View Full Version : To be honest...
Marcus QDunn
Sep 30th, 2001, 08:34:20 AM
I am refusing to acknowledge or to play against this Impliment thing.
I am deeply uncomfortable with it, as I was before. It seems more to be Star Trek than anything Star Wars.
Darth Viscera: Thrawn and I are waiting till after IMPLEMENT
ForceMastrHunter: * Ignoring Implient - to much like Star Trek for my liking*
Darth Viscera: I agree, I actually hate the idea and don't want to go along with it
Darth Viscera: but what choice do I have?
ForceMastrHunter: Just refuse
Darth Viscera: It's attacking TGE and no one is going to object
ForceMastrHunter: If they go at NRSF I will refuse to acknowledge
ForceMastrHunter: I am ignoring then at GJO
Darth Viscera: Thrawn and I have both thought it to be a bad idea, and we don't want to take part in it, but since it seems to be the general consesus that SWFANS has approved this...
Darth Viscera: So we can't do anything. And for the record, this "AI" has 5 members
ForceMastrHunter: Have they? Not as far as I am concerned
Darth Viscera: and huge ships with no build threads
ForceMastrHunter: As I said, refuse.
ForceMastrHunter: It's not Star Wars, so you have a case as far as I see
Darth Viscera: I'll ask Thrawn how he feels about it... If he's up for a chat with Charley then I'll go along with it
Darth Viscera: I just don't want it to turn sour over me not agreeing with the attack
ForceMastrHunter: As I said, I refuse to go with it
Darth Viscera: You know that sometimes little disputes can become big issues
ForceMastrHunter: And honestly I dont give a @#%$ what people think
Darth Viscera: Normally I don't, but if someone is my friend I don't want to ruin a friendship over something as trivial as an RP... :-\
ForceMastrHunter: Well, did you see my other point in the NRSF thread? How I will refuse to reply unless people TALK about attacks and such?
Darth Viscera: Yeah, that is a good point
Darth Viscera: But what about when you want to launch a surprise attack?
ForceMastrHunter: I decided that I will not do surprise attacks
ForceMastrHunter: I will ALWAYS discuss, because this is supposed to be a fun game
That is my attitude to it. I REALLY think it stinks.
I doubt many others think like I do. Well whatever. I dont have to play along and I will not, cause this is Star Wars, not Star Trek.
Teka Kenobi
Sep 30th, 2001, 08:43:05 AM
This is the first place I've been since Friday and I dont know what the implement is. I'll reply again when I've found out.
Teka Kenobi
Sep 30th, 2001, 09:23:11 AM
Ohh, Imliment is an rp'er. Very Star Trek.
Nichos Marr
Sep 30th, 2001, 09:29:37 AM
Okay...some of you may not know but when Visc said "Thrawn" in that thread, he's referring to me. I personally am irritated with the fact that we're being attacked by gigantic superweapons that haven't been built. Sure it's a neat RP idea, but we'll be losing a LOT of ships, and probably even Coruscant.
I'll have to speak with Vis a bit more on this "ignoring" matter, and Charlie too...
Sep 30th, 2001, 11:42:52 AM
The Impliment thing is stupid....I for one will not be participating in it.
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:21:06 PM
Actually, it has absolutely nothing to do with Star Trek. It's from System Shock... sorta an elitism thing. Reminds me of those things (can't remember their names) that used to use prisoners as souls to guide their ships. It was in a star wars book...
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:30:25 PM
People complain there aren't enough threads for huge participation. First one appears, they start planning, everyone hides away.
Like it or not, GJO will end up involved, especially being as noone has complained to anyone doing it. So, thanks for trying to help the GJO
Nichos Marr
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:42:00 PM
TGE will be participating in the Reaver attack.
I still don't like the fact there wasn't much of a discussion about this.
Sep 30th, 2001, 04:49:47 PM
If you have a problem, go into swfans (when it is up) and say something. Stop crying behind closed doors
Nichos Marr
Sep 30th, 2001, 06:51:40 PM
Stop crying behind closed doors
Hey if you don't like it, don't click on the thread link.
And I did go to Charley and inquired about there not being a discussion at SWFans. I didn't get a real good answer.
Marcus QDunn
Sep 30th, 2001, 07:15:37 PM
Well, I AM complaining about it, right now.
And I will be protesting by "sitting on my hands". I share Nichos' concerns, as well as my own doubts and concerns. NRSF is not participating
Morgan Evanar
Sep 30th, 2001, 07:18:38 PM
You aren't complaining to the right people, so theres no point behind it. You need to talk to Charley and Nup.
