View Full Version : Council Discussion

Figrin D an
Oct 26th, 2001, 07:42:00 PM
This topic pertains to the council voting structure. Perhaps it is a bit premature, as the council voting is not yet finalized for this upcoming term... however, it is something I feel deserves attention.

As of the time I submitted my ballot for the council voting, there were 13 people officially on the ballot, which is great. It shows that there are many people that have earned the respect of others to the point at which they are nominated for a council position. My concern, however, is that, at the time of this posting, 11 of those people would become council members under the current system.

I realize this was a topic that was debated several months ago, and at the time, a system that employs a 'minimum percentage' for council membership was employed. However, let's consider something for a moment. If the voting is completed, and the current conditions stand (which seems likely at this point), we will have an 11 member council. In essence, that number constitutes roughly half of the active members of this board, not including padawans, whom are of course ineligible to hold seats. Is it really necessary to have a council of that size?

My point is this... at one time, holding a council seat was a mark of distinction, something that was reserved for those whom were true leaders that epitomized the words 'Jedi Knight'. It was not designed to be a club of friends that would mearly have hollow titles to hang around their necks. It actually meant something. I feel that over time, this has been diminished greatly. Quite frankly, if a council of that proportional size is going to exist, we might as well hand out special titles to everyone in the Order. They don't have to mean anything... none of the titles hold any relevancy anymore, save the Academy coordinators...

Having a larger pool from which to gather opinions is fine. Everyone has a voice and should feel free to use it. The whole point of having a council is to have a limited-size body of leaders that make the final call on those opinions, and implement policy throughout the Order. If the whole of the upper ranks of the Jedi are going to be part of the executive body, it seems to me that it would be more efficient and more in line with current goals to disband the Council, declare ourselves to be commune, and give each person an equal vote on all issues.

This topic is not meant to target anyone in particular, nor is it meant to point fingers at any given group of people. It is to be a discussion... hence the topic title.

To those who are about to become Council members, congratulations. What you decide to do with it is up to you... I just hope you succeed in your new positions.

Oct 26th, 2001, 08:32:06 PM
As I was talking to people before, one thing came to my attention. People werent putting opinions forward. Many felt that by not being on the council, they felt that either they didnt have a say, or that their opinions werent being heard.

Secondly, you have to take absenses into mind. Look at the cureent 12. Of them, Id say at LEAST 5 have taken a long time of leave. THus, the council is now seven. I remember a few councils back, there was about a month where the council was me and Obi, due to other absenses. Due you want that to happen?

And finally, think this way. Say we stayed rigid to 8 members. I can guarentee that Yog, Leia and me would make it. Id say Ferris is next to guarenteed also. So, half the spots are almost certainties. The next 4 spots would probably be flled from the same six time and time again. Now, what if the 4 left? Suddenly, there is a huge hole of inexperience.

When I put the idea forward, the general opinion I got was warm. It meant more responsibility for others, as well as more stability. Would you rather a rigid number with half dissapearing?

Oct 26th, 2001, 08:49:29 PM
furthermore, you know what I am sick of? Having to run this place. Look back at in here. Notice how many Ive done? Most. A lot of the rules were done by me. Were they my ideas? Not always, sometimes others asked me to do it, so that more people would read.

Now, do I want to do this? God no! Id like to be able to sit back and let others take control, helping to mould this place. Do they? Not much. A few show signs of it, but none really stand out.

Now, with this dynamic council number, not only does it mean the number is affected by the number of people (in theory, less people makes less members), but also means I can allow myself to lie back, and watch others do the work. I give an opinion where needed, and make votes on important things, but I can do less than currently, where if I stood back, noone would post.

Give the system time. I promise you, it will help me, the GJO, the people of the future, the current, the people with a skill in leadership, the inexeriencced with potential, everyone. Of all the things I have put forward, from voting months to what flavour drinks are in the dispenser, this is the one I have the most confidence in. I put my entire reputation (well, maybe a bit more than that, that is nothing:) ) on others showing real leadership qualities in the next two councils. Some people showing that if the old guard took a back seat, the place would still be in safe hands. An eight member council will never achieve this.

