Marcus QDunn
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:51:12 PM (
I hereby submit Jedi Knight Liam Jinn for immediate promotion to Jedi Master.
And vote of congratulations to Akabbrim for his participation in this trial. It was most impressive what you did.
Master Yoghurt
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:53:41 PM
Yes, I vote!
Nichos Marr
Aug 26th, 2001, 11:19:55 PM
Nichos' Thoughts: I vote a definate Yes :)
Sage Hazzard
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:24:35 AM
I am no longer a council member, since I believe you voted again after I left, when the time had come. But please, let me speak. I am a Master and have served on the council, I'd like my thoughts to be heard, even if they are not official.
Liam, you performed exceptional. Your actions were worthy of Masterhood. And the knowledge that it was not a test, but rather life and death, that makes it all the more revealing that you have the heart of a Jedi. You desearve, and have desearved for some time, this title. And remember, it is only a title, there is no magic wand to be presented. Your training will never end, your lessons will always be learned, and you will always have more elightenment to achive. But you have reached the mark of achievement that warrants the promotion to Master.
I would vote yes, if I had a vote. And I look forward to standing beside you, Master along side Master.
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:56:40 AM
Sage, council starts on the 1st September. Hence, its a valid vote :)
And I vote yes
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:06:14 AM
::Leia steps forward::
As I had a little part in Liam's testing. I can assure you without any doubts..I feel Liam is ready for the title of "Jedi Master"
My vote is a definite "YES"
And very nicely put Sage. I agree with you.
Warren Azalin
Aug 27th, 2001, 01:30:18 PM
:: Stepping forward among the others Warren pulled back his hood as he smiled towards the other Jedi ::
"Hey everyone, I know I haven't been around much but after witnessing Liam's trials I can honestly say he is ready. I vote Yes for him."
(Hopefully this still counts as my council vote since Fett said this is till September 1st)
Figrin D an
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:31:33 PM
Liam is more than deserving of the title of Jedi Master, and this recent trial only further demonstrates that very fact.
May the Light shine on you with renewed brilliance... Jedi Master Liam Jinn.
I vote 'Yes.'
Aug 29th, 2001, 12:25:31 AM
I know I'm not on the council, but I did administer part of the test, so I thought I'd throw in a comment. The test was meant to be no win, and I did my best to make sure he would have no way out. I must say, he handled himself well.
Aug 29th, 2001, 11:23:28 PM
::Clears his throat::
The greater majority of you don't even know me, maybe some of you have heard of me, and there are those to whom my life I have trusted many times. I as one of those who first welcomed Liam into the orders feels it's necesarry for the assembly to hear my words. Friends, fellow jedi:
Two years ago, has it been that long Liam? the knight being in consideration here was a young eager padawan whose crave for knowledge was only overshadowed by his thirst for greatness. He has endured more harsh treating and refusal from a a number of persons, but he is still here.
Seeing him evolve and mature in the order, and seeing how well his skills as a jedi are example to others gives me an inmense amount of gratification.
Liam, has fought for what he has now and really deserves this promotion. In my part I congratulate you Liam, and best wishes.
May the Force be with you,
Your Friend
Force Master Hunter
Aug 31st, 2001, 01:12:25 AM
I think we can safely say he's got his promotion.
Well done and congratulations.
Anyone from the Council want to announce this?
Aug 31st, 2001, 09:45:17 AM
let someone important to Liam do it
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 31st, 2001, 10:35:57 AM
I will do it. I just posted in OOC forum at SWFanNet and will do so in the B & G.
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