Jul 26th, 2001, 07:12:29 PM
A thought occured to me today. When a new person gets a padawan, what then? So, this thread

Post YOUR opinions of training. Where do you start? What do you look out for?

I ask that you keep all posts in a note style, so its easy to look at and read.

So, please begin now

Nichos Marr
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:23:12 PM
Look for:

Start: By asking them four questions-

1. Can you tell me about your past life and future ambitions?

2. What is your knowledge of the Force, Light and Dark Side?

3. Do you know any force moves or anything I should be aware of?

4. What would you like to specialize in? (Philosophy, Attack, Healing, etc.)

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:27:16 PM
What Nichos said is the basics that should be asked. Get to know your padawans well. This a good thing. Learn as much as you can about them their strengths and their weakness.

With that and questions like Nichos' asks, you start off with the basic. Depending on the padawan..you can throw some twists in there to test them. Of course...teach them to be true to the jedi way...especially by being a good example yourself.

After covering the basics...spar with them. See how they react. Teach them a few manuevers and give them pointers. Try to help them to RP better in a fight or a regular Rp. You may want to join them in an initial RP in BG or...have them take on a fight with a sith. Show your presence..but do not interefere. Observe..and comment later. This is a good learning experience.

Hmm...well that is some suggestions. If I forgot any..maybe someone else would post them or I will add later! :)

Jul 27th, 2001, 12:06:17 AM
Look for someone with a clue.

Start with asking about their knowedge.

Corect any lapses or misconceptions in said knowedge...

Teach to touch force

Teach basic force moves:
Sensing world around them
Sense emotion
listening to the will of the force.

All lessons are coupled with some OOC comments about how to do things right in my opinion...

Kikran Akard
Jul 31st, 2001, 09:23:40 PM
First of all, you have to check how developed they are at rping occly, and go from there.

Basically, its just what Nichos said....you find their attributes, and then go.