Want an example? Look at Kat and Akk. Both are only on due to this rule. They were about the most active members in here too, aside from me and another person or two. Both have shown their mettle as council members. Id willingly give my seat up for either of them, because I know god damn well that they could do the job. Wouldnt have known this without this rule.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 26th, 2001, 09:49:50 PM
Figrin: The thought behind this is you are suggesting to disband the council correct?

I agree with Fett. In other words there has to be a democracy here or we would end up with a type of dictatorship. That is not good. What I mean is people come forward with ideas and then we have to still discuss and see what is right for GJO. This cannot be just one or two peoples discisions to decide what is right for GJO.

ALL Jedi should and ALWAYS put forward their ideas and suggestions. And NOT be afraid of being shot down or embarrassed in stating them. This is a democracy. No one is here to really criticize one another. We all (atleast I would like to believe that) are fair.

I suggest we continue with the council.

But how about this. for a discussion.. What can we do to improve the Jedi Council?

I also like Fett, have had a lot or responsibility. I myself in the past have taken on more than I could handle at times. I HAD to step down from Jedi Coordinator. I could not devote the time to the position and it was just hurting GJO. It was the right thing to do for GJO. But..I still am active in my own little ways. I still try and keep up here as best I can (providing RL restrictions allow it) and be here for anyone..when I am around. And I am practically the only one that archives threads and does admin work at GJO. Although Fett is really good at monitoring the threads! ;) :)

It would be nice to have other Jedi involve. Not necessarily behind the scenes..but voicing their opinons here and helping the Jedi to be a strong unit! :)

Ok..that was my Buck and a quarter! ;) Those were some of my thoughts!

**Reminds Fett: I have considered stepping down from the council too So we have new people in here too! **

Figrin D an
Oct 27th, 2001, 03:22:23 AM
I don't think my point is being understood as I intended...

First, I am not suggesting that any kind of dictatorial leadership come about. Quite the contrary.

Do I want the Council to be disbanded? No, not really. It would be great if the council were to continue. However, my point is simply that IF so many people are going to be involved in the Council, why not just remove the facade and give everyone with access to Avalon equal footing. No council seats, so special titles, just a group a Jedi, each with a valid voice.

I don't mean to be rude, but you are fooling yourself if you honestly believe that GJO operates under the principles of democracy. The same people that have run the Order for the past year and half are still those that run it today. Fett, Leia... both of you are part of that group. Despite changes in the council, it has been that same core group of people that run the show. Even if we do spread responsibility out among a larger pool of people, it still won't be a democracy. Frankly, running GJO as a total democracy would be a mistake... nothing would get done....

Spreading out responsibility is fine, as long as there are people willing to perform the tasks. How many people here are legitimately willing to take on such assignments? A large council of 11-12 people is pointless if the workload is going to remain confined to the same 3-4 people, just as it has for the past 18-24 months.

I didn't really flesh out this opinion completely in my first post, so I'll try to do it now: Holding the title of 'Jedi Council Member' means you have a responsibility to help GJO function. But more than that, you have a responsibility to help GJO move forward. To improve, to better itself. For those of you that have worked hard as council members in the past, I thank you. You deserve the respect that you have earned. I want to see those that are joining the council to show that they are worthy of the position given to them by their peers. It's not just a title that you get carry about and laud over others as some kind of badge of superiority. It means people believe that you can help make their community better.

Now, before people start pointing fingers, I want to point out that I myself have been guilty of not living up to those expectations in the past. There was a considerable gap of time when I was not able to post much because of RL events. To a lesser degree, that is still the case. But, I realized that I would not be able to continue in the manner that was expected of me, and that I expected of myself. That is part of the reason I stepped down from the council.

