View Full Version : BLOW UP BAR AND GRILL??????

Mar 21st, 2002, 12:08:40 AM
Who said that Soth could come in here and blow up Yog's?? Well, he is in there RPing it out like we gave him permission!!!!

Sage Hazzard
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:15:53 AM
Please, someone tell me I have permission to beat the tar out of him. Avolon is itching to kill him now, for sure. If he did or didn't get permission OOC. I'd like to set him in his place.

Mar 21st, 2002, 12:17:13 AM
That is our Bar and Grill.....he can't just do that. If you noticed, he RPed the whole thing out, letting no one post to intercept or anything! We should all take our little explosives over to Rama's and put him in his place....

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:20:52 AM
I'm totally fine with it. Sothie's a good RPer and if people can come off high horses, they will have a good time with him.

And get info right, he is not in TSE.

Mar 21st, 2002, 12:22:47 AM
We don't care if he is TSE or not! That is where are the other Sith idiots hang out and they have been treating me pretty badly over there........assulting me for no reason. Evil Sith......let's go torch his living quarters and see how he likes it! No, it isn't fun when you let the Sith get away with stuff like this.....this is taking it way to far.....

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:28:30 AM
I would say taking it way too far would be you FREAKING OUT over the whole mess.


Jeebus, just relax, chill, and roll with the punches, and when it rolls in the right direction, you make your own statement. Thats how RP works. He didn't just waltz into the place in business hours and frag it, he was sneaky, even if it was in one post. And I can understand why he might do that, cause there are some folks who think with their egos and not with their characters here, who would pull some kind of sherlock holmes routine out of their ass. Face it guys, it was a creative way of doing things.

I really think we should roll with it. Sothie's never proved me wrong on a fun RP.

Mar 21st, 2002, 12:32:01 AM
It'll be a whole:" Sith win over Jedi because we can and because we started the RP so take it and shove it up your @**" type of thing. That is not what we need........especially when they blow up our bar!

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:34:56 AM
I am wasting my time talking to you, you're not even listening to me...

Oh, and whoever closed the thread, please speak up.

Mar 21st, 2002, 12:35:47 AM

Marcus QDunn
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:45:01 AM
I did and it stays closed, because I agree with Xazor. If Soth wants to pull that, then he can talk to an admin first and get it cleared.

We have no right to walk into someone else bar and blow it up - he has no right to do the same to us. I would expect the same anger with other groups if any one here pulled the same stunt and gave us no right of reply or chance to stop it.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:47:10 AM
DT has spoken!

Case closed, I guess.

(storms out)

Sage Hazzard
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:49:13 AM
I didn't know his group affiliation, been out of circulation for a while.

Also, everyone has to get permission from an admin before starting a fight in the bar, I thought. I thought this was without exception. Even when I had Sage punch a guy, I got permission from DT and the other roleplayer. I would think an act of that kind of mass terrorism would atleast deserve a request before posting.

Marcus QDunn
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:53:38 AM
"If Soth wants to pull that, then he can talk to an admin first and get it cleared."

Well that not too hard to do is it?????? And especially something as major as this. If he bothered to do so, I'm quite sure something could have been arranged.

Instead, he comes here and in one post blows the B&G up. No chance to stop it either. I dont call that fair and I dont call that resonable.

We would get rightly crucified if we pulled the same thing anywhere else, so why the hell should there be a double standard and they be allowed to do that here?!?!?

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:59:44 AM
Well (gasp) I'm sorry, but I thought that leeway was also extended to moderators as well. And as the story had a fairly HEAVY personal interest for my character, and not to mention he stated there was no life lost, futher not to mention the place was already half-destroyed, plus the fact that you can always BUILD ANOTHER BAR!

Or maybe they're a chain...like McDonalds...who cares.

<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

I'm deluding myself again though. Being taught to sell change in school. Nobody's buying here though <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Morgan Evanar
Mar 21st, 2002, 01:03:31 AM
@#%$ hell, just accept he outdid most everyone.

Grow up kids, its a game, and the the Bar & Grill should have no real tangible value to you all.

If it does, take a deep breath and get the frell away from the keyboard.

