Jan 4th, 2002, 11:11:45 PM
That's right, it's the thread you dreamt of happening since I started ;)
Being as you are restructuring here, I thought I'd do my part, Now, rather than the standard look hurt if anyone disagrees act(<img src= ALT=":)"> ), here follows as many of MY ideas that became standard. Now, being as you're pissing on my main ones(again, <img src= ALT=":)"> ), I thought Id give all the little ones too.
What do I want you to do? Burn them. GO through each one, and say, in a vote stylee, wether you want each to STAY, BE MODIFIED(And say how) or BURN IN THE FIREY FLAMES OF A VERY FIREY VOLCANO, although GO would suffice.
Without further ado, here are the nominations for rules to keep, change or can:
<a href=>No Padawan for Knights within 30 days of promotion</a>
This was to let them ease into their new role, without early pressure screwing them over
<a href=>Month trail periods, new Padawans in Avalon</a>
<a href=>Voting months</a>
Amazing how bothered people can be that four months a year dont have promotion votes
<a href=>Bit different this. Not a vote, but something that I think is important. All council votes should be marked in the topic, so all can see</a>
<a href=>A forum in which all "deleted" threads that were deleted for a reason are moved to. Yes, we do have one</a>
<a href=>To become a master, you MUST have trained someone up to Knight</a>
This is the list that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend....
<a href= 9.topic>A GJO board specifically for bios. Not a vote, I just did it, but I'll stick this in too</a>
<a href= 6.topic>The quitter "three strike" rule</a>
<a href= 3.topic>An Admin/mod only forum, where we can talk, plot and discuss between us</a>
<a href= 6.topic>Council Votes- How long they take</a>
<a href= 4.topic>The inclusion of the Living Quarters</a>
A very good IC area, IMO. Couldnt find the original thread, but this one is just there so that there IS a link, and because theres a floating Nup at the bottom <img src= ALT=":)">
EDIT- Oh wait, <a href= 8.topic>here</a> it is
That's all I found. I know there's more, but I m not searching again <img src= ALT=":)">
Also, I didnt post the me & Hart planning defenses thread, someone might think we were serious <img src= ALT=":)">
Being as you are restructuring here, I thought I'd do my part, Now, rather than the standard look hurt if anyone disagrees act(<img src= ALT=":)"> ), here follows as many of MY ideas that became standard. Now, being as you're pissing on my main ones(again, <img src= ALT=":)"> ), I thought Id give all the little ones too.
What do I want you to do? Burn them. GO through each one, and say, in a vote stylee, wether you want each to STAY, BE MODIFIED(And say how) or BURN IN THE FIREY FLAMES OF A VERY FIREY VOLCANO, although GO would suffice.
Without further ado, here are the nominations for rules to keep, change or can:
<a href=>No Padawan for Knights within 30 days of promotion</a>
This was to let them ease into their new role, without early pressure screwing them over
<a href=>Month trail periods, new Padawans in Avalon</a>
<a href=>Voting months</a>
Amazing how bothered people can be that four months a year dont have promotion votes
<a href=>Bit different this. Not a vote, but something that I think is important. All council votes should be marked in the topic, so all can see</a>
<a href=>A forum in which all "deleted" threads that were deleted for a reason are moved to. Yes, we do have one</a>
<a href=>To become a master, you MUST have trained someone up to Knight</a>
This is the list that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend....
<a href= 9.topic>A GJO board specifically for bios. Not a vote, I just did it, but I'll stick this in too</a>
<a href= 6.topic>The quitter "three strike" rule</a>
<a href= 3.topic>An Admin/mod only forum, where we can talk, plot and discuss between us</a>
<a href= 6.topic>Council Votes- How long they take</a>
<a href= 4.topic>The inclusion of the Living Quarters</a>
A very good IC area, IMO. Couldnt find the original thread, but this one is just there so that there IS a link, and because theres a floating Nup at the bottom <img src= ALT=":)">
EDIT- Oh wait, <a href= 8.topic>here</a> it is
That's all I found. I know there's more, but I m not searching again <img src= ALT=":)">
Also, I didnt post the me & Hart planning defenses thread, someone might think we were serious <img src= ALT=":)">