So... I guess it comes down to this. In the end, I really don't care about the size of the council... 8, 12, whatever works... 'works' being the keyword. If we have a 12 person council that demonstrates legitmate reasons justifying such size, so be it. That means people contribute and share the workload. If a 12 person council exists in name only, with the same people again doing all the work, then having a council of such size is pointless and those that claim the title without showing they deserve it should not be allowed to run again until they prove otherwise. The other option, as I pointed out, would be to remove the titles and make everyone equal... I'm sure that such a measure would quickly reveal those that are serious about participating and those that mearly want something to satisfy their own egos...

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but quite frankly, I think it's about time the Council start living up to what it is expected to be. Leaders, guides, teachers and improvers. If certain Council members can't handle that... they have no business being on the Council, regardless of what past credentials they may have. This isn't a damn popularity contest. This is about who is best qualified and going to make GJO a better group.

Oct 27th, 2001, 07:02:46 AM
Well, you do know the best way to make people do their job would be for me to quit, yeah? Noone does anything because there is always someone else there to do it. People are slowly coming to terms with the responsibility.

And here is another example. Teka. Last council, I picked Teka for one reason. Of all the people never on the council, he seemed the most level headed and willing to do something. So, I voted for him, as did 14 other people. Now, I wouldnt say Teka talks to that many GJO members, so I cant see how that holds against your "popularity contest" remark. Now, he did better than most members. He voted in every thread when he was around, and only the fact that RL got in the way was he not round. Would he have got on without this system? No. I would have changed my vote to someone guarenteed to do the job. But because we havent got some rigid system, I could blood a new person in. This time, I did the same, but with less dramatic results.

You forget something. The only reason the council looks so disproportionate is because RPing is at a low. When we were at huge ammounts of people, this would have been heralded by all as a great idea, bringing some who would never have the chance. But because we are at a lull, it looks easy pickings. Give the bloody thing time.

if you disagree with this system, I want the next words typed by you in here to be this:

Fett, I want you off the council

This is my big idea to improve the GJO. You say its a bad idea basically. In business, if someones big idea fails, they get the ack, or a demotion. I dont want to be on a council if I am failing people. I dont need the seat. Someone else could take it, no problems. Noone else comment on this, just Figrin. If you think this idea is bad, you want me off. If you think it works, you want me on. No half-way measure. Which will it be?

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 27th, 2001, 10:07:18 AM
I sort of understand what you are saying Figrin and I honesty still would like to believe that GJO has a democracy system. Again...people have to talk up and participate but do they really, not at times. Thats what we need to have this really work.

Its not a popularity contest. I really don't think so. I look at (and I am sure others do) who we have and think how well they can serve the council. How the person voices their opinons, and RP and such.

Personally, I am serious...I REALLY WANTED/WANT to step down!! And I will if that is best. I will. NO...I am not angry Figrin. You know I like you and I wouldn't get that way and I know you are voicing your opinons. We know others are reading this, yet *sigh* no one is really saying anything well maybe on AIM but not here. I wish others would help run GJO. Honestly I would. At times, the responsibilty has NOT been fun what so ever. If you know what I mean. And you are right, I have been at this awhile along with Fett. Just maybe...I should step aside. I am seriously thinking about that. I have said this to a few already. I have said this also the last election. But, I will carry on my admin responsiblities here.

I don't know. I am seriously thinking about this and reading things here. Just wondering honestly, if I should just step down. I get the feeling I should. I seriously do so. I'll let you know in the next day or so.

Nichos Marr
Oct 27th, 2001, 11:52:08 AM
I am serious...I REALLY WANTED/WANT to step down!! And I will if that is best. I will.

If you want to step down because you think it'll help GJO, reconsider the thought. You stepping down from a Council position which you most likely will obtain will only be a bad thing. People like you and Yog aren't around 24/7, but you both are still around enough to voice your opinion in certain matters. I know for a fact that you're the kind of person that doesn't break her promises. If you say you'll do something for someone, you'll do it.