Oct 1st, 2001, 01:57:39 AM
Akrabbim: The aliens you refer to are the Ssi-ruuvi. The book is Truce at Bakura.
And, yes, the Ssi-ruuvi did very much the same thing what Charley has been trying to do with this RP idea. Cept he's using an AI mind instead of a living mind.
As some of you have no doubt seen, I will continue to RP it out. Personally, I have been bored to DEATH the last few months and I am glad as all get out to be able to be finally DOING something. It gets people interacting (whoa, what a concept) and not just posting in their little "clique" RPs.
This is nothing more than a RP just like any others. But the neat part about this one is that it involves all major groups. It get's people writing, thinking, and doing something.
Oh, and one more thing... not to start any arguements or anything, but it always seems to me certain people like to shoot down other people's RP ideas. Kinda like: If I didn't come up with it, it's trash, or a load of bogus, or some other crap. Or: Damn, I wasn't paying attention so I'm just gonna ignore it completely. Think about it.
Oct 1st, 2001, 05:56:13 PM
Anyway, let me get something straght. Because it is cyborg type things in big ships, it is Star Trek?
Oct 1st, 2001, 07:14:44 PM
Cyborgs in big ships can be found in any situation. Besides, this Impliment thing doesn't have any big ships that we have seen.
Nichos Marr
Oct 1st, 2001, 09:27:52 PM
If a 150km Reaver doesn't define a big ship, then WHAT does?
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:24:56 PM
Sorry Nichos. Musta missed that part f the whole deal.
But even if they do have big ships, so what? It still doesn't make them Star Trek related.
I mean, the Sith and Imperials, and even the Jedi and NR have big ships. I don't see us being refered to as Star Trek.
You see, the neat thing about RPing is you can integrate ideas you have into the universe you are playing in; in this case SW. We have every right to make something up so long as it doesn't overstep what we consider God-moding. So far, I have seen nothing of that. Everything has seemed pretty darn fair. Hell, we've even been given a weeks warning (well, when it first started).
Now,we have until Wednesday to get off our hands and do soemthing. Unless, of course, you want to remain here and not do anything. Frankly, I find that boring.
Oct 2nd, 2001, 12:12:02 AM
I agree, AB... this seems like it'll play out well. I'm sorta looking forward to a massive attack from an AI. And it has been quite fair thus far.
Liam Jinn
Oct 2nd, 2001, 02:19:40 PM
You guys did it again! I go away for a bit and this happens?! Gee, thanks :p
Nathan W3st
Oct 2nd, 2001, 02:30:03 PM
You can't dictate how I want to RP.
Liam Jinn
Oct 2nd, 2001, 02:56:38 PM
Anyway, GJO isn't out of this thing. Not because one or two people decide they don't like it. It's throwing a fit really. People wanted an uber-foe and we got it.
Oct 2nd, 2001, 03:01:11 PM
And I for one am going to be fighting said uber-foe.
Nichos Marr
Oct 2nd, 2001, 03:16:41 PM
TGE will be fighting it too, with their Uber Fleet :D
Oct 2nd, 2001, 11:33:12 PM
And I'll be bringing my Force Uber-Powers!! :p
Seriously, though, this'll be fun.
Nichos Marr
Oct 3rd, 2001, 04:08:13 PM
Well...seems Implement started the thread. I'll be in my X-wing if anyone needs me. :)
Oct 3rd, 2001, 10:16:56 PM
I'll have to side with AB and the others on this one DT. I have read the attack and it seems intriguing and has the foundation to become a pretty good thread. With the defenses around this place we can blow them to pieces without that much of an effort. But to do that we must meet the challenge in a coordinated fasion.
Hence, I suggest to the council and to the fleet leaders to defend our planet and use it's defenses to the outmost efficiency. WE MUST TAKE AN OFFICIAL STANCE AND ORGANIZE OUR DEFENSES PROPERLY. The last thing we want here is to have half a dozen padawans defending our planet without the proper expertise and guidance of our battle-seasoned masters and fleet commanders.
That's all for now.
Figrin D an
Oct 4th, 2001, 12:39:11 AM
I've already posted in the thread, so I'm in. I willing to roll with the punches and see where this goes...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:02:39 PM
::Returns from over a week leave::
::Just looks on and obviously needs to catch up some::
OOC: I think I am better off left out of it. As I have not been around and I don't think I will have much time still this week. Sorry
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