Mar 21st, 2002, 01:03:50 AM
Thanks for agreeing with me Marcus....at least someone else does.... <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 21st, 2002, 01:59:20 AM
Personally I seen no harm in the blowing up the B and G. It can be rebuilt again ... but I have to agree that at least an email to one of the admin or council peeps should have been done.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:57:09 AM
(is a council member)
(was notified prior)

Nash Stolar
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:09:33 PM
Gone for a day and this happens.. Hot damn.. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol">

Anyways.. I think the bar can be rebuilt and stuff.. BUT. The one post thing gets me.. someone would have tryed something to stop him, no? It is a jedi bar.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:52:28 PM
If you read the post, the chance of someone stumbling on it/stopping it were nil. It was clever.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 21st, 2002, 02:03:59 PM
I can't find it. But from what I've heard here, it was done well albeit in one post. I think that's a bit much to be honest though, blow the tentire place up in one post? Why not three or four? Makes no difference if it was done well enough.

I'm really undecided about this one. But I really don't care if it was destroyed, as it can always be rebuilt. It's a matter of principle. I'll really have to read the thread, once I find it.

Mar 21st, 2002, 02:46:45 PM
First, Xazor dear, you need to breathe. You're forgetting to do that between postings. I was just as upset as you that the bar went poof, but you know what? It's a thing. An inanimate object. It can be rebuilt. And no one was injured.

Secondly, I do agree with DT that Soth should have informed an admin first. It would have helped to avoid this outbrust from some. But I do have to admit his post was well done. He is a good RPer if you give him a chance instead of branding him outright. That's how bad blood starts, and I personally hate bad blood.

Thirdly, he did tell Anbira about the RP idea (Anbira being a Council Member). But I have no knowledge of him being an admin at this board. Therefore, don't know if this sort of "coming forth and asking" would count. But be it known, Soth did inform a Jedi (and experienced RPer), and did not receive any negative thoughts on the RP. So, seeing nothing worng, he went along with it.

And lastly, just my own thoughts on this whole thing: Soth did come to me after the thread had been made, and I knew there would be trouble stirred. But I was hoping most here would be mature about it. Yes, I was extremely upset when he showed me. And yes, I was a bit cold towards him, my intial reaction being "WTF?!" Hell, I wasn't even gonna post in it. But, after about an hour, I cooled and was able to think straight, and realized this is RPing. This is what it's about. To create stories that have depth. I basically thought to myself "Ok, no biggy. We've dealt with worse." It's not like the bar is gone FOREVER. And that's what some of you are acting like.

Now, I know some of you won't agree with my view. But I am hoping after a nights rest from this fiasco that some of you are thinking a little more straight. Also, this RP can be continued. There is no need for it to be just brushed aside so casually. All it requires is a little negotiation (which I am willing to handle knowing Soth quite well) so that all parties are satisfied.

(Loki: I don't think you'll find the thread. I just tried looking for it, and I believe someone in a fit of rage deleted it. Though I will check the archives just in case. If find it, I will post a link here.
Found it: pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...=367.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm10.showMessage?topicID=367.topic) .)

(DT: I'm confused. You posted that the thread had been opened, but it's in the ArcanIV forum. Why is a RP in the OOC forum? Or is it cause we're still discussing it...?)

Thanatos VanDerveld
Mar 21st, 2002, 03:21:53 PM
Shmi's got blown up about 18 times. It's not like you can't just RP saying that it was rebuilt. Don't know what all the fuss is about.

Marcus QDunn
Mar 21st, 2002, 06:45:24 PM
It's in it's proper place now. Arcan IV trading post is not just OOC, it is IC and carnage is allowed in there, as per the published FAQ up top of Yogs.

I could present a case where the way the bomong would be prevented was presuming the NRSF are fulled with complete clueless morons, with no regard for security. But I wont cause i am basically done with this and I'm moving on. My own private opinion I have but that's what it for now remains - private.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 21st, 2002, 07:06:14 PM
Read it. Hardly thought it was some masterful effort though. One post. No presence of any other member of the supposedly involved party. I really am suprised how people just accepted that. As I've said before, I've no problem with people blowing things up but at least give the task the credit it deserves. No-one was given a chance to respond, not even to participate even if the inevitable outcome was the bar's destruction. Overall, I think the whole thing stinks. Poor effrot really in my opinion, the potential for that roleplay prior to the B & G's destruction would've been really fun, I feel kinda cheated really. What's stopping me from thinking of a mediochre plan, executing it in one post claiming the involvement of characters who didn't even particpate (that really get's me that one) and in that one post, blow up the Palace on Coruscant? Ok. Much tighter security, but in one long post I could get around all that. It's nonsense really. I have no objection with the outcome, it's just the half-hearted attention-seeking effort that disregarded the roleplay's potential that irritates me.