Although if you think that stepping down from a Council position will lighten your work load and make your RPing life a lot easier, do it. I can't tell you what to do, only give examples and suggestions. You must choose what you want to do in your best interests.

We know others are reading this, yet *sigh* no one is really saying anything well maybe on AIM but not here. I wish others would help run GJO.

I should hope that you of all people would know that I would do anything for the Greater Jedi Order. I'll have my character fly his ship into a sun if it will help the GJO. I haven't posted in here, because I had nothing to say. Now I do.

The problem with some people is that they're waiting to be asked to do something. For once I'll take the initiative. What would you like me to do for GJO? I'll train twenty three Padawans if that's what you want. I'll drop other characters if that's what you want. Just somebody tell me what I can do for this group, IC or OOC. I've asked this before (not often though). I keep on getting the same god damn response every time. "Well I'm not really sure....you'll have to ask him, or her."

Remember that Reaver attack on Yavin IV? Satine, Warren and myself were the ONLY Jedi participating in it. I can understand that with people like Fett and Leia it's hard enough to keep the board together. But what about the other twenty to twenty five Jedi here? I even had to bring in two of my characters (Da'Kara Ven and Vekaar Vekin) to try and protect GJO. What did you guys do? View the thread, ignore it completely, stay in the Bar and Grill and post nonsense? I'm not blaming everyone here, but that was a chance for GJO to unite and fight as one. Showed what kind of group we are.

I can't tell you how to make GJO better. I'm only one person, and I cannot make the Order better. But I can make myself better, by helping the Order.

Figrin, excuse me for being rude, but where were you when we had to vote on something? You were a council member two terms ago, and rarely did you ever put in your input. It seemed as if you were just ignoring the threads, and posting where you wanted to post. You could've at least posted something like "I do not want to vote on this matter." Yet you waited until now to start voicing your opinions.

People just expect Fett and Leia can run this place while they sit back and read threads. I'm very very surprised neither of them hasn't snapped and lashed out at anyone yet. They are true Jedi hereos, for keeping this group together. Along with other Jedi that help out too. Yog tends to our shipyards, and GJO's well being (IC) along with Tohmahawk. Warren takes care of all the new recruits. Only a small fraction of GJO does something that helps the group. I'm not part of this small fraction, but I'd like to be.

So you guys tell me what I have to do, and I'll do it. If you don't have a good answer, then I'll have to do something myself...

Oct 27th, 2001, 12:42:44 PM
sorry Nichos, but you do do things. You help out in the shipyards. Considering Yog isnt round much, its basically your job.

I cant think of any other jobs round here myself, but if I do, Ill come to you first

Figrin D an
Oct 27th, 2001, 05:06:39 PM
Note: I'm not going to put a lot of time into this post right now, as I'm pretty pissed off about other things not related to this issue. So, if it sounds like I have loosened my tongue a bit, that's probably true. Just know that it is not meant to be directed at anyone here....

Alright, first, I'll address individuals...

I said in my last post that I "really don't care about the size of the council." In essence, that is true. It may have sounded like I did in my first post because some frustration was showing through, but like I said later on, the size of the council isn't what is bothering me... it's responsibility.

And no, I'm not targeting you. I don't want you off the council. I fricking voted for you yesterday, for Christ sake... You've been one of the cornerstones of GJO for a long time, and as long as you are willing to keep it up, that's great. I just want to see some other people step up to take some of the workload off of people like you and Leia and Warren. And YES, I am willing to put the money were my mouth is on this one.

So, (public notice here), anyone who thinks I won't back up my attitude on this can cram it up their ass. You'll be proven wrong...


1) Read my last post. I've admitted that I slipped up on my responsibilities. Do you think I'm happy about that? Hell no. Quite frankly, it makes me feel horrible that I wasn't able to execute my duties as a council member. I'm not going to make excuses, but those who know me likely know why I wasn't around very much.

