View Full Version : Han..

Amalia Azalin
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:59:47 AM
Han Skywalker, an rper at TGC, wishes to be among the ranks here, as a Jedi Knight. I am not really sure of what I can tell you about him, as I don't really like to judge other people, I will leave that up to the council, as what he seeks is a choice made by the council I believe or someone who deals with such issues. Sorry that I am not much of a help here.

pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...=189.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm4.showMessage?topicID=189.topic)

He wanted an answer and I told him I would find out for him, or try to.

He does train others at his own board, I can get you the link if you'd like, to use as a refrence for him. Or if you'd like to talk with him, here is his AIM:


Marcus QDunn
Dec 25th, 2001, 08:31:40 PM
If you vouch for him, that will be good enough. If he's been a Knight for a while and is up to a good standard, that's normally good enough for us

Katarina Kariena
Dec 26th, 2001, 10:34:06 PM
I've RPed with Han quite a bit... I'm not really sure how to judge this, part of me thinks he should go through the Padawan training here, part of me thinks that he should keep his rank. *shrugs* tis not my choice, but that's my opinion.

Amalia Azalin
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:24:42 PM
I agree with Kat, I'm afraid I'm a bit mixed up. I can't really judge.

Nichos Marr
Dec 29th, 2001, 12:10:04 AM
I say put him through Padawan training.

Amalia Azalin
Dec 30th, 2001, 02:35:55 PM
ok, I'd like to have more than one vote on this, anyone else?

Hart Kenobi
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:19:35 AM
I think he's still a padawan over there anyway. But if giving him the rank of a knight keeps him roleplaying here, you guys might as well let him have it so that to add to the Jedi's numbers. Whatever encourages him to stay. Normally I wouldn't make that argument, but hey, under current circumstances, it wouldn't hurt to have more knights.

Marcus QDunn
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:39:24 AM
Okay, so he is known to you and if I have this right, your uncertain as to his worthiness.


I'll speak to him

Amalia Azalin
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:52:37 PM
I am unsure because at a board called TRF,(At this time, I don't rp there, but it is a board that broke away from TGC, consisting mostly of TGC memebers)Han was given the rank of Jedi Knight by the council, the council gave him the rank but they felt that he was not ready to train students quite yet. He needed a little more experience.

Marcus QDunn
Jan 1st, 2002, 07:18:05 PM
Okay, just spoken to him. I think let him be a Knight, but watch and help him for a bit before he's allowed to train.

The only thing I was really concerned with was if he's really been a Jedi or not.

Amalia Azalin
Jan 1st, 2002, 10:39:52 PM
ok, thanks, much appreciated for the help.