View Full Version : Quik reminder to peoples!

Marcus QDunn
Mar 26th, 2002, 11:02:18 PM
Hey peeps!

Please remember, what is said in here does not go anywhere. Yes, we have the loosest infiltration rules of any group (Anyone wants to find out what is in here, they get themselves a Jedi character), please note that NOTHING in here, private comments, or pointed comments, etc is to be talked about elsewhere.

Even if a comment is defamatory, it should be able to be said in here and stay solely in here. The passing of information from a private forum to a person who does not have access is the definition of infiltration and is the only non warning banning offense.

This is not an amonishment to anyone, it's only a heads up for the quite large amount of new people whom are in here for the first time and are not aware of the rules.

So in conclusion rough rule of thumb - if you know something or seen something someone said, your not to discuss with anyone without access to the locked forum. Always be aware of this rule!

And if you come across info or a chat that was supposed to be private.... definantly dont pass it on! Report it instead to the relavent persons. The GJO is based on trust and we all saw what happens when trust is broken this week :/

Guys and girls, if you want to have any clarifications or have questions, I am, as always, at the Jedi's service <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

GJO Admin