2) When something required a vote, I voted. Maybe I missed one or two things, but I voted on the ones that I saw. And, if memory serves, I was quite vocal on this particular issue when it first came up. Sure, there were some discussion threads that I didn't post in... and they were just that... discussion threads. Did it occur to you that maybe on other issues, I simply didn't have a strong point of view one way or the other? Or maybe that someone had already expressed a point of view that I agreed with and said it just as well, if not better, than I would have?

Voicing an opinion on an issue isn't just about constantly being a nuisance, which I absolutely abhor. It's about picking a time at which one feels that the concerns will be most effectively addressed. Before my last term on the council, I wasn't around to make my voice heard. At the time of the last election, we already had a major issue regarding the council... bringing this up at that time would have been viewed as callous complaining and simply would not have been helpful to the new council. Now, we have a new council, with some new members, that are about to begin their terms. I felt this was the right time to bring this up.

And again, let me be clear, this is about responsibility...

Part of the reason I started this thread in the first place was to stir things up. I wanted to see who was willing to call me on this... to see who wants to step up and be a real leader.

So, let's see what people are really thinking. I think we have a good start.

Hart Kenobi
Oct 27th, 2001, 10:32:26 PM
There's too much politics in voting for council members nowadays. Friends vote for friends, no matter how incompetent. And the newer people that vote don't really know who to vote for... so they resort to voting for people they like because they're the only ones who talk to them, not because of actual opinions relevent to the matters of the universe. There should be informed opinions, people should have to run on actual platforms other than, "Hey, I'm here a lot, so I'm qualified to create policy" or "Hey, I'm gonna cry if I don't get elected. So vote for me out of pity." That just turns our council into a second-rate poser for a true governing body.

The last thing I want to do is get back into the inner squabblings of the council again, but I would like that the GJO set forth a group of Jedi that I can be proud to call my leaders.

Oct 27th, 2001, 10:40:01 PM
ok then smart--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-, how can you change it? Being as you know so much about how people think, which I doubt, you must surely know a fair way forward. Im dying to hear your reply

Nichos Marr
Oct 27th, 2001, 11:17:35 PM
Hart- I believe that two of my votes went to AmazonBabe and Akrabbim. Have I ever RPed with them? No. Have I ever even interacted with them on a messenger service? No. But I do know that they are competent individuals. AmazonBabe always gives her input, even if she isn't in the Council, unlike some council members who rarely do it at all. Akrabbim was on the council last term, and you can always count on him to vote for something. Even if he doesn't do it right away, his vote will be there.

Everyone I voted for, I picked them for a reason other then them being my friends. Each individual I voted for can handle be a council member. Even people that I didn't vote are competent enough to be a Council Member. I don't act or say something, unless I have good reason. Good reason is not "Well, He/She is my friend, so I voted for them!"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 27th, 2001, 11:46:11 PM
Whooay...Ok let's relax a little here.

Figrin says he wants to see others step forward and take more responsibility. Granted a good idea.

Nichos: No, I don't want to step down because RL is a headache at times. What I meant if people felt more "new" people are needed on the council and a so call "elder" should give it up. I would do so and give up my seat.

Hart: As I stated before I did not voted on so call friends. But people I felt that could do the job and have a good voice in being diplomatic and voicing opinons. And don't just want to be on the council for the title or because they are a so call friend.

Ok...this goes back to the popularity contest remarks. I and I am sure others do NOT do that. Although...I have heard this before. I have heard that people think some RPers are very clicky. Same thing. I for one, don't feel I am "clicky" yet I have heard it. I never liked clicks not even in school. It does NOT make anyone better than anyone else. These so call Rpers I know that others claim are clicky, you have to realize I know them for over a year and half and we do get along well. But ya know what, does that really matter? NO! Even in RL you know where you have to draw the line. Do you honestly do what your RL friends tell you to do all the time? Well...I DON'T. Thats just the facts. Ok I know I went off here..but that is another thing that has bothered me. People thinking I am this way.

*Sigh* Feel like I am back in my sophmore year of High School here!

