View Full Version : Master QDunn.....

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:31:34 AM
I have a question for you. Since promotions seem to be up for knights that is. I would like to question you on something.

How do you feel about Alpha/Satine?! I know his past and his record for changing sides..BUT..I think he has proven himself faithful even after been held captive by Sorsha (Sith Kat) He has been here awhile and is constantly standing up for the Jedi Way. This was just something I was wondering about. Alpha has been through a few masters, Fett and Obi and is without one once again. And as we know..you DON'T necessarily need a master to be promoted and to be a true jedi.

May I make a suggestion...can you test him? Spar or however you chose. I really think this is a good idea.

And so you know..NO..he did NOT approach me on this, its just something that crossed my mind. Please tell me what you think?

Thank you.....:)

~ Leia

Jul 26th, 2001, 03:51:39 PM
cant really count me. When I took him, he dissapeared for a while, and came back when I was full of work

Nichos Marr
Jul 26th, 2001, 06:06:53 PM
I'd also just like to bring up the fact that Jubei doesn't have a master anymore. Perhaps you could find someone to take him Leia?

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:32:03 PM
Fett-asan...I know you were busy just like Obi was. I was just saying...he is doing well without a Master. No worries :)

Yes..Nichos, I am aware of Jubei. *sigh* That and among many others without Masters. I wish we had enough Masters. We are in desperate need of them. I myself, am behind in training. Unfortunately...I have not and am still currently not back online as much as I have in the past. I have serious catching up to do. Luckily my padawans are aware of this and two of them are really skilled Rpers already under other aliases ;) So that is a lucky thing for me.

I hope we can correct the Master problem soon. *sigh*

Force Master Hunter
Jul 27th, 2001, 09:08:03 AM
Just DONT go promoting people to "fix" the problem.

Re : Satine. There is no need for a test as I dont see the point. He' either stands or falls on his actions and there has been plenty of them

a) Has he shown dedication to the Jedi?
b) Is he BEING a Jedi?

If eith er two questions are no, then, no promotion.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 27th, 2001, 09:11:11 PM
QDunn...the purpose of my posting this thread is NOT to make Satine a knight to help the master problem. I was answering Nichos remark about Jubei which really had nothing to do with this thread. I would NEVER knight someone for the mere purpose of trying to solve a problem...it must be deserved and earned

Back to Satine...like I stated I feel his is ready...again yes I know about his history of bouncing back and forth BUT...I feel he is ready. He has been acting like a true jedi even under extreme circumstances...(Sorsha [sith kat] Thread) just to name one. (ooc: if you want I can get you a link).

Also...he is always standing up for the galaxy and is a very active jedi in the BG and this is without any further guidance from a master.

Again..I am asking you to please test him...a test of your choosing of course. And then....see what you think of his progress and if indeed he is ready.

Thank you for your time.

::Leia bows respectfully to her fellow Jedi Master::

Force Master Hunter
Jul 27th, 2001, 09:32:00 PM
No test. If you vouch for him, I'll accept your word in this case

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 27th, 2001, 09:44:43 PM
::Leia bowed respectfully at Master QDunn::

Thank you. I will now bring this up to be voted on.