council chambers he felt many different force users inside, so he decided to walk in. As he stepped inside he noticed a few of his friends gathered around FMH.

"Ok, who did he kill this time?"

Marcus QDunn
Jul 5th, 2001, 08:41:32 AM
:: Witht he sound of someone new approaching, Q'Dunn turned and examined who it was.

"No-one's dead. Not yet anyway."

He reached over and pulled his sword out of the stone floor.

"But it can be arranged. Who do you have in mind?"::

Liam Jinn
Jul 5th, 2001, 01:23:31 PM
Liam looked at FMH and laughed a bit.

"Well, lets not kill this floor, it's hard to fix! IF you really want to cleave a hefty chunk out of someone, go find a person who actually deserves it...Now if you didn't kill anyone, why are we here?"