Oct 27th, 2001, 11:47:55 PM
Well, being as Im only picking friends, you can ignore e while I show reasons for all mine

Leia Solo
No explanation needed

Kat Kariena
Didnt do anything wrong last term, kept voting in votes. And only on due to the current proportional seat system too

Nichos Marr
Did absolutely shedloads, always round, keeps busy

Basically like Nichos said

Out of 8, Ill pick one not active who might return. Bel did great when she was round. If she isnt back by the 15th, I switch it, and have a few ideas who to

Nash Stolar
Blooding someone in. Let them get a feel, improves them. Last time was Teka, and he did a good job when he wasnt busy. This time, I chose Nash, who I think has the potential

Hmmm, no 'because theyll cry if I dont' votes there

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 27th, 2001, 11:55:24 PM

Nichos I truly feel we are very fortunate to have you here at GJO. You have greatly helped out GJO with the shipyards and such.

As I am going to ask you this..you have many good ideas. Where do you think you can benefit GJO? What suggestions do you have?

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:25:07 AM
I don't think I'll try to change it, which is why I took myself out of the voting process the last time I was in. Changing it is your job buddy. Either accept that responsibility or don't. I wasn't directing my comments towards any one person. And if I recall correctly, I didn't start this complaining process, so you can stop this defensive bull-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-.

Remember, I'm allowed to complain to you guys because you guys are in charge. It's simply not effective the other way around.

So instead of bashing those people who have opinions all the time, maybe you should try to consider them. After all, that's YOUR job too, not mine.
The thread clearly says "council discussion." I didn't know that meant only your view.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:35:09 AM
Ok...lets try to do this constructively

As I have stated before:

How can we improve GJO?

Or the Council?


Thank you:)

Oct 28th, 2001, 12:37:26 AM
bashing people? Please explain where. Im cleared up with Figrin. He was asking for activeness.

You on the otherhand come in and basically say that the entire process is crap, and is all buddy orientated. You bashed everyone who voted there bucko. I did this great thing called defending

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:41:33 AM
How about each council member is designated a specific area or field to work on. On a weekly or monthly basis, they propose an act to be voted on. That way there are actual changes being implemented, and on a regular basis.

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 12:45:07 AM
Fett, when I say that there are some people that vote that don't have the experience to vote, do you REALLY think that includes you? Or Leia? Or Nash? C'mon, stop trying to be a politician and face the real issues. Whenever someone says anything against the GJO in any way, you take the initiative to prove them wrong. Which makes you the "good guy" yes, but it results in this being the 100th time this identical discussion has come up.

Oct 28th, 2001, 12:50:41 AM
its my job, as a council member of GJO, to prove crap which tarnishes the imagery of fellow GJO members wrong. Its teamwork. People have stuck up for me before. I stick up for them.

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 01:03:09 AM
Being a leader isn't taking up the less-offensive side, it's doing what needs to be done. DT understood that. I didn't necessarily agree with him at all times, but if anything, he is a fine leader. This is not the forum to protect our image. In actuality, this is the LAST forum you need to spread propaganda. I have no beef with you, I think you're taking up a very noble cause, but what I don't understand is why it's always the same cause. Nothing ever changes here. That's what the council is here to solve. Use it. Don't shy away from it so that no one's image is tarnished.

I forfeited my right to a vote, so my argument is all I have. If my argument came across as personally offensive, it's unfortunate. If I could think of a less offensive way to say it I undoubtedly would've used that.

Katarina Kariena
Oct 28th, 2001, 01:13:46 AM
Hart: That would work, would help those who have no clue how to help out.

Fett: thank you for your vote of confidance, but I'm being honest when I say I'm of almost no value to the council.

I love the GJO, I want to help as much as I can, I'll drop half of the 20+ other RPG's I'm in, may get yelled at by a few people in the process, but I'll do it. To be honest I don't know WHAT to do to help out around here. Even on the council I feel like my opinion is basicly ignored. *shrug* no surprise there, I'm ingnored alot of the time anyway. Give me some ideas as to what I can do to help out. I don't care if it's moderateing threads or what have you.

