View Full Version : Ok, I guess this is the stuff we start doing.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:22:57 PM
The topics under contention are obviously just that. But the following seemed to have minimal opposition.

a) Monthly/every other month big battle
1) Perhaps split into three seperate threads so we don't have our heads explode.
a1) Monthly may be too frequent

c1) Council Elections remain every three months. Monthly evaluation is (of course) in not on election months.

d) Can promotion months. If someone is ready, let people know, get it voted on.

e) Council perhaps should start to asign missions.
__Side note: this would be cool to RP.

1) Person on the mission should have just as much input. Decent amount of discussion should go into the missions so that the council and the person designated with the task has more than decent satisfaction. No one should see RPing as a chore. Its a game, for fun.

f) Make your presence known. Less lurking, more Sith wacking/rping. (deemed obvious, but I'm leaving it cause it seems to need to be said more. Or something)

g) Council has a week to vote on an issue, two if a large portion of the council is missing for various reasons (eg vaction or school finals).

i) You see a padawan that is ready for promotion, SAY SOMETHING

Morgan Evanar
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:24:29 PM
Beldarine and Liam Jinn are both inactive, in my opinion.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 14th, 2002, 07:35:09 PM
Yes, Although Liam does turn up now and then.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 14th, 2002, 07:42:38 PM
What? Maybe once a month for two days?

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 15th, 2002, 01:34:30 AM
a) Monthly/every other month big battle
1) Perhaps a fight every month would be good. depending on storyline.

c1) Council Elections remain every three months. Monthly evaluation is (of course) in not on election months. OK

d) Can promotion months. If someone is ready, let people know, get it voted on.Definetly

e) Council perhaps should start to asign missions.
__Side note: this would be cool to RP.
Hmmm can be done

1) Person on the mission should have just as much input. Decent amount of discussion should go into the missions so that the council and the person designated with the task has more than decent satisfaction. No one should see RPing as a chore. Its a game, for fun. Agreed

f) Make your presence known. Less lurking, more Sith wacking/rping. (deemed obvious, but I'm leaving it cause it seems to need to be said more. Or something)
Heehee..loves whacking sith;)

g) Council has a week to vote on an issue, two if a large portion of the council is missing for various reasons (eg vaction or school finals).fair enough..thought that was a fact

i) You see a padawan that is ready for promotion, SAY SOMETHING DEFINETLY

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:56:04 PM
Yup...those two are definitely AWOL.

(plans to call up the Bel and chew her out <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"> )

Morgan Evanar
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:19:07 PM
We don't have an evaluation this month, since the a) we missed it and b) next council election is in like a week or two.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 16th, 2002, 01:27:10 AM
Ok..then I will request input on padawan promotions. Council voting due huh? Now Fett handled that. Hmmm

Morgan Evanar
Jan 16th, 2002, 01:29:06 AM
Yeah... I guess another thing we may want to change is how voting and election is handled. His was some bizzare percentage system that I can't really fathom. May as well go with a set number of seats.

If someone wants to figure it tho, I don't really care.

Figrin D an
Jan 16th, 2002, 02:31:30 AM
Like the changes.... glad to see that they will be implemented.

Fett's system basically was based on the percentage of the total vote received by a given candidate. The deal was that any candidiate that got at least 33% of the vote (I think that was the percentage) would be on the Council, no matter now many people that might include (8 was the minimum I think, but the max had no limit because of the system). The idea was that if the vote was spread out over a large number of people, candidates that did get a (relatively) significant percentage of the vote would have an opportunity to be on the council.

My opinion of this was: Good idea in theory, but not very practical. Larger council = more bureaucracy, from my POV.
I'd be in favor of a set number of seats for a given election, with the option to increase the number of available seats IF the size of GJO were to dictate it.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas on how set up the voting, I'm sure we'd like to hear them.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 16th, 2002, 02:35:43 AM
Please..... put the Council back to 8 fixed seats again. That worked.

I found out the TPM council had the following...

2 or 4 "Life time" appointments - Two I know were like this are Yoda's and Windu and are the defacto leaders of the Order.

4 Long term appointments - highly respected Masters

4 or 6 Shorter term appointments

Could be worth thinking about

Morgan Evanar
Jan 16th, 2002, 02:37:25 AM
I think we need to clear something though, in regards to the saying something about Padawans.

The primary responsiblity of that should be the master's. They, are, after all, training them.

Jan 16th, 2002, 02:56:03 AM
I could take care of the Council voting, if someone hasn't already been chosen to do so. I know Fett used to do it, but with him being gone, I could take over. Gives me something to do anyways, cause half the time, I don't feel very useful.

So, what say ye? <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 16th, 2002, 01:20:27 PM
I would have to say a council of 8 is a good idea. As GJO grows a suggestion would be to up this amount.

I think DT's suggest is one to be considered too. I say Yoghurt (our Yoda) deserves the permanent seat on our council. I am sure others agree.

Well..AB I was going to offer but I see no problem with you handling it. What does everyone else say?

Hart Kenobi
Jan 17th, 2002, 09:58:41 PM
As we don't know how long certain issues will be argued, I think we should start soon if not immediately with the areas of agreement. Like the large monthly rp. If anything, we should plan on coordinating something and perhaps communicating with Sith organizations to start one in cooperation soon if not immediately.

Of course, certain individuals among us would be more efficient in our negotiating roles being that they may be more familiar and friendly with certain high-ranking Sith that others.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 17th, 2002, 11:29:18 PM
I think we should start a new large RP whenever the last one ends plus a week.

Hart Kenobi
Jan 17th, 2002, 11:40:13 PM
makes sense.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 18th, 2002, 03:09:04 AM

more comment!!! then action!

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 18th, 2002, 03:11:07 AM
quick question. Leia said council of 8? Is that total or with the permanant spot as well? 8 might give a tie... should at least be even.

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:09:30 AM
Tradionally, if it comes to a tie, I would be called for casting vote. Hasnt happened for a long while, maybe over a year.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 18th, 2002, 04:17:35 AM
I'm not sure I care at the moment. Someone else can push right now, I'm tired.