Sorry about how that paragraph is formed, very choppy but I just typed down all my thoughts on this quickly.

verse dawnstrider
Mar 21st, 2002, 07:29:37 PM
My thoughts (though they matter little) are this. I feel that we were cheated. Why not blow the whole mother f-ing temple up while we are at it? Like Loki said, all they need is a long post. I feel that this is RPing though. We can rebuild the bar. If it was the temple I would say 'Delete it', but sence it is a bar I will be ok. It is just a game. There is a but though......

We can not let this go unpunished. This was not a strike on just one Jedi. Even though he called Anbira Hicchoru out, it was a strike on ALL the Jedi. As such, we must defend our home. I wish for punishment to be given. If we let him get away, or let one Jedi handle it, it will only happen again. I for one a, tied of being pushed the hell around. People do this because they say 'The Jedi don't do anything'. I am tired of sittign with my thumb up my ass. This crime can't go unpunished. I demand justice. Many will say I can't demand such a thing. I say to those people. The hell are Jedi for? We fight to stop terrior against others, but allow it to happen to us? This is an attack from The Shrine. That is where he is from, that is where justice should be sent.

Figrin D an
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:58:22 PM
You know guys, it's arguing over stupid crap like this that makes people less interested in RPing...

Look... the bar was blown up (it was already half destroyed after the incident that occured earlier) as part of as RP... a lot of RPing is reacting, dealing with what happens in previous posts in a creative manner to change the advantage in one's favor. Crying foul everytime something happens that is unexpected or puts you at a disadvantage only serves to alienate yourself from the rest of the community... so, just go with it... the bar was blown up, we can make it clear that the bar was closed for repairs after the fight that occured there, so no one was seriously hurt... that way, Soth and Anbira can still continue with the RP in whatever capacity they intended, and the Jedi can organize an RP to determine who was responsible and plan a course of action to seek justice.

There.... everyone happy?

Yes, it's in the rules that an Admin should be informed in these circumstances... a mistake on the part of the person that started thread. So, we inform the person of the error, reach an understanding, and move on... is there something so hard about this?

Seriously folks, if your blood is boiling this much over an issue like this, you need to think about stepping away from the computer for a little while...

verse dawnstrider
Mar 21st, 2002, 11:06:27 PM
Ok, I agree with Fir. Everyone (me included) needs to chill. I still we should RP this out and go after him. Send those Vamps right back to the Nine-Hells where they came from.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:40:42 AM
Yes to what Fig. RPing is mostly spur of the moment stuff when you do it in real life. Gamemaster throws stuff at you and you only have seconds to react really <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Here, of course it is different since there are mucho peeps here. In the future, thread needs to be cleared by admin and then moved to proper spot. Tis all.

Thanatos VanDerveld
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:41:37 PM
In the future you will look back on this and wonder why you big such a big deal out of nothing <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Just relax, it's not like it's the end of the world.

Aura Allei
Mar 25th, 2002, 11:13:59 AM
I have to concur with Fig's opinion. This is role playing, nothing more or less. I viewed a well orchestrated thread by Soth, Xazor, Anbira, and Maia, and Im sure more would have entered the thread if it wasnt arrested.

The fact Anbira was consulted, should have been a sufficient enough means to continue, but I see there may have been many toes bruised in this exertion, as not all members of the Council, especially Marcus, were made aware of Soth's intendment to obliterate the bar.

The fact Soth is not in the Sith Empire, does not affiliate him with any group other than the Vampyre Coven, so if retaliation were to be addressed, I suggest visiting their domain.

The actuality that the Jedi were not given an equitable chance to defend their bar, poses a valid gap in the role play, so I am in agreement with the ppl who were distressed over this issue.

In talk city role playing, an opponent was allowed to counter, as no determined hit was accredited unless the opponent erred in his/her defense. This is why talk city rpg has an advantage over storyline, but the two styles intermingled are what I strive for in RPG, and I feel present an asset to the games.

Mar 25th, 2002, 02:58:05 PM
Actually, Aura, Soth isn't part of the Vampyre Coven either. He's a part of a newly established group of Vampyres called The Shrine. Just FYI.

Aura Allei
Mar 25th, 2002, 04:52:03 PM
Ah...I stand corrected..My apologies..