As far as the battle RPGs go, I'd love to participate, but I'm sick of always being against Sith who god-mod and getting my butt kicked every time. I'd have to god-mod myself in order to have any chance of winning, and I don't particulary care for that idea. That makes me out to be no better than they are. -.-;

Give me some ideas as to what I can do to help out in the areas needed. I don't care if it's writing another Roleplaying guide or typeing the names of every Master, Knight, and Padawan on the entire board. I want to help out, but I havn't a clue what is needed, or if I do I don't have the resources to help.

Oct 28th, 2001, 01:18:26 AM
Id say anyone who votes as much as you did is an asset to the council, dont kid yourself

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 01:32:45 AM
Well, now that I actually did propose a course of action a few posts before, it'll probably be a good idea to resolve this awkward situation and address the topic of the thread like Leia suggested.

So what do you think about each councilmember administering a specific area of the rping universe? Sorta like the cabinet for the US and the function I think ministers perform in the UK. Not to decide independently without approval, but to become knowledgable enough in a field to write up suggestions and policies. There could be partners that work together or groups that work together if they need help, which will allow councilmembers to choose to work alongside learned non-councilmembers and padawans that want their voices heard as well. So each person that feels they have an expertise in a subject can help revolutionize it. It will probably also result in more proposals for the council to vote on if they are given a monthly deadline as well as further participation.

Nichos Marr
Oct 28th, 2001, 11:03:31 AM
I've been thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and I haven't thought of a single idea. Right now, I think GJO's major problem is that people don't speak their minds and post their ideas, because they're afraid of the response. I, for one will post all my ideas for GJO, when I get some. People who barely ever post their opinions could have great ideas for GJO, yet they never post them. Lord knows, I've had a few ideas for GJO myself, but I never posted them because they sounded stupid.

My vision of Council Members are 12 guys/girls sitting around in a circled room giving missions to the Jedi. Perhaps us as council members could give them missions to do? It's a start...I don't really care if it's shot down. It's the only thing close to an idea I could think of :)

Hart Kenobi
Oct 28th, 2001, 11:53:31 AM
But that's what the council has tried to do and has become inefficient and useless in doing. Our current council system assumes that all councilmembers are active at all times, which we all know isn't true. Is it reasonable to assume each of them come everyday? No. Is it reasonable to hope they should come at least twice a month? Yes, I think that's reasonable. Now the question you have to ask is, "how can we reform the council so that we can be most effective taking in the reality that people can't live in this forum 24 hours a day."

The plan I have suggested, and this is the third time I've suggested it with it recieving scarce comments, would fully utilize the council's resources and efficiently reform the council's decision-making process if all elected council-members agree to set forth a proposal within the first 15 days of each month, and show up again to vote sometime in the second half of each month. And if someone doesn't think that they can come 2 times a month, or that they think that coming up with 1 idea a month is too hard, then they shouldn't have let themselves be elected.

If anyone wants, I could have a basic outline of this by tomorrow, also including the want of the establishment of ministries and committees for wide-ranging topics.

Figrin D an
Oct 28th, 2001, 08:37:23 PM
At least we have people talking about this now.

Okay... Hart: What kind of divisions or 'cabinet posts' should we make? We have Academy Coordination, which is a big one definately. Maybe another that could coordinate specifics regarding training? I mean... I still think that the details of training should be flexible and adjustable by individual masters, but maybe have someone that could help with making sure all the important areas are covered... like a 'Curriculum Advisor' or something... Another big one could be coordination with NRSF and the fleet RP stuff, so we constantly are aware of what is going on in those respect... And, of course, at least one person to run the Shipyard...
Maybe we could have a couple people that keep track of the major RPs going on and provide info on who is participating and such, so the council can make sure that we have adequate Jedi response if needed (of course, taking part in any RPing is voluntary, but we need to make sure everyone is up-to-date on current RP's... I think that would go a long way to drumming up more Jedi participation, especially if the council can say, "Hey, there's this RP going on that would be cool if the Jedi were involved", then ask for volunteers. To go along with that, if for the major RPs we had one or two Jedi, knights or masters, volunteer to be in charge of the Jedi response to a particular RP and participate themselves, that could get people interested as well. Lead by example, that kind of thing).

Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness style there, but I'm just kind of spitting out ideas...

But, I'd like to see your idea, Hart. :)

To address Nichos concern... he's right, most people don't speak there minds enough around here. Hart proposed an idea to get council members to make proposals every month... maybe that's a good idea. Even if it seems like a minor concern compared to some other things, if we have more topics of discussion, that may encourage people to speak up more often. Any ideas on this?

And missions for council members... I kinda like that, too. Maybe, tying into what I said earlier, we can have some of them coordinate Jedi responses to RP threads, or coordinate the start of new RPs... might encourage more participation.

And I think all this can be tied into the current system... if we have enough tasks to do, a 12 member council is more than warranted.

Let's keep brainstorming, though... I think we're making some definate progress.

Oct 28th, 2001, 10:36:40 PM
only thing Id say is do NOT think about bringing this in until the council after this one. Its too late to change all the votes, and will screw up the one thing I suggested that noone dislikes. Sort it out now, yeah. But dont bring it straght in.

Anyway, thats about my last input here, best I stand back

Hart Kenobi
Oct 29th, 2001, 07:14:10 PM
Well, now I doubt I will write anything or continue any discussion for a while, as one of my best friends has just died a few hours ago. Don't be expecting anything from me anytime soon.

Oct 29th, 2001, 07:36:07 PM
Dont worry about it dude. There are much more important things in life than posting something like this.

If you need someone to talk to, you can PM me at SWFans or use AIM

Morgan Evanar
Oct 30th, 2001, 02:54:57 AM
wum... *bounces*

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 30th, 2001, 10:33:07 AM
There are some very good ideas here from Hart and Nichos. Any other ideas. Sorry still to early for this girl.

OMG..Hart I am so sorry to hear that :( Please take care of yourself.

Master Yoghurt
Nov 3rd, 2001, 07:54:07 PM
(Hart: Terrible sorry to hear that. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Real life is more important than this or any message board thread. May the Force be with you.)

Now, there are some interesting ideas and food for thought in this thread. Figrin and Hart raises some valid concerns about the future of the Council and the GJO organisation in general. The Council needs to be more active and come up with ways how to to make this group stronger.

First of all, I would like to say, I have on numerous ocassions been wondering if me stepping down from Council would help the GJO prosper somehow. Would it? That depends. Effective leadership depends on those who leads. Let me tell you, the moment I see myself being the fifth wheel, it is time for me to leave this position.

Now, even though, I cant be online as often as I used to be, there are still ways for me to contribute. The biggest problem for me right now is time. There is precious little of it, so how should I delegate my time helping the GJO? There is so much work that I would like to do, so many ways I would like to participate. Here are just a few from the top of my head:

* Updating website for GJO/NR. Board related tasks. Moderating, managing layout etc.
* Training/teach/spar students. Communicating, socialising and helping out our new posters.
* Council: Turn it more active (good start this thread)
* Find ways to strengthen and expand GJO as a group.
* Improve Jedi base defenses. Construction output 24/7
* Be active by frequently posting, preferably threads that help the Jedi cause.
* Build alliances, look for opportunities to recruit new people.
* Ensure New Republic is well prepared to keep hostile groups from creating chaos. Build fleet to balance out enemy forces.
* Locate and secure places that have great importance to the Jedi. I suggest we ASAP establish strongholds on Arcania and Ossus.

I think a good thing to do right now, everyone should think about what he/she can do to help out and post it here.

Marcus QDunn
Nov 14th, 2001, 08:23:04 PM
Interesting thread to read.

No comment as yet.